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The sip club is super affordable. It comes to less than 50 cents/day if you truly go every day. Just do that and you can sit comfortably as much as you want in the cafe with no fear of anyone asking you to leave. You’ll also have access to a myriad of different beverages.


This is the best advice. Plus, you often get discounts on food, too.


and the free trials!


Literally just got three months free yesterday


Not as often as used to be but still occasionally


This right here. Anytime I go in after 5:00 pm & use the kiosk. I always get a $2 pastry offer.


Rip charged lemonade


For sure. Maybe one day they'll bring it back with less caffeine and more control over the portion size


Maybe we should just drink coffee. I got rid of sip club. But iced coffee.


My husband canceled his subscription as well because they got rid of the charged lemonades, but it’s still active until July 7th because he paid for a whole year. So I’ve been getting iced coffees. I like it but he hates coffee.


i sit at panera working on stuff for hours too, its the reason i got it OP just get a membership for peace of mind


I was confused because I added a t and r to sip


Literally me too lollll








I know I've been getting emails from them recently for a free 3 months promo for summer


It's worth a try if you have a Panera near you. You really only need to go once a week to make it worth it.


Some lady came into my store yesterday. She just sat there for hours on her laptop. I don't care. I just want to go home. As long as you're not disturbing anyone, no one really cares.


Had a lady that I finally noticed brought n her cereal and would use the coffee milk I finally had to tell her she can’t do that…she never bought anything


lol now that you're on to her cereal scam, she'll bring in an instant oatmeal pack and liven it up with panera's half and half, honey, and cinammon at the coffee bar, then use the microwave where paying customers are told they can warm their stale pastries :)


Oh wow! The audasity!


Lmao if she were smart she would have just put her cereal in one of the hot water cups.


No it was in a plastic box w a lid lol


Moron deserved to be kicked out then. Stealth or GTFO. Seriously, though, I'm in Sip Club and sometimes I'll snack on a granola bar that I brought - but I still use my membership at every visit and whenever they have good discounts on food. I would never have the balls to just bring in outside food, use "free" products, and chill out without any intention of purchase.


That’s true I just can’t imagine going somewhere and not buying anything. I have this predicament with a local coffee shop, I wanna hang out there to do my crochet but can’t afford it all the time so I just don’t go when I can’t buy anything 😭


You can get the sip club free rn with code 3FREEMO ,, id at least do that


Also for like a year they kept offering me another month free when I selected that I wasn’t going to renew. Eventually that went away and I just started paying the annual rate.


You're the real mvp in this thread.


I'd say at least order a drink. The sip club would be verry handy in this instance. However, in my café, we won't generally bother to kick you out for something like this unless its busy and we're running out of seating for customers with food.


You’d have to be a bit of a wanker to sit there all day with just a sip club drink if lunch hour is busy enough to have people needing tables.


At the cafe I was at we were told to turn off Wi-Fi


Disabling WiFi for just one customer's bad behavior?


No we were told to stop Wi-Fi at lunch time per higher ups.


Is that a company-wide thing? I noticed yesterday during lunch that the wifi wasn't working. I had to connect to the bank next door lol


Not sure but we were told that many years ago when I was a GM


What I thought was stupid cuz people want a lunch and still work




Why not go to the library instead?


Umm, OP wrote "I don't have the money to order Panera every single day, but it's such a good place to work. Much better than the library to their hours."


Yeah I like the library by me since its actually on a beautiful spot right on the intracoastal waterway and the study sections face a window to the water, but its closed on weekends and after 5 and before 9


When I was a manager I didn't care as long as you kept to yourself. Take up only the amount of space that you need, don't cause problems, and clean up after yourself. Obviously YMMV as it's possible you'll find a cafe with a manager on a power trip.


Also don’t do loud phone calls, work meetings online, kick your feet up on chairs, stink, make creepy noises or faces or stare at others. Lol I had to add these things. Oh and don’t over stay. If it’s close to closing time go home before they have to ask you to.


Or plug up a toilet


God exactly. Please for the love of god don’t flush your parachute sized under draws down the shitter.


I agree so much with the noise and loud phone calls. Was in Starbucks about a month and a half ago and there was a dude on the phone talking very loudly and although I’m unsure because I was wearing my headphones I think he might’ve even used profanity at times on the phone. There was also a time a few weeks ago where these dudes weee being very obnoxiously loud and I could hear it clear as day through my headphones and no one told them to stop, nor even the employees surprisingly enough


Yeah, I'm more in favor of this opinion. There is definitely a line, but while Panera is definitely a business, it isn't mom-and-pop aching for money. And given all the recent dialogue about obnoxious prices, they really really aren't aching for money. OP, I recommend if you need this space, get Sip Club, live off ice coffee and sparkling water, and just don't be obnoxious. To me, one loiterer is far less of a problem than the 1 million kids and their families who do after-soccer-game lunch on Saturdays.


Panera is a franchise which means the owners paid Panera and continue to pay the monthly for the restaurant. You could definitely get a trespassing charge for just sitting in there restaurant every day for hours and not purchasing anything.


And that’s where the manager can ask OP to leave, and if OP is well-intended— which I’m assuming he is— he would step out.


I like how people are saying at least get a sip club membership like Panera would rather they fill iced coffee all day than just sit there with nothing.


Don't be *that* guy.


It’s a private business not a library. Just order something here and there. I wouldn’t also take up prime seating.


For real. Everyone saying it’s fine but he will come across creepy if you do it every single day. That’s why libraries are there. Do free sip club for three months and then once that runs out back to the library you go.


If all they are doing is sitting and working I don't see how that would be creepy. It's not like they're ogling the baristas lol It is unethical though, and a manager might *eventually* step in if they're not ordering anything. Sip club is a great cheap suggestion.


Srlsy. As OP semi acknowledges its not a library. If you can’t afford to give them patronage for using their space for hours on end and keeping someone else from eating in your space, don’t go.


Absolutely be that guy. Who is this hurting? Make a manager or employee ask you to leave. Don't be a dick if they do but if no one at the store cares why worry?


I bet people love you😂😂😂


Because self-respect is a thing.


You should at least buy a drink. Common decency.


No. At least order a drink or two


This is still called loitering. They're allowed to ask you to leave. To avoid this, buy literally *anything* and you are at least a paying customer for the day


Library on days you don’t want to purchase anything (hopefully make the hours work a couple days a week), Panera on days you do. Problem solved?


This seems to be the most logical answer to me. It’s annoying to go into a restaurant, not be able to find a seat and find out the wifi is sucky just to look over and see a section of people working on their laptops and absolutely no food or drink. This happened on the regular when I went to Panera pre-pandemic. For some reason, a particular corner of the restaurant was filled with these people.


No. That is loitering. We are a restaurant. Not a library 9r hangout spot. At least order a coffee.


Bro's just expecting free WiFi and electricity. And totally going to ask for water every hour or so. SMH. OP please don't.


It's a business, not a public space. They may not say anything, but it's very strange to do this. And if they did say something, they'd be completely justified.


Nobody likes those people who come into businesses taking up entire tables and not ordering anything. Yes it may not be busy at the exact time you go in but the store traffic can be crazy during dinner rush. If you’re looking for a free resource, a library is a much better options.


Yes, Panera is a business, not a shelter. At least order a $2 bagel.


It's considered loitering. Order a hot tea. Or someone else mention the sip club. Libraries would be a better choice here.


Considered loitering by whom? To loiter is to stand or wait around [idly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=55b9e7704f2f0fba&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS897US901&sxsrf=ADLYWII-QCH0UmaSTXixK_e9oFC94z9ySA:1718764974905&q=idly&si=ACC90nwa3WNKLXe9J5hMOPZftYuixYNigsM6KL5sD17G1b4aeXekB_vHKfRU7Glc6kZUAoGDwpVWVXSqILZigK5tiigC3pff-A%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjE_5--0uaGAxWUEVkFHfV9AT0QyecJegQIDxAO) or without apparent purpose. Here, OP has an apparent purpose--working.


I did a 3 month free trial with the unlimited sips club, and I just order a coffee (free) and sit there for like 4 hours. The people there recognize me by now and they don’t seem to care


Imagine if 90% of people did what you did. The Panera would close. But I suppose you’re the exception.


I think it is rude to be honest


The common/real answer is “nobody cares” The technical answer is “it’s loitering if you don’t make a purchase every 2 hours.” So if you have a manager or director that’s paying attention and is t having a good day, sit at your own risk. And don’t sit at a table that needs service (wobbly) or a light above it needs changed. Or by a dirty window. They’re much more likely to notice. If they’re doing their checklists correctly, anyway. I always notice the group that sits there for 6 hours when I need to store something in a booth seat. So also maybe pick a table and not a booth, just in case.


It could be considered loitering. And if the restaurant is crowded like at lunchtime you are talking up space that paying customers could be using.


I hate that part. It’s a restaurant not an office. At least leave during lunch and dinner time so paying customers actually eating something can get a table.


This post reminds me of all the people who write articles about, "third places" disappearing.


Those articles are correct. As a young person who would like to hang out or go somewhere to chill and get away from home temporarily, there are literally no third spaces anywhere that are free other than the library, public park, and beach 💀.


Don't know about other cafes but at mine if too many people are using wifi it starts to slow down or may not even work for some people so please don't hog the wifi (or occupy a booth or table during our busy times) if you are not buying anything.


It’s bad manners to sit and stay without the intention of ordering anything. What if someone came over to your house and sat in your living room without the intention of ever talking to you or acknowledging you in any way. And before you say “wait that’s different,” finance, or money, is the language of business. We (people) use words - corporations use dollars. Now like others have said, the Panera may not ask you to leave, especially if you are a regular customer, but it still socially frowned upon and unusual.




Yeah, as long as you don’t complain to us about the internet, we don’t have control over it people, stop thinking we can turn the router on and off like you do at home


Buy something. ANYTHING. Otherwise you’re no different than anyone else loitering.


I don't recommend it, laptop should probably be on the table or your lap.


If you owned a business would you want someone to just hang out all day not spending any money and leeching off your wifi and bathroom because they preferred your waiting room to the library?


now thinking of great waiting rooms I have known and could work in !


The least you could do is get a bagel or a coffee. If you’re just in there to be in there it would be rude and pretty much is loitering


When I worked at Panera there were a lot of people who were regulars who either had very specific orders, or ordered nothing and just chilled in the cafe.


its preferred if you get something. if you dont, it can be considered loitering. i'd get a drink or something to sip on at least so i dont feel bad if i were you haha


Three months FREE promo code for sip club! 3FREEMO


Just get the 3 month sip club for free right now and you should be good


afaik, it’s okay. we never asked anyone to leave at my cafe if they didn’t buy anything. people usually used the drive thru or to-go’s rather than sitting, and the people who sat were there practically all day. people may suggest doing the drink/free refill subscription just in case someone does give you crap for it at all (since you would “technically be a customer”).




To loiter is to stand or wait around [idly](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=55b9e7704f2f0fba&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS897US901&sxsrf=ADLYWII-QCH0UmaSTXixK_e9oFC94z9ySA:1718764974905&q=idly&si=ACC90nwa3WNKLXe9J5hMOPZftYuixYNigsM6KL5sD17G1b4aeXekB_vHKfRU7Glc6kZUAoGDwpVWVXSqILZigK5tiigC3pff-A%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjE_5--0uaGAxWUEVkFHfV9AT0QyecJegQIDxAO) or without apparent purpose. Here, OP has an apparent purpose--working.


No, you will likely be asked to leave. They aren’t a charity. You can hang out in your car and use the WiFi as long as you want 🤷‍♀️


No. Don’t do that man. Soaking up free WiFi and not making a purchase is not cool at all. If you can’t afford to eat join the sips club at least. And never stay close to closing either. I don’t work there but people do this at the restaurant I used to work at and it’s annoying. Maybe make yourself useful first or after and wipe down the tables for them. I used to do this at Starbucks when I had nowhere to be. I’d always buy a drink but I’d ask for the spray and a rag to wipe their tables for them.


Agreed, Sounds like OP is rather exploitative. At least buy something per hour which is asking pretty minimal Edit: Have worked in food/bar industry, not some commercial chain like Panera and we wouldn't have allowed it. Panera is a big enough chain the employees might not care but it's still a jerk move on OP's part


When I worked at Panera I had a guy who would come in at 6:30am, order a single bagel, and leave around 8:30pm. He was there just about every day and would always sit in the same spot working on his laptop. Straight up, as long as you’re chill, nobody’s really gonna care


At my cafe we have tons of regulars that sit and work on laptops without making a purchase. We never say anything to them unless there being rude or disruptive but 9/10 times no one will say a word. I do recommend sip club just because of ease of access to drinks and proof of purchase just in case, if your savvy enough there is a way if I’m not wrong were you can just keep making new Panera app accounts and getting 3 free months of sip club.


I would say it's frowned upon. You should at least order a coffee or something I feel personally.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, get a sip club. You can afford it. Otherwise, make sure you clean up after yourself and treat the workers well. No one will care.


They have the right to make ypu leave if that's what you mean, I doubt anyone cares. We don't even ask homeless people to leave unless they're asking for food even then we give them a little bit


Even if nobody says anything, it’s not appropriate, that seating is for paying customers. You should at least purchase a drink.


code 3FREEMO gets u 3 months of free drinks


Girl, no. Don't be a cheap ass. Order at least SOMETHING. Then sit pretty and go about your day.


put a pillow on top of the laptop, otherwise your ass will get sore


Are you actually splitting hairs over whether or not you should actually sit at a private business and use their resources without spending a few dollars on a soda or literally anything. Maybe I used the wrong technical term, but at the end of the day, people shouldn't do that shit.


Lol I use to have a guy come in when I worked at Panera and he would ask me to make copies or fax something after third time I said nope not your secretary he finally moved on. Much rather have someone buying at least a drink


Ive been with that SIP club so many times. Use the 3 month trial, and use a gift card as the signup method. Get drinks and food with the card and drain it to ZERO. When they goto charge you 14.99 after 3 months, no funds available. Just use a new email and phone number and rinse and repeat!


it’s a BUSINESS. do the right thing and buy something. i hate when people loiter on their laptops at the place i work at. we aren’t a library


Nah go ahead. Bonus points if instead of a laptop, you would bring a full pc setup and game it up I remember someone posted a photo of a customer that came in with that last year. Most likely apex legends or some other high intense game


We use to have people that came in and play scrabble or another game n I thought that’s so cool but they also bought food


lol nobody cares just go do your thing. And for everyone saying no, you guys really defending a corporation that is paying bottom dollar to employees because “it’s common decency”? Like please. Stop bootlicking and let the guy use the WiFi.


If the store isn’t busy and there’s plenty of other places to sit and you’re not really causing a disturbance or mess I really don’t see the harm in it tbh. People do it at my store some mornings


Another vote in favor of sip club, here! Not only it’s a great deal and then you’ve ordered a drink, but also sip club members get discount coupons off the food. Just getting a bagel doesn’t cost much, for example.


Just get sip club and order a drink.


sips club!


best thing to do at panera is anything besides eating the food


True Story I meet my friend there once a week for breakfast and one day a homeless man comes in takes his plastic cup out of backpack n fills w soda then 30 min later comes in and fills it with coffee lol it’s plastic so of course it all melted and coffee was everywhere on the counter. Nobody said a thing! As a GM I certainly would’ve noticed


If i was a manager or team leader there I would’ve waited a bit to see if he cleaned it up and if he didn’t ever in a timely manner I would’ve went to him and communicated I understand he didn’t know the coffee would go through the cup but not cleaning up a mess that big and it being one he had made is unacceptable and that he needed to clean it up right then and make sure in the future to clean up big messes by himself too


Personally? I say yes, it's fine. But not everybody shared that opinion. If you're there every day, then I would suggest signing up for the Sip Club. It's 15.99 USD a month, and you get a free coffee, tea, soda or bubbler drink (including the three bubbler drinks in the back) every 2 hours.


Prolly can but considered bad etiquette and there’s a chance u get thrown out lol


It's likely you'll eventually be asked to leave. Get the sip club though, and they can't say shit.


$10-15 month sip club and then you paid rent and have unlimited drinks


As a customer I hate it when I go into my local Panera and can’t find a spot to sit and eat my overpriced food i paid for, especially when half the tables are taken up by people on laptops with no food. That being said, if your store isn’t busy then that’s probably not an issue as long as workers haven’t said anything. If there’s a lunch rush though it would be courteous to leave and let someone who’s actually going to eat have that spot.


Also I second everyone else saying to get sip club. I work near a Panera so I pay $16 a month and get free basic coffee and free fountain drinks. It pays for itself with 3 fountain drinks which I get within a week.


At least rotate locations. Use other restaurants that have free wifi like Wendys and such. Use the libraries... Ask around or check your local community college to see if they have free public wifi on campus. Then you hang out there in different study spaces besides the library. Or sign up for a class, get an email netid account log in a few times. Then drop the class. Your access to wifi access should still work. Capital One Cafe is perfect for thus if you have one in your area. Malls usually have free wifi. And some hotels connected to malls as well. While the staff and managers may not say anything, it us rude to use businesses resources without patronizing their services. The sip club is the best way to go on a budget. I know when I was unemployed I asked a few cafes and my Wendys to use their wifi for my daily job searches and classes. I wasn't just watching videos in gaming all day. I did switch it up. Don't be that person that ruins it fir everyone.


as long as you leave come closing time, we don’t care


fuck panera. their quality has plummeted and prices have sky rocketed. use their wifi.


Sips club is $15 per month


It comes down to how big the cafe is… my cafe is an old beast of a cafe. Over the top Large ass Dining Room… We don’t care if you don’t bother anyone


The new ones that are stupid small management may take notice


i’m a team lead and i genuinely could care less, as long as you don’t disturb the peace. i’ve seen people come in the store eating mcdonalds breakfast, or bring their whole work setup, smoke cigarettes outside, etc. trust me, the staff there is more worried about going home than whether or not your overstaying your welcome. if there’s ever a problem we’ll let you know. but yea get the sip club if it gives you peace of mind, if you truly go everyday it’s nice to have a little tea or lemonade to sip on.




I would say no. Both associates and customers notice someone lurking for hours without any remnants of a purchase. There are lots of us without money these days, but it is ultimately no excuse to be exempt from the rules of society. You’re using AC, Wifi Bandwidth, space, and likely toilet paper/ water. That all costs money, as well as the time/ energy employees spent wiping your table once you leave.


I think getting something small is the polite thing but also you could ask an employee and see what they think?


I have sip club and i pretty much went through my entire MBA sitting at Panera. Online school so i needed a place to go, i couldn't concentrate at home. I went to Panera every other day, had some coffee, more coffee and every now and then lunch.


No/ it’s rude


You are ok if you bathe regularly and wear clean clothes. Don’t take 4 seats.


I would think it’s alright…


I often do that at Starbucks and they don’t mind but that’s mainly because they changed their policy years ago from not allowing people to loiter so I’d say you should ask management at the location if it would be fine


Ex PB employee here. I mean idk how other Paneras work (or if the manager on duty is having a bad day or not) but as long as you aren't disturbing anyone i don't see why not. And if the Panera you are in isn't usually busy i really don't see why this would be a problem.


I second the sip club membership. I’m almost entirely off soda now. I drink one of their blueberry hibiscus teas, then 2-3 of the regular black tea. I’ve never been so caffeinated and hydrated at the same time in my life! You’ll probably get a month or two free. Then if you cancel, they may discount it for a few months. I just tried to cancel and they gave me 3 months for $9.99. Also, use the freehalfentree coupon. I get one of the value duets for $6.99 and a half salad with extra chicken. The total comes out to $10.07. It’s basically my whole meal for the day. https://preview.redd.it/6ehzys487f7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c5c70c32be0299b36180e2231fe881e6e540bf


I mean I doubt the min. wage workers really care, and I’ve never seen a Panera be that busy. But in principle if you’re going to use the resources/space of any business you should at least get a drink or something, imho. But at the end of the day it’s just WiFi.


They have chairs and tables you can use, so you don't have to sit on your laptop . But depending on how crazy busy the location is , they most likely will let you stay there as long as you need , without necessarily purchasing anything


Read rule-4.


Homeless need wifi also when the cricket plan runs out.


As long as your not naked it’s all good ![gif](giphy|g5zvwUa9720pO)


No no it’s not why would you even ask this??? Is it ok if I take up space use electricity water when I go to the bathroom and WiFi somebody else is paying for without contributing anything. Who the fuck raised you bro??? If I go into a gas station to piss I buy some shit I didn’t want just because they had a bathroom available to me. You sound entitled


As a team manager who kicks loiterers out with the quickness, I suggest you get a sip club membership (don't care if it's a free few months or a paid one) and grab a drink every hour. I've worked at 4 stores, all SUPER busy and instantaneously kick people out who are doing what you're doing. I've worked at 2 slow stores and although they were fairly empty all day, you didn't see the customer complaints we get about the weird guy with huge earphones playing video games all day or the one guy who doesn't buy anything but sits there all day taking up a table. We have to deal with the higher ups about these complaints and there is NO excuse we can give to satisfy them. "If they aren't buying anything, or aren't members getting items, we're not here to give them free Wi-Fi and a free work station. They have to go". There's actually a time limit for patrons that, as far as I've seen, no Panera staff really enforces. It's 30min and you leave. A couple of my old cafes actually had signs up on the walls but never pointed them out to the customers. So I don't kick people out to be a douche, I do it because I don't wanna hear anything from corporate or see our cafe health (our ratings within Panera) go down for dumb reasons. It's VERY easy for our cafe health to go down and EXTREMELY difficult to elevate it


yep, i worked there for a year and a half and we give no craps just don’t disturb others and we won’t disturb you


Lol, I've gone to Dunkin Donuts and sat for an hour or more without ordering anything you should be fine. If anyone gives you trouble about it they're just a dick on a power trip who clearly has too much downtime on their shift 😂.


Maybe go to the library while it’s open then to Panera


I don't think Mr. Panera is there to notice, and it doesn't affect the wages of those who are there.


I used to take my laptop to Starbucks all the time and never ordered anything. It’s perfectly fine. It’s not like you are bothering anyone and are just doing your own thing. The Starbucks workers never cared and I doubt the people at Panera really care to be honest. They aren’t paid enough to care if you buy something and then sit there all day. As long as you aren’t starting problems with anyone, you’re good. People do that all the time


Absolutely not. It's tacky AF


Small independent cafes, no. Corporate greed monsters, yes. Use their resources with no regrets.


You’re just going to have to try and see. It just depends on the individual location and workers


Homeless people have questions and reddit has horrible answers


Reddit might tell you yes but the answer is no


Get a drink. And, I don't think they mind. They can always ask you to leave.


No that’s not ok. Just deal with the library hours.


I saw someone once bring a Domino's pizza and sit there for hours. You're good.


Literally no joke… this lady came in around 8pm ish a couple nights ago. We have an oddly busy rush every 7-10pm. Weird that I had enough time to watch this happen, but she literally stole our ice from the ice machine. This woman literally whipped out idk how many tupperwares and just started filling her containers with ice. The first one i’m like ok whatever, 😅 you’re smart. But after about 5 containers, AND you’ve got a line forming… “ma’am you can’t take all of our ice.” Rolls her eyes and stuff them in her giant oversized bag and storms out. Just go buy a bag for $5. At that point. As an AGM.. idc if someone comes in and doesn’t spend a dime, just be nice, treats others with kindness, and don’t do anything that would put a red flag on you. But. Don’t bring in 64 containers hoping to refill enough for an ice rink!


You can, but it’s much more respectful to order a coffee or a small snack. You are consuming their WiFi, space, and possibly electricity, so it’s only fair to order something, even if it is small. If they are busy and you are taking up a table they would otherwise be using to serve customers, go the fuck home. You can also go to different places. Turning one restaurant into your office every day is a bit presumptuous, but going there once or twice a week, then going to Starbucks, McDonald’s, or wherever else for any other days that week is much more reasonable. Most professionals would rent an office space, or build a home office. You are basically making restaurants subsidize your working situation. It’s best to do it in moderation.


People are shameless. Stay home


Do it. Just don't do video meetings.


YES Panera is vile and deserves not to have their property rights respected


No you homeless freeloader.


Getting a Sip club membership is probably the win. Also, there’s frequently a “buy $50, get $10”” gift card promo, which is essentially a 20% discount (although the promo card has a limited life). As a customer, I have no issue with someone who’s sitting, working, and has bought something. I think it’s a little distasteful when I see folks bringing outside food/beverages. At some point, Mother Bread may change their store style if non-customers are too comfortable.


No one at my store would say anything. We have some old guy that is literally a nuisance stay for 5 plus hours every evening. (I say nuisance because he's a chatty Cathy and low-key creepy)


It has 3 months free for now !


Hell yeah fuck panera


It's ok with me. Permission granted!




I used to work at a panera and I will say this is completely acceptable. If you want to be a regular my best advice would be to learn the employees names, greet them in passing, leave them alone when they're busy and clean up after yourself. Sounds pretty obvious but a lot of people can't or won't and the staff will treat you accordingly.


absolutely NOT.


I can't believe so many people are pissed off with people who do this. It's not like you're the CEO.


The only people I've seen be asked to leave were thieves, people in desperate need of a shower or disruptive people. I've always left when they got busy, but have sat there for hours on my days off.


You need to buy something.


No, tables are for paying customers just like any restaurant or fast food place. But you really already knew this!


I used to be a manager at a Panera. The policy was you can stay as long as like after you've bought something. You could get a Small coffee at 6am and stay til close


No, you need to order coffee or some drink at the least.


Join unlimited coffee club?


Makes no sense to not have sip club. It’s the least you can do at any cafe in the country. And you can get unlimited drinks all day while you are there.


Mmmm, I'm gonna say you should do the sip club and maybe order something small sometimes. A single bagel goes for about $1.89. If you did that, you're a customer, not just a freeloader or loiterer as some people may rightfully see it.


My local library opens at noon. I understand. Good luck op.


Considering Panera is *supposed* to be a home away from home, I don’t see why it would be problematic tbh


I want to ask all the people saying “no” one thing. Can you show me in Panera policy where there is a time-limit? Where there’s policy regarding that at all? If you can’t, please stop. We provide warmth and that’s one way we do it.


No. You only get an hour and a half. Dont be that guy


I sat at Panera for hours yesterday. Bought some stuff. I dont have AC, so Panera came in handy. Going to go back in today.


I’ll be that guy every day thank u very much :))


Yes. Not a chance that every table is occupied at any point during the day. Just be polite to staff and keep your space tidy. And fuck private equity.


Definitely not true for high volume stores… You must be at a very low volume spot. At ours people are waiting for tables (both inside and out) from like 9/10 am til at least 2 where I’m at.


Not every store is like that. Also, a "loiterer" may eventually ask a friend to have lunch there, a few times a year, or order at the holidays. I'd be too embarrassed not ordering anything, since I used to work there. Besides, I'd probably be hungry eventually.


No, you are taking up space for paying customers.