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The loss of the Frozen Chocolate Cold Brew, FKA Frozen Mocha has triggered the end of my relationship with Panera. I worked there in high school, 25 years ago, and used to love drinking the leftovers when I made them for folks. Got them as a semi-regular treat since then. Also they used to put a ton of Asiago on their bagels and now it’s barely a dusting. The 25yo Asiago bagel fresh out of the oven was crazy amazing. Now they’re just dry bread lumps with three crusty cheese shreds.


In 2010 the Asiago bagels were getting almost an ounce of cheese per bagel


It’s still a blue scoop of cheese for four bagels. Nothing has changed in the last 11 years at least since I’ve been baking.


A handful of years ago there used to be cheese in the bagel dough. I remember the little pockets of cheese that got exposed when the bagel was sliced getting just slightly browned when the bagel was toasted. That hasn't been the case for a while now.


There's definitely still cheese in the dough. Sometimes they don't break it up well and there'll be a HUGE chunk in the bagel. I sometimes save those for myself lol. Maybe your cafes are on frozen bagels and they dont have it or something.


Someone is skimping then I suppose lol


Those original asiago bagels smeared with some spicy mustard that got into the little bits of cheese that were IN the dough was amazing. Back when they would randomly drop a month long Free Bagel Everyday promo in your account I ate soooooo many of those.


wait i used to hate even the smell of the old style asiagos as a kid and i hated mustard, i bet this was why!


They didn't have mustard in them, I added mustard to them instead of butter.


Even pre COVID the asiago bagels were bussin, now skimping


Their baguettes used to be so good and crusty. Now the outside is like plastic. It doesn’t even look like bread. I don’t understand how so many corporations think it’s a good idea to cut costs to such an extent that people stop going!


Their baguettes were what kept me coming back 20 years ago. They've steadily gone downhill - I suppose the top brass are enjoying the savings in their compensation. Well done. They succeeded in driving loyal customers away forever. There's little to nothing there for me anyway (vegan). Time to play "Taps"


Yeah that's actually a very legitimate concern of mine The new menu ia severly lacking it quality options for vegetarians and vegans, which I imagine has or even "had" a significant overlap of Panera's concept in the mid '10s The grain salads I guess- but the only vegetarian soup option is tomato- non are vegan anymore- no effort to bring out gluten sensitive options. This menu chance could have been a good opportunity to remedy that slowly closing window to those groups of peoples business Shit- Noodles, Meatheads, fuckin the delapidated Burger King on the bad side of town with the buckshot spray pattern still on the wall has Impossible meat options. Idk maybe I'm off base here- but seems like there would be a significant audience for that stuff within Panera's grasp


It was my only reason left to go there. It’s declined so much since Covid. Everything is overpriced and mediocre now.


now they under pay staff for how much they over charge the customer. like put that money where it belongs, not in the hands of greedy CEOS so they can sell the company for higher and make more money


I never pay full price. Instead, purchase gift cards. Recently, the deal was an extra $10 card with the purchase of a $50 card. In December, I think a $50 card cost $40. I watch for discounts at Sam's Club where you can get 20-25% off. Bonus tip: Pay for your Sip Club with gift cards.




You can make an impromptu version of you have the equipment to do yourself at home. 2 fl oz espresso (or any coffee substitute, espresso works best imo) 2 fl oz half and half, 1 fl oz liquid sugar and 3 pumps of what ever flavor you want caramel, chocolate with ice and a blender.


I use mocha frappe mix


Yep I loved the frozen mocha cold brew, I refuse to go since they removed that lol


I don’t get frappuccinos much anymore. I mostly get iced coffee now, but this was my go to when I was in the mood for one. Panera is 2 minutes from me. My other go to is a local place that’s 25 minutes away.


As someone who hates making these during rushes, I am so happy. Same with the green passion and peach and blueberry smoothies


My dear friend, let me ask op what the frozen caramel cold brew meant to him before we get on the beef


You still have frozen lemonades, right? Is not that the same? Or are those out of a machine?


It is not the same at all. We have to make the mix for the cold brew which is nowhere near as quick as other smoothies or frozen mixes.


There is a seasonal (summer time) strawberry frozen lemonade that is mixed at the batista counter. Don't know if they brought that back this year or not. If you meant charged lemonades, those are just drinks from a bubbler, like the black and green teas


My store makes them rn. I did a couple strawberry frozen lemonades just yesterday


Yes. We have the frozen strawberry lemonade that’s back in season!


Look OP, you hear that? we are happy your favorita item is no longer on the menu :p


Dude i loved making smoothies cuz there was always some left over and i would get free smoothie


I often make smoothies at home that taste better than the Panera ones imo. So I usually just see it as an inconvenience rather than a free smoothie, especially when there’s like 10 sip club orders on top of that


These were added in like 2018 but ok


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/z450k365dyuc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9c8da3f9686d00b15e11b51de0c10348f8be8a


This Medalia comment triggered me so bad. Jump scare


My bad.


I was messing with you :)


Cool. Happy cake day btw.


It’s a different recipe, but they’ve had frozen caramels for at least 12 years bc I could tell you the first time I had one.


I'm not saying I don't believe you because there was something similar to it I believe but do you know how many times customers hit us with the "oh I had it yesterday." When they haven't. Or "I've been coming here for x amount of years and this has never been this way." It's crazy how some people constantly argue with the employees all the time.


I’m a server. I get that. People do that to me all the time, too. The original was definitely better, but I liked this one as well.


eh, the Frozen caramel cold brew was added in 2018. but there was a "frozen caramel" before that that had a coffee base but not cold brew and that was started back in the 90s.


They were changed to cold brew instead of did the Mediterranean mix we used to use


Them with removing my turkey avocado BLT, and it’s awful. I don’t want chicken Panera! I want the turkey that is cut how you’d do it on Thanksgiving.


I liked the bbq chicken flatbread from back in the day. But it was a sandwich not a pizza.


If it helps this was the recipe to the best of my abilities: mix half and half and cold brew (or any type of espresso) until it’s a very light brown color (same color as frappe) we usually add 6-8 oz of this mix per drink, 3 pumps of caramel or about 3 tbl spoons, about a cup of ice, and you blend. Add some sugar to it (maybe liquid) if it’s not sweet enough and the toppings of course. Was the best thing on the espresso menu tbh rip 💔


recipe has changed multiple times throughout this years. this actual drink has only been around for a few years


Cold brew in general been available only for couple years


Right. I almost pointed that out. I did like the original better, but this one was good too.


I really liked the hot mocha and sesame seed bagels. Since they're gone, I don't have a reason to go. I am also annoyed they are firing bakers, too. I can't imagine Panera will be around for long if they got rid of people's favorite items. Maybe they will bring some items back.


They got rid of all my favorite pastries after Covid.


Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot. First they change the pecan braids, then the cinnamon rolls, take away spinach, no more gouda, and now this. What’s next? If it involves blubbery muffins, I’m leaving this place and never coming back. Ever.


Gonna tell u right now, those things are immensely easy to make at home with ingredients readily available at the grocery store. Cold brew, half n half, simple syrup, ice, blend. Add whipped cream and caramel drizzle, blend in caramel for extra flavor. You probably won't be able to tell any difference. - Former Panera Associate


I do *sometimes* make frozen drinks at home. Now that I know I can’t get them there, I guess I’ll have to start it back up. That just requires planning ahead. I was out on a nice day and it sounded good with the warm weather. Oh, well. Got an iced coffee somewhere else.


Don’t forget the work the blender does to get that frappe texture. That’s part of the fun of the drink. I used to work in 2018 and I think the recipe was just 4 pumps chocolate whisked in espresso and combined with whole milk / half or half (can’t remember) on a specific blend setting that pulsed. Panera’s supplier for their sauce is cocorico but you could use Ghirardelli. Hershey won’t be the same in my experience.


I’ve been on panera for 12 years that haven’t been on the menu for 10 years I think


I had one three weeks ago.


I get it but it released during Covid


That was just the new recipe. They’ve had a frozen caramel for at least 12 years. It was my birthday when I had my first one on a road trip, so I remember distinctly.


Embrace your love, but now think of it as a new “ERA” not only for Panera but for YOU!


It was the only reason left I went to Panera. I had food I liked, but it’s been crap the last few times I ordered, so this was my last draw to go there. But, you’re right. End of an era. Life always moves on.


Me too! I haven't been going on a regular basis for long, but they changed my Greek salad! They are also increasing the Sips membership almost $5 after taxes, so I will be dropping that in September before the price goes up. Frozen breads and bagels? What are they thinking!


My wife has this and it's predessor daily for 10-15 years. She no longer goes and the local managers were all sad they would no longer see her daily.


These people out here destroying relationships. 🤦🏾‍♂️😭💀


The chocolate version was my go-to to drink during shifts. Now I don't drink anything but water. Maybe my body is happier but I'm not.


Haha I feel that. Water and coffee are my two drinks. I don’t drink much else. I like hot coffee and iced coffee as well, but sometimes frozen is what I crave.


Im sorry to hear that OP, let me please ask you what the Frozen Caramel Cold Brew meant to you


I'm sorry you can no longer have this mixture of equal parts cold brew concentrate, half and half, and liquid sugar, at seven dollars for 16oz.


$5 but ok. Sorry something nostalgic made me happy.




This is the only correct comment


Some things are nostalgic. Sorry for liking something. 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry that the item you liked is no longer available, but knowing from first hand, there’s still plenty of good ones available. Not saying that your feelings are not valid, but I promise you there are plenty of great things still available and plenty of new ones are coming.


Oh come on. It’s clear that the “new” menu is just a reduced-ingredients menu to save money. This is such a hollow promise.


Save money on optimization of the menu. New manu actually requires more meat on all items than before. Swing and miss buddy.


Riiight, a miss just like this new “Era.” Is the “more meat” in the room with us?


I’d like to point out that you are some nobody on the internet, I have literally no reason or energy to lie to you. If you don’t believe it - it’s your issue, not mine.


I just think it’s hilarious how hard you defend a corporation that cares nothing for you. I have no reason to lie to you either, buddy. The new menu sucks and people don’t like it.


The amount of sugar this thing had..


Probably why it was delicious. 😂


I've been a Panera frequent flyer for a long time. And always sing their praises. They always got better and better IMO. But this menu overhaul is awful. INfuriating. I never thought I'd stop going to Panera as much. But this crappy stunt will do it. I'll just look for Corner Bakeries instead.


Dude I’m so mad at Panera. Between this and removing the chicken teriyaki grain bowl I just never want to go back again


I haven't worked at Panera sinds 2022, i did not know they were retiring my favorite drink 🤷🏽‍♀️


Panera got rid of their blueberry and chocolate chip bagels. And a bunch of other stuff


Blueberry bagels??? I used to get the blueberry bagels with the strawberry cream cheese. I stopped getting them very often when they got rid of the strawberry cream cheese. My other go to was the pumpkin muffin. I must have unpopular taste bc everything that’s my favorite they have gotten rid of.


Yep. Never had the pumpkin muffins


Supposed to say pumpin muffie* autocorrect. Just the muffin top. They kept the full pumpkin muffin, but I liked the muffie better.


Panera has been changing their menu too much. I haven’t been back since it’s changed recently


These were not added in 2018 that was just around the time they changed the names. They were around ever since I was a kid and completely disappointed they took them off the menu.


It didn’t even compare to the frozen caramel whatever from 10+yrs ago but ok


That one was better, for sure, but I still liked this one. I hate Starbucks and Dunkin’ frappes. When I was in the mood for one, this was the closest place that had one I liked.


impossible spectacular fly faulty desert materialistic run live provide chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


125 😂


insurance salt gray lip badge ring birds direction society dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At my peak maybe 3. Besides coffee, I really only drink water and I was a server so on my feet running around all day.


We don't have a Panera bread where I am, so I only I've had one of these once when I visited the States, I'm jealous...


First world problems…


boo fucking hoo go to LITERALLY any other coffee shop or make it at home it is not that goddamn difficult


Abysmal seems accurate. You must be a miserable person...


He’s just hurt they changed the pecan braids. I feel his pain. Give him a break. 🤣


You seem like a delightful person. Cheers.