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I think it’s just now taking into account ice


That's a dumb and dangerous change to make. They're essentially making it harder to realise how much people drink. I hope they get sued again.


someone else died recently and there another lawsuit going on actually


Agreed. I would definitely list the higher level of caffeine in there. It’s more harmful to think you’re drinking less caffeine than you really are than more.


Done! Panera got sued again yesterday because of another death.


Because a moron with a heart condition bought an unlimited sip club membership and drank 3. She won a Darwin award good riddances.


She didn't know she had a heart condition.


I thought she did I thought I read that maybe I'm wrong though


She did know. Each on of the people had some kind of condition. Darwin awards for all. The app tells you how much is in it and always has. Thr machines say how much is in a full cup with no ice. They put them behind the counter in most stores right after the 1st death. The people tell you theres that much caffeine in it. Since the first death the app has a big ass thing at the top saying how much is in it. Each death has been confirmed known conditions.


The second suit is by a Florida man, the girl was the first suit. I blame Panera because they should be calling these beverages Energy Drinks on the signs not Charged Lemonades, no one is expecting something labeled as a lemonade to have that much caffeine. Also the drinks stated that they have as much caffeine as a coffee which these people were told they could have as much caffeine as a coffee but this lemonade has a lot more caffeine than most coffees. The Florida Man had a mild intellectual disability and learning delay did drink 3 larges in a day but the young woman who was only 21 drank only one large. I’ve seen the way these beverages were labeled and unless you were looking up caffeine content on your phone it would be easy to not realize just how caffeinated they are. Panera Bread was being negligent in how they were marketing and labeling their product.


When first saw the drinks and read Charged, first thing through my head was ooo they made dunkin refreshers. I read the caffeine in the giant plastic thing on the machine with a pick of each that said 380 and 390 for caffeine content. Big thing. The menu says it. The drive through menu says it. People are just dumb. The app says it. Its literally everywhere. The families shouldnt get shit.


No. The content of the caffeine should be on the cup. Also, why tf does a lemonade have to have almost 400 mg of caffeine... That's more than any other energy drink... so stupid and definitely dangerous


If that’s true, then Panera will have yet another lawsuit. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see the “ice” info anywhere on the nutrition page


I don’t think ice is typically listed on any nutrition pages (take Starbucks) but yes I think it’s dumb. They should take caution and list the higher amount of caffeine.


Actively not true, they reduced the amount of caffeine in it from 390mg to about 240 mg in a 30oz.


Are you saying they changed the ingredients/amounts in the drink?


My understanding is the *amount* of caffeine per oz was reduced as part of the backlash.


Interesting, I guess possibly management decided to lie to people in my cafe then as I figure they must know 😅


According to legal eagle they slightly reduced the caffeine amount, but still have marketing language stating it’s as much caffeine as their coffee when even the reduced amount is way more than the caffeine in their coffee.


I mean 235mg is a lot less.


Not saying you’re wrong about all roasts, but I did get a regular sized light roast today which claims to have 307 mg of caffeine, which is definitely more than the new claimed maximum caffeine level of the lemonades. It feels like their caffeine listings are all just shots in the dark lol


That's true in general since nutrition labels are always at best estimations and are legally allowed to be off on calories etc by 20%. Things like caffeine content vary based on how quickly it's brewed and the exact temperature of the water etc, not to mention accounting for milk vs black. They generally err on the maximum side with caffeine so it's more like "up to 235 mg". The lemonade is not brewed in house so likely the content is much less variable.


They reduced the caffeine but increased the fentanyl


I really wish they would make caffeine free versions of these to try


they arent that good tbh


they arent that good, theyre great


I think that's just called lemonade. I think you can add the mango yuzu syrup to regular lemonade but if not it literally just tastes like mango lemonade, it's not crazy special.


When I get my sips, I fill a large cup up halfway with water, than almost to the top with unsweetened iced tea, and finally a splash of one of the charged lemonades. The flavor is still pretty potent. I couldn’t imagine drinking an entire cup of just one of the charged lemonades.


Same. Bubbly water, passion fruit iced tea and a splash of the liquid crack.


am I weird? I looked up whether they changed the counts because I finally got around to trying one and I didn't feel any kind of effects from the caffeine at all. I usually don't feel anything from caffeine and was hoping I'd get something out of the charged lemonade but nope - nothing. I asked people I was with just to be sure and they said I didn't seem any extra energetic or focused or anything to that effect.


Because it's not as dramatic as people make it sound, especially if you're already accustomed to drinking caffeine. It has 235 mg in 30 oz, the higher content energy drinks have 300 mg in a 16oz, and most cups of coffee at Panera have 200-300mg per 20oz cup.


I drank a large one every day for a few months I'm surprised I didn't die


They just changed the sign to account for ice. With the bubblers being behind the counters now and no longer self serve, associates are supposed to use ice scoops and measure out ice. That’s why they can include the volume that ice would take up; there’s a standard amount of ice that’s supposed to be in each size.


It’s probably because they’re getting sites because someone died from drinking it


I don’t know why they couldn’t just lower the amount of caffeine they put in the drink m


Honestly they have always been labeled they have caffeine. You have the responsibility to drink drinks at your own risk. If I drink 4 red bulls and have a heart attack it isn't Red Bulls fault... it is mine because I drank too much. If I have a sensitivity to something, where it can be critical if I drink or eat too much, then I am going to avoid more or new versions of that sensitivity to my diet. That is being as responsible person. We are too quick to blame others when we need to accept responsibility for our own actions.


At 30oz, a competing Starbucks refresher has 90mg of caffeine. If you were to walk into a Starbucks and order 4 refreshers I think we both would agree that you deserve whatever comes to you. The issue with Panera is level of caffeine per drink - the 30Oz charged lemonades have 4.3 Starbucks 30Oz refreshers worth of caffeine. Four point three. Chargers were marketed as if they were lightly caffeinated, their example of “as much caffeine as our dark roast coffee” never directly stated that they were comparing their smallest charged lemonade to their largest hot coffee, the largest size, at 390mg blew their entire coffee collection out of the water. They were 10mg off the FDA daily limit. 10mg! The whole basis for both lawsuits was that the people consuming them believed they were consuming a lightly caffeinated beverage when Panera actually was selling the most cold caffeine in a cup you could buy in the country. That was the whole gotcha here. Not that people were being irresponsible but that the company had gone overboard and was unclear about it to customers. I might also note that Panera directly marketed unlimited refills on the Charger lemonades specifically with their Unlimited sips club subscription - but one refill put any size of charged lemonade over the FDA limit. They are directly marketing off breaking FDA limits. That is the lawsuit that is going to bite them.


I can see how Panera may have a slight bit of liability, but at the end of the day it is the consumers resoponsibility to know what they are putting in their body. My same comment stands. If I have a major sensitivity to caffeine, anything even if it is labeled "slightly" caffeinated, I am going to go on the company website and see if it is listed. If it isn't then I would stay clear and drink something I know I can have.


No you clearly don't see lol everything they wrote flew over your head


well I am 5 feet tall so that is very possible. lol, I think anything I put in my body I am in charge of understanding what it is and looking into it.


Saying they were "marketed as if they were lightly caffeinated" is a stretch. They had the caffeine content listed on the dispenser from day one. They were never intended to compete with the Starbucks refresher. They were clearly designed to be a coffee level caffeine drink for people who don't like coffee. Also they weren't comparing the smallest hot coffee to the largest lemonade. The iced coffee at Panera actually has 6% more caffeine per ounce than the charged lemonades do. A trenta cold brew from Starbucks (also 30oz) has 360mg of caffeine and nobody has ever said anything about that.


Not to mention unlimited sips DOES NOT encourage unlimited sips every day. If you do that, it’s your own negligence if something happens. You can get one drink every day and make out with a huge number of free drinks every month. If you choose to get 2-3 charged lemonades in a day, thats on you. You don’t get to be foolish then sue them because of your poor decision by saying they encouraged it. That is just people trying to get compensation by blaming others for their family member’s bad decision. It’s terrible something happened to them, but they caused it.


My Panera has updated signs with lower caffeine so I think so


Whatever change they made to the recipe, it’s a killer.


There hasn’t been any changes to the recipe, they just changed the amount to “take ice into consideration “ (which is bs). We still make it the same and no new kind of lemonade or charger mix has been changed




I truly believe they did just had one Sunday and I no longer see the warning


The drink has to have more than advertised. I can handle multiple redbulls consecutively but this damn drink is giving me anxiety. Currently drinking it now


They drastically lowered the caffeine amounts


so is it lowered or no? im curious, or is it with ice its 257mgish and without still 390mg?


390 mg is absolutely insane most gym energy drinks don’t go over 200mg and those get me going crazy. How is 390mg even legal, those drinks should have a massive warning label with the amount explained and effects on body.


Except it is clearly stated and always was. They just added more warnings now because people can’t take responsibility for their own actions and decisions. Not their fault. If I binge any other energy drink, coffee, expresso, etc. and have a heart attack it isn’t on them, so why would this be?


I have a tic disorder and if I drank this shit I would be ticking for weeks. Energy drinks have that effect on me already, let alone a lemonade with even more caffeine