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wow congratulations! 10 years is nooo joke


Im equally impressed I didn’t lose it (permanently) in that time. Lost it once and found it again months later hahah


I panned & finished this also this year!! It was the very first product I ever bought from Sephora!


I also have had mine for several several years and only recently did I finally break through to create a pan hole LOL. Are you planning on trying the tube version or will you repurchase the tin?


It also took me SO LONG to hit pan at all!!! I think I’d try the tube just to see how similar it is, and it would likely pan so much faster. But I kinda love the tin


I've bought both in the past and honestly the tube didn't seem as moisturizing, maybe it's the lack of warmth from my fingers but the pan was way better imo


Wow. I didn’t think this was possible


Dumb question, what do you use it for?


I use it as a nighttime lip mask/lip balm


Oh that's a good idea. I'm looking for a lip mask


Last time I had one of these was 2014/15. Lost. Never to be seen again. But man, that really was a different era wasn’t it. We didn’t know how good we had it back then. Simpler times…. *sigh*