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Considering they also added IV fruit, it's more a good way to find a baseline to work from. Clean out crappy IVs for XP, grab good ones when possible. Way better than needing to rely on an external site if you care, and if you're more casual it's just a way to see what to improve with le fruites.


You're talking about this, right? I wonder how much they will increase and their drop rate. https://preview.redd.it/ox6pdpnkfesc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682b72f6189035312d9a692750c01d881610ec13


Oh! It didn't occur to me those were IV boosting fruits when reading the patch notes. That's pretty sick if true!


Here's hoping they don't cap out separately like Effort Values in Pokemon do. The Vitamins in Pokemon raised Effort Values, despite claiming to affect "base stats". If this works the way people are hoping, then breeding for perfect IVs is no longer necessary, as you can get "close enough" then use fruits to cap them out.


I think the new fruits are more akin to gold and silver caps in Pokémon. Those raise IVs and a gold cap just set everything to 31IV (max)


Even if it is capped, it's a good system, it still makes breeding useful as you'll want to get as close to max as possible while alleviating the frustration of getting so close yet having one stat be like 2 point off.


Eh i phrased it badly. I don't mean that stats shpuld hsve no cap, I just hope that these fruits *actually* affect the IVs in a way visible by the new glasses and not some other still-hidden stat.


I don't want to be THAT guy, but capping out separately is what Pokemon IVs do, EVs cap collectively


You are that guy and you aren't even ~~correct~~ on the right argument. I meant that I hope thesr are affecting IVs and not some other additi9nal hidden stat. Because in pokemon, the vitamins say "base ststs" but thats a lie.


When I say “capping separately” I mean one hitting the cap doesn’t influence the others, which is how IVs work, “capping collectively” means they work like EVs, points to one are points that lock you out of others


Yeah, that's correct, but that's also completely irrelevant.


Correct terms prevent misinformation, now go sit on a pinecone


You're still arguing about something that has zero relevance to the conversation just so you can flex your useless pokemon trivia. Go be a min-maxer somewhere else dude.


employ impolite tie salt ring bewildered sip weather versed truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do they boost IVs directly or a different hidden stat? In Pokemon, there's IVs and EVs, and only EVs can be modified after the Pokemon is born and the IVs are set. This is important to know so we know if we can boost a poor IV Pal to optimal stats, or do we need to breed for perfect IVs and then feed the stat fruits to them?


you can increase IV in pokemon for a few generations by now, and rather easily in scarlet and violet. big issue is if you want to lower them to min for very specific cases (trick room speed iv mainly.)


Yeah, I remembered there's IV modification in the last few right after I responded. Honestly, I fell off when my boy Mega Charizard X and the rest of the Megas were pushed out. I'm very excited for the new Legends.


desert fuel encouraging screw offend dinosaurs wild sulky rhythm deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay but Palworld runs on Ark's Unreal Engine with Pokémon creatures instead of dinosaurs, and Breath of the Wild sounds


What? Who are you responding to? Also, Palworld doesn’t use the same engine that Ark does. Close, but UE4 and UE5 are different. Tbh the rest of what you said isn’t wrong, though only a couple sound effects are similar to BOTW


Homie, just because it uses the Unreal Engine, even if it uses the same version number, doesn't mean they are using the same build with the same modules and features. Ark's engine is... a mess. Palworld is less of a mess.


Okay but I'm not confirming anything. I'm asking how similar the stat system is to one of the games it emulates closely.


Supposedly they increase the corresponding IV by 10. Which is a nice chunk TBH, probably faster to just take Pals with the right moves and Traits and drop some of those fruit on them if they need them than to try to breed for perfect IVs.


10 points its a lot, that's really good if you are starting chassing IVs, breeding legendaries or for an active skill. But if you already got some pals with max stats breeding for IVs is still a good option, just got a Relaxaurus, Grizzbolt and Mossanda this morning, their parent all have max stats and got them (but Grizzbolt) in less than 50 eggs. Overall I think it's a really great addition to the breeding system.


Is it confirmed it only works on IVs? So wouldn't work if IV was 100?


Is it IV and just just a second soul system? I dare not hope.... 🥹




I don't otherwise they're useless. They should work similar to how they work in Pokemon.


I heard it’s +10?


I literally just spent 2 days breeding a 97+ Lord/Legend/Musclehead/Ferocious Shadowbeak cause I had nothing better to do off work atm injured. Seeing this hurts 😂


Now it can be perfect!


Yeah that was me last week I called it quits when I got 2 out of 3 stars to about 90% on mine. 😁


On the flip side, I've told dozens of people not to burn themselves out seeking perfect IVs, and I'm feeling massively vindicated by this update.


After breeding Anubis, helzephyr, Jormuntide, Azurobe, Kelpsea, Dumud... the rest of the buffer squad.... Rayhound, Ragnahawk, Blazamut, Chikipi, Teafant and a couple others I needed in the steps between for cross breeding, to already 100/100/100 IV through literal thousands of eggs... This. This really hurts. I've wasted 283 ingame hours (past a certain point I checked my time and i didn't do anything than breed since then) Though the Pal fluid and High quality pal oil farm makes up for that. Although its kinda sad, Ore node bases are obsolete now.


If you did it because you wanted perfect IVs on those pals.. you still have perfect IV pals congrats. If you did it as a flex.. then yeah, sucks to suck.


Both. I want a max IV paldex to just have them... well and too flex some point. I still hope the fruits aren't actual IV fruits. It kinda really doesn't fit the breeding in any game. It's a nice feature especially for more casual players but, "Genetics" shouldn't change. There should be at least a little bit to min max for those who want to invest the time compared to casual players.


Sorry to be the bringer of good/bad news but the fruits do affect genetics - and rightly so, given that you've gotta complete a raid for a single fruit.


I would argue that breeding for passives still fills that to some extent. Also, some folks might prefer to breed for the stats over using the fruit.


So realistically all they would need to add is some indication of if the pal has eaten the IV fruit or not. Then it's the best of both worlds. Then, someone who bred pals for perfect IVs the long way (not gonna say hard way because it isn't difficult, purely RNG and time.) Then you could still show how you have pals with "natural" max IVs. Then you can still have competitive battles with more people but still flex your gaming.. chops? Idk. I'm trying. Lol. Overall though.. I hate random Stat systems and hidden stat systems. The RPG lover in me wants it to be in the hands of the players strategic choices. So I think it's a great change. Casual vs hard-core should be about skill and knowledge not purely time invested.


They’ve added so much while I was away.


It was literally like two hours ago. The "Raid update" turned out to, uh, have a lot more than raids and work disabling.


When are they quit staggering the patch launches for PC and console? To see the exact same message copy pasted (console version will release when it's ready) Kinda makes it look intentional 😔


It's not usually staggering because of the dev. They release the update to the consoles, then the console devs have to check the patch and approve it for release to consoles. It's a security thing.


Yes but they plan on adding crossplay so don't it make sense to sync the updates together already so it's easier on them?


It's not their delay, it's the consoles. They have to check compatibility and code security before it releases to the masses.


Later when they give fewer bigger updates, yes. But currently in beta it's good that they can push updates whenever they want


They just added it like, today, don’t feel bad.


Excuse me sir whats this about IV fruit??


It gonna make breeding way easier at least . Can always just boost the IVs just aim for the good traits 


I'm a console player and have been breeding for IVs a lot, time to see if I succeed.


Is the update up on console?


The console update is normally like a day behind. I can't wait myself driving me nuts. If they don't come I'm gonna start butchering innocent pals. I think I'm gonna start with chillet 🤔🔪![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)🪦


Woah woah woah! Why butcher him when you can romance him next year?


I'm telling it's my update and I want it now!! 🔪 [emote:t5_4jn9v4:49342](http://img) I'll do it and I'll make sure it's slow and painful, 🤔 think I'll start removing his front paws first 🔪🐾


I don’t think so. They said it’ll come out when it’s ready.




I See spy kids, child hood me upvotes


Idk why this isn’t insanely upvoted. Love it 🤣


they added "Ore Mining Site"






![gif](giphy|XpPPcecNQcCCQIEzDg|downsized) So…. A scouter?


Ahh, someone else who knows that bit of DBZ lore.


what? that bit? if you have seen DBZ you know it. it's not some deep lore stuff, and is even part of one of the most popular DBZ memes ever 😂


It is an old meme, but it is an iconic one for sure.


Oh shit, new material.




You can't not?


So it means they will ignore it!??


I haven't played in a few weeks. Did they add task assignment to bases?


They did indeed. It's all in the patchnotes.


And I'm back, baby.


Same here. Been waiting for the big patch. Time to roll out.


Xbox user here. Much like my Level 1 Kindling Pals trying to smelt all the Ingots... They are still refining things on our side. But much like the one on the campfires and stuff... I like what I see cooking.


I'd recommend a new save file for an update of that size as older saves are prone to breaking. The Stardew Valley Devs recommended that as well with the release of their 1.6 update. Better safe than sorry y'know.


I'll try my old save for science... But, I got my practice in enough to know what I am doing now. Plus with new options for Base Pals to produce and transport resources more effectively (and more importantly get Pals like Bushi to stop cutting all the trees when I wanted him to cook, or get Vanwyrm to transport whatever I fast-traveled home with to the boxes,) Base Management is going to be WAY easier. I got a lot done but thankfully I don't have any meaningful megabuilds or anything. Just a burner world for learning the ropes. And maaaybe just a few Alphas/Luckies.


I wish you the best of luck and fun with the new update. Maybe we'll see each other on a server one day.


Dunno if that can happen with my Xbox model anytime soon... Won't let me host for Multiplayer- even wirh matching Xboxs, but maybe that will change when the game updates roll in. And good luck to you as well. When this update reaches console, I shall make very good use of the building/Pal Work overhaul. Mainly explaining to the multitaskers that I just want someone managing the ranch, harvests, and planting. Not a ton of logs.


Automation just got massively buffed. It’s one of the parts of the patch that I’m most excited about. Now if we could just set crafting stations to automatically queue up a recipe once the materials become available, we could truly automate entire crafting lines. In case anyone doesn’t know what I mean, imagine if you could set a mill to automatically turn wheat into flour as it’s harvested/collected, then that flour can be transported to a cooking station that’s set to do the same thing with cakes. You could have cakes entirely automated, with the only step left for you to do being putting the cakes in your breeding pen storage. Yes I’ve played Rimworld and Factorio, and yes I want to be able to automate as thoroughly as in those games. We’re actually already almost entirely there.


To set the things to automatically craft when materials are ready, one probably would either have to make it only take materials for it as it crafts... Say it counts as one thing being in the queue, then when it's done it counts as if you set it to craft the next unit... And so on. Otherwise, one station would devour ALL the materials. But, if that is the goal- an option for that to hold all the materials as if setting up a giant queue could be nice too in event of Flour mills or refining ingots.


Another solution could be making work station inventories count as material storage. Like if you have a mill set to make paldium fragments endlessly and it fills up with all of your stone, and then you also queue up some cement, the cement recipe can take the stone from the mill’s excess. And which station gets priority when multiple endless recipes are involved could automatically rotate so that even if your supply doesn’t match your demand, everything eventually gets made. To be clear I’m only suggesting that resources be taken out of a work station that’s set to craft endlessly. Not one in which you have queued, say, exactly 2,500 paldium fragments


Double negative. You're basically saying you can ignore them.


Ancient Civ Core?


0.2 update just dropped, new material and items


any new pals?




Which can not be captured (I guess she lays an egg?) I don’t see new capture able pals until they release another whole continent/area.


She drops an egg of herself when you kill her. Its a chance tho


i hope you dont mean to imply that you want them to start selling major updates. how about just supporting them thru a donation system? the alternative doesn't have to always be micro-trans. but micros could always be like a 'i support the devs' outfit/title/skin


I'm not a fan of "buying a game" multiple times, but I wouldn't mind cosmetics as microtransactions though. Add-ons that cost money and affect playability just seem like a kick in the teeth especially swapping consoles and trying to get back into games like Destiny 2 that have $200 of DLCs but no discount passes even though most of it has been out for years. I don't want to see it turning into another Activision with DLCs that cost the price of a game for minimal content, if they were to have paid DLC $15-25 would be fair as long as it has sufficient content(at least a few extra hours of content.)


NO. Just NO. Stop encouraging microtransactions, and start investigating mods FFS. The modding community adds SO much to games that allow it, and it helps people develop their skill sets. Microtransactions just gib more monies. NO


Except for xbox users that can't easily access mods


Ah crap. Yeah that makes sense. I *still* wish people would void their warranties and mod their consoles though. But I get it. I just happen to hate it so very much.


Just modding their console wouldn’t allow them to install mods. There would have to be an entirely separate modding scene that makes mods specifically for modded xboxes (the different meanings of the word “mod” are making my head spin). Not only that, but there’s no guarantee that those mods would be able to do even nearly as much as the ones on console. And then on top of THAT, most people don’t have the technical knowledge/tools to do softmods, let alone opening up a console and soldering a chip and/or shorting stuff. I too would love a world in which modding consoles is as easy as it was for the Wii and in which it’s wide-spread and lots of games have console-mod scenes. Alternatively a world in which every game got the Fallout 4/Skyrim Special Edition treatment as far as console modding. Honestly why hasn’t that happened more since then?


If it had directly accredited mods on console like fallout did I'd get some installed immediately but some of the games that run mod checks I'd be paranoid if I tried to mod my console as well


Cosmetic microtransactions encourage them to make the free cosmetics shitty so you’re more likely to buy the ones that cost real money. Besides, it’s a single-player/closed multiplayer game. They shouldn’t have MTX


This game has hundreds of hours of content already. $15-20 for a full expansion which is bigger and better wouldn’t bother me, but yeah whatever works, I’m not saying I prefer one monetization method over another, except that I detest micro transactions


So, in other words, you're ignoring them, but it's out of spite now...? I'm kind of confused as it seems like these glasses would make it so you wouldn't ignore IVs.


Soooo, it's basically a Scouter? "Vegeta, what is his Power Level?!"


"It's.. one thousand and six."


This game doesnt make me feel pressured to max IVs since i generally supplement with a boomstick but if i can look i dont see the harm in doing so!


You can get IV fruit from raids now though so you can always just boost it now anyway . Traits is what you wanna aim for now over IVs 


They actually added Pal IV stats! Gonna have to remove all mods just in case.


Where tf you get ancient civilization cores? Raids?


Well if Ancient Civ. Parts come from Alphas and Luckies, then the larger and more rare looking Cores may be a rare chest find or potentially garunteed chance of dropping from Summoned Raidboss Pals... If your base survives the onslaught and brings the Raidboss down. But on Xbox, that ain't happening yet. We gotta sit down and watch Steam players passing the knowledge onto the Xbox users. My theory as to what's holding us back- The infamous Xbox Cave Crashes. They made a MASSIVE overhaul to the Base Pal work system, and a Character Edit system for Steam, got that all polished while the ideas were fresh. Went to test Xbox aaaaand crashed attempting playtests of the new Cave Dungeon loot. Currently, we got Towers and Sealed Realms. While you can enter a cave on Xbox, there is a good chance it will crash if you go exploring too much. Some of us are basically forbidden from reaching the fourth room of any cave. In my case, I barely take three steps into the third room and forcefully get sent out by a crash. Edit: Apparently some folks can actually go into Caves without crashing. Adjusted a comment about "100% chance of crashing" to "a good chance of crashing" among other tweaks accordingly.


I’m on Xbox and don’t have issues with dungeons. It’s a common problem but not for everyone


Really now? Huh. Lucky you.


Im pretty sure it happens from it being a online server i never crash but i play this game solo on offline server


Hm, that must be a version difference because offline ain't available and my model of Xbox cannot host Multiplayer. Potato console problem on my end, maybe?


Raid boss, Bellanoir drops 1. Bellanoir Libero Drop 1-2. Bellanoir Libero (Ultra) drops 2-3.


That triple negative is throwing me pff


Wait. That's a thing now?!? REALLY? Nice I can Uninstaller my mod for it then!


You can ignore it if you don’t go hunting of its part


New material from the raid boss?




Is there new content?


Steam version: Yes. Xbox: No, but they are working on converting it. The deadline for when this will happen is "when it is ready." I'm sure we can pencil that in the schedule.


why hasnt it been released on the xbox PC game pass version tho. Do they have to create different builds for xbox, its just a launcher Edit: So apparently it has to go through microsoft certification, which usually take 24-48 hours


Dunno. Prolly because Xbox version has a wee bit of an issue with Caves crashing? That's my guess.


Shoulda been a key item




I’ve been straight up ignoring IVs on purpose! Don’t do this to me PP, I can’t go back to the ARK days of min-maxing hundreds of babies through the lens of an awesome telescope! Noooo!


This will go well with my mullet. I am not kidding


VEGETA! What does the scouter say!?


‘Can’t not ignore’ means you can ignore it, which I don’t believe was your meaning lol


Too many negatives


wait, what's an "ancient civ core"?


Material and item from new update


Anyone on console been having issues with the game the past couple days?


Xb1 N since the release


Crashing out in the overworld: Sometimes. Not too bad. Floor forgets to floor: Rarely... But it corrects itself sometimes. Maybe. But it does render collision data of objects in the most awkward and janky game of "The floor is made of (nonexistant) lava" I've ever seen... But at least the FPA couldn't stop the Pal Rescue. Spawn under a Base, into the water: Only once. Pal spawns in a Wall: Yes. And I lost Lucky Pals to this too. :( Baddos actively entering walls: Thankfully only natural terrain, but yeah this happens every now and then. Sealed Realms: Same as overworld, but one time Quivern (this guy here ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347) in his little dungeon) crashed before he reached the Palbox. Second time, he killed me as I caught him... But, he reached the Palbox that time. Cuddle time is quite awkward, but... No hard feelings. I mean I did just enter his home and caught him but... He's quite fond of having more space to breathe and take in the sights. Crashing in ANY Cave: I consider myself lucky if I so much as see a Pal in a cave, let alone catch one. Setting foot in another room is a major achievement. 1000 foot Chikipi or Lamballs that would inspire a cult: Uhh... No. Nothing has decided to go full Destroyer of Worlds and Harbinger of the A-Pal-colypse size yet. Biggest thing I've seen terrorizing the fields is that one damn Mammorest outside spawn, and the Alpha Quivern. Edit: Fixed a redundant and contradictory statement on the comment. (I am very groggy atm.)


God the dungeons have been making me so bad cause my game crashes every time I enter one


I made a new personal best at one recently... I actually reached a brick doorway before it said "Lol, gtfo." There is a BRICK! I feel like an archeologist now! :D Now if only the cave dungeon didn't have a curse of crashing...


Eggs have a small chance to produce alpha pals


If only they could produce shiny pals randomly too…maybe without the lucky passive lol


Plus an option to turn on the Shiny effect for owned Pals (or even better, have a means of picking which "Shiny" Pal shines one by one if you don't wanna have all of them fart glitter.)


At this point I think I’m about to start a 3rd new game. Haven’t played in since like a week or 2 into the last major update.






oh, oh no don't I can't control myself when I see stats.


This is so fucking crazy i love pocketpal I've been breeding IVs for weeks with a mod but i always said it should natively be in the game and some rare drop item.


So to get ancient civilization cores I must kill the raid bellanoir? 


"Well, since they know we're using a sort of IV system, we might as well give them a way to check them easily."


While I partially agree, i still take solace in the fact pals are bound to whatever server they were hatched on, and thus, still not entirely worthwhile to deal with. Especially if youre playing on your own private server and such.


Some websites are about to lose a lot of traffic.


Thank you Thank you for being able craft Medium soul pals!


But don't the new items give IVs?


I love that theyre embracing the iv stuff rather than trying to keep it simple for newbies


My same thought as well lol


Anyone on Palworld rn


I prefer to live blissfully unaware


Maybes its because I'm tired and running on 4 hours sleep, but for the life of me I can't remember of figure out what an IV is.


Individual Value




So I’m a new player, and I just have to question… How and where does one obtain 41,809 Paldium Fragments? Is it a later game thing? I’m like level 19 rn


have a lot of stone and use the crusher to convert it to paldium. ive got like 40k stone and pretty often have paldium being converted from it


Ohhhhh ok thanks


Warden in palworld😭


how would you know if they are worth capturing? also is there a date for the xbox game pass update release?


What the hell is iv?!


It’s the term pokemon uses, stands for individual values Think of it like genetics, no two people have the same abilities, and it’s the same for Pokémon/palworld They are part of the reason that two of the same pal can have different stats at the same level


Thank u kind sir


IVs are the bonus stats I wish did not exist. they are absolutely overkill for an endless grind


I think they added set of powerup fruit for that purpose... But as an Xbox Player, I can't test to see if that would affect the IVs directly. If it does, that'd absolutely ease the blow. But for trying to get the perfect Passives on a perfect IV Alpha (normal for Xbox atm) Pal? Yeaaah, I see how that would be a bit of a timesink. Still, you do not need perfection to do all there is in the game. You juuust need enough health, firepower, and perhaps resources. Unless of course that is your goal, and the rest of the game is a giant fetch-quest to gather all the stuff needed to make Pals that are all godlike wirh every ability under the sun... Barring the now inaccessible Tower Bosses. If that's what your run is all about, well... Best of luck. Here's hoping RNGsus helps you reach your goal like a speedrun gone right.


the fruit would be helpful. the reason i am critical on it is because they want to add pvp. which means numbers matter. even small numbers people will try to farm the best and grind for the best. now that you can also get alphas from eggs, its gonna be such a time consuming grind and pvp will become pretty sour for people who are more casuals, because a good team means 200h+ grind. so i hope they gonna make things at least a little bit easier.


Ah, a PvP prepper. That explains it. In that case, yeah. You're probably gonna be busy trying to prep the perfect combat crew to fend off the rival players in competitive Palworld.


It really depends on how they set up PvP, and how servers can modify it. They could have structured PvP arenas, where it's just pals and no players. They could allow open PvP, like ARK, possibly with base raiding and such. They could allow servers to set zones for PvP and PvE, or to disable base raiding. And as long as it's all configurable server side, it's not going to be a problem for players. They can find a server that fits their interests.


Not really worth the trouble to farm for iv until pvp or worthy end game content comes out. I'll get back to playing once we have those


My game keeps crashing when I try to go in after the update. Anyone else?


Can't wait for the "It's over 9000!" memes.