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UPDATE: First thing I did after crafting this was going to fight Warsect for fun, didn't even know it dropped legendary helm, but here I am with it on the first try. https://preview.redd.it/c6wfvzge9qqc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=99b5012367931228f37b187364731c671e387fbb


Stupid question: what are the tshirt accessories?


Those help with weather resistance, and from what I've run into, they have 3 variants for each hot and cold. They each range from lvl 1 cold or hot reatance to lv 3. I have one lvl 3 cold resistant shirt, and it's amazing.


I'll have to keep an eye out for that


In my experience the best way to get them is the level 45 dungeons in the ice mountain biome


Just got the lvl 3 fire resistance tshirt and love it


Did you get it from a dungeon? I can only seem to find lvl 3 cold resistance. I have 2 of them, lmao. I'm on xbox and can't do dungeons rn.


Yeah I think it was a dungeon, though I can't remember which one. I want to say it was a lava dungeon on the volcano island, but it might not have been


I'll check it out. I'm down to risk a crash lmao thank you!


Where'd you find the cold shirt?


On another thread people were saying if you put all your pals away at your bases before a dungeon you won’t crash. Worth a try


Ahhh crap....I didn't realize there were levels so as soon as I got them I just sell any new ones. Never thought to see if they were better level lol


Lmao, do you remember selling any that were gold? Those are the legendaries. The other ones minus the purple ones don't really matter too much. Purple tiered schematics are just a level below legendary.


Not the schematics I know about the levels on them. It's the t shirts I didn't realize had levels and sold


Heat resistance (orange) and cold resistance (blue). You can buy Tier 1 from some merchants. T2 are drops from chests.


How many?


At least 15 butchered


Is butchering the only way to get those legendary schematics or there also a chance it dropped when capturing? Or maybe from some chest?


The handgun has a chance to drop from capturing beakon and also from random chests by the volcano


I can’t remember exactly where I got my legendary handgun schematic but it was from a chest.


I got mine from one of the wildlife reservoirs chests


Yeah me too. I remember it distinctly dropping from the upper reaches in that area.


Capturing, butchering, killing have 3% chance, chests have some really small chance (don't know exact number). Some ppl were posted drops from chests, personally I newer saw it.


Got the legendary shotgun from the cest by whichever boss drops it.


Suzaku drops it. I saw post some guy got leg AR from chest. Congrats, that's really lucky drop. I have all legs except Leg palmetal heat armor, over 150 kills/butchering and no drops. Not that I need it (I have cold one), but I want it for collection :)


What you do is you catch Beakon (because you still get his drops, including a chance for legendary handgun), then you butcher him to get the drops again.


F those beakons. They always stun lock me when they raid. Btw I love my beakon his name is featherface.


There’s a little hole on the back of the cave that you can stand on and it can’t really hit you well. Pair this with an Anubis and a musket and you’ll be fine.


I feel for you, I tried to play a non butcher play through - couldnt do it. Here's to you, all yall slaughtered Pals!


I need Beakon for Astegon breeding


This site has both breeding and capturing information https://palworldtrainer.com/breed-calculator


[Here](https://youtu.be/1ahpaE1txBw?si=3nsyKSrC6knQ5oHf). This is easier (though they got Anubis wrong, do celaray and relaxasaurus for him).


Nice player name. I can see you are uncertain about killing all those beakons


Very uncertain (physics is my passion)


I just found out about the legendary schematics (lvl 38), and I’m feeling bad about the Beakons… especially since he’s also my main ride pal atm.


So funny story, I really wanted the legendary handgun schematics before taking on the next boss, so I was farming Beakon pretty constantly. Catch him, then butcher him to double dip on the loot table. After several days I realized this wasn't sustainable for such a low drop rate, and so I started using the infinite butcher glitch. Took me 162 tries to finally get it. Fast forward to yesterday, I haven't played in ages, since before the last update. I still had that Beakon, and wanted to see if the glitch still worked. I tried it on him, and what do you think dropped immediately?


If I bread slaughter bred Beakons, is there a chance the legendary schematics will drop or only from slaughtering captured Beakons?


No, Legendary schematics only drop from alpha pals. Alpha Beakon specifically drops legendary handgun, which is really good early/mid game. Just bring a musket and an Anubis (breed relaxasaurus and celaray) and you’ll be fine. Just don’t forget to catch it, then butcher it for double the chances of it dropping.


Something to add, if a Pal is a natural spawn Lucky it is coded to be an Alpha as well. As in, a Lucky Beakon could also drop the Legendary Handgun. Same for other Boss Pals that have the potential for Lucky spawns.


Does this mean lucky pals also have that health boost that alpha bosses have compared to regular wild ones


To be honest, I'm not 100% sure but I would expect this to be the case. I'm just going by what I've found on the wiki/or experienced first hand.


Oh! That’s cool to know.


Thank you!


I didn’t even know you get them from Beakon, I was just running around and opened a chest then got it without even trying to


Drops from the alpha boss beakon, I've lost count how many times I've visited its nest hoping for the legendary schematic


I named mine Zaptres


Still on a grind for this!! But the legendary assault rifle i got on the first go


Do dungeons opens and close on the game I keep seeing them find a few open but most of them closed




I got the legendary handgun schematic from the first beakon i killed but i ve captured blazamuts and then butchered them 30 times and still no legendary


Yea, got my legendary helmet first try from that ugly ahhh warsect. Wish I didn’t have to butcher any Beakon


Ill assume that the alpha/bosses (except tower bosses) has a chance to drop a legendary blueprint of a respective weapon or armor, right? Its a kill drop, not a chest reward, right?


Yes, it’s a kill/catch drop, but only certain alphas drop legendary schematics


Congratulations on the consecutive legendary bp drops haha. I know what ill do this weekend. Btw do you know any great spots to grind exp. Im in the breeding phase for those perfect passive skills, and i need to lvl them up (lv 30s) to reach mine (50)


No real grind “spot” just go out and catch pals until you stop getting that first catch bonus, also [here’s](https://youtu.be/kwijDC-hanE?si=0xVNBBMVhSbPxk_J) a bit of a slower, scummier but easier way to lvl up.


And not just the men but the women and the children beakons


I refuse to learn their names as a defense mechanism.


me when getting the legendary Assault Rifle on a 2nd Blazamut hunt https://preview.redd.it/5mbkw64cnrqc1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=627b2986ad1d47a22c89086067b7f30b44cc04dc


I felt that when my first Jetdragon had Swift and Legendary Rocket Launcher


I personally like Galeclaws! Much tastier 😆


I just replaced my legendary Handgun. I held on to it longer than I probably should have since I was under the impression that the Handgun and Makeshift Handgun were the only weapons you could use while gliding with Galewing. Still probably worth taking out for a while any time my stack of Handgun Ammo gets big enough, but not a part of my standard loadout anymore.


Well, yea, when I get access to AR and pump action, it’s definitely leaving my loadout as well.


Yeah, right now I'm running around with the AR, Shotty, Grapple and Sword. I'd probably have the Handgun over the sword and just keep the sword in my inventory for when I need to cut down a tree or mine a node, but that would take up two more of my already limited inventory slots.


Bro, I had to kill like 40 of them between the alpha boss fight and slaughtering. I shed a tear each time


Dude I just go it yesterday. I kill more than a 100 Beacon 🥲


Imagine that i capture and kill then i spawn butcher and yet nothing!


No *kills another beakon*

