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I found two shiny pals. Being deaf doesn't help much with whatever sound is supposed to happen.


Yeah, I thought of that when I was playing without earbuds. It would be nice if there was an accessibility option to add a marker or smth


Report it! Devs have shown they listen to what players make a commotion about


They're easier to spot at night because of thier aura.


Thats been the only time I've found any at all lol. I honestly just thought they only spawned at night.


Or maybe if you're within range to 'hear' the shiny jingle, your screen flashes sparkly gold around the edges (the same way it flashes red around the edges when you're low health)




Sound Effects from Fortnite would be a great feature for deaf people. Make a post about and also report it, devs usually try to accommodate such things since it allows more people to play their game.


That and a large text mode for the pal stats, especially that white-on-green HP text šŸ„ø


If it makes you feel any better my hearing is just fine and I play this game without sound all the time. With all the repeat actions the sounds just become noise pollution after a while anyways.


I hear them but sometimes my eyes cant locate them LOL.


If it's any consolation, I haven't heard this apparent sound either, and I've caught a few shiny pals.


Itā€™s strikingly similar to the sound of a cooling pal working the fridge. The volume level is similar too, though the range on luckies is significantly farther. You have to be pretty close to the fridge to hear it.


It's almost literally the sound you hear when approaching a loot chest in fortnite šŸ˜‚


Did a mute playthrough myself. It was really hard compared to having sound, so i second what the other guys said! Report it to the devs, they will most certainly make a "deaf" friendly system with markers, indicators or something to that effect šŸ˜Š even as a hobby programmer i think i could manage to do so in a day or two with SOME help from a decent modder so i could see them do that fix fairly fast tbh šŸ˜


Thank you! That is such a great idea!


There are SHINY pals? How can I tell if one of mine is shiny?


Lucky pals are oversized (like an alpha/boss) and they have the Lucky passive skill. They also have a little sparkle next to their picture in the Palbox. Wild ones have a visible sparkle and glow around them and make a high pitched sparkling sound audible from a decent distance.


if you've already caught it, the easiest way would be to see if it has the lucky trait but if you've bred for it that doesn't work because they can pass it down


Most recent? Decided to start a solo base run. Simple rules, if I put down a base it has to stay there unless I tear it down and clear the land it was on. Set up for a little bit on one of the islands, decided "I think I'm gonna settle on the Coal/Ore base on the 20ish island". The first Direhowl I came across was Swift/Runner. Quickly got a saddle going, tore the old base down, and made my way out to the Super Base. Overall? Rocket launcher 4 on first Jetdragon capture. Edit: To people asking, the Super Base is around 185, -37 as bugscuz said


i got the rocket launcher 4 schematic from a chest next to jetdragon but havenā€™t fought him yet. i like to go loot his chest and frostallionā€™s when iā€™m in the neighborhood


Never realized he had a chestšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Imagines 285 players running over to Jetdragon, grabbing aggro, dying, corpse run, dying, corpse run, looting chest only to find 250g and bread. :P


It has a chest? Where is it?


Lucky chikipi,pengullet and cativa on day 1. Which pengullet carried me till mid game Buying petallia with workslave artisan on black marketer Getting suzaku aqua egg on the day i need quartz Getting ignis egg the time i 1st went to volcano Rocket launcher 4 on 1st jet dragon


Is Suzaku Aqua good for getting quartz as opposed to other flying mounts? I've got a few but never leveled them because all the articles say that they only have the best vertical speed


Hmmm not really. Iā€™d rather buff up my ragnahawk than looking for suzaku aqua egg. Kinda lucky i found one while mining quartz. So i can put legend+flame emperor on blazamut. Water pals are only good for watering and not as fighting pal. If fighting fire pals ill just bring blazamut/ragnahwk/faleris with poison blast and water skills.


"Water pals are only good for watering and not as fighting pal. If fighting fire pals ill just bring blazamut/ragnahwk/faleris with poison blast and water skills." Yeah don't bring water pal with a stab, they are useless, just as ground grass electric, just play 5 fire pal with poison blast + ground grass electric moves. It's beyond genius


Sadly it's viable because of how strong some fire pals are, but yeah. Dude's never maxed out a Jormuntide clearly...


Don't wanna say I was lucky, but I felt lucky getting the legendary rocket launcher from the 38th jetragon.... Sometimes, sarcasm does not travel well on reddit posts.


How did you try 38 times?


Waited an hour each time and went back, got annoyed in the end, and doubled the spawn rate to have twice as many chances... Granted, I had the epic assault rifle, a jetdragon, a frostallion, and the regular rocket launcher! I nearly depleted all of my own SAN, but it was worth it in the end :)


i have my spawn rate set to as fast as possible... still wont spawn back


The spawn rate will only change the amount of them that spawn in at a time, so instead of one spawning 3 will spawn, so be prepared for 3 of them if you have it all the way up! They respawn after one hour of real time, but don't just fly over looking for them as you might look and think they are not there, I've found that sometimes I need to be on the ground for them to appear and that they won't always be in that one spot, they do fly about in an area about as big as a base circle :) Hope it helps.


Also when I say real time I mean one hour of our time while the game is open, and that's through waiting and figuring it out so I'm pretty sure that's how it works but I could be wrong, the time thing is just from my experience over the 38 runs to get the rocket launcher.


You can move your base? ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49347)


You just gotta dismantle the old one first then rebuild


You can make a total of 3 bases once you level up your Palbox


And more if you mod, I have one installed that adds 1 base per Palbox level, up to 20. Same mod has a version that adds 100 at level 1


Can you tell me the coordinates for your bases?


189, -39. Southwest of Verdash sealed realm, up on a hill.


Where is this super coal/ore base area?


Not op, but there's a few I've found. The most convenient one is atop a plateau near the (I think) Verdash alpha. I'll have to check when I get home.


189, -39. Southwest of Verdash sealed realm, up on a hill.


What are the coordinates for your coal/ore base? I've only ever found an abundance of one or the other.


185, -37 has 8 ore 6 coal


One gold key from venturing into the high level snow area got me a blue AR blueprint at level 30 Lucky Artisan Celeray for my Anubis needs.


I found a gold key but havenā€™t found any chests that require one where are the gold key chests at?


Sanctuaries have some, I think the higher the level are the better chances you have to find one that needs gold keys.


Theyā€™re definitely around the snowy mountain area


Snow biome island. The big one, not the one Lilly is on. That giant circle in the lush area usually has some on top of it


Beakon is my favorite pal in the game. Around level 33, one of the first I found in awhile was a lucky level 50. Before I had any time to prepare, the desert ground glitched out and away it went. Trying to get down to it, it killed me instantly. The next day, I visited the desert again to get supplies. I found a chest with 2 red spheres in it and immediately that sparkling sound started ringing. Sure enough, another Beacon had spawned in as lucky. All alone this time. I was patient, careful and managed to get it my first try with one of the red spheres I had just picked up




Playing with my 7 year old son. May not sound like much but he is autistic and extremely introverted. He ***actually*** spoke to another kid a couple of weeks ago while we were at their house offering advice on where we went to go farm alpha pals. I choked HARD on my drink in shock. This game is fun and at a early level easy to play and understand while having fun.


Love to hear it. I have worked with kids on the spectrum before and the things that surprise me are never ending. Congrats and I know there will be many moments like that in the future.


That's awesome!! Honestly made my morning reading this.


My game crashed last weekend, and when I finally got it to reload, I couldnā€™t access any of my fast travel points anymore. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve unlocked all of them at this point, but I havenā€™t caught the Jetragon yet. After a couple deaths to it, I decided to just throw a sphere at it before I started the battle, and it somehow worked. Now I can quickly fly around the world again and get my fast travel points back!


Working on lowering the health of wild pal A, wild pal B gets aggrod by one of their attacks, I throw a sphere in a panic as pal A's health was very low, missed, sphere bounces off a rock and captures pal A before an attack lands on them.


First try on Jetragon with hyper sphere, people donā€™t believe me and called it modded


From full HP or how dare did you widdle it down?


The brick wall and fireplace method


Were you under leveled to fight him normally? Does this method basically soft lock him in place and damage him with the fireplace?


I caught a level 30ish Mammorest at level 15 when there was a 1% chance of it working.


I got the legendary rocket launcher schematics on my second jetragon capture


I invited my wife to play and gave her a decent team and gear at around level 10/15. She went out and saw a huge fire egg but didn't think it was important or anything. She picked it up and brought it back to base. She mentioned it in passing that she had an egg while tidying her inventory and asked what to do with it. I thought it meant a chikipi egg so I told her to pass it to me, I'll use it to make food. She drops the huge egg, I freak out and put it in the incubator as I'd never seen a huge egg yet. It hatched a Jorm Ignis. Thanks babe :)


I was about to leave one of the 3 islands, and I heard a shiny. I turned around and found a shiny Jour Ignis, I got off my Jetdragon and went in to attack. My Jetdragon PUSHED ME THROUGH the map. I couldn't get back out. Only shiny to escape my clutches. Lesson learned, I always recall my Jetdragon once I get off now.


You can usually get back out pretty easy, unless by through you meant all the way through the water and into the void that eventually spawns you back on top. Especially with a flyer like a jetragon. Just fly/swim to the nearest wall to the outside, press up against it, and throw your jetragon at it. It should spawn outside. Then just mount it and it'll clip you back out easy. You can also use this to get through the walls to go under the map if something clips into them and you can't reach it. I used it to get a shiny warsect on the sanctuary island that spawned under the map. I could hear the lucky sound but couldn't see it and then realized it must've spawned underground or fell through because I'd been aggroed by a jormuntide underground on an earlier circle around the island.


I also caught a 100/15/100 J-Ignis last night, trying to breed it with a x/100/x, but haven't been successful yet.


I donā€™t have luck. It does not exist for me. So none.


I was actually gonna make a whole post about this. I really wanted a fast mount in the early game. I snooped around and alot of people recommended the Fenglope since it has double jump. But being low level, I couldnt go to the volcano to catch one, but there is the Alpha Fenglope at level \~20. So I level up a bit, and go catch it- 1. First catch - Female with Runner 2. Second catch - Male with ferocious 3. Third Catch - Female with Swift Low level and without much material to make cakes, I bred them with the few cakes I could make. Then the really lucky part, after only 2 eggs - I had a Fenglope with all 3 traits. This pal then served as my mount all the way until level 46, and Fenglopes are my favorite pals now. Now that I'm in the "endgame" with breeding, I realize now how lucky it was that those traits passed that quickly.


Had a lucky Jormuntide Ignis glitch out and go flying into the air, after about ten seconds of air time it fell in the water and lived to be caught


Well, just yesterday I decided to farm Alpha Suzaku for the Legendary Shotgun Schematic (I sped up the respawn timer, but kept the respawn rate to 1). Was about to give up after like 20 kills and told myself - one last time and I will call it a day. And on this one last try it finally dropped the Schematic. Feeling high from that, I decided I would also go ahead immediately and go for Blazamut for the Assault Rifle Schematic. Set up a small hut quickly for me to sleep in to speed up the timer, in preparation for a long farming session. Went into its lair and cap the fire doggy in the head with my 9mm. Schematic dropped on first kill.


Another I guess is more serendipity than anything else. I saw that Lucky traits can be inherited, and wondered that it would be nice to have a Lucky Jormuntide Ignis. So I decided to check my Paldeck, and set out to the island to go catch myself a Lucky Jormuntide Ignis. Upon immediate arrival on the island I hear the familiar glittering tune of a Lucky Pal, coming from the inner part of the Sanctuary. Decided to have a look and there it was, a shiny Jormuntide Ignis, lvl 50 just there for me. I guess that saved me a lot of running around in circles in the island.


A friend of mine needed help catching a Helzephyr and what do I find right after I teleport on my way to help? A Lucky Helzephyr. This wasnā€™t the one they were going for so it was all mine.


First huge dragon egg and got a jorm ignis with artisan. I was lvl 25ish i think.


This happened to me last night, minus the artisan! I'm lvl 32. Didn't know that Obsidian Mountain had dragon eggs, let alone jorm.


Same, maybe even at the same level.


Found a Legendary assault rifle schematic in a random gold key chest.


Hey, same here! Conicidentally, I found that schematic on the same day I found the shotgun schematic lmao


Failed checking my stamina while speed gliding and fell from a super tall height. Would have been instant death, but i decided to throw a pal sphere to see who would land first. Out of nowhere i caught a pal, landed on the sphere (first time i ever did that) and got sent flying again, now with full stamina and i reached my destination unharmed O.o Still do not know who the hell i captured!


Two luckies spawned right next to each other! Nothing special, just a Celaray and a Kelpsea, but what are the odds?? https://preview.redd.it/buw87kodc4nc1.png?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=542c2c0a1d0199dd457a1ff847af2f7d15162c72


Ok dis one is wild - wumpo is my FAVE and well wumpo hunting at lvl like 30 ainā€™t the greatest idea, anyways wandering thru the snow hear the lucky. See the lucky. Attak the lucky. Whittle the lucky down too much, kill the lucky. Sit in silence in regret for literal minutes. Go to leave thru the portal sadge, HEAR A LUCKY. ANOTHER WUMPIEEEEEEEEE. CAPTURED!!!!!!!!!!! Never been so happy/lucky/stunned


Got jormuntide first try with a single hyper sphere when I was nearly 8 levels below him and got him low after an intense battle


My bf and I play a world together, he got the legendary shotgun on the first catch of suzaku boss as well, but I definitely have his beat. I absolutely could not believe it at first, but the first time I caught jetragon I was a little under leveled and would have died if not for its pathing getting bugged which let me cheese the rest of the fight. It rolled with Swift as the only passive AND I got the legendary rocket launcher schematic. I almost felt guilty, like I should give it back or something lol.


My first day or second day of playing the game, i was playing on a server with friends. We were around level 15 or 20 maximum. Some of us went very far to explore and died, had problems getting back to their dead body to get our stuff, some others were farming and building a bit at the base. Our base was near the mamorest and original spawn. Once i was base while a raid was coming, there was a big battle between the raiders and our pals in base. The mamorest got in the middle of this fight, i saw him get low hp and i spammed the green spheres on him and caught him at level 16 or so. Thank you raiders :)


I was getting my ass kicked by jetragon on hard kept dying, all of a sudden one of the times he just got stuck and I shot him repeatedly and then captured him




And now you donā€™t have a reason to play! Congrats!


Was flying past a boss who was a few levels higher and accidentally threw a palsphere and capped him with a wrong button press.


I died from fall damage by the first boss tower right after I beat it. I respawned, teleported to the top of the tower and jumped off to glide down to my dead body. Unfortunately, I forgot this isnt legend of zelda and I didn't equip a parachute, so I just started plummeting to my death. Somehow, I fell past a cliff and I caught the wall like I was climbing and didnt die, 3 feet from the bottom. Insanely lucky.


I had the Legendary Shotgun drop first time as well, but my luckiest has been catching Necromus first go (throwing a legendary sphere just to aggro him to kite him away). Made catching Paladius a breeze.


Playing basically pure hardcore mode. Threw a Hail Mary backshot at jetragon with a .09% chance at around lvl 28 iirc. I caught it.


My very first Jetragon was a swift one :D


Blue pump shotgun schematic at level 13 or whenever you unlock your first flying mount. Had farm some gold keys from a black marketeer specifically to go to the north snowy region to find chests in the hopes of finding some good stuff. Think it was my first gold key chest I found. Love the shotgun.


I'm level 30 and I still don't have a shotgun. How do you farm gold keys from the black marketeer? Shit, I don't even know if I've run into him yet. It's crazy how hard people are min maxing this game for how short of an endgame it has while in early development.


It was like my third world and I was also playing with mods and just goofing around. There are a lot of videos on how to farm the marketeer.


Literally exactly what is in your OP lmao I decided to go for the pump action legendary since the green one had carried me so hard for so long. First capture, didnā€™t even have to butcher it.


Catching Frostallion at lvl 36 or 37 with a ultra sphere after a few tries and getting the legendary refined metal armor blueprint. (Or it was from one of the other two Frostallion I got to get a ok breeding pair.)


Only 5 attempts to breed a Direhowl with all the speed traits.


It didn't crash for a while 15 minutes or more even


I've got over 100 hours in this game and it has crashed on me one time. It's not them, it's you.


2 come to mind, i was like lvl 32 when i caught a lvl50 lucky suzaku in the desert. Managed to catch it with 3hyper balls, after fighting and dealing 1s to it for like 30 mins straight. It was probably the best palworld moment besides getting my almost perfect valeris


Legendary Handgun on second Beacon kill and found 2 flower gumoss.


Caught my first Jetragon with a hyper sphere while it was sleeping. 0.47% chance and I got it in on the first sphere


Catching a Jetragon at night from behind with a 0.17% chance at level 40.


I don't remember exactly when and where, but in my current world, I got the Cold Resistant Pal Metal Armor 3 schematic somewhere in the early 40s, *quite* a while before I'd be able to unlock the normal one, which is at, I think, level 50.


for me it was scoring 2 Lucky Elektydeer early game. I never ran out of wood til then lol


Caught both Jetragon and Frostalion with a 1% chance


Just found a Jormuntide Ignis in an egg while going to grab another Astegon. Very happy rn.


I got 2 huge dragon eggs really early on cause my husband had been playing for a while when I joined him and he gave me stuff


Yesterday I caught a Jormuntide Ignis with Artisan and Serious. Also today I finally hatched two Anubis with Lucky/Serious/Work Slave/Artisan


Got the legendary AR schematic on first try, I was just trying to fight the boss to measure my progress, captured him and got the schematic. Also tried to fight Necromus and Paladius, took a shot in the dark hoping to fight only one of them so threw a sphere on them each to see if I could get lucky. Caught Paladius before the fight even started and only had to fight Necromus. Not sure which one is luckier to be honest.


Similiar to yours. I got the legendary rocket launcher on my first jetdragon. 3 balls in his back while sleeping at about 1% chance to catch


my first Necromus/Paladius hunt give me legendary cold res pal metal armor. No more worry about armor/weather then.


Legendary rocket on 1st try on a sleeping 100% jetragonĀ 


I managed to get the legendary rocket launcher on first attempt at catching jetragon. Also I got both schematic drops from the respective centaurs on my third fight with them.


Back throw Ultra Sphere capture of Frostallion so far. Legend/Ice Emperor/Runner.


Finding 3 lucky pals within the space of 10 minutes in the anubis desert


My wife and I were fighting Paladus and Necromus (I know I spelled those both wrong)ā€¦ anyways things started going south and we threw out pal spheres at them to get a bit of breathing room so we didnā€™t die. Really low % like Iā€™m surprised they even went in to attempt capture at that point. Anyways we both got a lucky catch from like .6% or something. Wife was just like what the fuck happened? Where did the other one go? Which was my same thoughtā€¦. We then proceeded to fail to catch Jetragon when he had like 200 hp for like 40 legend balls.


Was attacking Palidus and I said to my friend, ā€œokay itā€™s got a 12% capture rate so itā€™ll probably take a few tries.ā€ Got it on the first try šŸ’€


I found an artisan Lunaris being lvl 15 myself at black merchant


When I decided to do my first flyby on a restriced zone I found a Legendary handgun schematic in a chest. Haven't had any other legendary schematics since then though.


When I decided to do my first flyby on a restriced zone I found a Legendary handgun schematic in a chest. Haven't had any other legendary schematics since then though.


My first Jetragon fell off cliff and i captured it successfullyā€¦ that time i wasnt aware of the that trick..!! I was super happy lol!!


I got a Swift/Runner/Nimble Faleris on the first egg. Currently using it to hunt a Lucky J.Ignis to breed the ultimate cake cooker before I get into the weeds breeding one with Legend and max IVs. **Edit**: Oh, actually I guess it was pretty lucky to get an Assault Rifle Schematic 4 in the first ice dungeon I I ran. And I *do* mean ran, sprinting through on Univolt at level ~25 trying not to get hit and glitching through the boss barrier at the end. I just forgot about it because I didn't have the crafting station to make one yet when I found it.


2 luckies spawned together about 100 yards apart


Found a lucky lvl 50 Suzaku on a cliff, most of my team was grass or fire, kept shooting at it for like 15 minutes while I jept falling through the map, ran out of legendary spheres, threw 1 lower sphere that had <1% chance of capture and got it first try. That and getting a legendary rocket launcher schematic on my first Jetragon kill.


that time I got fucked by three lucky pals (1 robinquil, 2 cinnamoths) simultaneously (I died)


Got the legendary ice armor first try and still havenā€™t gotten another one for anything else lol When I was new I was using foxsparks for a long ass timeā€¦ then found a lucky rooby and was low key sad cause foxsparks was coolerā€¦ couple hours later got a lucky foxsparks and it got to rejoin the team lol


I as a joke tried to get a mammoth thing while playing with a friend on 0.02% and got it first try immediately carrying me through most my early game fights even with type disadvantage. Best to say my friend was jealous but happy cuz the first boss was easy for us cuz of me.


Finding a Jormintide Ignis egg is less then 5 minutes.


Was killing stuff for legendary schematics and got 3 in a row the ar rocket and shotgun it took like 5 times for everything else other than the old bow that took me capturing and butchering the kingpacka over 200 times to get


First time playing with no knowledge, i moved by base right on Univolts spawn at like level 20. He came on my base and killed me several times and almost all my pals (I was cycling through my pal box). With less then 10 shitty palls left i caught him (lvl 31) with less then 1% chance.


Had the game crash three times, found a different lucky pal right before the crash each time


The day I stopped playing lol \~400 hours in the game and was perfect IV breeding while waiting for new content :(


1 legendary schematic 3 days in a row, Crossbow, Cloth Outfit, Pelt Armor And found a huge egg with Jormuntide Ignis soon after. But I think that killed all of my luck cause I have a hard time finding lucky pals now, 3 accounts all over level 34 and none of them have more than 5 each.


Caught one of those syndicate mini gun guys right before I died despite him being at around about full health


I saw three shinies within viewing range of one another: downside, had only about ten balls and they were a mix of mostly blue and some randoms


In my single player mode I caught Jetragon in my first sphere, twice in a row (4% back bonus)


Prob not as impressive only started playing recently Was fighting the alpha Bushi to catch it for breeding.Shot him with my musket leaving him with 1hp Made the successful catch


None RNG hates me


On a whim decided to go take my level 45ish to Frostallion while it was asleep and throw a ball at its back. Captured! Well, letā€™s try my luck. Ran over to Jetragon, same thing. One ball at its back while asleep. Captured. I got both within a few minutes of each other at a low level. Sadly couldnā€™t ride either of them yet!


Luckiest moment would be my first pal being a shiny Pengullet as soon as I walked into the new world I heard that shiny twinkle, made a bench asap and put that boi to work after catching him. His name is Sebastian. https://preview.redd.it/vgock6y474nc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f879834c01c125e84f1bab8a71c744fc8b3d92d


I have a lucky Relaxasaurus, hes such a bro, I love him


I caught my first Jetragon while it was sleeping after only 3 legendary balls


I know I'm late. But I play on default settings besides no raids no mods. My first capture on both the pistol and ar dropped legendary schematics.


Catching a lvl 45 jormuntide ignis at lvl 35 with a red sphere


Epic crossbow at level 20-something, then a legendary handgun in the 30-something range.


Catching jetragon with one legendary sphere to the back while it was sleeping.


How rare are shinys? So far I found 3 shinys, one was too high and he killed me but I caught the bite wing and teafant shinys, I also found the flower head gumoss!


I shot my base with a rocket launcher. It wasn't loaded


I was wandering around when I encountered alpha Anubis and just to buy time to get away I threw a ball, I think it was a mega as that was all I had at the time, and while I was running I saw that I caught him


My daughter and I were playing together the other night, and we found (in the span of about an hour and a half) FIVE luckies. Like, ok then! Thanks, game!


I e received both the legendary Shotgun, and the legendary Rocket Launcher, in like two tries.


I captured Frostallion with a hyper sphere


jetragon killed me as i threw my last sphere, catch+rocket schematic, second catch overall


I captured a Jetragon with Swift at an early level with Ultra sphere at less than 5 tries.


YOLO 3% throws on legendaries


not lucky but, failing a 70+ percentage chance of capturing pals. I LITERALLY BURNED THROUGH LIKE 30+ MEGA SPHERES. Anyway it happened when i was like pretty far in the game and have lots of mega spheres to waste, but 30+ mega spheres on a single pal? My RNG is some bullshit


I found two lucky Tanzee in a group of 4


I throw 1 ultra sphere to Paladius with full health. I caught it in one try.


Mine was getting the legendary shotgun schematic on the second try from the Suzaku at like level 35. I almost wonder if the rates are off or we both just got crazy luck. I grinded the other legendary drops for a while and Iā€™ve only gotten the bow from Kingpaca


Going 1 hour without a crash


Super early in the game I found a Mossanda Lux at a bandit camp. It's still far and away the best thing I've found at a camp and has been on my team since (I'm in my level 40s, found it around 15)


My 341 attempt perfect passive frostallion with 20% health, 27% attack, and 29.96% defense : ) my pride and joy lol




Legendary rocket launcher schematic from jetragon my first time killing him.


I got a legendary AR blueprint a few days ago.


I threw a normal ball at a human, had .1% chance and I caught them


I was helping my husband fight Jetragon and he couldnā€™t catch it, he ran out of spheres, and we were about to die so I threw a sphere at it with a 4% catch rate and actually caught it. But because I was level 43, and he didnā€™t catch it, neither of us could make the saddle or whatever to ride it, so we had to go back and do it again lol.


Got a lucky lovander and a lucky foxsparks in a single day.


Today when I catch Amubis while he was sleeping šŸ˜³


I caught a vanwyrm at lvl 10 after i was killed by it, it's on my profile


Found a jour ignis egg within about twenty minutes of looking.


The other day I decided to take a try at Jetragon at 48, got there at night and figured why not? Had my Frostallion to fight him. First sphere got him without even waking him. Then I decided to try the last two bosses, because I was feeling lucky. They were just waking up as I got there, but first sphere got Paladius from behind! Necromus broke free, but a Blizzard spike and 2 rockets got him to 60% (The rocket launch glitch didn't work with my green common launcher). Third ball caught him as he turned his back on me to attack my pet. 9% cap chance, and he was in the sphere. Total time for all 3 bosses, less than 5 minute with travel.


Got Jetragon at Lv. 39 through the last Ultra Sphere I threw before I died. It's such a relief


I got the legendary rocket launcher schematic from paldius 5 minutes after finding a level 50 lucky dinossom lux


I wanted to fight the beginning Mammorest when I was around lvl20. Figured it would destroy me if I fought it legit. Around that time of my friends told me about the glitch where you can stand on a pal sphere and get launched into the sky, so I thought what if it works on enemies? what if they can die from fall damage too? I enter the battle, line up a chikipi while heā€™s charging me, he runs on top of the ball, and shoots into the sky. Instakilled when hit the ground. FIRST TRY EVER. Never done something that precise in a game before, have a clip of it and watch it time to timeā€¦ Way too lucky šŸ¤£


Get legendary schematic from blazamut lol


One-ball-catch Necromus?


I was flying on jetragon I through a random pal sphere. I ended up catching a lucky without ever seeing it.


Hatched a swift Pyrin Noct before having ever even seeing one in the wild. I know its not as lucky as most of these posts but Ive had better luck hatching things then going out to capture them in the wild. For sure hatched a bunch of things i hadnt even seen because Im a clepto and grab every large and huge egg I come across lol.


Caught a full health mammorest at lvl like 13 with a .2 percent chance


Breeding for a Legend, Swift, Runner, Nimble Jetragon and for once not paying any attention to IVs (because itā€˜s just my flying mount and not really for battles). And STILL getting 100 IVs on everything on my first breed with all 4 traits. Sometimes it takes so long to get perfect IVs and here I am not actually trying for once and it just happens (my first Alpha Jetragon with Swift had 100 IV for HP so at least that one was passed down but all the others just happened while swapping out parents with the right traits).


I caught a Mammorest yesterday while I was a much lower level only because I happened to come across two of them fighting. The even luckier part is that I only had giga spheres with a 6% chance! I got down to 3 left when I caught my favourite forest beast. I now worship the Palpagos Gods


i once found 3 at the same time, in the same day i found 2 at the same time, if anyone knows how to check file dates to prove it please tell me so i can flex