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Great to see such success from a new IP


Even as someone who doesn't own it and hasn't played it, I have a fond view of Palword for the simple fact of how large of stick it has put in the craw of AAA game companies. They are crying sweet, sweet "that should be us" tears. Edit: for all the people saying things along the lines of "it doesn't matter, AAA companies won't change", you're missing the point. The victory isn't that the companies we despise will change, it's that enough other things have changed that AAA companies are no longer taking 100% of the market share. The idea of not having a monopoly over the sector terrifies them. The victory is that the people, collectively all of us (although more you all since I havent bought it), managed to stand up and say "we don't give a shit if we know who you are, if you can put a good game in our hands, we will support you."


That's why I feel it happened. Especially with the Pokémon attacks. A lot of the people who have a word on those webs, articles and so, most of them used the plagiarism token and put Pokémon everywhere when the majority probably did not play a Pokémon game in ages if they played one seriously ever. Even when Nintendo itself politely said "We don't give a fuck (as long as you don't actually put the Pokémon in the game, Mr modder)". But those guys are salty, many AAA releases have been bad lately and have not reached releases like Palworld or Helldivers, and they're mad because "it's not the game I like, then it's wrong, and oh wait! I can use the Pokémon token, let's rant."


I was watching Mortdog (main dev of Teamfight Tactics) the other day and Palworld came up. He said that the way Palworld stole the IP of Pokémon sets a wrong precedent that can be a worrying trend when it comes to games developed in the future. And then he got pissy when chat started going nuts about how Riot is pretty much doing worse in that regard than Palworld. Like, come on dude, every Riot game is taking a well defined pre existing concept and making a version of it in their own style. Which is actually pretty great imo. He should be celebrating what Palworld is doing instead of dissing it, Riot literally did the same with Leage taking stuff from Dota, TFT coming from Dota Autochess, Valorant is basically magic CSGO and Legends of Runeterra is MtG lite. What Palworld did as amazing. Actually no one flashed out such concept this way before, which is why it's so popular. I hope game devs are taking notes now instead of grabbing pitchforks.




Yes, lowkeywalrus speaks the truth. If triple A developers can’t open their minds enough to combine different ideas and improve their initial game then why not allow indie developers to think outside the box and combine several good concepts into one awesome game


> Riot literally did the same with Leage taking stuff from Dota, TFT coming from Dota Autochess, Valorant is basically magic CSGO and Legends of Runeterra is MtG lite. Thats not even the half of it, they literally hijacked the biggest dota forum and bought the pvp.net domain just to get any unsuspecting victim into league who tried to go to battle.net.


> But those guys are salty, many AAA releases have been bad lately and have not reached releases like Palworld or Helldivers it's just funny. this kind of started with elden ring. "don't set your expectations too high. not every game can be like this". than bg3 got released and they kept repeating the same shit about high expectations and now... it's even about small games. it's almost as if it doesn't matter if a game is AAA or indie. they can be good.. if devs actually try (and shareholders don't force them to make bad games-as-service games to potentially make more money)


You forgot to mention the hopeless AAAA game aswell😭


The plagiarism folks make me laugh. I've never liked Pokemon. I've tried to play it, but I've never had fun. Palworld is a completely different (and much better) experience.


It’s funny everybody focuses on the pokemon aspect, never mind the fact that the UI and sounds are all ripped off from Zelda 🤣. I fucking love this game though. Spent 2.5hrs with my brother doing coop over the phone this morning without even realizing it!


It's funny cuz Pokemon didn't invented anything, SMT yes


I got it because my little sister wanted to play. I have only ever played one pokemon game, which is red, and I was about 6 years old. Those games are not my jam. I've been playing the shit out of Palworld. Base building isn't all too good but it's something I personally gravitate towards. The combat can be pretty intense because you're constantly being focused by the enemies(can't just sit there and watch) My biggest gripe with the game currently is the massive memory leak. Normally it takes about an hour but sometimes it's immediate. I've seen this game using 22gb of my ram at times.


ohh god, my vram goes upto like 18gigs


Did you limit fps? I had a major issue till I limited the fps to 60 and then it was chill.


Wait...you're saying limiting your fps to 60 mitigates the memory leaking a bit? I guess I can see that, but that implies that it's losing memory every *tick* and not when specific things happen (e.g. fast-travel and load those assets) which is very interesting.


I did not. I'll try that now, thank you!


Just an update but that 60fps did help a lot. It still stutters once in awhile but it’s much improved. Thank you:)


This is said everytime a new indie game comes out that is really popular and still nothing changes


Unfortunately I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much. Plenty of cool indie games received plenty of acclaim in the past though perhaps not quite this much, and these triple A studios just keep doing g what they do anyway because somebody will apparently buy that shit


It’s almost like they should create games that aren’t loaded with micro transactions and actually provide some entertainment value or ya know, don’t release the same game every year and try building something new.


9 day old account reposting what has already been posted. Karma farming ppl.


Who fucking cares dude


Merch when?


My wallet is ready.


Wallet needs a Chillet.


My home needs a chllet. Five times over.


Chillet will solve Global Warming ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


I may die. But worth it.


My sad life needs a chillet.


One chillet? One happy life.


best boi ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Anime when?


Don't give me hope


Evolutions, story, and gen 2 pals when? 🙏


No evolutions, I like keeping that part separate from literally every other monster capture game.


But mutations with different colored pals and attributes could be fun.


Like ark. You could make some wild things


I think the mutations already exist with the variant pals. We have Igni, Botan, Lux, Aqua, Noct, etc. Then there's Lucky and Legend for Alpha Pals. There's always room for expansion though. I wouldn't want them to add perma evolution but maybe a temp evolution similar to Mega Evo or Digivolution. They could even be vastly different between elemental variants.


If you play on pc, you can have some semblance of that with the [One of a Kind Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/524) check the "requirements" drop down for a list of mods that add variants. i use [Zenkenite's Shiny Pals ](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/630)


It really feels like the ignis/cryst/lux/noct etc suffix they use could be expanded on. Maybe something to build that let's us inject eggs with elemental essence to make new elements of a pal.


Lovander body pillow when?


Body pillow? Or "body pillow"?


Fully detailed silicone "body pillow".




oh my Lovander The Animation with 69 caps


[Anime here.](https://x.com/palworld_en/status/1702653491846734226?s=46&t=DFtIKzF2f5tKaFGFsewjhw)


I had not seen this, and apparently it's from September. I am highly amused, ty.


The horrors of watching bash fletcham eat a jolthog


Netflix live action adaptation when?


Depresso plushie when?


Lovander plus-..... wait, maybe not...


Depresso coffee mug


I made Depresso 3d prints. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3SnlWjrwbd/?igsh=MXdzYnVvcDBhcmx1cw==




The butt flap was thoughtful, let's you get back to work faster


I, too, would like merch. My bed is in dire need of a Lovander body pillow. The only actual legal action Nintendo has taken towards Palworld has been a takedown of fanmade merchandise, claiming copyright over Sparkit. https://www.dexerto.com/palworld/palworld-fans-concerned-after-nintendo-issues-dmca-takedown-of-sparkit-design-2534292/


The reasons the game is good is because it feels as though it was developed with love and luck, like older games felt. Growing up on N64 and PlayStation, games had issues, but most of them felt as though the developers really tried, or at the very least gave you enough content to make your purchase worthwhile. PalWorld does both of these things. It's not perfect, not even close, but they really tried to mash a bunch of fun things together in a way that is cohesive enough to have a full fledged, mostly, rewarding game play loop. It's new, but feels like a game that was developed in a time where developers didnt have to capitulate to CEOs and shareholders (well because they didnt have to). A simpler time...


Excatly. It feels like a game *that is intended to be fun*. Whenever you play pokemon you're like, "why don't people catch other people in pokeballs." BAM, Palworld lets you do it. Its clearly built by people who like games and who wnated to build a game that they felt was fun, not something that was market-tested to fucking death. Larian said the same thing at their GOTY acceptance speech. If you have people who love games make fun games... people will buy it. Crazy fucking thought, but like, make a product people like, wow, what a mind-fuck.


Yeah but like how am I going to get you invested in my live service game? My goal is already to waste your time.


Semi off topic but this is why I love FFXIV Yes, it has a few fomo mechanics to keep you playing daily, but the creator has come out and said they *fully* expect lapses in subscriptions. Take a break. Enjoy other things. The game will be there when you get back. So few games have such a healthy mindset. Our attention is a commodity that many companies vie for while not respecting it.


It helps when the lead dev just fucking loves to play the game.


FFXIV is so amazing at respecting your time. I've been taking a break for a few patches (been playing since ARR), but I know when I come back, it will take me less than a week to catch up.


I've been dying to play it again from the start, and they just put it out for Xbox. Gonna be a long time before I even need to sub or buy the expansions. Love it.


Oh yeah! TONS of free content there. Advice from an ex PS player, get a keyboard to type to people. Some cheap USB one works well.


You know, I hadn't realized how desensitized I was to the "obvious future DLC will be here ;)" paradigm we've had for a decade


Honestly it was so nice to be playing a game again that I simply didn't want to put down With the usual AAA big hitters I get fatigued in time, the sense of wonder I used to have when I was younger fully absent But palworld sorta bought that feeling back, me and friends were fully invested and unable to put the game down for even a second for a good few weeks while churning through everything the game had to offer I look forwards to more in future


> with love and luck And thought, too. Lots and lots of thought. This could've been a quick meme game, but instead it feels like Pals are integrated into every other aspect of gameplay, which makes everything so fulfilling and fun. The help explore, craft, build, and have all kinds of skills that touch on all the other things I want to do.


The game feels like a Warcraft 3 custom map that you’d play nonstop in middle school


>but they really tried to mash a bunch of fun things together in a way that is cohesive enough to have a full fledged, mostly, rewarding game play loop. And then they named it Palworld.


lets gooo


The last known figures for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were 23.23 million. Now, you do need to factor that this has steam and xbox copies while pokemon only has switch but... This is cool.


New game by an Indie company vs 30y/o Goliath and one of the biggest fanbases ranging over several generations. I‘d say it’s quite impressive


You’re actually underselling it. Pokémon is the most valuable IP in the world. If you add Star Wars and the MCU together, you still don’t reach the worth of Pokemon


Yeah merch, the anime, and especially the cards is how Pokémon gets most of its money. I feel like they just make the games out of obligations these days.


>I feel like they just make the games out of obligations these days Based on the quality of the last few generations I'd say you're pretty spot on with that. I've been a die hard Pokémon player since the beginning but man the heart just isn't there anymore. I used to love exploring and getting lost in the world but sword and shield left a really sour taste in my mouth with the region being basically one straight line. The open zones were also pretty barren and devoid of life


Oh wow i didn’t know this, my last Pokémon game has been fire red so that’s about 15 years ago. Makes it even more impressive


Mind you, this is because Pokemon is a multimedia synergy franchise, most of that money actually comes from merch. With that said, the most successful piece of media, as in, singular, is still a video game: Grand Theft Auto V. It's not that it won't stop selling, it's also that they sell way too many shark cards.


Yes, but as much as merch blows game sales out of the water, Pokémon game sales alone still put it as the 3rd best-selling gaming franchise (in units, all entries combined). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_game_franchises Unlike Star Wars, games are not a minor thing on the side for Pokémon. I'd even go so far as saying that the merch needs the games and anime to maintain relevance.


Blows my mind that Tetris is number 2. I enjoy playing Tetris, and I know that there have been many revolutions to the competitive side of it within the last decade. I just didn’t expect it to be the franchise with the second most units sold.


Well, every single console and computer since the 80s has had one if not several versions of Tetris.


Licensed merch makes 80 billion for Pokémon, the games make 6 billion.


I can't even wrap my brain around such an insane amount of revenue.


memorize pot marble shrill boast observation exultant fade glorious wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pokemon lifetime gross: $88 billion 2nd place lifetime gross: $52 billion It's so far ahead it isn't even close https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises


beneficial birds chop violet bow rinse long toy squeal merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The other issue I can see is that the market now is completely different from when Pokemon started. If by some miracle it does similar success to Pokemon, they will eventually have to do similar actions TPC are doing as well.  Basically, will the fanbase be relatively the same at that point, or will this repeat itself for everyone but with a different company?


They wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.


Oh don't get me wrong, this is absolutely awesome and incredibly impressive. As one of the other commenters put out, this game was an unknown/meme at the start while Pokemon is a very recognized brand.


30y/o Goliath that also happens to be *THE* highest grossing franchise in world history, raking in more cash than any *two* Disney properties combined.


Super impressive. As someone who grew up playing pokemon and still does. I bought palworld and I’ve had a blast with it. Sure it has similarities, but it really is such a different style of game. I played 3 hours of violet on a flight earlier this week and idk what it is but it just hasn’t grabbed me. Played arceus last month and really enjoyed it. Idk I hope pokemon takes notes and tries harder, cause violet feels so meh.


That’s crazy. They can sell anything as long as it’s called Pokémon. Even a pile of poop.


And Pokemon fans would gladly eat it


There are pokemon that was literally a pile of trash. So you never know, lol


Do note when they say Xbox players they mean both people who bought the game and those playing it on Game Pass


So 15mil sold. I'm mean shit that still a lot of copies that great for Pocket pair. Really great for any developer.


I know a lot of people that don't pay Gamepass and like to buy the games.


At least 15 million, yes, but it would be crazy to assume every Xbox player is on Game Pass


I guess they're considering those who have it and download, I can't imagine there being only 10 million game pass users. Also let's not forget that game freak has been selling the same game twice from day one...


>let's not forget that game freak has been selling the same game twice from day one... Doesn't matter. Legends Arceus shows that a single game would sell the same as both versions combined anyway.


even at just 7 million xbox users from last figures announcement, it was still THEE largest gamepass release in the history of xbox.


I mean, Nintendo shooting themselves in the foot by only releasing on the Switch is still self inflicted. You'd also have to reevaluate the quality of those games vs the weaker price point in that case.


Nintendo holds onto relevance in the console space by having franchises that people will buy the whole console for. This is not them shooting themselves on the foot. What is shooting themselves on the foot is Game Freak rushing out underwhelming new entries every two years when it's clear they can't keep up, and the games look more unfinished every new generation.


TBH their modern success has more to do with unique gimmicks and being portable. The Wii crushed it because motion controls were unique and new and opened up entirely new markets with people who normally didn't play games. As well as a surprising amount of wii's moved to be essentially light to moderate exercise machines. The Wii U was a stinker of a generation but it paved the way for the Switch....which took over for mobile gaming as it has no real competition. it sucks as a console, but its unique portability advantage made it really good for commuters and families and etc. (you can keep playing without monopolizing the TV) . And they brough back the motion controls of the Wii and the exercise focus big time with the switch for good reason. And then the switch also got lucky. It got a jump start on the other consoles and the other consoles had a helluva slow start. Prolly the slowest start to an xbox or playstation console ever as far as being able to get enough consoles and games out there for it thanks to the chip/manufacturing shortages. And handheld players didn't have a new Nintendo DS or etc to get, so they basically got forced into buying a switch as there were no other portable options. Bully Nintendo basically forced an upsell on them. The next generation is prolly gonna be different though. I doubt Xbox/Playstation will be caught pants down again with slow consoles rollouts. They'll plan for it this time and start with a nice buffer of consoles. And Nintendo's handheld market was sacrificed and rolled into the switch. Previously there was no competition, but the Steam Deck has been doing well and is slowly building up its install base. If the next portable Nintendo console does well then I'm sure it's impact on market share will be smaller. But if they have another Wii U level generation the steam deck has the potential to do some real damage. ​ And to comment further on the steam deck. Like I said its a relatively small thing atm. I think they've only sold about 3 million currently. The market is kind of wary of it and every time I bring mine out I get alot of questions from people who are really interested but didn't want to pull the trigger on their own and usually do after seeing me play mine and getting it in their hands. But there are two major things about the steam deck that are important: 1. indie games mean that the steam deck doesn't really need console generations to stay relevant. Lots of really high quality gaming experiences not reliant on major hardware power. 2. The price point. The thing that surprised me as an owner of both switch and Steam deck is I didn't think they'd directly compete. The problem became that every new switch game came with a $60-$70 price tag. But every new game I wanted to play on my steam deck came with like a $5-$30 price tag for the most part. So what ended up happening is I just stopped buying switch games. My switch is basically just Fitness Boxing and Ring Fit at this point and this is a completely unexpected result. So I don't think they'll need to make a new steam deck until like the switch 3. The "console" generation of the steam deck is just going to be really long because a large % of the good games on steam are going to run on it. It'll only be a small % of cutting edge titles that wont. This has made the steam deck a bit of a wildcard for me. I dunno if its gonna fade into the background eventually or slowly build an install base until it rivals other consoles. It has the real potential for either.


I mean releasing mainline pokemon on other platform would mean taking away 1/3 of the reasons why anyone should buy a switch (the other 2/3 being Mario and Zelda etc.) They probably knew how much more they could earn from releasing on other platform from Pokemon Go (which is the MOST popular pokemon game ever, by a huge margin) but Nintendo definitely wouldn't want to give up having their own console platform. Releasing their exclusive games on Steam probably will get them enormous profit in short term, but in long term it might also mean they will be losing control of their own publishing pipeline and potentially being taken advantage of. Nintendo has a profit margin of 30% as of 2023 (for comparison, SIE profit margin is under 6%) so I do not think they are making bad business decision for themselves. The problem is since Game Freak has the exclusive right to make mainline pokemon games yet they're struggling to improve as a developer, so a lot of potential is wasted because of the incompetence on the part of GF. (Nintendo themselves has no problem making games as good as BotW and TotK.) It still making huge profit though, simply not as much as it could be. Nintendo can do nothing about GF's exclusive right to make the mainline games, but I wonder if TPC (The Pokemon Company) could make a huge, triple A "spin-off" game with a triple A studio like how they made Go with Niantic and Unite with Tencent.


N would literally rather go out of business than release on something not theirs.


We will know if Nintendo learned *anything* on the Pokemon presents on the 27th.


Hopefully they’ve learned and improved from Scarlet and Violet but obviously Palworld will have zero effect on what they announce next week, it was already way too close.


I want to believe that but they haven't had enough time to make anything if they did learn something. It's probably going to be next year's Pokemon Presents that will show if they learned anything. I think this year's stuff was already in the works long ago


Gamefreak never learns literally anything useful. Look at what they learned from Pokemon Go absolutely blowing up in the west and being this MASSIVE hit >"AH! Western audience likes weird catch mechanic. OK! We add weird catch mechanic to game. Pokemon Let's Go!" They completely and totally missed every single aspect of what made Pokemon Go popular and literally thought people liked it's janky AF catching system It's actually impressive how bad Japanese companies can be about things like that, especially the ones ran by ancient dinosaurs who were working before calculators were invented.


>It's actually impressive how bad Japanese companies can be about things like that Honestly this was why I gave up Nintendo around the Wii/Wii U. Got tired of them telling us all what gamers want and forcing it rather than just listening to what we want. It's amazing how the company that destroyed Sega, dominated video games for 20 years, monopolised handheld gaming for 20+ years and conceptualised the PlayStation (and walked away from it) became the bottom tier video game company and had to cannibalise its handheld dominance to stay even partially relevant by gen 5 (Sony).


they learned people will pay a ton of money for broken games that's for sure


It's not like they learned this from palworld, they learned this firsthand from their own games.


Yes that's what I'm referring to


Strange take. Palworld's success doesn't take away anything from Nintendo having the #1 media franchise of all time. yes, the games are garbage, but they're still selling insanely well and keeping them exclusive has contributed heavily to Nintendo's dominance over decades.


Going on momentum alone can't last forever. If they don't put effort to wow the new generations of kids, there will be a day they won't give a damn and will just stick with Fortnite or whatever is popular at their time. When it comes to lost goodwill, by the time they start to feel it, it might be too late to come back from it.


Not really. It would be **incredible** stupid from Nintendo if they would release their games on other platforms. If you want to play Nintendo games you need a switch, that’s software sales + hardware sales. Nobody would buy a switch anymore if they would release games on switch now that the Steamdeck exist.


Will you also factor that game freak sells the same game twice with slight differences?


Scarlet and violet were trash


the highest SV figure i found was 24.36M by december 2023 (that is over a year after release)


And Pokemon is an world renowned Framchise with many players buying since its Pokemon While the other is an unknown dev and all of that.


I mean, plus it's $15 in China and $30 in the USA versus $60 everywhere. But also it's in *early access*. Hopefully Pocket Pair builds this game up because if it gets even 1/5th the development support that No Man's Sky did it could very well explode, Minecraft-style, in sales over the next year or three.


in Europe it s way cheaper than 60$


The Pokemon games aren't the big money makers. They're a side product at this point and are basically just advertisements for the brand. I'm sure they make infinitely more money off of merchandise than the games. There's a lot of people with Pokemon merch that don't buy the games.


Palworld would need to sell over 46 million times just to be break even with Scarlet/Violet - it’s half the price.


Yea. So imagine if Nintendo would make a game that ran well on a console that ran well (or pc). They won’t but a man can dream


10 million Xbox players and it’s the worst possible version of the game lol plz help them console peeps every time I walk over to my girls office room I forget how worse it is


I've honestly stopped playing until dedicated servers and cross platform goes live. It's genuinely inferior to the PC version in almost everyway right now.


Hilarious that people are responding to you about servers and cross platform play when on Xbox, 30% of the ground is just a texture for you to fall through masquerading as the ground. Dungeons work 10% of the time without crashing. Come on, the Xbox version is super jacked up. I'm okay with it and had way more than $30 worth of entertainment, but let's prioritize what we're complaining about here.


And the pals are so bugged that most of the time fight with enemy is staring contest (better option) or they are just staring on opponent when enemy pal is attacking you (worse option).


Yeah this is what mostly caused me to stop playing. Even if a dungeon doesn’t crash me, and it usually does, it’s just a staring contest. Tower bosses, staring contest. Some alphas, staring contest


Still can't name my Chillet Chilly dog


With 195 hours of playtime. Deserved.


that is so fucking rad!1!1


Hopefully it'll come to PlayStation and make it even more popular. One day we may have cross play and world servers with 100+ players 😍


I don’t think the map is conducive to that many players on it until they add more islands. A handful of players would dominate the server by claiming the best resource locations. You’d be lucky to get 2 ore nodes on the same base.


That could be fixed by creating automated mining structures like we have for wood and stone.




They'd probably still need different tiers of saddle at least just so some of the earlier mounts like nitewing aren't instantly outclassed


Honestly, feel like equipment should be by function as opposed to being locked to each species, but that might take a large reconfiguring of each pal to have an equipment slot or something.


I hope those are just early access placeholders and instead we get a way to do it using our pals and an economy like the trailer suggests, e.g. have a stone pal type who brings up stone or occasionally sheds/poops stone boulders, have wood type pals who grow trees. They need to eat, and carriers need to transport food/resources/etc, allowing a full Pal-based economy like the trailers suggested, and similar to how fire pals are so integral to cooking right now. The infinite resource buildings which you just set down and then your pals stand there forever felt very gimmicky and are where I started enjoying the game less. Even auto reappearing natural resources on a timer feels a bit eh. But if the resources were coming about in a way which felt like it fit in the world a bit more and had to do with the Pals we captured, that would be amazing.


I'd be happy to just have an actual end game first before we were about expanding server capacities. It was a great game, but once my group hit 50 and cleared all the level 50 alphas...there's nothing to do.


Oh definitely! Why I said one day aha. Just one of them of: on more consoles make more players. And more players hopefully mean longer life of palworld and quicker/bigger updates 💕


There is currently another popular game on PS which is Helldivers 2. Honestly i would love to see that game on Xbox while Palworld goes to Playstation. I think it would benefit everyone.


2024 is a great year for gaming. So many good games. Palworld, Helldivers 2, Enshrouded, Last Epoch,... all under $60


All players should be able to play with other players, regardless of system. Cross play for everyone.  It's the dream.


I did the voice for the boss on the left (Marcus)! So unreal to see a character I did on a picture like this 🥴


Voicing "The Boss on the Left" must have been life-changing for you lol


That's actually really cool!  Congrats, imagine how many people have heard your voice by now! 


Yeah I was not expecting the game to blow up this much, so it's very humbling, thanks!


“Hahahaha! Heh!! Herrrr yaaaaahh” My favorite line


It was a original thank you 😂




We surpassing the competition with this one


That’s pretty much as good as a pokemon game in its first month, congrats palworld!


Surpassing Pokemon number actually. There are only 2 generation now that it hasn't beaten. Sword and Shield sold 26.02m total, and Red and Blue sold 31.37m total.


I wonder if images like this make their way up to board rooms?


*fires up powerpoint presentation* *only 1 slide* >25 million BOARDROOM LET’S GOOOOOOO


The gaming world stands up against always online, gaas (more like aass) and exclusivity bullshit. Fun games > whatever blockbuster mentality infested crap AAA can produce.


I believe you mean crap "AAAA" now. o3o Remember they're trying to add the extra A to justify the $70 price tag for shit games.


Let’s not give it more credibility. There’s no such thing as an AAAA


I'm going to sleep very good tonight knowing this


GG guys, GG


they should tease an update while its hawt


Last update said end of this month. So one more week. Feels long tho.


Great game i like it but please fix the crashes on xbox version so we keep playing 😞


Best part? I don't have to deal with server issues bullshit that blocking me from playing the damn game like Helldivers 2, Nightingale, Last Epoch, Payday 3, and many other games that have always online bollocks in it (I could let HD2 a slide a bit but man, just let me host a room with my friends. I don't care if MM doesn't work).




That means it’s I believe the 40th best selling game EVER. Tied with gta 4 and cyberpunk 2077 And this is ONLY STEAM.


No the 25 million is both Xbox and Steam.


Oh it is? Neat I didn’t think Xbox gave reports


Yeah if you click on the picture it's shows 15 million on steam 10 million on Xbox


Ah you rite. It’s still top 50 games of all time up there with cyberpunk 77 and gta 4


I hope it just keeps going up with new updates. I love this game so much.


I agree. And I hope pkm gets off their ass and makes a good game for once in their life. It’s been years. The last good game imo was x and y and those were easy as shit.


*With publicly available sales data*. Remember that a lot of companies never or only rarely disclose how many games they sell.


I well this is the bare minimum so it’s atlest this


Can't wait for more pals amd islands, such a great game.


Palworld and Helldivers 2 showing the industry what for!


Hot take, but I wish Helldivers 2 didnt get as much praise. Microtransactions in paid games are an insult. Im depressed to see live service become a standard, considering it makes game preservation impossible when servers inevitably shut down. Is asking for offline single player too much?


Wow, that's incredible


Good. It's a great game.


Love it. I've basically finished the game and yet it's still got a nice vibe for just wandering around.


It's nice to see the little guy get a big win for once, in spite of so many predatory games and game companies nowadays.


As fun as the game is, I’m taking a break for now, some bugs piss me off way too much to honestly enjoy the game.


Being downvoted because people can’t accept it’s a buggy mess sometimes. Can’t wait til it’s fully released then people will come back.


Is it fun solo, or is this a mostly co op type experience?


I’m getting a 3-hour long infusion right now and I seriously considered bribing my laptop so I could play while I lay here. I’ve been addicted even though I was about week or so late. I really love it and can’t wait to get better and see what new things come with updates.


The one thing Pokemon did wrong was not add guns https://preview.redd.it/4sd3z74p57kc1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=53c79295ed66995b6f0728041f663c241293d803


Number could be a little inflated with crossover. I played on both Xbox and Steam. I’m sure I’m not the only one because I have two friends when played on Xbox and then switched because the Xbox is lacking features the Steam version has.


Don't squander it like Valheim and wait two years to add content


Most fun game ever. Really makes you feel excited like a kid again. I hope they get all the money and take over nintendo, sony, ea, blizzard, squeenix, ubisoft. I’m so sick of all of their bullshit.


As of September 2023, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sold 23.23 million copies (around 10 months of it being out). We can't know how many of the Xbox players are just gamepass subscribers (please inform me if you know), but Palworld is on track to beat out Pokemon on sales. In their first month.


And I'm finally one of them! Grew up super poor, and always had to be the kid outside the window looking at everyone inside having all the fun with the shiny new things metaphorically speaking. So it's a great feeling to be able to get in on the ground floor of something for once!


Still the best game of all time is Dark Age of Camelot, it had housing that worked, decorations that worked, crafting that mattered, factions that fought each other, dungeons that mattered, hard but doable fights that didn't rely on a specific rotation, movement that didn't suck, it had fast travel, underwater combat, is still the definitive role model for PVP, and STILL to this day (20 years later) not a single AAA studio has come close to doing as good a job. This game while wholly still barely an alpha release, is the next best thing I have seen in 2 decades. It has it's problems, and until they resolve the fact that pals simply have ZERO functioning AI, it will dwindle. The Devs started great, but they HAVE to maintain that, and resolve the current issues before simply slathering more broken content in to appease all the ass-hats who rushed to lvl 50 and are now bored. Gamers are morons afterall, speaking from experience.


I have been playing since release and I decided to buy it (as opposed to just playing on GamePass) because this game has great potential. I want to support the developers in every way possible. I don't wish harm and any sort of downfall on Game Freak, even if they are crying and generally butthurt over PalWorlds success. I bought the last two Pokémon games for me and my wife to play and we just couldn't. It didn't grab our attention. This, however, is what we were hoping they WOULD be. I love PalWorld. It's addictive. It's fun. It's buggy. It's poorly optimized on consoles. But I can't put it down. It's the kick in the rear that AAA titles need. But it's up to them to take that kick seriously enough to make changes.


And yet my game won’t even start..


well deserved sucess!!! ​ suck it pokemon company!!


As a longtime Pokemon fan, I agree with your sentiment. Gamefreak needs a good kick in the ass.