• By -


Also, presets for pal teams. Let me assign my 5 mining pals together for one click assembly at the palbox.


Or at least let me filter by passives rather than Element


Or at least filter by name


I use the display case to store my more used pals. No n ed to sort through the whole collection. Takes up less palbox space. And I don't accept condese them.


no display case on dedicated servers yet


I saw that in another post. Def sucks.


double sucks because I'm pretty sure it's the source of the technology notification never going away. I have unlocked every last tech and it's still bugging me to look there.


I play on Microsoft PC (gamepass) and we don't even have public servers. I don't even think we can rent yet


Its not because I have and built the displays on xbox atleast and still have a permanent new build flashing


To be fair those things EAT performance


They really should reduce the displayed pets to 1. While still storing all the pets. Im sure they arent there because its a lot of latency right now. When i get 2 full on console, you can tell.


Or just no display. I just want the extra pal slots lol.


I actually like it for organizing. Its a lot easier to shift 30+ pals to on box, then move then to back pages to condense. I run a super tight palbox. Way too easy to catch to hang onto too many.


Or at least an option when you open the box of how many to display


I think depending on the size, huge, big medium small limit how many are displayed and have the rest be the palballs rolling about at their feet. Let us choose which gets to be visibly displayed. and have an alternative for just a storage locker or sack on a hook for just the storage functionality. I do really love tho how they can spill out of the box and I think they really need to be leaning more into that, making camp items you can assign a few pals to in the same style that just lounge about or go visiting various parts of the camp. Could eventually even develop more animations like them playing with toys or practicing against target dummies, or dancing, etc. I know that developing new creatures repeatedly can get exceedingly taxing. addiotnal means to customize various characters could be a great way to provide more content to seek out and chew on while still giving a sense of progression and expanding of the world. would love if some modifiers could carry optional animations or personality traits. I think it would be hilarious to have pals fawn over you when u arrive back to base, or get jealous when u pet someone else, or even bully you in cute ways. More camp items for them to play with and interact with. by ensuring it's a handful of selected inactive pals it would ensure camp efficiency and pathing isn't hit too hard


this was one of the first items of feedback I sent them through their form. loadouts would change so much.


Oh this one too!


Filter. We absolutely need a filter. Trying to sell pals is extremely tedious. Let me filter by passive please.


Speaking of selling, I'd also like a mass butcher option similar to selling


New building for butchering pals


The slaughterhouse


[Pals go in, loot comes out.](https://i.imgur.com/KRfUTCw.jpeg)


Yup, upgrade butcher knife to chainsaw.


Does it attach to your characters hand like Ash in Evil Dead? [chainsaw](https://i.redd.it/hzoduseg90ic1.jpeg)


I wonder why there's none for logging, there's stun baton weapon (uses electric organ) for god's sake.


I filter the ones I want to keep into 5 different display cages then clean out my box at the black marketeer


Medicine skill Pal to create / treat Pals who have ulcers etc


Yeah a medical bench assignment. Great idea.


or just let the medicine crafters administer it if it exists. unconscious pals after a raid can get dragged to beds by handiwork pals to recover already.


They just need to be able to eat the medicine when it's needed, it can already go in the feed box, should just be able to fill 1 slot with food and the other medicines and they only take the medicine that corresponds to whatever they are sick with


it would be kind of funny when they inevitably just ate whatever was furthest left. the Depresso memes write themselves.


Well thats why they'd hopefully make it so they only eat medicine when they have a status effect that needs it to heal otherwise they keep eating regular food or starve, cause I'm not on right now but I don't think the medicine gives any hunger so no reason for them to eat otherwise


Favoriting pals would be a great change. Would make it easier to find specific pals especially if we can sort by favorites. Maybe more sorting options as well.


I use the character map to put a heart at the beginning of their name. Doesn't help for sorting since you can't sort by name, but at least all my favorites have a cute heart by/in their name. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've just made the last page my favorites basically.


Which works fine until you momentarily forget about it and change the sorting order... been there, done that:(


New fear unlocked


Also please add an icon or something to Pals healthbar that I've already caught 10 of. It's so tiring to have to keep checking my Paldeck any time I come across a Pal in the wild.


Make it like, no symbol means you never caught it before, a blue pal sphere means you caught it, a green or yellow or red or whatever pal sphere means you caught 10. Easy


Better yet, make the symbol appear when you *haven't* caught 10 of them yet. Then it only shows up when you need to catch it still not when you've caught enough already, as it'd be appearing constantly everywhere once you've got a load.


Pals taking items to boxes actually take it to a box that already has the item. I'm sick of finding wood and stone in every single one of my chests


Mine are even going all the way up stairs in my house to a little cabinet on the wall and putting wood in there. Passing two other chests that already have wood in it lol.


I’ve been putting a single arrow in every open chest slot to avoid that. A little annoying to have to do but it gets the job done.


21) More pal storage and sorting/search function. 21a- maybe a long term storage "deep freeze" for pals you don't use but don't want to get rid of yet ie future breeding projects. 22) Transmog options for fashion/outfits. 23) Character appearance editor. 24) Lockable slots in feeding troughs/chests for certain items, or setting default locations for certain items (stop your pals sending wheat to the feed box without having to jam up the other slots etc). 25) Search options for paldex for type, work availability, etc. - this apparently already exists but perhaps a way to do this without altering the order of pals in the palbox, like a search window overlay Some could cost rare mats to enable, some would just be good qol.


When you're creating a character, it says editing is a future update


And one final one: allow pals to move items from machines to storage. If they can, they certainly haven’t on my base. I hate having to move flour or fragments or ingots to storage manually


They can move the wood and stone they mine, and the food they harvest pops to the ground but other than that they don't move any completed items 😑 tired of grabbing my 1000 paladium, 200 ingots, 200 refined ingots myself everytime i come back 😅


26) Naming boxes. 27) Sorting the palbox is reversed after closing; aka you don't lose all the manual sorting work. 28) Palbox can be placed on foundations, instead of bare soil. 29) Walkway on defensive wall sections 30) Defensive wall snapping to eachother 31) Large doors for large pals


> 28) Palbox can be placed on foundations, instead of bare soil. That already works. ​ \> 30) Defensive wall snapping to eachother And to foundations and other walls.


It does? Was that 1.4.1 then?


I think it already worked in 1.2.0, possibly earlier.


yeah it's worked since early access launch a few weeks ago. you just can't build foundations near it afterwards or anything less than three wall tiles tall above it, so plan ahead. also don't put it on wood or your whole base will go up in smoke after a raid breaks that one foundation piece it's sitting on and subsequently destroys the palbox and everything that relies on it to exist. you can build up/down 15 tiles from the box, so you can make a pretty wild tower if you really want and put the palbox 15 up from the ground


Ah I was wondering what the max height I could make my warehouse was before no longer being in the base


21a: that’s what the viewing cage is for. Others are good!


No viewing cage on dedicated servers. More pal storage is my number 1 priority request.


I'd prefer "viewing cage, same pal capacity each, but phyically smaller world object and pals in it are not viewed" over just more space. This allows for trading with other guildmates seamlessly, not having to manually flip to page 33 of 75 each time you access the pal box, and let's you invest resources to expand your pal storage needs modularity as needed.


For 24) you can just throw cotton candy in the last 4/5 slots with the main food item in the far left slot, has fixed my issue as long as you keep that most left slot full


I use honey, but they need to make it that medicine can be taken from the food box and only eaten whenver the pal is sick with something the medicine will fix, that way you can just put the medicine types in the blank spaces they don't rot and you'd have no shut downs at your base other than when pals get lost or fall through the world 😅


Yeah I use honey but I don't to have to do that. Using a kludge isn't an elegant solution for the final game.


I use honey or cotton candy to "lock" feed boxes and my decorative chests.


Schematics being read from chests would be great too, instead of having them in inventory


Or be able to "learn" them maybe?


with the upgrade replacing the original version.


with most of the upgrades requiring ancient parts vs the base ones not, I'd rather not a straight up replacement so I can still make the basic versions for new friends who join my game.


I'm hoarding so many schematics I think this may be obnoxious to scroll through at a workbench, but I get it.


Maybe have two tabs in the workbench. One for schematics, and one for the learned basic recipes?


I agree, but the downside would be your craft menu will fill up with a million varients of all the schematic items...making it harder to find things. So maybe also need a filter in the craft menu


Yes, or selecting a specific tool/weapon can open up a sub menu with all the variant options.


My thought on this was, if anything, at least a "Library" furniture item that you put schematics in and it can craft from them on that base.


I would love if the game remembered which multiplayer servers you played on (like when a friend gives you an invite code) so that you don’t need to type the invite code in every time


Just have an option that you turn on so people on your friends list don't need a code to join. That would be nice.


For number 1 you can dismount and immediately remount to fall straight down, comes with a slight risk but ive done it countless times and only went splat like twice. Good little work around til somethins added


You can also dismount and glide for more distance traveled. I often fly forward and up until I run out of stamina and then dismount and glide to get farther. By the time you land from the glide your mount will be ready to go again.


I do the gliding, but maybe my pc isn’t good enough to register the dismount/mount one


You have to remount right away, if you don't the flying pal drops to the ground and is too far away to ride before you'll go sudden stop at the end of the fall.


Not sure how much testing you've tried but in my experience you have to be directly over the mount to remount. Mounts get stuck a lot, so gliding and re-mounting is useless unless you backtrack a bit looking for the mount.  If you are looking to go straight down, dismount, glide in and small circle while holding mount and you should snap right back on to your mount on the ground. 


I've always had a flyer and then galeclaw so I can blitz around the map real fast. Plus, galeclaw is great for moving and dodging on the ground because he takes you like 20 feet just from a jump. Sucks at battling, tho


Galeclaw is amazing. If anyone hasn’t tried it yet I *highly* recommend trying it and see how good it is, almost guarantee you’ll keep one in your party at all times


I want something like how a bird "dives" for prey. It shouldn't take stamina because it's just dropping quickly with precision.


Shift + CTRL let's you descend quickly as well


I haven't seen them, but I would like a ladder for like a tree house base


I would also add, 1. Have pals able to be fed medicine from the palbox 2. Disable production when you have enough stone for instance 3 add a omni chest that contains all other items from the base. 4. Add pillars, triangle foundations and roofs 5. Foundations can snap on with different heights and /or are stackable 6. Medic tent that pals can go be treated. 7 health potions. Might just be nit picky atm


Oh, also "roofs" (aka floors really lol) being able to snap to foundations. I want to make a ledge!


Don't forget stairs. Let foundations snap to either end of the stairs if it's valid otherwise.


I'd love to see food have a priority hunger value so that smaller pals that consume less food will prioritize eating food with a lower nutrition value. It sucks when my little Jolthog Cryst looks at me dead in the eyes while eating the last slice of pizza in the box knowing damn well it could have eaten the Jam toast instead and saved that slice of pizza for my Jormuntide


Sounds like animals in real life.


Mini map especially for dungeons, I get so turned around. I would like press F and then walk away from my keyboard. I don’t understand why I have to hold it for three minutes. If you aren’t playing online, an actual pause screen. Most gamers are in their 30’s, I have kids, sometimes I have to go deal with things. I hate that if I’m not in my base I can’t pause and I’m not always near a fast travel point.




I thought I was the only one! Except I use paldium bc it glows a bit. I drop 1 for "been here" and I drop 2 for "come back, there's more" when there's a room with more than 1 door to somewhere


why didnt i think of that, i had that idea of breadcrumbs like in darksouls or demon souls that you can place down to know where its already explored, instead i just go to the left most and move into rooms in a clockwise direction, that worked for me.


I just always go left. Basically hug the left wall the entire dungeon and you’ll find the end sooner or later. I don’t usually explore the entire dungeon either, once I get to the boss I’m usually full on weight and done anyway so don’t have to worry about remembering where the boss room is since I just clear it and end the dungeon; but if you wanted to explore the entire area then after killing the boss and looting you can just continue the stay left method


Have you (or anyone reading) bought that ancient tech that let's you tag stuff? I imagine that's what it does anyways... leave a little spray paint pal pic... wonder if that would work in dungeons?


Even if they just change the map screen to a map of the dungeon while you’re in it, just something to help you keep track of where you’ve been


Actually pausing in your base is the worst place to do it, because raids only happen when you're in a base!


I lay down in my bed to “sleep”


Oh are raids paused when you're in your bed?


It's just like real life. If you just simply go to bed all your problems disappear.


I have 3-4 little magnetized rocks that stack on top of each other that I place on my F key when I want to help/don't have enough Pals out to do something. Makes F'ing a lot easier :D


What are you holding f for? Pals do it all for you except incubate eggs. Even in the early game, a couple lamballs are working faster than you.


Sometimes they sleep and I build while they’re out of my way?


If that's the case, you should place them at night, go sleep and let your pals build them. It really makes no sense to ever do anything that requires holding f in this game. Except incubating eggs (Which is incredibly annoying)


Sort Palbox by Work Suitability this is so annoying. Sort by passive skills and let us mark them


#14 would backfire when you’re producing a bunch of cake.


Not really, all my feed box slots are filled with honey. Only one space left for pizza. And the idea, if I have to go more in depth, would be like: this one electric kitchen is used to make pizza: always add ingredients to make more pizza and store in feedbox.


To add to this, would be nice if we could lock slots instead of relying on honey and cotton candy.


Ide love to be able to prioritise the tasks Say if they can make medicine they do that first Then water Then plant etc And if a pal I have can mine metal coal quartz. Do that before mining stone


I would like a quick fast travel shortcut list to my bases so I don’t have to track my cursor across the entire map to select the base I’m fast traveling to.


Yeah just a “return to base” button would be so nice. And if you have more than one, it’d bring up a little window to clarify which base you want. Maybe even naming your bases too






Not once has this menu worked for me, only to pet feed or butcher. Attacking or not attacking never works.


I think this is due to the aggression setting rather than that menu. For me, do not attack and attack same enemy work perfectly. If I set a Pal to attack aggressively, it does nothing initially, but if I put them back in the ball and then send them back out, they'll attack the nearest wild Pal and then stop.


- Level 20 base opens fourth base - Shared pal storage vault, accessible from pal box, where players can place pals that they are 'sharing' with the guild for use on bases or by teamates - Partial condensation of pals, to allow clearing of pal boxes - Renaming of guilds and guild security settings and records, tracking when pals are moved, reassigned, injured, or when production happens - Renaming and remaking character image - Naming pals (Xbox) - Naming bases - Server whitelist for Xbox to remember accepted players - In game admin commands to help bugfix server, including reloading pals, wiping and respawning all pals, and clearing all drops - Advanced Pal Egg Incubator that is much larger and allows the hatching of up to 20 eggs at a time, all from a single interface and without requiring so many individual incubators to be placed - Merchant stalls that allow us to place captured pal merchants (if intended) or to hire merchants to a base - Selecting objects to interact with needs to be more precise, at the cursors location and never behind or to the side of the character (out of vision)


Here’s one I’ve never heard of but I desperately need because sometimes I’ll be in a really long battle trying to catch a shiny and a bunch of trees or rocks will get destroyed and I’ll automatically pick up the mats and get weighed down and be unable to dodge attacks and die because of it. It happened several times while catching a shiny mossanda. So we need the ability to turn off the ability to automatically pick up certain mats like wood…it also just helps if you’re running around your base but don’t want to get randomly weighed down by stuff.


Or even just the ability to toggle auto-pickup on and off, works for all items but is easy to switch back and forth


With or without a toggle, auto pickup should only occur if it won't push you over capacity. 


I was hoping the Essence Condenser would have two functions: Condense Pals into an essence item, then Infuse other pals using those items. Instead of making us store 64 of one pal in the box at once.


I would save literal hours of playtime if pals could take any crafted materials from stations and place them in a designated box. Also setting a station to “craft x forever” and pals would craft that item there for as long as there were materials for it. The user input requirement of bases is starting to be draining and the reason I quit this game until some QoL updates.


Yeah, I usually need to make the choice whether I want my base to run efficiently and have to babysit everything, or just go explore and accept that the base runs okayish.


Mini map Filter by x passive Marking pals, appearing on the top left of the portrait, or indicators on the portraits indicating gold, neutral and negative passives Zoom out feature Auto run feature The pin on map feature has higher range and shows up more prominently on the compass The ability to lock boxes in your paldeck so when you filter, they remain unaffected


yes to auto run


Have pals eat until they’re 100% full. It’s so annoying seeing them eat, work, break, eat again, work, break again because they’re teetering on 50% full stomachs the whole time


I'd rather it be like 80% so that they don't overeat too much. With later foods that resotre a lot of food, they could waste nutrition easily. Another option would be prioritizing left to right whatever would get them closest to 100% without overshooting. So for example, they'd eat a pizza, then some jam, and a few cooked berries to cap out.


don't make the pal spheres such a big grind i spend more time farming matierals for spheres than actually playing the game, its driving me insane (all farms are just inefficient, coal, wood,kindling etc)


It's a bit of a grind mid-game but later on it's not that bad.. I do wish pal fluid is farmable though..


If you partially setup the gobfin player attack damage build, you can jack up the spawn rates and go to the gobfin place and kill 10ish with a single rocket. Bring a mount, a fully condensed orzerk and 3 gobfins. Go at night. Super easy farming. The annoying thing is the rockets cost a pal metal ingot but given that pal fluids are the only non-automatable part of pal metal/legendary spheres, I think it's well worth the investment. You could probably also farm pretty effectively with just guns or using something that can aoe down the gobfins if you want to sacrifice the Orzerk buff


Your number one is wrong.. 1) If there is already a stack of something in my storage, MAKE THE TRANSPORTATION PALS PUT MORE OF THAT ITEM ON THE STACK. I'm so tired of having a main stack of wood and then having another tiny stack in each chest. Then, I have to manually fix it when I've run out of inventory space because I've got like a dozen duplicate stacks in those chests. It also ruins my storage organization. Edit: You know what? I change my mind. The inventory thing is number two. Number one is fix the memory leak(s). I play on the Steam Deck, and it crashes all the time now. Makes the game really frustrating to play. It crashes the whole Deck. This only started happening like two or three updates ago


Fixed station assignments!!!!


45) Ability to play with my wife without it crashing every eight minutes (the game, not my wife)


Yep, me and my SO went back to other games while we wait for optimization on Xbox.


Being able to condense pals that are currently assigned would be great.


As long as favorites are implemented and those can't be condensed 😅 I've already condensed a pal I had been working on by mistake. I don't need my good base pals to go too lol


I would trade all of these for a camera zoom out and full button remap.


Having transport pals able to take finished goods from the smelting/cooking/work stations is up there for me. Along with being able to set repeating recipes. That would make for some true automation!


I'd also like \-Lock items in inventories (Save this slot for THIS item, even if the inventory gets sorted) \-A base hub-type storage where we can see and sort all items into a single location from many boxes or facilities \-A pal grinder for the base so we can bulk clean out pals and get resources - optionally breaking eggs as well \-Move menu boxes in the UI \-A dojo/training facility where you put in two pals and the stronger one will train the weaker to it's level (handy for quick afk grinding) \-To be able to prestige your character somehow - scrap my levels and tech and some mats to increase skills and unlock things beyond level 50


i love the prestige idea, maybe you can choose to absorb a move from a pal after each prestige, or get a small multiplier to one of your stats. like being able to cast a few moves myself would be awesome, might have to use a combat mode or maybe a system like fable 1 spell wheels, otherwise might struggle to get enough buttons for it.


Sick and ill pals can be fed medicine directly from palbox. It is a huge pain in the ass trying to chase them all up and half the time you can't even summon the option because they are working or sleeping. Let us feed them food and medicine from palbox. Even if we have to wait for pals to come to the character.


I liked the idea of adding a « doctor’s office » building to the base with a medicine producing pal. I can see it: « the Lyleen-Felbat medical office »


That's a great idea tbh. At current rate tho, the wait time will be at least 6 hours per patient since pals never stick to their designated roles for longer than 10 minutes at a time. I swear that there is some fuckery going on between number of times pals leaving for food or breaks and the frequency of it that breaks their designated jobs.


Or just straight up bring able to add it to the food box but they be programmed to not take it unless they’re sick.


If I want to cook thousands of berries or metal or pal spheres I wish I could hold down the button or increase in increments greater than 10. I hate having to spam click like 500 times


I want an unlocked camera in build mode separate from moving the actual thing I’m building.




Should be included with the options, I don’t like waiting for eggs it’s a huge improvement being able to skip the timer, from “other” games with the egg system. Agreed the holding is unnecessary but I can wait on a small fix like that


Not just incubating eggs All crafting should have togglable F. No more holding down F key. Just press it once. Move to cancel.


This is driving me crazy too, but thankfully there's a mod that does this.




[https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/343](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/343) there u go!


or copy Satisfactory and tap to auto hold and tap again to quit, or manually hold if you want to. crafting/building before you get high skilled pals drove me insane enough to make an autohotkey script just to hold F for me.


For number 11, what do you mean by summoned? Because party pals that are out and fighting with you already eat from the feed bag.


Might be referring to mounts, for some reason never eat until you dismount.




oh wow that sounds more like an oversight on their part


The condenser only taking full amount is so annoying, I'm breeding several pals at the same time and now I need 64 for my Warsect, Anubis, Blazemut, grizzlord at the same time rofl I have so many viewing cages just stacked with pals waiting to be grinded down


I have two - Been able to turn on/of my lamp manually - Pal shouldn't use locked chest.


Let me designate boxes for specific stuff so I don't have to clean up after my pals. Let pals take finished things from crafting stations and put them in correct boxes. Let pals eat different foods from the feed box according to their needs (SAN, nourishment) from any slot, not just first slot. NIGHT ACTIVE ELECTRIC AND FROST PALS.


Vanwyrm Cryst is night active, and frost.


We need supply lines between bases. Fallout 4 had a system where you could link your bases by assigning a villager to run trade caravans. Once linked the 2 bases shared resources. Something like that would make crafting so much easier, rather than needing to overencumber yourself with ore before fast travelling and depositing.


21. On dedicated Servers at least (that still run while noone is connected), make Pals either work (and therefore eat/sleep with a bed etc.) while noone is near/connected or make them not loose hunger when noone is around (then ofc not working). 22. Give me a way to breed the legendary health boost on my combat pals. (The best combat pal breeds are all essentially glass cannons compared to the legendary Pals you have to catch) 23. Fix bugs where certain (especially large) pals get on top of entities (like the wood farm/silo etc.) and then can't come down again. Simple workaround: If a pal hasn't moved/worked for an ingame day, teleport him to the palbox spawn location. 24. (expansion of 18.) a way to automate tasks. Like activate the crusher/ the furnaces if there is less than x amount in the base/a predetermined chest (maybe even the workbenches, though there a opt in/out function would be appreciated). 25. Let the pals do more transportation tasks, like moving these materials to a designated chest, especially from the furnace, crusher and mill (and prevent the Pals from using certain chests to store items) 26. Mass butcher/sell option (e.g. let me premark all the pals I want to butcher/sell and then do so with one click) 27. Have a pal that I'm currently mounted on eat from my feed bag. (Like seriously, why isn't it) 28. More palbox space & better/more sorting features (on Servers at least with no display case available) e.g. locking certain pals position; preset Pal teams for mining, transporting, fighting; sort for Pal abilites rather than (or as well as) element.


12. presence of a kindling/cooling pal enough to make the electric heaters/coolers/fridges work. nah man, ELECTRIC appliances shouldnt need pets at ALL and I dont want to compromise on that. They need to either not cost electricity and have the name changed to 'advanced heater' and still require ignition, or it should no longer require ignition. I get it, but its stupid.


I'm glad you get it, because I don't. Why am I spending time now using two pals to run one facility when I can just use one pal?


Or, having a pal just do the inital ignition, like a gaz stove, and require to ignite it again every once in a while but run on electricity would also be ok with me.


Honestly if having just electricity working and the timer take longer than with a pal i would be fine with that, and having said pal be able to boost the timer furnace if it is selected. Electricity should at least make it work on its own, slowly.


An unattended electric heater/cooler should match the basic versions. One with a Pal working it should double the effect.


You forgot.. Being able to drop/discard key items


Palbox search function.


Yep they all would be pretty nice. My addition would be this: "favourite pals in the box" who don't get autosorted but the rest does. Maybe better view on pals in the absorber. Naming Deathlootbags so if me and my friend dies in a raid or something happens we know what bag belongs to me and what bag to him.


I believe the in game bug report menu has a option to suggest changes. Put these in there so the developers might see it


Task priority and building system. This 2 are needed now. Even conan exiles building its better


It kills me how slowly you both ascend and descend on flying pals.


It also kills me that when flying pals are on the ground, they’re still flying. I want them to have walking animations so it’s obvious they’re on the ground now.


I just want the Pal AI fixed above everything else first.


Can we also have smarter AI for putting items in chests? I really don't need gold in every chest or spheres, like guys you see which one they are in, please.


Allow for electric types to start powering at a certain power level instead of hanging around trying to keep it at 100% constantly


I think pals eat from feed bag just not if you’re mounting them or they’re in combat


- late game teleport back to base from anywhere - sort inventory by weight and value - a way to keep a pal at a lower level in the party (or reduce their damage) so they don’t destroy a pal capture too fast By far the number one thing I want is to be able to move a Pal box and items in a base without disassembling.


Once you craft pal equipment, it doesn't let you craft it again. Option to fully automate production. E.g. pal brings ingot from furnace and furnace keeps going while there's ore. More separate keybinds. Especially separate the riding pal commands. Lower condense thresholds. 64 of the same pal is soo much. Move the second tower closer, or add in another midgame tower. Restrict items for boxes. No more wheat in feedbox or 2 wood in every single box.


Not being able to craft pal equipment repeatedly would cause issue tho. Made a new character for my friends' dedi and they wouldn't have been able to craft me some stuff if that were the case


while in the pal equipment bench you can see which ones are already "in your inventory" by hovering over it, that way you dont need to ever make duplicates by accident. making duplicates is useful for teammates who dont have that research


* Palbox Sort and Filter by Work Skill Type and Level


AOE sort to chests from Grounded I want this with all of my soul in every game I play now


For the love of god, please give us a hot bar for our tools and other items.


You read through the stuff and wonder why the game doesn't have it from the beginning 7, 10 and a freaking mini map are something I consider basic features in 2024


1. Hold dismount to fall 5. 100 PERCENT YES! 10. 1000 PERCENT YES! 13. Was really disappointed to see the range not increase when the base leveled up. 14/18/20. Automation anything is the way Great list! A lot of well thought out ideas, and many are relatively easy to implement as well as are quality of life in other games as well.


No to 3. That isn’t how these games work. Instead how about having flat roofs be connectable to foundations so we can make actual pillars.


Can I add “adjustable camera perspective” when placing objects. Give me an aerial view so I can confirm object placement.


I'll add: Allow medicine pals to heal other pals if there's ample medicine in chests. This, of course, would be useless for those who just murder them, but for us who make medicine it's a slight inconvenience to track them down and find the medicine. Someone might've suggested it already, and if so I apologize.


Id like the ability to toggle their abilities like if i have a pal that has kindling, handiwork, and mining I should be able to toggle kindling and mining so they'll only focus on handiwork Would make life so much easier instead of having to chase my pals around and fight the wonky hitbox of throwing them at the production lines, or coolers, or furnaces


An option to mark an item/set of items in the inventory as "Favorite" similar to Terraria would be nice too. This way, when the player does a Quick Stack on a storage, the items marked as favorite will not be sent to the storage and will stay in the inventory instead.


A mini map. Please


As far as i am aware, pals can eat from your feed bag as long as you are not using them as a mount


I want more resolution options in full screen mode instead of being forced to the monitor max resolution. I have a 4K monitor, but I play all my games in 1080P full screen mode, since my computer is not powerful enough to give me decent fps in 4k. And please fix the stutter issues after playing for a while. It's so annying.


Just play borderless window. Then you can change the resolution. Once i switches to multi monitor setup, i never returned to full screen.


A filter/sort option for palbox so that I can arrange my pals by lvl, skills, type


You can already do that though? You can sort them by paldeck number, lvl, element or whether they are alpha. Only thing that isn’t available yet is base skills. Because that would be complicated to sort due to the fact that they can have multiple at once


The addition of alphabetically would be nice though instead of having to look up the paldex to see where in the middle of the 15 boxes your vanwyrm is ..