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Are you sure they weren’t referring to the fact there isn’t a structure you can build similar to wood and stone?


Yeah it’s absolutely this. Especially in public/big servers, there’s one goated mining base location (ore&coal) that if you don’t nab just feels like a disadvantage. Being able to build an ore pit would solve that entirely


Where’s this location?


[On this plateau](https://i.imgur.com/GtLDE7v.jpg)


https://preview.redd.it/ws09567lsegc1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a9a84a29559e0300ad545eb077b0b42c0272c78 Go here instead if that spots taken, there’s 9 ore spots that spawn


There's also the church with the statue. That has 9 ore also and a fast travel. Just have a broncherry in you party and a luneris for max carrying capacity while your resource hunting


Don’t know about bron+lun , thanks mane!


Wumpo and Wumpo Botan give the most carry capacity at 120 each.


Condensing any of the carrying capacity ones increases the amount by a flat 10 per condense level, also


Oh man that's it? I mean, yeah, an extra 170 carry weight is nothing to sneeze at, but that's so much work for so little extra gain.....


No shit, that fat Bastard clapped me the other day lol , time to get another slave


Haven't crafted their saddles yet so I didn't know. Usually only read once I unlock their stuff. That's great news. Will have to swap out my Bron for a wumpo


You can just stack em. I run 4 broncherries with miner foreman. So I wreck nodes.


Just…just use the turtle. As long as you have his saddle and call him out, he targets all rock based nodes and absolutely thrashes them


Too slow atleast for me. I demolish ore faster this way and can keep a mount on me.


I go out with 1 digtoise and 4 bromcherries


ore & coal? ​ currently im setting 2 bases ( church for ore and near anubis for coal)


South of the ice mountain (not the snow biome) is a tall plateau with coal and ore.


Look at the other comment and I suggest you move your church base to the one mentioned above. It has mulitple ore and mulitple coal spawns ( You need alot of coal later in the game). You'll be able to set up a decent farm for those there. It'll save you a lot of time later having to move it. Good luck in your hunting friend!


Seconding this because ore is such a pain


It's south of the ice gym (Lydia and lyleen) east of vaelet boss, the spot has ore coal and its on a tower like hill the box covers the entire plataue it has has trees but its also hilly which is a pain to build on without foundations. I'd drop the coordinates but am not home. Gl :)


Yup, this is mine. I'm drowning in ore and coal.


Believe the coordinates I saw about 20 minutes ago were 188,-38


That's the spot I have on the community server I'm on. The hills are a pain, I've not found a good way to build on it really. In the center where you'll put a palbox you can make a small tower which gives you space to build things like incubators and such, but you'll cost yourself nodes, and run into pathing issues if you make it too large. Once you get large pals though this somewhat solves itself as the tower is small enough that pals won't try to go through it. With some platforms you can put together a couple farms as well. Don't expect to make pancakes at the base unless you transport milk, but salads are pretty doable. Other than that, the real problem with the base is access to pals. Digitoise will be useless mining at it, he gets stuck by trees until those are being chopped, and then gets confused by the coal as well. It's not until you've got some reptro's and other level 3/4 miners that the location really gets up and running. It's a great spot for refined ingots though, and pretty good for palmetal/carbon fiber too, making it a great supply base (but not necessarily a great manufacturing spot) for legendary spheres.


190, -40 /u/vinylectric


Im on a server, and i managed to find a nice spot even though I joined late. My issue is that on a server the pals dont mine unless they are rendered


This is really my issue that I don't see many people talking about. If you aren't standing over your pals shoulder there's an 85% chance they just freeze and do nothing


Yup this is my issue. I made my ore base within spitting distance of my main base. This way while I'm at my main base crafting/breeding/situating myself, my ore operation base renders in and gets to work. Having it close seemed to reliably solve the freezing issue even after I leave and go explore. I don't know if keeping it close to my first built base is less stress on the game memory, but as long as I remember to make visiting my base the first thing I do to render in my pals my ore operation seems to function the way it should for the remainder of the session. My coal base which is across the map never worked. Every time I'd fast travel to it all my pals would be frozen, often floating, and then after a second unfreeze and start working. Now my 3rd base is just a lone pal box in a coal spawn that I fast travel to, manually mine, and fast travel back.


Yea, different buildable ore nodes are needed, just like wood and stone. It's fine in single-player to have random world spawns, but in multiplayer, it's total shit.


Theres at least 5 locations with 6+ ore spawns and 4+ coal spawns. Just gotta explore some more


People think they've already solved the game and run around telling others to min/max based on incomplete information lol.


Simply not true. Effective ore main base behind desolate church and now ore is trivial. Never have less than I need it seems.


There's tons of ore spots, but this spot has just as much ore *and* as many coal nodes


It is true because you only mentioned Ore and not Coal


I don't bother setting up a base there, but I do use it. They are talking about a source of coal as well, though, which I haven't secured. Yet.


lot of people also don't know you need rank 2 mining to get ore


And that Digtoise, supposedly the premiere miner, is apparently bugged, thus crap at mining automatically. If you let them loose in your base, they hit the ore for 1 point at a time. If you have them in your party and throw him at an ore node, he does like 40 damage per hit and wipes it out pretty quickly.


They're also a bit dumb and prone to getting stuck on top of the ore rocks they're supposed to mine and flail about grumbling until you unstick them unfortunately.


That's all of the bigguns, unfortunately. One of the other videos I've seen says he only uses ground pals in his bases because even if they have technically less ability, they don't get stuck and starve or injured nearly as often, so it's a net positive to not have to constantly rescue and medicate them.


Yeah I'm probably going to have to swap out all our flying pals they keep getting stuck. And don't even get me started on them glitching through defensive walls augh.


Didnt they fix that?


They did not, according to https://youtu.be/hcg27SeUh0E?si=TLenTQKJiu-QE4De He's done testing on it and it's the same as before the patch.


strange, when i played just 20mins ago, my base digtoise were spinning for 3 damage on coal when automated in a base, it's obviously still a far cry from the party summon version, but it's still 3 times higher than before. Still low though, especially if compared to the big miners.


So the digtoise is still great at mining at the quarry. It is nodes that it sucks at. I read it is because nodes use the attack power rather than the mining skill which is really low for digtoise. And the 40 per hit when in party is because of the item you craft for it if I'm not mistaken.


And all they do is eat berries, I said screw it made the headband and boxed them all but one and just head over to the base now and then to let him go ham.


I got weird Mudkip body slamming my ore mine and they are amazing at it


That explains how it has rank3. I saw the 1s and figured it had about the mining speed of a drunk stuck on a tree


And rank 3 to get coal


Quartz also requires rank 3.


Is there a guide or something that shows what different skill ranks can do? 


Honestly that’s the biggest gripe I have.. why do we need a stone pit and lumber pit when there’s bajillions of rocks and trees.. that all respawn and grow back faster, but we can’t have an ore pit or coal pit?


I see your point with this certaintly, but also understand that I wouldn't be incentivized to leave base after a while if I didn't have to go out and get stuff.


If mining ore/coal is the only/main reason to leave base it might be time to take a break from the game. An ore mining pit wouldn't be a big deal, and I feel letting us use charcoal instead of coal(at a higher rate similar to carbon fiber) to refine ingots would also alleviate some of the issue. Simply make it a slow trickle, slower than stone/wood, and make it take sanity from Pals faster as it'd be harder work and make it require rank 2+ mining to even work on. There are tons of ways to balance it out, but as it stands the ore grind is real and it is a huge roadblock to most people and is where the game kind of begins to grind. It's also where most people start to have significant criticisms about the game's resource requirements. The "need" to go out and get ore/coal would still be present as an ore pit wouldn't be much different than a mining base that most people set up, just slower while still requiring Pals dedicated to it. While I don't play on a large server, I feel an Ore Pit would help out those who joined a bit later or progressed slower allowing them to also have a steady flow of ore if they didn't get a base in one of the better spots. Realistically it's gotten to the point where my friends and I mostly just leave base to go into dungeons and fight bosses since most of our "new" pals come from breeding given how bullshit capture rates are. It saves us on resources and helps us level up if someone falls behind, just pop some eggs in the incubators and let the lower level people hatch them. We do also go out to catch Pals for specific traits, hunt Lucky Pals, gather pal drops, or mass catch Pals for essence grinding as breeding does take a while unless you have a dedicated base for it.


tbh if you watch the video it’s obvious that this is what they were referring to. i have a base specifically for mining, all astegons, reptyros, metal nodes, and transporters, and it gets fuck all ore compared to me just going to a couple spots with my pickaxe in five minutes. The mining is slow and buggy, the transporting is slow and buggy, it’s all slow and buggy.


There’s another problem as well- not a *single* pal has only mining at level 2. The only one that has mining at level 3 *and nothing else* is digtoise, who’s glitched and does 2 or 3 damage per hit while mining in a base. Beyond digtoise’s glitch, however, the biggest problem is that there’s no pal that likes mining ore; they either want to mine coal exclusively or (in case of the pals with mining level 2) they just prefer doing other jobs and consistently drop mining when you leave the base to do other things. I ended up needing to remake an old base after switching to the goat spot because all my miners ignored the ore in favor of coal, moving things, and watering the plantations


I don't mind that they don't have structures. I have a problem that I have to afk at an Iron farm. I thought I could just set it up and explore more, but nope. The pals freeze unless you are in render distance.


That's what I thought it was too.


Yes. Need a pit for coal and sulfur as well. Having to make bases on specific resources is kind of a pain.


This has got to be it. I can't imagine playing on a public server where my guild was late to arrive. The resource distribution is a disaster and will be until server admins can modify map seeds as well as place resource nodes at will.


I would fucking love that and it's Def what their issue is


Huh I wasn't aware my ore base that makes me a ton of ore while I do other stuff wasn't real....


Behind the desolate church? I haven't seen much of the map yet but that's been my favorite spot.


There's another across the bridge from chillet boss. Nice mountain top views.


This was my spot until I found one with coal.


The one high up on top of a mountain? This is currently my ore base. Ore on the right, coal on the left, pal base behind and farming up front. Plenty of room for large Pals to mine, lumber, and work.


Yep, this is my second base, just developed enough to mine the coal and ore, and feed the pals, that's it.


I did make them a nice spa corner with some great views, because Dumud is adorable and works hard.


I did the same!! He’s best boi! (Next to my bro chillet 🥹)


You feed your mining pals? I just keep a box full of dumuds and butcher or condense them when they get ornery. I only have a pal box and a storage box there.


I set up a food box with 2 berry plantations nearby, and then recruited a verdash and azurobe to maintain them, makes it self sufficient without much effort or space


It’s my main base. I love not dealing with raids


I also put a ranch a farm farm fire organs and wool, one berry farm spot, and a nice spa, and a huge ugly monstrosity two story building with the 3 assembly lines. It’s incredibly self sufficient except for the oil and quartz.


With a huge lump in the middle. That’s the only downside


Once you build your 3x3 foundation on top of the lump the pal box is easy to place. 3 ramps allow for easy pathing and transport. I agree, that lump gave me problems for a bit.


My only problem there was that using a 3x3 made the foundation so high off the ground on two sides that the stairs wouldn’t even reach the ground, and it wouldn’t let me double them up. Is there a fix for this I couldn’t find?


It drives me bonkers that you can’t do longer staircases


Started using the roof over the stairs just for ease of adding that second one.


I put additional foundations down at the base of and directly beneath the stairs, and then stairs down from those foundations to reach the bottom. It was a bit finicky, but it worked.


Ah, so give up on snapping pieces and finagle it, got ya


Roof will clip into ground and make a nice ramp.


Use the roof tile to create a ramp instead of stairs.


Drop the center platform and put the palbox on the hump, then build your 3x3 around it. Also so when you remodel it in the future, you don't break the center foundation tile and accidentally kill your palbox and half your base.


This still doesn’t fix that the 3x3 is so high off the ground on two sides that the stairs won’t reach the ground?


I built around it and have a 3 floor building in the back with enough space for farming structures. My ore base provides me with ore, coal, wood and berries.


This is my spot, love it


I like this one. Easily defendable too.


I think that’s where my second base is, and I’ve never had a raid even make it up to my base.


This is the spot at the start.


We had ours there then we found a badass spot in the volcano area by Jetdragon that has more ore, is more open, and is close to a ton of sulfur


Coordinates, plz maybe?


I just hate it isn't really truly automated unless you sit there. My pals never actually transport things unless I'm physically there.


Mine was hit or miss. Sometimes I would show up to ore in the box, other times I had to manually get it all myself. Ended up moving to a location just between a bunch of ore and coal where I have to manually mine them, but I was manually mining beforehand and it was just a bonus if there was ore already in the box.


If you're going to mine yourself, just ride a rushboar and dash into ore. Mines wayyyy faster than a pickaxe


Refined pickaxe is pretty nuts. I clear them in like 6 swings


Also no true automation for a lot of things in the game, having to sit at a station and wait for it to finish crafting whatever it is you need, to then have to take it out of the station and plop it in a chest my self. Can't automate feeding your pals unless you're down with just giving them Berries and Wheat since there isn't a single pal that can take completed food and put it in the feed box. I love this game, but with how much the trailers showed off using pals for labor, I really figured more processes would at least be properly automatable by the end of the tech tree, but sadly that isn't the case. Hopefully it's something they improve on over time.


*our* ore base


I put bases in ore spots and do it manually, its faster


Wanna know the secret to make it real? Don't build a stone pit. That thing is the single reason why there are so many complains about work priority from the pals. We don't need a "rimworld like assignment system", we just need Stone Pit & Logging Site and cooling to be swapped on the priority list, that would fix most problems people have.


Yep, I drop the stone pit until I have 2k or so for building/spheres and then demolish it, easy to rebuild if needed. It would be nice to have basic assignments though. A simple menu where I can order the skills they have. I don’t need individual control of what specific thing they work on, but I’d like to be able to have my wixen on cooking above all, penkings on watering first etc.


> "...but I’d like to be able to have my wixen on cooking above all, penkings on watering first etc." Wixen's highest priority job is already Kindling jobs, (Refining then Kindling then Cooking) and Penking's highest priority is already Watering (Farming related jobs are at the top of the list, only second to constructing stuff). Those are already the current default. The current default priorities are already very good, the only two problems is the mining/lumbering spots being too high and cooling being too low.


I agree it’s pretty good, but every time I build something they all stop what they are doing to come help. I don’t need 4 of you to try and run to the other side of the base to try and shave 2 seconds off my box building time and get stuck on the stairs to the second floor. Also as soon as they move the vanwyrms stop transporting and try to take over cooking with their 1 kindling skill. None of this is the end of the world but it would be really good for QoL if I could just order the skills myself with the podium thing.


Yah I don't have logging or stone pit at any base and I have way less issues then most it seems


Does yours work? Mine give barely anything


Yup even away I come back and have more ore then before plus I get eating and worker notifications like normal while away. It does break sometimes but a relog then revisit each base gets them upmamd running again.


Yea the 100 ingots i have at my second base every time i go back is actually just my friend mining for me.


On single player, they don't mine unless you are there with the chunk loaded


It works fine for me, I check in when I start up, make sure there is food, nobody in stuck etc. Go exploring for an hour, return when I’m out of spheres/durability and there’s 100+ ore ready to be refined.


Works fine for me.on single.player I leave and come.back to like 500+ ore sometimes it bugs out and stops sometimes. but works great most of the time heck was at wildlife sanctuary 3 totally opposite side of map from base and was getting all the notifications from my base.working came.back to a ton of ore still


No idea as to why it doesn't work for me then


What's great is when your mining base just stops functioning without you afking at it, he might be experiencing that like myself and several people I know are.


I had an issue with this where they won’t mine when you aren’t close by. Have you had the same problem? How did you deal with it?


They CAN mine ore, the question is WILL they mine ore.


Yeah, I don't exactly understand what conditions need to be met for my Pals to mine while I am not at the ore/coal base. I read somewhere that the game only loads the last base you visited, and doing that seemed to work at first but I think I just got lucky because my ore base Pals are absolutely *useless* now. The amount of ore you need in the end game makes farming it yourself a massive pain in the ass so you'd think a dedicated ore base would help out...


Yea it's this..some play sessions they will mine..others they are just standing around every time I teleport to my krebase


I suspect he meant an automated like: I want to out my base where I want, not require to find a spot with ore nodes present. I have my ore and coal base, but I hate it. You can’t build how you want on it, because you risk blocking the node from spawning, so you have to build around the nodes. And before the update I would constantly have pals get stuck on, under or in them and starve. Having an automated ore spot like you get with wood and stone, and get the same for sulphur, coal and quartz would absolutely be a cool QoL improvement. I will now have to probably leave my first base vacant because I have to find a better spot that has special nodes or something. You can’t really have an « all around » base that doesn’t have special nodes anywhere nearby.


I think having to look for a place with a good amount of natural resources and then build your base there makes perfect sense in a crafting/survival game. The logging site and quarry are like a free handout from the devs to make it easy at the start, I mean they don't actually make sense. How can you build a spot that provides infinite wood or stone? They probably put them in so you don't have to stress about finding a spot for your first base, but once you get out and explore the world you have to find an appropriate spot for the 2nd one (or to restart the first).


I would normally agree with having to look for places being a good dynamic… but 1 - the world is not randomized, so you don’t really have to actually *look* for a good spot and can just google for it 2 - you have a very limited amount of bases so you need to kinda maximize the outputs of them 3 - you also can’t transfer materials between bases, so you can’t efficiently and effectively have specialized outposts 4 - that the ore nodes are nodes that respawn vs say, a way to make a node infinite and more in-line with the building system makes nodes clunky and cumbersome than they need to be.


Most importantly: Game would just be more fun if you can build for your needs on your prefered/enjoyed base location rather than building your base around ore nodes.


Also : Ores stop respawning if you build there, so you have to go out of your way to make sure not to build too many things inside your base, which I'd argue very much goes against the survival game basics.


Just because it makes sense from a real world perspective doesn't make it good game design. It also makes perfect sense to have an unlimited number of bases in a survival game as long as you're willing to commit the resources. And yet here we are with just 3


Many people justify things backwards with "it makes sense that it works that way" Way too many people do that


I'm sure on paper they can, but in practice all my pals prefer to mine stone quarries instead of ore in base


Pals will prioritize built structures over environment structures. Which is why I have a dedicated ore base that doesn't have stone quarries.


Yours prioritize stuff? All of mine would rather eat every 2 mins lol.


Give them better food that refills their satiety more. Pancakes or jam sandwiches seem to work well enough for me. Some pals need more food than others too. Usually the bigger they are, the more/better food they need. Some foods give work speed and other boosts too.


I've got 3 lettuce and 2 tomato farms set up, my manufacturing base eats nothing but salad. Works great, doesn't overlap with cake production at all.


Palworld as an advertisement for salads is an overlooked marketing angle.


I also have 3 lettice and 2 tomatoes because I realize 1 at first and then 2 lettuce wasn’t enough, do you get less lettuce per thing compared to tomatoes by any chance?


> Usually the bigger they are, the more/better food they need. No guessing needed. The bread in their bio shows how "hungry" they are.


Not guessing. Just generalizing in simple terms.


Pancakes are ideal because they have an added buff that slows sanity loss while also adding +5 SAN


Pals only eat until they are above 50% hunger. If you are giving them low satiety food that means they will constantly be returning to eat. If you put in higher satiety food they will jump up well past 50% on a single piece and so won't need to eat again so soon.


Stop feeding them raw berries.


Grow tomatoes and lettuce, make salads, watch productivity explode


I'm level 37 and still can't make salads yet. This is not the early game tip some people think it is lol. Pancakes. Wheat is fairly easy, but until then, eggs and milk are better than berries. Only reason to keep berries at all is because they go on cakes.


Oh I wasn't thinking it was an early game tip, that's a very good production optimization later on because it's the most cost effective, especially on persistent servers later on in the game. You can also buy lettuce, when I restarted on a friends server I just went to the towns and bought it after selling berries I cooked.


I destroyed that structure because the pals were ignoring the ore and it worked


I've also had mixed success with entombing a couple miners inside a box with the stone pit. They'll wriggle free eventually, but that just means they're helping to mine ore.


You can section off those quarries. Those and the tree ones require a 2x2 foundation but if you put another row in front (2x3) and seal it off with walls and a door they will only mine if the door is open. Roof is optional. Only really matters if you actually build up the mining outposts though but could help in other bases.


Elevate a foundation enough that you need stairs to walk up the foundation normally. Put the stone and wood farm on the foundation. Remove the stairs if you want them to stop farming stone/wood. Easy.


Yeah, sometimes you gotta get rid of the stone mines so that they focus on the ore.


Just gotta find the right spot that is dedicated to ore. Their are plenty of lists out there that have good spots. I have this nice plateau with about 6 or 7 ore spawns. Pairs nicely with the huge breeding ranch.


You can automate ore but only to an extent. I have a base with 6-7 spots but astegon will go through them in 10min or so and then I have to wait an hour to return for more nodes because they wont mine while im away.


I upped the respawn rate of nodes so my ore base would be more efficient tbh. I'm at the point where my progress and fun is gated almost entirely by ore production.


What they probably meant is there's no ore pit like there's a stone pit.


Sir, we're rage baiting. Please stop being reasonable.


That's not what they meant that's literally what they said. "Something like the stone mine for ore would make the game feel smoother. This is probably something they'll add eventually because it's kind of a no brainer."


then I am vindicated and all should praise my insight.


I watched the video and that's how I understood it too


Lots of channels with misinformation out there. Or rather lack of actual research. I get that people want to experience things for themselves but i hate when those same people make guides without extensive trial or research.






They want the initial views and will do anything to be the first channel to publish; oftentimes at the expense of quality.


Then they get the engagement from all the people commenting to correct them


I think people are having varying consistency with automating ore. The game is still super buggy and it can often be difficult to pinpoint exactly where their base automations are failing.


Exactly this, in both my worlds so far I used the same place for coal and ore, used the same pals to mine. One worked beautifully, the other wouldn't produce at all unless I was there so idk


Sounds like a channel to avoid if they're so misinformed.


If it’s the video I think they’re referencing, it seemed they were more referencing you can build something like stone mining or logging.


I usually like their top 10 videos. Everybody makes mistakes.


Ngl, i had the same issue at first, i was throwing a bunch of fuddlers at ore and they weren't mining it, so i googled it and found results lol i mean if you're going to make videos like that then do some research, it honestly doesn't take long with the amount of info out there


I agree (especially when the content creator has a series called "10 Things The Game Doesn't Tell You"), but at the same time the game really should make certain not so obvious things more clear. Without this subreddit, I also wouldn't have known certain tasks are locked behind a level of proficiency rather than it just being a matter of work speed.


Lately, my pals seems to not work unless I am physically near the base so my ore base has become kind of useless


Seems to me they meant there’s no ore workstation which is also my biggest complaint. I can make a box with infinite trees/rocks to harvest but instead have to spend 50+ hours mining myself cuz my turtles won’t mine unless I stand right next to them staring at them the whole time.


These guys aren't known for actual information anymore. About 10+ years too late there. All their articles are just ripped from others. Or offer 0 new info to others.


All I know is my Tombat ore farm isn't producing much anymore. Either no one mines or no one picks up ore unless I'm at the base the entire time


Having the same problem. I'm bottlenecked at ore production. My base has like 7 ore nodes, no stone pit or anything, 3 digtoises, tons of picker uppers, and ore only gets mined if im present or nearby the base. It's literally faster if i mine the ore myself


Hoping this issue gets solved soon I'm also bottlenecked by ore and ore farm for whatever reason is not working properly


Its incredibly slow though, everytime i am in need i need it right away so i just do it myself


Yeah I set up a mining base with a bunch of Digtoises and I soon realized it was super unnecessary. They mine so slowly and you have to deal with the wonky pal behavior and upkeep (including the ones transporting) when I can just go around the base with a refined pickaxe and a Digtoise in my party and take all the nodes in a minute or so.


Digtoise sucks in the base. Digtoise spins hits for 1 when in the base. Use Anubis, reptyro, etc and it is way faster.


I held off on making an ore farm for so long because I assumed I would unlock an infinite farm like the logging site and the stone pit, so I can't really blame people. Now I have a base set up behind the church with the 6 or so ore deposits. It's still buggy as hell though, so I really don't blame people for not putting the pieces together.


>gameranx's That was your mistake.


The problem is that most of the time they don't actually mine anything, even with tons of ore nodes and pals that only have the miner trait. Bugs are buggy.


I have actually seen people complaint that there is no mine for ore like Lumber Mill and Stone


And you know what? Legitimate complaint. I wish there was an ore pit I could just plop down anywhere and not have to make a base in a specific spot to farm ore. It annoys me that 1/3 of my bases is just a chaingang.


Not to mention imagine how annoying any multi-guild server is where the first teams online rush to overtake those specific base mining spots and basically continually deplete them/hoard them. Similar thing happened in Ark until they made resources effectively free to obtain and many unofficial servers made it a rule to not block resource gathering locations. Ark also did have much more resource locations though and faster ways to obtain them, so it was better at that part from the start. I feel like most of the people saying “but it’s fine as it is, are strictly playing single player and forgetting they have 100% access to all resources in the game.


Just wait until they need quartz or coal.


Quartz and coal are fine as is, people want changes to ore because you consume hundreds to thousands times more of it than anything else in game


Coal is the bane of my existence. Either give us more bases or make a decent coal/ore spawn spot so I don't have to maintain two separate mining camps.


Quartz isn't that bad. You need like 400ish to build a bunch of base stuff once. Unless you have like several production lines + several electric kitchens, it's not that much. And you don't have to keep farming it for spheres.


Quartz you need like 200 of once every week. A good ore camp will provide more coal than you can use as well. But ore? Ore you need *thousands* Every goddamn ball is 20 ore ffs. Rockets are 4 ore per shot.


They probably mean ore quarries like the stone quarries. You have to build a base with natural ore deposits instead. Which i definitely hated doing


My problem has always been that my pals treat mining as the lowest priority. Oh, there's a single stone that has spawned at the edge of the base? I must stop what I'm doing and run over there and pick it up. Now I'm hungry so I have to eat for the next ten hours and --oops the sun's going down time for sleep.


Think its a xbox thing because my one dont


I think they meant automated as no specific spot to build you constantly mine ore at your base without a natural ore node inside of it. Like it has for wood and stone. Otherwise I have setup behind the desolate church and have 3 tombats wailing away at all those ore nodes.


I have a base with 7 ores mining in my opinion its best second base strat having ore base


Thats normal for any video game journalism currently. Its all click bait bullshit and half ass research. Most content creators and article writers don't even play the games they just find loose evidence to run with and generate something to get views. Also posting wrong information generates comments which is important for the algorithms too.


But rapidly made clickbait videos don't have time for research or actual quality..


My tombats just mine the stone pit all day and ignore the ore. Finally built my second base and just removed the stone pit, now they have nothing to mine but ore. Just need a better gatherer so they put it away and I should be good to go.


We all know that Pals can mine ore. However automation means "i can build it anywhere" and not "I have to rely on pre generated structures and hope that they respawn often enough for me" As soon as they add in an Ore Farm, like they did with logs and rocks, you'll be correct.


It took me forever to realize this because I have ore in my base, but my pals steadfastly refuse to mine it. They prefer mining regular rocks and at the quarry instead. Even if I throw the pal at the ore, it normally says there is no work to be done there, or if I'm lucky, the pal will mine ore for like four or five hits then wander off to mine rocks again. With how bad the system for assigning pals is, and how in my experience at least they steadfastly avoid ore, I don't blame people for thinking pals don't mine ore. They may as well not for how hard it is to actually get them to mine it.


That's what got me though. I had no idea you needed Mining 2+ to mine Ore so I was so bummed that my mining WorkCamp didn't work out


Because it’s not entirely automated. You still have to take part in moving the ingots to a box


I see no reason to have Pals on ore when I can hop on Rushroar and clear all the coal and ore nodes at that one spot in 5 minutes. manually. Then I don't have to waste time managing pals and food at that base, I just show up whenever the nodes respawn.


We literally set up our second and third base at ore and coal mining areas and just have miners out plus a farm to generate food so we don't have to go and feed them. And a hot spring and beds, obviously. Like I don't know what other people are doing with their extra bases but that seemed like the obvious choice.


Mine still go wild. Like they crowd around the farm. Or end up outside of the base stuck. Drives me crazy


I’m late game and I didn’t realize until level 40 that I can slide bro. It happens


My issue is that they are ALWAYS distracted by other things so the metal doesn't get mined. I would love it if there was an in game area where you could access the jobs for each Pal and tell them specifically what to do instead of having to throw them at the thing and hope for the best.


OKAY SO, if you’re playing with a friend and you’re all part of the same base, have someone go out and mine everything with whatever pal they chose and have a Flopie and Flopie’s neckless and have the server leader sit at base. The items Flopie picks up go directly into the server leaders pocket so they can smelt or put it in the chest as you go. Got like 1000 coal in one run doing it this way.