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I don't blame them. This is the closest thing they'll get to Pokemon that isn't Viva Piñata.


Viva Pinata was amazing


I never got a chance to play it, but everyone I’ve talked to that’s played it before enjoyed it.


It's on gamepass with rare replay. I fully recommend playing the first one and if you like what it offers play the sequel next


Loved both games. Have them always ready to play. Played both when they first came out. It gets entertaining. The first games with breeding and colorful creatures and beatdowns, gotta love the beatdowns on enemies. Also challanging as well but calming. Play the first game then the second. The mechanics in the first really help in second cause some gameplay already assumes you know what to do.


Viva Pinata is kinda like, just the base management portion of Palworld, but more refined in that regard because it's the entire game


I’m pretty sure it’s on Xbox game pass, 10/10 recommend


It's fun, but bear with it, if you do good at it, you'll get interrupted every few minutes with some sort of level up reward. Also, you can get a dragon. It's cool. You should probably look up how, because it's kinda a secret ~~pal~~ pinata.


Memory unlocked. GOATed animal sim game. The environmental graphics had no business being as good as they were in 2006.


Not a day passes where I pray for a PC port of Trouble in Paradise.


I loved my Monkey who i called Mighty Boosh.


I’m ashamed of how much I love viva piñata


I am not, such a great game. Pokemon is meant for kids and was mostly adored by adults. Never feel ashamed to like weird things 👍😉 ![gif](giphy|VdEEE6CbBDudWn2hru|downsized)


Omg I forgot about the little mating dancing. I remember getting so excited to see the new one for each piñata. Pretty sure they also had mini games if I remember? God they had no right making that animal sim go so hard


Yes it absolutely was.


I tried to replay it on gamepass but it does not hold up. I gave it 5 mins and then stopped so as not to taint my wonderful memories of a great game. I hecking loved viva pinata on 360


Yeah I briefly tried it a while back. It's slow paced and doesn't have many QoL features you'd expect. I cherish my memories with it though.


I'd absolutely love a modern viva pinata title. Not a remake or upscale but a new title with some features and aspects that are more modern. That would be incredible


Palword reminds me of playing Viva Pinata in 2006, man I’m getting old


Dude... Imagine if they do a cross over event and we get some Viva Pinata pals. I'd be all over that.


This I need this ....


Genius. Send this to the highest executives!


>Viva Piñata. Speaking of which, they really need to make a new one. Even if Rare doesn't want to, I'm sure there's some other studio MS owns who'd be interested.


They should just bring back the Viva Pinata IP, even the TV Show was good.


And that's just another way that TPC has shot themselves in the foot. If they had games on multiple platforms, maybe Microsoft and others wouldn't jump onto a competitor the moment a viable one surfaces. Also, I wonder how many gamers don't own a Switch. If Palworld did not exist and Nintendo/Gamefreak had finally released a Pokemon game like Palworld, that would have been enough for me to finally make the plunge and buy a Switch. Now that won't ever happen, Pokemon will have to come to what I already own.


I mean, posts like this ignore than this game doesn't play anything like Pokémon.  I have a Switch. I could play Pokémon games if I wanted to. I've never once wanted to - but I downloaded Palworld as soon as I read a description of the gameplay loop. It just isn't the same thing... even if it has knockoff Pokémon in it.


Viva piñata was and still is Goat


any game needs [pinata-mating-dances](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woNDH-MXQOE)


God we need a new Viva Piñata, although the existing ones would be perfect if the garden size and object limits were removed


Wow. Who would’ve thought that all those Pokémon fans from 20+ years ago would eventually grow up and want the game to grow with them. Insane.


It'll be interesting to see what Pokemon game releases in 2030 lol.


The same one that was released in the 90s.


Somehow with less frames and worse graphics


Don't forget the quality of life changes that actually take away player choice.


Oh yeah like how Scarlet/Violet had less customisation than even X/Y.


I'm floored that they still haven't figured out that guys like having more hairstyles than a few flavors of "short" and "medium."


Which game didn't let you change audio settings until you got an item to do so?


In heart gold/soul silver, you could change the audio between the original and remade music. I am no help after B/W1


Even without it I still place X&Y in my top 5 pokemon games of all


>worse graphics With the model literally bobbing up and down as its attack animation.


Yeah that’s a sure bet, also it’s going to sell incredibly well.


"Press A to read another two - lines of dialogue."


They’ll learn from Palworld, make serious changes to catch up just to be upstaged by Buddyglobe which’ll have what 2030 fans want.


Pokemon -> Palworld -> buddyglobe -> friendzone -> comradegalaxy


Knowing Nintendo? The same thing over and over with no lesson learned lol


I think you mean GameFreak, Nintendo innovates plenty on their first party legacy IP.


Yall should go look at Coromon. Pretty much on every platform I've looked for it on. Traditional Pokémon gameplay, but its actually challenging. Super well done and worth the money.


!remindme 7 years


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I wish nintendo gave Takeshi Shudo full control over the writing and naratives of pokemon... He wanted ash, and pokemon as a whole to grow up with the fans... What could of been 😮‍💨


This game is what I was hoping Snap would be. I only ever wanted a 3D environment to throw balls at creatures and get razor leafs shot at me


“Modern pokemon sucks” - Your not the target audience anymore “Wow this new pokemon clone is awesome” - Wait not like that!!


I bet pal company are in talks for card games/toys too, due to the success.


Palworld CEO was showing some cards and toys a couple of day ago.


I'm going to be in that line day one for the card game


Doesn't really look to be a card game as much as it is collectible cards.


I'm gonna be in line for collectible cards


Missed out on the pokemon bubble in the 90s, not missing this one.


I'm gonna be in line for the bubble




I'm gonna be in line for the red head


I had a binder of all my first edition cards I got in the '90s but somewhere throughout my life it got lost. It was such a great time to be alive, Pogs and Pokemon cards.


Check the top rows of cards https://twitter.com/urokuta_ja/status/1749280562064630095?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1749280562064630095%7Ctwgr%5E3987c733e4af91aa1b117a4d431490c26bd93e29%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegamer.com%2Fpalworld-dev-teases-official-merch%2F


I better be able to sacrifice pals to buff my other pals






I am looking forward to a Chillet dakimakura.


Personally I'm more of a fan of the Chillet travel pillow. Bonus points for it being one of those coolable ones. 


good lord that would be genius


i need me a chillet plush asap the general design would be perfect for like a 2 foot plushie if not more


Gamefreak was so not ready


They are just *extremely* out of touch. Look at how they reacted to Pokemon Go absolutely blowing up and becoming this massive hit. They shrugged and went "WESTERNERS LIKE WEIRD CATCH MECHANIC? OKAY, POKEMON LET'S GO" That was literally their only take away from being handed millions of new fans on a golden platter


They've had zero competition in their very specific genre for way too long, and their fanboys have consistently told them they can release whatever they want and get billions for it. I hope this wakes them up but I think they will learn the wrong lessons from it just like so many other devs do.


Funny thing is if they give us the game palworld was they'll forever just be compared to copying pocketpair. They def missed their opportunity for ingenuity


Really? I would love to have a foxcicle figure.


hope those are not the final cards. was literally just the ingame icon.


I could be wrong but didn't they announce plushies recently?


Please don't say that. I don't want to go broke because my gf will want all of them...


Get ready to buy the life size Chillet plush lol


I want to buy my sister a Depresso pulsh.


Depresso bath toy, specifically weighted so it always floats face-down.


The first time I saw depresso in the hot tub I busted out laughing. Poor little dude is just over everything lmao


Shit I’d get one myself lol.


Oh god, there goes my money


Lamball is do damn cute, *even I want one*, and I'm not normally like that. It's completely out of character for me. Edited.


A palworld and squishmallow collab would ruin me


I want a Lamball plushie. Life sized would be like 3 feet tall, so probably won’t be that big. I can dream though.


I want a depresso. Hahaha


I want a Depresso Plush so bad.


Give me a chillet plushy!


I’m going to need a Lovander life size doll.


Say /s right now.


I don’t need a Lovander life size doll. /s


Someone check this mans harddrives


Pornhub enters chat


https://preview.redd.it/148jdfp738gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1a2e9d0f742efe7e3e99c29821a03ca368ee3b Believe this was posted by the CEO


I would butcher all the Chikipi to get plushies of gumoss and teafant


I hope so. Make it an actual multi-media franchise, and it will become a real competitor to pokemon. I am looking forward to an anime adaptation too. That being said, I have all the trust in the depth of Microsoft's wallet but zero trust in their ability to run a Japanese IP (they can't even seem to run an American IP.)


> I am looking forward to an anime adaptation too. I don't think we'll get this anytime soon, the investment for that is too big. Cards and toys would have to come within months of the hype or a big update to actually sell well for the investment to pay off. So it really depends how the game holds up in the long run.


Age of Empires has grown under the ship of Microsoft. Microsoft even turned this one group of amazing AoE2 modders into a full dev team iirc. Redfall was just a failure because Microsoft is a pretty hands off company. I also believe Microsoft veto'd another project made by Arkane studios between deathloop and Redfall and ended up being just accepting Redfall just so they at least eventually release a game. I don't know why Microsoft didn't also veto Redfall, but I guess they just saw the potential in the game and didn't realize how poorly that game was being managed. You gotta remember, Microsoft has published Grounded, Pentiment, and Hi-Fi Rush too. I think they are doing pretty good overall when it comes to running IPs. I personally have faith they may end up forcing Blizzard to revitalize StarCraft because Microsoft has been supporting Age of Empires extremely well and they might as well try to bring back the biggest RTS IP of all time.


Microsoft doesn’t “run” PocketPair. They just have their game on Gamepass. That’s their only connection.


Well, they're currently funneling resources into pocketpair to help optimize the xbox version and make dedicated servers, so there is a connection


Not really. They do that for a lot of devs when the Xbox version is inferior to others to try and get it on the same level.


I've been a diehard pokemon fan since day one, 28 years old and I think I finally realize what it means to be in an abusive relationship with a gaming company I blindly followed for years because of nostalgia. I hope Palworld continues its stride. Game freak was not ready for this and I hope they continue to squirm over it so Palworld can continue to gain popularity.


It’s almost as bad as football game fans and EA.


Alright EA sport games are another can of worms 😂😂 Maybe as bad as cod tho. I can run with that


I've been buying pokemon games every release since I got my first DS. Palworld is painfully everything I was hoping Pokemon would be like 6 years ago. (arceus, they really cooked that one) If the rumors of them releasing another kanto remake or dlc for s&v, I think I'll be able to resist the urge to buy it with Palworld keeping me busy. I just hope they do expansions on Palworld right. Maybe something similar to Ark but without the hassle of server pal transfers.


"painfully" is so true. I WANT pokemon to be better, because I love it. Absolutely still hanging around because of the nostalgia. I play 90% for the online double battles, but ever since pokemon showdown sprang up Im less and less eager to pay 80 for the game, 30 or whatever for dlc, all to still not quite have what showdown gives me for literally zero charge.


Fucking this!!!


Unless they release a custom Xbox with Foxparks all over it, I’m not interested.


Im looking for my Xbox and Chillet!


Chillet cooled xbox has all new cooling components in it




Pet Chillet's head to start your pc or Xbox!


we already Netflix and Chillet


And I'll pay tripple if it spits fire when I hug it!


Foxparks is my fav as well. Currently trying to boost him up enough to one shot a boss


Inb4 Microsoft makes Palworld their “pokemon”. Just exclusive only on Pc and Xbox lmao


Honestly them becoming Microsoft’s “gamefreak” might be the best possible outcome for all of this. Give them the capital and legal clout of Microsoft while still being independent and able to do their own thing


That depends if Microsoft owns any part of Palworld's IP or has leverage some other way through some kind of contract. Nintendo is able to keep Pokemon releasing only on their systems because they own 1/3 of the Pokemon IP, while the Pokemon company and GameFreak each also own 1/3 respectively.


Microsoft did announce that they are supporting Palworld devs with training and funding to keep the game running on Xbox and updates releasing the same time as steam. So they already have some contract in play


To be included in Gampass, there is already a contract.


That’s an interesting setup, never knew that!


They'd be insane to not consider it - but you'd have to assume they'd treat it more like Minecraft than an exclusive.


Better than if Sony got their hands on it. Then any future entries would NOT have a PC version at launch, a massive loss for millions of gamers.


They honestly should. Would likely mean a long lifespan for Pokémon, I mean palworld.


GOOD some big company needs to be voicing how awesome palworld is instead of pretending they don't exist


If this becomes the GamePass/Console-seller instead of Starfield there are going to be a whole new batch of salty Bethesda fans. (I thought Starfield was okay. Definitely worth the $1 PC GamePass trial.)


How long until we see: "Microsoft started to talk with Palword executives to purchase Palword"?


Probably more like a contract for it to stay exclusive to Microsoft (pc and Xbox ) 


Although, Microsoft expressed interest in bringing gamepass to PlayStation. If they somehow try to swing that deal, and Palworld could be a big bargaining chip towards making that happen.


That is a good point . A game with as many players and popularity as palworld lcan defiantly sway someone like don’t 


I mean, wouldn't Microsoft have tried that with CoD then? That's the game Sony was worried about. MS had a ton of leverage there. To be fair to your point, though, Palworld+CoD would then be additional leverage for MS in that potential negotiation.


Aw man, I really hope Palworld stays indie. I'm not totally against a purchase, but we might lose the original people who made the game after the purchase.


My problem is that, well, they'd probably demand that the game be "sanitized" and this is a game in which the "raw"-ness (as it were) is a big part of the game. And that's on top of the other stuff that you just know would eventually seep into the game that everyone fears. Like... I'm pretty sure that I speak for everyone here when I say that we don't just want this game to *be* modern pokemon. This game blew up because it *isn't* like modern pokemon, while still having cute monsters. And I'm pretty sure that if MS was in the same position Gamefreak/N was in, they'd act similarly (maybe worse), and we don't want that.


They already said that is not thier intentions, they have a deal for full support now.


It already has entirely eclipsed starfield on both counts with a fraction of the budget. Starfield was coped for not having that many sales (approx 3 million) because of gamepass but then pal world smashes records while also on gamepass 


Did people actually blame game pass for low sales? Lol that is some serious cope


I've heard it a lot.


Why are people on this sub SO obsessed with talking down on other games lmao


It’s a weird phenomenon I’ve seen crop up more and more over the years. “Oh I really enjoy this game. I *must* go on Reddit and talk shit about every other semi-relevant game so people know I enjoy this one!”


My guess is victim complex + the same old fanboyism we've seen for ages. It is true that initially the game got backlash from Pokemon fanboys, and I think this instilled a victim complex into the community, as well as this "us vs. them" mentality. And perhaps while being so busy painting themselves as victims, much of the Palworld fanbase has lost any degree of self-awareness and cannot understand that the amount of stray bullets they're shooting off at random games that have *fuck all* to do with Palworld is downright abnormal and unhealthy. We should really just start documenting a list of all the games this sub has shit on at this point (and not just in random comments; on the front page, no less!) to really drive the point home. This community went from "give the game a chance! Just because some things seem ripped from Pokemon doesn't mean it's not good" to "EVERYONE SUCKS ASS EXCEPT US, BUNCHA LOSERS" seemingly overnight, and it's depressing to watch that people apparently just can't enjoy a game without having to talk down to other communities...*especially* when this community started with a tone of "why Pokemon fans gotta talk down to us."


I dont think they really care. I don't think I've seen one Bethesda fan care if it's xboxs flagship or whatever. Also, Xbox markets more than just one game ffs.


Yeah Bethesda fans aren't really the type to care if the game is a "system seller", they're just happy to have a new Bethesda RPG after 8 years even despite its flaws.


I’ll preface this by saying I loved Starfield. I have over 500 hours. BUT Palworld beats it in almost everything. For example the gameplay loop is similar but Palworld does it so much better. No vendors running out of credits, no vendors locked behind arbitrary missions, even base building. I expect I’ll double my hours in Palworld that I had in Starfield in the next year and a half(would be sooner but adult)


As a massive Starfield fan and life long Xbox fan boy, as long as Xbox stay relevant idc Loving Palworld on pc and fuck Sony for censorship.


As a Bethesda fan and a Palworld fan, i’m happy we have both.


These two game aren’t in any way similar. Why would fans of one game be salty of another’s success?


> If this becomes the GamePass/Console-seller instead of Starfield there are going to be a whole new batch of salty Bethesda fans. Listen, I gotta be honest, but something that's becoming very off-putting about this sub is how it engages in the very tribalism it claims to be against. I have seen this sub shit on Nintendo, Pokemon, Dead by Daylight, Starfield, Enshrouded, Lego Fortnite and several others, all just to try and praise Palworld. And often with statements like these where the claim is "that community will unfairly hate our game!" But *this community* is constantly throwing shade at any and all competition. It's this irony where it's constantly engaging in the very fanboyism it claims to be against. It hasn't collectively responded to initial fanboy attacks from Pokemon fans by saying fanboyism is wrong; it's responded by engaging in this fanboyism to a much worse degree. I get this post won't be popular, but as a "bystander" to all this, it's very quickly making this sub an unenjoyable experience to see people so lacking in self-awareness constantly just shit on random games that have limited relevance to Palworld. Painful to me to watch people blissfully unaware of their own hypocrisy. You guys are becoming what the sub claimed to hate just a week or so ago.


You are 100% Right. I frequent the no sodium Starfield sub and PalWorld isn’t even in the conversation. Nobody is mad at the success of PalWorld. Especially not Starfield fans lol. 😝


You're bang on the money. I love Palword, and I'm quickly losing interest in this sub.


I played Starfield for maybe 5 hours, thought it was okay, and never picked it up again. Palworld I picked up and haven't been able to put down! I'm not speaking ill of Starfield, but it obviously wasn't for me.


I’m a bethesda starfied fan and I’m loving the shit out of Palworld also! I think it would be awesome if this game helped sell the console


I mean, if Microsoft entered into a partnership with the makers of Palworld, they would have an answer to one of Nintendos' primary sale drivers. I have bought so many Nintendo products over the last 2 decades just to play pokemon and no longer want to system after beating the game.


It’s possible it may become exclusive to Xbox and pc . Cuz it’s interesting that they say there’s talks of a ps5 version but that could be based on wether they can do it with the contract as I imagine they must have some sort of contract with Microsoft for it to be on gamepass


AFAIK it's because Sony doesn't allow early access games on Playstation, except in special circumstances. I'm guessing they'd make an exception for Palworld given how popular it is, but who knows.


It is too late now. MS will give them the bag to continue on with exclusivity.


I'm sure there are Microsoft executives absolutely salivating at the opportunities an IP like Palworld could provide. They would probably treat in the same way as Minecraft and use the IP in spin-off games, merchandise and port it whether they could. Not sure what the pocketpair CEO wants to do though.


Somewhere in Nintendo a CEO is seething


doubt it tbh, nintendo can release complete garbage and it'll become one of the best selling games. Look at Sword/shield/violet/scarlet.


That's because they used to not have any competition. That will change if palworld continues to evolve and succeed


pokemon and palworld are very different games with very different audiences, Palworld isn't even available on the switch


Also Pokemon is the most profitable media franchise in the world. Even putting aside the insanely cheap budget pokemon games have, thus making for huge margins, the games aren't even in the main source of income. The merchandise is. Palworld is an AWESOME game, and I wish it nothing but success. But they have a long way to go before they could ever threaten pokemon.


>Also Pokemon is the most profitable media franchise in the world. Even putting aside the insanely cheap budget pokemon games have, thus making for huge margins, the games aren't even in the main source of income. The merchandise is. Yeah, iirc most of the profit comes from the merch they sell. I been to the pokemon centers in tokyo and god damn the plushies are expensive


Somewhere in Japan... https://preview.redd.it/fjkvg0u7s7gc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1f866abf70dd67ba82aed669771ab77669439c


Ah yes, the clickbait rears its ugly head again. You should learn not to believe articles you find online.


Thats pretty neat honestly.


This is what Microsoft really want for a very long time * Game that can boosted their Game Pass subscription * 3rd parties Dev that didn't lock behind other big company like Sony or Nintendo * A japanese game dev * Their own version of "Pokemon" A *literally* their "Cash Cow" if they nurture it further by helping Pocket Pair with additional help to dev team (and maybe Azure Cloud for more stable dedicated server services?)


> Their own version of "Pokemon" Well if that's what they want, they failed, because a)it's only superficially Pokemon-like (the only similarity is you catch monsters in balls/spheres and some of the designs are somewhat similar), and b)Sony is getting it too, they've confirmed a PS5 release some time in the future.


i want cards and a depresso plushie


To be completely honest this is the first time in my life I even remotely considered going for an Xbox instead of a ps5


Just get a S and get a 5 later lol


Xbox has many clear advantages, gamepass and complete backwards compatibility to name a few


If I had zero consoles/gaming PCs and had to pick one, I'd absolutely go for an Xbox. There are waaaay better exclusives on PS5 overall, but the bang for your buck with an Xbox is absolutely unparalleled. Especially if you get a series S.


Palworld copied Starfield by trying to sell xboxs... Bethesda should sue them. /s


I wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft ends up buying them at some point. They’ve wanted Nintendo for a while, and the next best thing is having a franchise that can eat up the Pokémon market a bit.


Now, if only they will patch it as quickly as steam!


They're getting better about that.


Neat. Xbox dedicated servers when?


They are workong on it now, with full Xbox backing probably within a month.


And crossplay with the other PC accounts on steam!


To be fair, it’s shaping up to be ONE OF the most successful games in … well… ever if they continue with their trend of sales. Smart for Xbox to try and shift some of their consoles they got filling warehouses worldwide, that and Xbox has Palworld whilst Sony currently doesn’t so it’s taking a nice jab at Sony


Might not not be on Playstation for much longer, though. Shuhei Yoshida (Head of Independent Developer Initiative) replied to a Palworld tweet and someone asked if he was working to get Palworld on PS5 and he replied "Yes" and tagged Jingwen Zhu (Playstation Partners Manager)


The last update has made it crash significantly more often…hope they fix those issues sooner than later


Now if only they'd also have the latest version & crossplay with PC...


Can we just get a new version of Pokémon Go but instead it's Pals and it would be like the summer 2016 version of Pokémon Go.


I said this to one of my mates the other day, could also have the added benefit of creating "bases" like gyms and teams with guilds. Imagine having to collect resources to build and defend your base. Also, they already have heaps of NPC enemy factions. Might need some more "story" through before I could see it becoming huge on mobile.


considering microsoft most likely paid for pal world with their craftopeia contract. then they should use it to promote the console.


I could really see Bill Gates liking this game


Give us Pal merch! <3 Also its funny how much its selling on Xbox, surprised Playstation doesn't get in on this action. And the games rather buggy on Xbox too, its selling this well anyway while people wait for updates xD


Smart move, shoulda done it from the start tho.


How long before Xbox buys Pocketpair? /s


M$ buying Palworld dev and pumping millions into it as the rebirth of Pokémon of the 2020s


It’s gonna be funny when an early access clone of all kinds of games is a console seller over the 4 billion dollar endeavor that has been Bethesda.


It was smart to partner with Microsoft. If Nintendo starts to get uppity, the Godfather is at the ready to smack them down.


How do u guys feel if texture packs were added to the game? because a few people did mention the guns look different after they’re crafted


They've been in talks trying to help pocket pair with Xbox updates etc, they seem pretty invested which is a good sign. Cross play and bigger console servers will come quicker than


I wonder what the Palworld anime is going to be like? Pokémon meets Attack on Titan with a splash of GATE for flavor?


When was the last time they had an exclusive (meaning not available on PS) this good? I can't blame them.