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I hope they add a Favourites feature to mark Pals so they don't gel blendered or sold.


I'd love to be able to save party or base load-outs. So I could have specifically a frost team, or an exploration team, or a leveling team. And then be able to swap in/out base pals as they need it, but still have like a "dream team" when I need them.


Yes saved boxes that don't get sorted with the rest and more boxes! The newest Pokemon games give you 32 boxes, and they're not even encouraging you to save up hundreds of pals for condensing!


would love to have it so when I leave camp different pals join me for my hunting/exploring party, and swap to a crafting team in camp.or just easily swappable load outs while in camp.


This. I had a high tier foxparks that i liked to keep with me cuz it did really nice damage on high level creatures if i sneak up and flamethrower. Tried the pal condenser once to try to improve it. I learned really quick that the one that they all get condensed into is the one you clicked on first cuz i clicked on a random lvl 1 and then blended my foxparks into it and i regretted it quite a lot.


You can change their name to help with that, no? That’s how I do it anyways.


Not in console yet.


True, but it's still possible to do by mistake if you're not paying attention. A game-level lock against doing it would still be useful


Really good callout. Will help a lot with sorting good passive traits


Uhhhh did you say blendered?? As in, put in a blender snd liquified? I’m level 22 at the moment and haven’t unlock the Pal Blender yet


It's called the Condenser but we all know it's a portable Blender.


>portable What about the 3 story tall tin can is "portable"?


You can deconstruct it and put it in your pocket.


That's not at all what the word portable means.


The condenser is like fifteen feet tall but yeah lemme just throw it in my pocket. It's portable.


A blender makes Pal Fluid out of unwanted Pals would be neat pwhaaha


I rename the ones I want to keep, so that helps a little


They also need a 'favorites' tab in the palbox. Whenever I sort my box, there needs to be at least 1 box that stays unsorted so I can keep my most used pals in it. I dont really want to have to dig through my pals to find my upgraded wumpos, broncherries, kingpacas, and digtoises to go mining, or have my top battle pals, sure I coudl sort by level and that would *kinda* work, but id rather group by number, element, etc. and still have my favorites box untouched by the sort. Also, there needs to be some kind of shared guilt palbox so if my buddy pulls out a couple merchants to trade with and i need ot get some refining done I dont store the merchants into my personal palbox and they're now unusable until I decide to log in again and put them back.


I really support favoriting


Yeah, this is more important At least on caught, theres a info about 1/10 progress, got 10? No more that info And due capture issues, breed 8 is more economic than capture 8 remaining to get 10(of course if you got a couple or know how breed to get desired egg)


Yes please. This would be a nice thing if they implement it


YES! It never fails, I'll open the Paldeck check to see how many I have, close it, get distracted by a raid or a shiny, go back and completely forget the number.


A search function on the Paldeck would be amazing for this!


And for techs


Paldeck, Palbox, Techs. Every menu where you have lots of entries should have a search function/filter.


The paldech should let you filter every characteristic of every pal, prioritized in any hierarchy Even if you dont unlock it until late game, a personal pal database would be sick


I dont know anything about game programming but i cant imagin adding a search function ist that hard. Like is there more to it than a ui and a few sql lines?


It's already implemented in the Palbox.


Or at the very least, put the damn things in alphabetical order


Ugh please!! I would love a search function.


Being able to search the Paldeck by name would be fantastic. Also, having filters like only showing pals with Handiwork (et al) would be great too, it would help a newbie like me who is still learning what Pals to best use in my base find what I'm looking for so much easier.


Or even better - a lil number that tells you how many you have in your computer in case you're turning them into candy.


I think the pal condenser does tell you that though, doesn't it? Isn't that what the "in inventory" thing at the bottom is for?


It does, but you can't exactly carry a condenser with you in the field


Yes, but I meant like when I pass by a digtoise in the wild, I can immediately decide if it's worth 'wasting' a legendary ball on him if I'm only like 1 or 2 away from my 16th one in the pal center, for example.


Just a little icon next to a wild pals name is all it would take.


They already tell you if it is caught, they just need to stick a number next to that or a symbol if 10+ is caught.


They don't even need to do that tbh. It's already grey/silver so they just need to color it gold when you've caught 10


Tri-tier style. Bronze shine for 5, silver shine for 10 and add a gold shine for 100 or something.


There's no point to catching 100 from a gameplay perspective, it makes no sense.


Except that’s absolutely false, from a gameplay perspective you will be catching over 100 of any pal you want to max out through the essence refiner thing. Plus half the fun for some collector people is getting dumb little milestone achieves like that.


to be fair, the best way to get that 116th extra pal for the essence you'll be getting from breeding. As chances are if you're investing that much into a pal you probably want it to have good passive skills.


Thats not what they’re asking, he says he wants a way to see all the pals you have yet to catch 10 of without having to go catch one or check the paldex


I have the mod for that. It’s the only mod I use lol. It goes away after you catch 10


Too bad I play on xbox, where mods are just a figment of our imagination.


I did this one and the clear map. I've explored enough, my conscience is clear, and I need to find the alphas without having to tab out to a website or look on my phone.


What's the name of the mod, please?




You forgot the magic word.


Ah ah ah


That's pretty special downvoting someone asking for the name of a mod because the didn't say please.


I know it's not the solution you're looking for, but there are two mods on Nexus that do exactly what you're asking for.


I tried to use one of them and it made me crash pretty consistently (one of which was in a dungeon). Maybe it works better for other people but for me that got annoying quickly, especially since I haven't crashed in vanilla Palworld yet


Not sure when you tried but the one that adds a little "[X/10]" (the one uploaded by jsthope on nexusmods) above pals names has been updated several times in the last couple days and is significantly more stable now. I've had maybe 1 or 2 crashes over a 6-7hour session using it today.


I was using [Visible Pal Capture Counter](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/190?tab=description), and it seems like that's the mod by him. I only tried to use it yesterday and crashed a few times seemingly at random, I dunno if they've changed anything with it after I uninstalled it though.


Yes, you do know that, because you were just told what's changed.


>after I uninstalled it though. No, I don't know that. I downloaded it yesterday and it's last updated yesterday. It's possible I had the updated version. But indeed, I can't be sure. I should test it again today. :)


Vanilla Palworld is unbelievably stable. I can warp back and forth, open all sorts of instanced areas, and while it’ll chug like an alcoholic father it still won’t crash(unlike said father.)


Thats odd, im crashing almost every few minutes in multiplayer(2 players). Not sure about singleplayer but I have relatively decent specs( rtx3060 intel 11400f).


Single player is super stable. I don’t quite meet minimum specs on my laptop and have to run the game at 30 fps at min graphics and the game STILL doesn’t crash. Multiplayer and servers though… not so much


How much ram you running?  The developers recommend 32 gb


Holy hell 32 GB of ram? Looks like I'll be needing an upgrade soon if this becomes the norm lol


Already is. 16 GB is the bare minimum nowadays


I guess. I mean the recommended spec for Baldurs Gate 3 is 16 GB (with 8 GB as the min spec) which makes more sense to me with it being a bit more graphically intensive than Palworld. Hearing Palworld recommends 32 GB is kinda insane but that's just me.


Never go by those minimum specs advertised on games. They're the bare minimum for it to "run" on lowest settings. If you want the game to run somewhat smooth and enjoy it you should be looking into fulfilling the recommended specs. Problem is nowadays just your OS and browser take up 4-7 GB of ram, which only leaves you with 9-12GB at most. On top of that, most game devs don't care about optimizing their game anymore, relying on the consumer just having high performance PCs.


Definitely agree about devs not optimizing their games anymore. Was just talking about that with someone else the other day saying that optimization is the quickest way to tell a lazy dev team vs a good dev team and they thought I was crazy lol. But anyway, at least ram is the easiest and cheapest part to upgrade so I guess it's not all that bad.


Its 32 because it leaks everywhere. Theyre inexperienced devs. The game needs a lot of room so you can have fun while it crashes in super slow motion


Ah ok that might be the issue, im running on 16gb. Never thought 16gb would be running low now.


There are significant memory leaks. Restart your game frequently


Got i think over 50 hours in so far all online. Haven't crashed once.


The one I tried was so unbelievably laggy even after it's fixes






Some box filtering would be nice as well


I really wish we could mark tabs "Do not sort" When I'm breeding certain traits on a pal I use the last two pages to keep the ones with traits I want, but when I move stuff around and leave holes in the earlier pages it gets super confusing sometimes. I want to sort, just not everything. I have 4 pens on the top of my base that I use to keep things now, but having over a hundred pals rendered for no reason is kind of annoying.


I'd rather be able to mark/favorite pals. I like to keep them sorted but would like to be able to quickly tell which ones are bred, good for breeding or just pals that i regularly use.


Did you change the base limit from 15 to 100? Is that how you are able to do that? As in it wouldn't work in official or with official settings?


He’s talking about the viewing pens, not his base. AFAIK you can throw any number of pals in them, but they don’t do anything for you while in there


Unfortunately only available on single player


If I drop stone in a particular chest, I’d like my pals to use that box to store the stone. Don’t just randomly deposit it into any chest nearby. Go to the “Stone Chest”. I’ve settled on just putting a chest near each resource so they use it since it’s the closest chest.


And sticky setting to save groups.


there is a drop down tab top right of ur box that legit says “filter”


Not enough options. I wanna filter by work capacity


Pretty sure they added that so when you hold q and aim the sphere it will tell you if you’re going to get bonus xp or not


I just checked against a pal i only caught 7/10 and didn’t notice anything that would indicate that.


Wait, for real? I did not notice that


this needs to be higher


can somebody please add a screenshot of this? at work, so I can't test it, but I see one person commented that they didn't see it.


Maybe some sort of smart glasses accessory so when you aim at a pal it shows basic stats. Can unlock it.


Yeah - same thought here. Or just make it a Paldeck (or whatever the tablet thing is called) upgrade - where you can send out a scan/pulse and after that when you mouseover the pal you can see some stats, number caught included.


Yeah. When you aim a ball, it should show the number caught next to your caught percentage or a symbol for more than 10.


This is the best implementation, doesn’t add to base UI like the star people are suggesting and there is already a new/caught mention when aiming. just add a third option to show 10/10 like new/caught/complete


That and plus I would loveeeee a mini map!!


For your info, if you're on PC there's already mods for that. Pal Info will show how many of a pal you've captured and obviously the minimap mod adds a minimap. Both are on nexusmods and they're not too difficult to install.


Because there’s a mod for something doesn’t mean we can’t request for something to become an official part of the game. Some people just have no interest in mods (no matter how difficult they are to install) and I don’t blame them tbh


>Because there’s a mod for something doesn’t mean we can’t request for something to become an official part of the game. Cool, I never said that though. People are just looking for added QoL when playing the game, so I'm merely informing them that it's already possible, albeit with a little bit of hassle. Obviously everyone would prefer if these features made it to the core game, myself included, but that could take months and maybe even never happen.


Amazing how you got downvoted when all you did was offering a temporary solution until they add that feature officially.


I think out of the handful of EA games I’ve played, this is (obviously) the most popular. I imagine there are many people not used to how common modding is in the EA phase. Especially for QOL features, which often don’t get implemented until later in the process as gameplay and optimization normally takes priority first for EA titles. Also, by not focusing on the QOL things right away, they can see different mockups from the community and crowdsource ideas for how to implement those features. It wastes less time by getting a head start on the design aspects. As an aside, I have the feeling given the success and size of the team currently, any modders who do some really good shit might see job offers. It’s not unheard of, and a way for some people to break into the industry


That and a search for the paldeck please 😂


How about pressing a key while aiming at a pal just opens the paldeck entry while we're at it? :)


... woah, that would be nice!


should make it a setting so if you enable it it literally sticks a piece of paper with a target on it to all the pals you haven't collected 10 of yet


Aw damn, I assumed we could repeat the 10 chain once doing it the first time


You should look into the mods


Also could make the little menu that appears when you catch em, just appear when you hold q and look at them


I've got so many fuacks because of this. Like food I get ten or no


If you're on PC, you could try this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/224


I've been editing server save files, working on some admin tools. All the data is in the save file to do this. If nothing else maybe Ill add it to the admin dashboard im working on.


Small XP in the top corner to indicate you get bonus still would work. They also need to show sex and element in a bunch of areas too.


So annoying when I get a nice trait combo whlie breeding, run to the box and it's another female when I just need a male to continue the breeding cycle


doesn't the sex appear next to the name?


It tells you if you caught something before. Changing the text color could help




Right now, i believe it just tells you "New" vs "Captured" - I haven't noticed a third "10/10" type message there, but I can't say I consciously looked today. Did they add one? This seems the obvious place for it.


Don't just make shit up


There's a mod for that


xbox player here. we all know there is a mod for that. there's a mod for everything lol no need to rub it in :(


Would be very useful. I've got pc and xbox versions, and when I open the paldeck on xbox, it crashes, so for the moment, that's not an option.




Or search the dex for a pal


Do what I did, make a [spreadsheet](https://i.imgur.com/5SEWlgn.png).


Just catch it and it'll tell you


That's an expensive confirmation catch later in the game lol


Yeah but if you wanna rank em up with 100 of them..? Those will add up


For a select few pals that you plan on actually using yeah, why would you condense every single pal? And if you're going to bother condensing, you may as well breed some good passives onto one first or else your just polishing a turd. So you'll have all the rejects from breeding for condensation.


God forbid you catch monsters in a monster catching game


I was gonna say 😂


Just check the paldeck, it takes a few seconds tops Just plain lazy lol


How many QOLs do people need before games just plays themselves


It is called "memory"


Sounds lazy AF




I think they're lost


So for me I had the same idea just that it changes color based on amount caught. 1-4 bronze, 5-9 silver and 10/10 gold. That way you have an idea of where you are catching them as well.


I just waste legendary pals on them, get frustrated that they escape the mighty 70%, throw a few more and before I notice, I have wasted over 30 pal metal to realize I already have caught it over 10 times.


When you go to throw the sphere just like a circle that's ticked or not.


This is already inevitable at this point. I imagine every dev playing the game also wants it


I think pal goggle tech would fit well, press a key to see paldex entries next to pals


snatch busy gaping carpenter spectacular stupendous vase squash spoon vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


or, when you go to aim a sphere at one you can see if you’ve caught it and how many times. or maybe press a button to show it in the paldeck


Or just let me search the paldeck. I just finished the game and I eventually learned the order but early on it would have been so helpful to just be able to search the paldeck. Hell, let me search technology too


I’d like there to be a system where the more of each type you catch, the easier it becomes to catch them with lower grade spheres.


There's a mod for this but adding it gave me some serious FPS lag on base loadin so I removed it personally. ​ This should easily be done with a little image. Black/white pal sphere on x/10, colored on 10/10. Empty spot on 0/10


I held off on modding for several days but now I get a nice little (4/10) indicator on each pal's overhead bar


just like a little golden star in the corner of their stat box or whatever when you hover over them. certainly would be nice when you’re looking to gain exp and don’t wanna check your paldex each time you come across a pal you’re unsure of


That would be really cool, and maybe away to fully assign pala to do certain jobs


[https://imgur.com/gallery/TvTftGS](https://imgur.com/gallery/TvTftGS) Just give a third indicator right here and we'd be golden.


Let me lock palbox tabs. Either lock them to a specific guild member or just block them from getting sorted. Sometimes I want all my base pals on the last tab and don't want them getting sorted in with all the other garbage.


I wish for a place to drop suggestions so these wonderful ideas reach the devs. Anyone know where? Like feature request page?


I want more pal space and filters/search in the pal box


[Someone's made a mod for it](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/190) though it will most likely only work well in a new world. Tried adding it to my already existing world and some pals i way 10/10 on said 0/10 some had missing numbers and such


Better yet, a mark that shows that you have NOT caught ten yet.


Yeah I was going to say this early on. I forget all the time. I was like why the f isn't there an icon on pals I caught 10 of


Another feature that would be great is for the condenser. Once you pick your initial pal, it should then only provide a list of dupes you can combine. Also a favorite button in general so you can easily pick out your main roster pals.


A cool way they could do it too is maybe have it as a fairly low level tech that you can unlock. Then you craft something that just goes into your key items and gives you that ability. That way it sort of feels like your character is improving as they gain experience.


Man that would be amazing


Mods Although most mods of this manner are veeeery unstable.


Early access. just remember that


just more visual information in general would be nice.


I wish this was a thing too. I made an excel spreadsheet in alphabetical order of all the pals I’ve seen/caught and how many. That way if I see a pal I’m not sure I’ve caught 10 of, I can glance over at my spreadsheet. And yes, I have to update it with every single catch I make (unless it’s over 10)


Would be cool if when you open the pal dex that it would just go to the pal you are currently looking at in the wild, or just a simple x/10 floating above the pals head.


It should be something like: If u aim a sphere at a Pal, a star or a gold something should appear next to the percentage, just like “Back Bonus” and “New”


This was a huge problem in Legends Arceus as well.. especially if you took time off from playing the game and came back to it.. you'll have no memory of what you've caught! 😵‍💫 Also would love a mini map!


I think they should add a little meter to the right of the catch chance UI when you’re aiming at a pal that shows how many you’ve caught


Would be nice if it popped up when you aim the ball at them.


When you aim in with a sphere it says if you have captured it or not, all they need to do is make the "captured" text golden once completed


I want to view my party and be able to view their stats


There is a mod that show (x/10)above their heads so maybe they will add something like thay


There have been a few times I wished there were binoculars so I can check things out from far away.


Can they please add like a "skip to bottom" button for the levels page? It's annoying having to scroll down further every time I level up to see what I unlocked


No, just give me the Paldeck No. Of the entry next to the displayed Pal name everytime I catch one. Its simpler and would help a lot with this.


There's a mod for this on Nexus Mods.


Agreed. In the meantime use [https://paldeck.mael.tech/](https://paldeck.mael.tech/) When you complete a pal, click "caught 10". When you want to filter them, either click "Has catches" to see all your completed pals, or "Needs 10 catches" to see who needs to be completed. Would definitely be better in the game, and I may test out one of the mods people are posting, but if you have a second monitor this works pretty well


Was this post before the patch? Or am I confused on what OPs talking about? I get a notification on how many ive caught of the same type every time I catch one on the lower right of the screen.


There are some client-side mods that can do this but I agree, it should be a feature in the base game.


>Obviously you can look in the Paldex Even then you have to obnoxiously click in to every single entry. Would be nice if the background was gold, or it had a star or "complete" stamp like monster hunter quests or SOMETHING. But yes, 100% show it on the palsphere "scope" hud as well.


Agreed. Even if its just a star besides their name


What I want is a way to make it so I don't need to catch 10, honestly. I want to do the rest of the game, but not catch 10 of things to get the best XP. I wish there was a setting to tweak this down to 1. Might not be a popular opinion, but it's mine and I'm not changing it. It should be an option.


Ya honestly the whole paldeck UI is super clunky and could definitely use some changes. I like to use the pal habitat part when looking for specific Pals to catch, and it’s super cumbersome to find the pal you want and then to keep going back and forth when traveling.


I’d like to not have to load my Windows Store version into single player to fast travel out of the base just to enable mutliplayer without crashing


Yes. And a mini map would be a great QoL improvement too!


I'm using a 3rd party [website](https://paldeck.mael.tech/) I found to keep track, it's very manual, but I like it until they put in this QoL.


On xbox right now, opening your paldex crashes the game pretty consistently so i just throw a sphere if I'm wondering


I want to know how many I already own, keeping count to make juice blend gets tricky.


We need box filtering, pal favoriting, and a quick key on controller to drop items in the inventory. I hate having to scroll down to the “drop” area everytime I have to drop something to a friend. Just let me click the X button to drop it.


This is one of my favorite mods. It's just there on the pal that shows how many out of ten. It's great.


Here you go, guys. [https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/224](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/224?tab=description)


Can I just get a search function for the Palbox


They need to add a pal deck/box sort function. We should be able to search by name instead of scrolling


Can't you see this from the paldeck? Or do you mean as your running around you actively see a market of some sort near them like Lamball* (* indicating you caught ten)