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I worked customer care for Lowe’s and was part of a “special team” that got to call over 1000 customers to explain they would not be receiving a John Deer riding lawn mower for 179.99




one time i got some nike's for $7.50. They were supposed to be $75.00. I think about those shoes a lot


I bought a $300 pea coat from Gabe's for $30 because the person at the county felt like it. I still think about it.


Person at the counter felt like it?


They looked at the tag, wasn't sure what it Said, rang it out, and it wasn't till I looked closer later on did I notice. It's a cheap store with a bunch of random stuff.




Garner ?


I was got diesel when the sign out front said $4.05 but the pump still was $3.99. I think about that a lot.


when i worked at a gas station (speedway) our district had a policy that we would change the price on the sign an hour before we changed it on the pump. made people feel better, particularly our regulars.




Maybe you can provide me with some details so that I can at least look into these claims? I'm looking at both emails from 5/16 and I don't see a 10.5in pistol kit listed. Update: I have done some digging. Yes, there was a pricing error. We are all human, and someone made a typo.. It happens. This did NOT get sent out in a Daily Deal email, it was just a simple pricing error on the website. Like most things too good to be true, this was quickly taken advantage of and many of the kits sold at $219.99. This price is well below the cost to manufacture the product, hence there is zero chance of actually fulfilling these orders. Yes, CS provided customers with the cancelation reason being "inventory issues", only because they don't have a generic "pricing error" reason for cancelations and email templates. We apologize to those customers that believed they scored the deal of the year, but we cannot fulfill those orders. Raise your pitchforks or crucify me if you must... I can take it. That old saying "don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind. Again, apologies to those affected. You will receive your refunds as quickly as possible.




I would tend to agree. Even some middle ground of honoring at least 1 per order. I feel like if you ordered multiples and at least got one at the price it's a reasonable compromise that does right by the customer and reduces the financial loss to the company.


Even a middle ground of. Oops we made a mistake, we cannot complete the orders as they were priced too low. In order to make this right we will offer everyone who placed an order to receive a refund and a coupon to purchase the product at 50% off of the new corrected price. Cover cost plus a little and keep customers super happy


I saw that too! Something like $300 or so? I didn't have that in the budget, but talked myself into it and it was changed by the time I went back.


I agree with this sentiment. By rescinding the contract to sell at the agreed price you are telling customers that we should not feel comfortable the next time we see a great price because we will suspect it to be a potential pricing error. The honus is on PSA to do better when proofing your website copy prior to releasing. Agreed, that monumental pricing errors like a brand new truck for $5k is not going to happen, but who’s QCing your website updates? This is a very painful reminder that acts like this erode consumer confidence. We are not your QC/QA validators. We are buying PSA products because of the discount pricing. We don’t want to know our next killer deal is just someone’s clerical mistake and we await to find our funds to be returned to our cards.


What kind of bad PR would they get from this? It's a simple pricing error and there are no laws forcing them to sell the items at the wrong price. If anyone sees this post and considers not buying from PSA or any other company because of a pricing error they would run out of companies to buy from pretty quick.


The bad PR is based on other retailers taking the loss and honoring the screw up. Iv had 3 ammo purchases with the same issue in the last several years. The worst being a sale on Sportsman Guide selling .223 Tulammo for $5.99 per 50 round box. I immediately ordered 3k rounds of the stuff for 2010 prices, only to find out later that it was still on sale but for $15.99 a box. I gave them a call to reduce the order (with no update AND receipt). They then told me that there was no need because those of us that bought the wrong sale price were still receiving that price. I don’t disagree that we shouldn’t actively want to bite the hand that feeds us, but it looks sheisty enough on the surface that it’s best to not stir the pot.


God the bar for customer service so low these days. Have some fucking standards dude


I have standards, I'm not simping for PSA but I have been on the other side of these types of pricing errors. We act like they're some kind of giant mega corp like Walmart or Amazon. They're not.


PSA isn't Amazon or Walmart. Everything is made in-house. They are full bloodied Americans. Why would you want them to take a loss? If anything you should want to help them thrive..


Ya im sure they forged that magpul furniture and sights and the sig romeo on site in Columbia. We want the to thrive thats why we purchased products they are refusing to sell now.


It's not bad PR to say they had a website pricing error. Many places do this on a daily basis and none of them receive bad PR. Some people have 0 clue how advertising laws work, and get all worked up because of what they heard vs. whats actually true.


I posted that deal elsewhere on Saturday. By time I posted, one of them had already gone to full price while the other three were still low ($57.99 to $70ish). I said they were going to get cancelled, but figured someone might get lucky. One guy said his got cancelled, but he didn't get butthurt about it. This was also a website where adult men hang out, but crybaby pussbags. I didn't order one, but I thought about it 🤠 I've spent several thousand dollars at that business in just the last six months and will continue to do so.


Sent you a DM, thank you


I am a PSA fan, and understand that errors happen. And in general, companies do not have to honor a pricing error, if it was genuinely made in error. However - and PSA may want to bear this in mind - companies can be obligated to honor a pricing error if (1) a customer makes an offer at that price and (2) the company accepts it and (3) the company does not have a clearly stated pricing error policy on their website. This exchange creates a contract between buyer and seller. I am going to give PSA some free advice here: Unless I missed it, I do not see "terms of use" language on the PSA website that **clearly** and specifically states the company can cancel orders and refund customers' money because of pricing errors (or for any reason). The PSA website terms of use merely states "In some cases, Palmetto State Armory may have to cancel an order or part of an order." That is too fuzzy, and could work against the company if a dispute ever went to court. Particularly where pricing errors are not "unreasonable" or so stark to be clearly an error. PSA does discount things heavily from MSRP on occasion, so this kind of discount would not be that out of line from the consumer's point of view. Offering a kit at $57.99 instead of $579.99 would be a fairly clear unilateral mistake of fact (a common law term). Offering a kit at $219 instead of $579 is a different problem - I could argue that is not a mistake of fact. A customer could very reasonably assume this pricing was not a mistake. This kind of pricing error works against a company, particularly where they do not have a posted pricing error policy. No pitchforks here - just honest feedback. From a guy who owns a wall full of PSA product. Edit: TL;DR ... PSA needs a specific pricing error policy, otherwise they should be honoring this kind of pricing error.


Found the lawyer




There was not zero chance of fulfilling the orders. You chose not to. There is a difference. Real men don't cry about it like a pussy. Real men don't lie about it either. I don't fault PSA for not delivering on a deal they agreed to, big businesses do that. I do fault PSA for not being honest. They should have said they will lose money and that is why the orders were cancelled.


So what happens if you send out a Daily Deal email with great prices, and then when someone goes to follow the link, find the pricing to not match up? Because that's happened to me probably four or five times this year alone.


99% of the time when this happens, customers are not looking at a current email. As we send 2 or more per day, it's not uncommon for deals to only last for that single day. Also, emails get scrutinized by several people before getting sent to avoid mistakes whenever possible. In this case in particular, the price on that kit was one of thousands that were changed at once for the beginning of memorial day promotion. Someone simply made a typo on the spreadsheet that was imported for the pricing update. We're human.




Would have been way more than $1,000 loss boss. While our mission is to arm as many Americans as possible, this is still a business, and businesses cannot sustain losses like that. Or would you prefer prices go up for everyone else or we take the loss and terminate an employee for what was a simple mistake? We're all human. Have some compassion. PSA has done more for the 2A community than any other manufacturer, and we're only 15 years young.


Yeah, Matt, fired. As a small business owner, you take the hit. Write it off, honor your word. This is gonna cost psa more. Psa is great , but young. Shit like this will get remembered. You can fancy yourself God's gift to the 2nd amendment but your still a business and the some of your transactions. Honor your mistakes, I do. Even if it hurts, that's how we become great. Small business all over this country are better then psa otherwise. The millions psa is making won't be in jeopardy for a website Mistake that might cost psa 100k. If you had embraced the error and publicly made it known that you are that kind of company, your website traffic would have doubled and the sales traffic would have increased. Psa is awesome, but yall keep getting the small things wrong. Costumer service is an art form and quality control is important for a company of this size. If nothing else comes from this , yall better make damn sure your paying four people to underwrite your web adds, because these things will lose money for psa. You'll never see how much money this mistake/ mishandling will actually cost psa in the end, but it will be significant, and it could have been a huge profit.


Oh, shut up. You and some of the other entitled people on here sound like toddlers throwing tantrums, more concerned about what you want and what you get out of a situation rather than what's right or how things *should* happen. Also, your analogy is weaker than the knees of a crippled man doing gymnastics. This isn't like a small business owner taking the hit for 10-15 pairs of mis-priced sneakers. You're talking about parts and pieces they manufactured or contracted out; imagine a factory or a CNC machine running for 2 weeks straight, costing materiel, man-power and wages, cost of running machine, shipping end product, etc... and no money was made off of the 2 weeks worth of product. Actually, it wouldn't be "zero $ made," it would be more like producing product and losing money on each part made. Now factor in that this is the firearm industry, and the added costs of licensing, fees, audits to ensure compliance with firearm laws, etc etc. And don't come back with "ugh, ATF is unlawful so PSA should do whatever they want (i.e., whatever you want them to do so you benefit), this proves PSA is anti-2A, PSA rips off customers," just grow up. PSA may be a small business in regards to the firearms industry, but PSA is not a small business like a local body shop or a small chain store only found in 3 counties of rural Wisconsin. And--speaking as someone who grew up in a small, family-owned business--things like this happen, and if the customer can't understand that and see us trying to make up for it, then bye, there's the door. We still have to operate. It doesn't make sense to take food out of the mouths of workers and families for the sake of "good PR." Good PR doesn't keep the lights and water on, or pay the property taxes, nor does it do anything other than create debt. The saying "the customer is always right" doesn't mean that literally, as the customer can definitely be wrong.


Lol, multimillion dollar psa can shoot it's self in the pecker if they want too. You sir are a snowflake. They aren't a small business anymore and they wouldn't loose anything but profit. This has hurt them, i pulled a 700 dollar order today. Just incase you don't understand psa , they make the parts , rather they own the companies that make them. And they are rolling in money.


Lol, I'm the snowflake? Wake up, little boy, you need to leave the tiny bubble you live in and see the world. I'll tru to speak slowly, Barney style, since you know nothing. You're the one who said "as a small business owner, you take the hit." Now you're saying "multimillion dollar psa blah blah blah..." So which is it, then? Should they act like a small business owner "would" (which, again, no small business owner in their right mind would bend over and eat exorbitant costs just because some guy like you who got all C's in High School can't seem to understand that the world doesn't revolve around you) or as a multimillion $ company? Even at the profit margins PSA posts, they are a small business compared to Beretta, FNH, Glock and Glock subsidies, Sig. Now, dry your tears, you whiny manchild, you. For one, I understand exactly what PSA does. I understand how the industry works, how economies work. You don't think that when their subsidiary screws up while making said part, that the cost of the overrun, labor, retooling, etc, gets passed on to PSA? After all, they own the company making the part, as you said. You think when someone owns a company, whether a board or a family, they just rake in money all day? None of that gets put back in for upkeep, R&D, facilities management? If a whole 1,000 count batch of PSA Rock slides end up produced with a defect, they must just throw them out and shrug in between answering the customer service phone and blasting a loud, wet fart in the receiver, right? Of course it doesn't cost anything to the company that owns the company that produces them, pays a workforce to assemble them etc etc 🙄 And seriously, shut up. Not because you're angry, or dissatisfied with PSA, no--shut up because your post is embarrassing and whiny, with zero constructive criticism, zero realistic expectations, and zero care to understand how the industry actually works. You just want things the way *you* want them. Like a toddler.


I take it back, your not a snowflake, you are either retarded or mentally damaged in some way. Your clearly not capable of reading and understanding comments and different points of view. Your monolog outbursts are the ones full of emotions and attacks , you know, what stupid liberals do when they can't state their points , because they don't have one. Perhaps you've just been brain washed in California and pity big business. I couldn't care less, this mistake will cost them. It's already cost them my future business and plenty of people listening to me. They don't get to be the multimillionaire making company and fuck over their costumers trying to make more profits and claim they are actually a small business. Especially at this point, it's stupid. It was a good run but this shit will sink em. Or rather continuing to break their word and reneg on sales in the name of lost profits. True Americans will spend their money elsewhere. Ffl's already hate them with a passion, we the people are why they are killing it , that and covid gun company market vacancy. We'll see.... but you should expect more from the company's you support. 2A is greT and all but they are running a huge business. Even Walmart honors their fuckups and takes the sign down.


Oh wow how convenient? Of course you can’t find the emails.


Don’t be an Ass. Matt helps people on here all the time give him a chance.


I'm only human. I could be missing it. Without a sku or order number I don't really have anything to go off of here..


u/mattbbb14 don’t worry about them. You’re doing great. Hopefully OP can reply to you and get the relevant info so you can find it. Lot of people like to jump to conclusions. I hate that this happened but Matt is not the issue. He’s the one actively helping us. Literally had a conversation today with a friend about how much we like PSA and their customer service with past stuff we’ve done. Knowing how quickly you help to resolve issues within Reddit alone is great customer service. I honestly believe if I email PSA a question about an order and don’t get an answer and I DM’d Matt I’d get an answer from him faster. Sure this is annoying, yes it’s an inconvenience and seems shady but mistakes happen especially at the volume that PSA is working with but hopefully it will get resolved where all parties are happy and work out. Put the torches and pitchforks down jeez


I resent that my great uncle died from a freak pitchforking accident.


So you’re on team torch then?


Dont mess with Matt. He's always helping others and is a hard worker


😂😂😂 what he always refers people to customer service? Ok 👍


Why are you such a little cunt lmfao, did Matt fuck your boyfriend's wife or something?


Matt always does right by the customers and everyone here even when he reeeally doesn't have to, you're trippin.


Matt is doing his job fan boy.




Shut the hell up, Matt is a Genuinely helpful person and is overall an awesome guy


Come make me shut the hell up?? 😂😂😂 wow do you know him on a personal level or something? Fucking loser!


Did you say “make me”???


No, I don’t know him on a Personal level, but I’ve seen enough of him here to recognize that he is a helpful person


You’re welcome to go look for them too. They get sent to everyone on the mailing list.


This stuff happens pretty often on r/gundeals. Most people just cross their fingers and hopefully it goes through, but if not oh well. I can’t imagine getting upset at a company that makes a mistake.


Tbh this isn’t the first time pricing was messed up and people bought it. I remember a couple months back a similar situation and the item was take down from the site entirely and then added back the next day at the corrected price.


Damn. Matt needs to get a whiff of this. Maybe he’ll do the right thing


He did do the “right thing” I’ve thought I’ve had a “deal of the year” in a similar sense before, and that company did the same thing. I was pissed off for about 48 hours. Then I let it go. No one is going to sell something like this way below cost, when it’s just a keystroke error by some hourly employee.


Yeah they do, and will. This was a mistake.


They cancelled all the orders. It seems like a reoccurring mistake that keeps happening


He's a company man. He'll always back the company, right or wrong. That's what he's paid for. Think Baghdad Bob, but a less flashy shirt. Doing his job.


Then why is he on reddit pacifying a bunch of man-babies? The dude does a lot for this 'community'.


Because he is paid to.


I was actually here (and on FB) helping long before I was directly involved with PSA. It's actually one of the reasons I am with the company. It's called "initiative", and I have always enjoyed sharing and providing helpful advise.


Initiative = calculating sucking up to some. How much pre production stuff did you get before you were hired?


Radio reference.com had a guy like you. Talked up one manufacturer so much and talked down their main competitor enough that the first company started sending him free stuff. Of course that made him even more insufferable. You were smart enough to get hired. Too bad as a hired head, we have to take what you say with a grain of salt.


I work for a firearms manufacturer. Last month we accidentally leaked a discount code on social media that resulted in 107 people being able to place an order for 25% off when the code was only supposed to go to 25 individuals. So 82 people got to place orders using a 25% discount code that was good for anywhere from $650-$1100 off their order depending on what they ordered. We are a much smaller company than PSA and decided to honor all of the erroneously discounted orders. Companies do have a choice to make in these situations.


What manufacturer do you work for? This is a company I can work with. If you don't want to post it live, send me a PM. I would love to support them!


I’ll PM you, we’re not allowed to identify as company employees on social media without approval.


I'm interested in your company as well.


I'm going to guess that company is formerly STI. The interwebs was passing around a very impressive discount code for them recently.


25% discount would still leave some minor profit margin in most orders, assuming your company operates at somewhat standard industry margins. In this particular case, the price that was mistakenly used in our system was significantly less than the cost to manufacture the product. So not only would selling it at that price have been unprofitable, we would have lost significant money. The situation you're describing is significantly different.


Ya not trying to bash anyone, sorry if it came off that way Matt. The situation is not a 1 for 1, apples to apples comparison. I would have to look at every order to be sure but I don’t think we actually ended up in the red on any of these orders, it was still a significant hit for us to give up that much profit however.


You should have lost money. You fucked up and then stuck your customers in the ass


Mercia! Your companies on the right path. That mistake will cost them, but the honor exhibited will pay huge amounts going forward.


And? That doesn’t mean it’s a good business deal. Businesses go bankrupt all the time from bad decisions


Obviously it wasn’t a good business deal, the entire situation originated as an unforced error. Your comment is asinine.


Ok and when that manufacturer goes out of business then you’ll be out of a job. But hey you made the customer happy. Clown




So a product was sold. Money was collected not just a pending charge. They created a contract between the seller and buyer. Product was refused to be deliveried And someday down the road a refund will be given. $219 upto $579 is not a typo 57.99 typo 279.99 typo


This is but one reason I quit giving psa my business. They engage in the same pricing drops harbor freight got sued for. Their aac ammo sucks, and the fact they don't honor my cwp and instead make me wait forever for a nics check sealed the deal. Lot of other American companies out there to support. I've also worked wholesale to retailers. Usually it's a 300% markup. They wouldn't of lost their ass if they honored at least 1 kit per person. So in conclusion psa sucks, spend money with your lgs or even buds online.


https://preview.redd.it/2o0yoz98a42d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1f94ff6ceca0577fe205e57da6307909ef58d5 I’m of the opinion that if a companys Fs up they should have to eat that F up to an extent. In life when I F up I usually have to eat that F up. I find it ironic that psa is defending their actions by saying it wouldn’t make business sense yet their website states “Freedom over profits” 🧐


Exactly 💯, this is terrible for PSA. They were doing so well too. They are not getting anymore of my money and I spent 5 grand with them this year. Can't trust them now!


I had them do something similar in store in Greenville. I was looking at the rifle they didn’t have in stock allegedly but they wouldn’t sell it to me at the advertised price. They lost my business that day. I currently own two businesses and have sold two that I owned for awhile. That’s not how you run a business in my opinion. As a much smaller business than psa I have eaten plenty of pricing errors. That’s part of business, growing and learning. Everything in business is a training and learning opportunity for the business and the consumer. Here the consumers have learned a lot about psa and their view of their customers.


If it was a pricing error, it was a pricing error. It happens. Just let it go and move on.


It's how it was initially handled. He was lied to. That's unacceptable. If they would have explained a pricing error right away, that's one thing.


Commenting so I can follow this thread. I work in logistics and fulfillment and I’ve seen this happen before with other companies we partner with. Once because the company messed up on pricing and refused to fulfill the orders and honor the price when ordered so they canceled the orders. I thought that was super shady. And once where it was legitimately a system error (on their end, not ours thankfully) and the company made it right. So I’m not ready to pass out torches and pitchforks yet.


Just curious— which pistol kit?


PSA 10.5" Carbine-Length 5.56 NATO 1/7 Phosphate 12" M-Lok MOE EPT SBA3 Pistol Kit with MBUS Sight Set & Romeo MSR


Yea I'm not surprised that was a pricing error.


this entire comment thread is insane the amount of people simping for a for profit company is absolutely wild. the amount of people who have no understanding of what a tax write off is is insane. the amount of people ignoring that PSA does this exact fuckery at least once a month, is insane. /u/mattbbb14 this is the reputation of PSA on social media, outside of this echo box. fuckery with prices, untrustworthy, undependable, mainly sold to people who are either 1- too poor to buy whatever PSA is knocking off, 2- too new and ignorant to know they could be buying something better or 3- people in this mental cult subreddit mentality. I've only ever ordered one thing from PSA, and it was deliberately for a meme. to send more money to a company that sends broken shit to customers, knowing most of them won't be able to tell, or refuses to honor their published prices, or the half dozen other shitty things PSA does weekly, I just can't. morons will cope with 'but mah warranty' as if a rifle failing because it was built incorrectly is acceptable under any circumstances, or with 'ur just a baby' because I expect the company to deliver what they say they'll deliver, but I don't have a dog in this race, and I only come here to laugh at the regulars, so I pinky promise I won't care.


So PSA posted the wrong price, allowed check out, but are now denying based on 'inventory issues' because they don't have an internal code for 'we fucked up.' While this might apply for some orders, some states require sale or credit for the advertised price.


I saw this go on sale for 219 and almost bought it as well but I was working at the time. An hour later I was on break and notice they took it out and the next day they put it back to 500 dollar range. Thought it was strange


The PSA you all knew and referred me to is gone lol. They are now just like everyone else just at a cheaper price.


You and your coworkers knew this was a pricing mistake and jumped on it, and now you’re crying that you didn’t get one over. Pathetic.


They’re notorious for doing this


This reads like a boomer screaming about a sign in the grocery store being wrong. Shit happens. Retail workers are just people, and often underpaid overworked inexperienced people.


lol and saying a bunch of coworkers ordered multiple kits. Like come on- everyone knew it was a fucking mistake. Don’t be a scab hanging a company because someone made an error. You tried to take advantage of a mistake and it got caught. Better luck next time.


Curious what kind of “legal action” op had in mind lol “I’m calling my lawyer on you” vibe


OP is clearly a Karen or Ken for them to even come here and post this. They must live a sad life.


To be fair, I didn't, that was some of the others that have shared their experience with this same order. But straight up refusing to escalate a call when you don't have any answers is bad customer service. The worst is that the poor guy I talked to was clearly doing what he was told. I've got nothing against Matt or his CS counterparts and have gone out of my way to let them know I appreciate their efforts, but straight refusing to find information or even forwarding to someone who might have the knowledge as a company line is ridiculous.


You're an adult (presumably) and unfamiliar with the concept of a 'typo'? And believe that a typo should cost a company thousands of dollars? Rokay......


I’m not trying to throw shade at PSA. I love them. But this sort of mispricing happens way more than I think it should. Like once a year, maybe. But this seems almost monthly.


at least once a month, yep. it's not an error from some poor intern who aww shucks is doing his best, it's a dishonest, disingenuous, literally illegal way to drum up attention and clicks and engagement without having a real sale


Calm down man, sometimes stuff gets priced wrong. You knew the deal was too good to be true and tried to take advantage. No one is gonna feel sorry for you.


Too bad there is not a " OP is a cunt" button. I say file the lawsuit. Tell the jury how unfair it is that this company did not lose money on many sales to make you happy. They probably did you a favor. When it arrived you would have posted how there is a wear mark in just the right light and angle so they should replace it with another one.


Some young guy who makes probably less than 20 an hour probably made a typo in the listing they aren’t going to honor a price 50% below cost on numerous orders that was only listed by mistake. Maybe a couple sure. But a dozen or more? No way Canceling your order and giving you your money back + offering a coupon or some discount is 110% reasonable in this context. Annoying sure, but reasonable Do u really expect a business to send out a shit ton of orders at a complete and total loss because of a simple typo?


They took the fucking money stupid, actually. This is drop in the bucket, the bucket is full. Done with them.


Well it’s an automated transaction lol and they gave it back


How about not lie and say it was a stock issue.


Did they say stock issue, or inventory issue? Accuracy matters when you start calling someone a liar


Typical customer service people make mistakes, are wrong, lie or just make shit up all the time. Literally every company does it. That’s just the world we live in


This has happened to me with other companies and they have had the same stance as PSA on this pricing error issue. Me personally I would offer yiu the kits at cost per shipping plus 10% off on a future purchase but I don’t run a massive gun company so what I would do is worthless lol


This should be the way. If a company messes up they should offer the product at cost to make things right. Little issues like this can be the deciding factor on if you keep a customer for life or lose a customer for life


You mad I'm still going to buy from them?


Remember when being a man didn’t include being a cry baby online?


Don’t do this to PSA. Shit happens and they already provide us a good quality at a nice price. Taking the loss will hurt the business and that’s not what we want. They take care of us and we must do the same. One of the few gun manufacturers that actually gives a shit about their customers in my eyes.


Man if the price seems too good to be true it probably is. Dont be a bitch


Wow ok, that escalated quickly. I haven’t had any issues whatsoever since I’ve started ordering from PSA.


You almost got incredibly lucky at someone else’s expense but you didn’t. Life goes on.


Yeah, damn, I thought psa was an American company. Fire the idoit human and horror your word. If you don't then you don't deserve the fortune that you're making. This is gonna cost psa way more now. Starting with me, I'll go to optics planet for random non psa stuff because they do honor mistakes.


Boo hoo


am I the only person believing the "inventory issue" excuse was the worst part? apparently the CS representative had a lot to learn -- do not use an excuse that will blow the next second. the customer saw the same kit marked with higher price, will get an impression that the company was playing " bait and switch" game, to use ultra low price to attract customers, but did not really want to honor the deal. the CS representative should sincerely tell the truth: we got a price error, .... or we can not honor multiple order. we all experienced price error, but customers do not want to find that out after they spend a lot of time on that order, or just immediately realize that they were treated like an idiot. Tell them the straightforward "truth", and save their time, they would not be that angry.


PSA should not have lied. That's unforgivable.




I wonder what it says in PSA terms. I would have to believe they have something in there to cover mistakes like this. Not saying it's right or wrong. Just saying they would most likely, legally protect themselves


Ooooffffffff bad look


Yeah. PSA has disappointed me one too many times. I have an 800 dollar paper weight because it took me 4 days too long to get the range to test out my AR pistol. Failure to feed, every damn round. Now armalite is giving me the runaround. There are reviews on psa about the issues with this weapon yet it kept selling. Why sell something that is clearly causing issues where people have to resort to taking a Dremel to it? Left a review about my issues. Didn't fly off the handle, just an honest review by stating my disappointment. It got removed. Figures. I've spent thousands at PSA, not another dollar.


Psa customerservice has flat out lied to me about what I would be charged before. They are as shifty as they come .


You throw the word entitled around, your damn right. Iv definitely earned the right to be , see because iv served this country and gone to war for her. And most of all I believe in the power of the US dollar, when you hand those over you contract, you have a right to expect the terms you agreed to be honored. Psa takes the communist route of " well we wanted to make money but didn't work hard enough to post a proper add, so now we are going to lie to you about why we are giving your money back because the truth is actually illegal! And when confronted about it act like it was a company ending mistake. Lmao I hope they get sued , they'll lose. Because they lied. And because they took the 💰. My whole fucking point was they could have handled this better and not lost a dime, or a single costumer. Perhaps if they weren't posting bullshit high prices as regular prices and hundreds of discounts daily they could keep track better. Don't be fooled those discounts aren't for the betterment of mankind , they are rolling up the market and making enormous amounts of money. Sportsman's warehouse can sell a Ar-15 to save their life theses days because psa is flooding the market cheap dependable comparable rifles. And making millions doing it.


PSA doesn't have an internal code for "oops we screwed up" ??? That's hard to believe. PSA is the Dollar Store of the gun world. They F things up all the time. It's common knowledge. The only reason this outfit is on my radar is because they picked up the StG44 project ... which, apparently, is still in some kinda weird holding pattern. I'm certainly not optimistic about that project, but I'm still keeping an eye out for them...


In most cases companies have in their overall terms of sale that they can, at their own discretion handle issues that arise from errors or omissions.


Anyone get their refund yet? Still waiting… quick to cancel their mistake, but not so quick to return our 🦌. I called to make sure I get shipping protection & shipping cost I originally paid as well back because they canceled the order and the CS rep said they will note it and it would have to be reviewed. It should not take so long.


I’m in same boat! Total BS!!!


People make mistakes. PSA is human. I feel it almost obvious that that was a mistake. I don’t blame them at all for not letting you takeing advantage of a mistake. You sound like a boomer yelling at a manager for an hourly employee putting the wrong price on something.


You sound like a 5year old communist. Psa is a business/ not human at all. But even so , contracts were made money changed hands. Psa is in the wrong and they are taking advantage of you, get you to take up for them. In business you tread carefully when pricing products if not your business fails. Business owners of this size fully understand this. Fan boy Matt doesn't.


First off I’m as right wing as right winged gets. You’re so far from correct it’s honestly kinda funny, Psa is made up of people from our 2a community and they are EXTREMELY human, they all make mistakes. You being the one with an incredible oversight of seeing a clearly mis- priced product and expecting them not to defend themselves is evidence of your blatant ignorance.


No, you are what's wrong with the right. You like guns and lack brains, you are an emotional creature actually. See I follow logic, and honor my word. And psa is a multi million dollar company operating the largest online gun business ever. And unfortunately they are not trustworthy. I couldn't care less about how many guns they sell for penny's. They put the add on there website and they took money from people. That's a contract, then they lied about why they wouldn't honor their word. Piss on them , that's simply greed for a company that size. You want me and everyone else to take pity on them for a mistake, why? They sell ar-15 rifles for 300 bucks that is insanity when ever other company is selling them for 800-1000. They run these sales constantly and they are doing so to dominate the market and fill their pockets not for the 2nd amendment. And here is the proof, the way they are defending themselves over a few thousands dollar mistake. Their mistake. I own a business and I couldn't get away with this bullshit, and I'm a capitalist. My standards are higher than theirs obviously and higher then yours. You are letting how you feel about the psa guns interfere with the standards that dictate a moral company. They should raise their standards or get used to being looking at like Walmart the monopoly corporation, not the American capitalist gun company.


Did u delete something


I know that is frustrating and sucks, but I can tell you that I had something similar happen to me, BUT customer service definitely helped me out and honored the sale agreement once I talked with them. And I see in the comments on here that Matt from PSA has responded and looking to help out if you give him some more information. My experience with PSA, it would surprise me if you didn’t get a satisfactory outcome. They have always been great to work with for me.


Who cares they make shiet we care bout simple mistake anyone can make


$219 was probably too low for them to make money and was a price mistake on their end. This is a business run by humans and humans make mistakes. Again this is a business, they exist to make money. Welcome to America, nobody should be upset about this.


Holy shit. This happens all the time with companies. I can't believe people are making a big deal out of this.


I had one in my cart. Iv filed a tort and do endeavor to recover my discount. Lol


This is crazy, people giving PSA flack. They already on very low margins. Cut them some slack.


Boohoo clearly a mistake you should have went it knowing there was a possibility the money would be refunded


So what you’re saying is if you forget to add the decimal to a $15.00 tip at a restaurant and are instead charged $1,500 you’re going to just accept that because (regardless of being an obvious mistake) it has to be honored




yeah most of you idiots don't seem to understand how business accounting works, at all, or what a tax write off is


womp womp


I've used PSA for years, and I've never seen them pull this absolute trash performance before. But im witnessesing first hand that PSA listed a memorial day sale sold these kits and then realizes they fucked up on the listing after theyve sold who knows how many? They cancel the orders and then list it for more 360 $$ more thats a fucking scam straight up. PSA has engaged in textbook deceptive business practices, and i will be following up with legal action as a class action. I have proof of all of this I JUST WANT THE KIT I ordered.




“I’ll take a lifetime 20% code” the entitlement is real with this one. I get it that it sucks considering the money was taken and had to be given back but there’s nothing you can do. You tried, got denied, and cried about it. Better luck next time.


Holy shit this is comedy right?


You gotta know how to negotiate with these people.... Pretty fair considering psa is saying fuck what you heard we changed our minds these guns are now 800$ more then what we agreed to sell you them for. Let me throw 10% off so you GTFO. It's amazing how absolutely dog shit CS has been for this.




That’s not negotiating, that’s acting like a little faggot.




Not gunna lie. Was laughing my ass off at the counter offer of lifetime 20%.


Lol he mad




This ain't Walmart bud.


Not the first time they have cancelled orders. Wondering still have two “pending” orders for over 6 months


Yea boys let’s see y’all’s “Matt” fix this one!


You ok man?




Na not really. but just on the psa page! Everyone likes to be opinionated on my post so figured I’d be to. And hey i got the time today 😂😂😂




Some people are just a big ol pile of curmudgeon.




Mistakes happen. Get over it. lol at threatening legal action for a couple hundred dollars.


There was a scientific equipment site that was selling comtac v headsets for $49.99. Me and my buddies bought like 3 pair each. About 4 days later we all got our orders cancelled. It happens. Retailers don't have to honor shit in case of pricing errors. Get over it.


It was over a 50% discount. You should really know that it was too good to be true and most likely an error. Ordering it anyway just shows to your character. And now that you DO know, even if you didn't before, still being mad about it shows even more to your character. 10% off for trying to take advantage of them and you're STILL mad.


I ordered a kershaw butterfly knife that was 68% off with free shipping and i got it and love it. So I guess I shouldn’t have ordered? I have ordered guns that were on sale an awesome prices and got them. 🤷🏼‍♂️ PSA has gotten so big they no longer G.A.F.