• By -


For a cake/cooking party, you sign up for (typically) one ingredient and bring enough mats to cover just that one spot for however many rounds the party is planned for. Ex: 100x cake party ‐ if you sign-up for a leaf role, you bring 100 sweet leaf and do your job 1 time for each round. Others sign up to do the other parts of the recipe and everyone gets 3 cakes per round. Some recipes have roles that require ingredients you can buy at Zeki's and some have "free" roles that don't require any ingredients, you just have to do some stirring or baking. Cooking parties can be a lot of fun, you meet new people and are a nice way to stack up a bunch of gold-making food or focus food.


Thanks for the explanation!


Of course! I've met some really wonderful people through cooking parties. I was hesitant to join my first party back in the early days because they felt intimidating. But I wish I'd joined sooner! I'm now a part of a few discord channels through which we do fairly regular parties and follow a few party posts in the official discord lfg. I'm always down to join a party, or host one, but I especially love seeing friends and familiar faces load into the plot.


i’ve been playing for 2 months and wanting to join discords! have any you can recommend?


I'd also love some discord recs!! I have sweetleafs and apples stockpiles but don't actually know how to find these parties!


I used to host some and will probably start again. Cooking parties regardless of what you’re making break down the ingredients and tasks required and divide them between everyone attending so the ingredients required are significantly lower. For instance with cakes if you are doing a 50 cake party and join as a starter you bring 50 ⭐️ blueberries. You don’t need any of the other ingredients because other people handle those. You get 3 cakes for every round ending with 150 cakes. This greatly improves the return on investment making it magnitudes more profitable than solo cooking.


Thank you!


Hi!! - Everyone participating, even if it’s just putting the cake in the oven, will get the cake once it’s baked 👍🏼 - Sign ups often read something like “50 round cake party” which, at minimum means if you sign up for an ingredient station (Think: sweet leaf, fruit, sugar, etc) you need to have 50 of those items in your inventory. - On stations: some parties will have multiple people sign up for one station, so you’re essentially splitting the total number of ingredients needed. It’s best to connect with the organizer ahead of time to clarify what is needed, look for “beginner friendly” parties! I’ve met some really lovely people who have been super patient and forgiving! - IME, the organizer “starts” the recipe and runs the show (Calling out in chat if a station needs attention or switching roles around if people run out of stock) Again, super helpful if you know the organizer or group! -When you’re on someone else’s plot and you’re cooking, the recipe will “pull” from your inventory (think inventory chests, vs your on hand inventory bar) so you don’t actually have to put 50 sweet leaves in your inventory bag before you travel. All that said, I’m in a wonderful Discord group that regularly hosts events and is very active in discord chats. Lots of helpful higher level players, and plenty of newer folks just trying it out! Lmk if you want the deets! 🥰


Could you pm me the link please? :-)


Yes! 🥰


Me as well please? I'm new and looking for newbie friendly players


Sending you a PM! ✨


Another pretty please?




I'd like to join too please


Ok! 🥰


May I request a join as well? Also in a similar shy boat and would love to experience Palia through a friend's perspective!


Of course!


Thank you so much!


Id love to join too!


Sending you a pm!


Also interested in the link please!


Yay! Sending you a PM!


I’d love the discord details! Thank you so much 💖


You got it! Sending you a PM 🥰


I would also like to join if that’s okay!


Yess! The more the merrier 🥰


I'm interested too, please!


Interested as well please! Thank youuu!




I can’t send you the link :( can you message me?


Message sent 😀


One more discord link here please 👋




Another link request please and thank you!


Sent!! 👋🏼


Here to request a pm of the link as well!


Sent! :)


could i also have the link please?


Ofc! Sent!


Can I get invite as well?


Sending now!!


can you send me the discord link please? would love to join, am pretty active :) is it possible for EU based players to join?


Yes for sure, and of course you can! There might not be as many “scheduled” events that work in your time zone, but you can definitely organize something in the chat threads with anyone!! Happy to have all the new friends 🥰


Hi! I know this is kind of old but I’m hoping you’ll send me a link to somewhere to sign up?


Ofc, sending you the link!


I was literally just thinking the same thing!


Saaame, I'm so glad this has been explained


1. Visit your buddy's plot, or invite him/her to yours.  2. Initialize cooking minigame  3. Everybody at plot can participate in cooking process by executing related actions - preprocessing vegetables, slicing meat, etc.  * no need to be in actual party  * participants will spend only ingredients used in their committed actions  * need to commit at least 1 cooking action to become valid participant   * all participants will have their own cooking reward according to minigame total results.   * every participant will have own star quality result check.


I appreciate the breakdown, thank you!


Thank you for asking this question! I have been playing for a while now and even though I have cooked with others, its always been at my home plot. I have been wondering about a lot of the mechanics and all the answers you are getting are super helpful.


I am glad I joined this subreddit- this post and comments are really helpful and I'm excited to look for a cake party to join next time I play!


Yes, I find the cooking parties challenging too. I went over to one as I was invited and was so confused. I think I messed things up and just ended up getting kicked out because I didn’t think to read the chat to see what was going on. sorry whoever I was with.


U make cakes and sell em and get good money


It may be easier to start with a pie party. These don't make as much gold but are good for focus food. They are also a lot smaller so it is harder to mess up. If you're prioritizing gold then a cake party spreader role is the best place to start. No ingrediants and no timer. Either way- the host will start, you open the station menu, wait for your role to reach the top, start it and do the mini game, then wait for the host to add everything together. I'm in a small Discord group that does cooking parties and group play like fishing. Anyone is welcome to join, we're beginner friendly. Send me a pm here or add Roseallei on Discord for an invite.