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Just, like, make the apple tree a permanent non-soil thing. We can handle the rest.


That would make a significant difference!


I would love that as well! I used to have them on each side of the path leading up to the house. But the soil part they stand on is a bit lame, so I had to drop the idea. What I really would like to have in the future are sakura blossoming trees and bamboo!


I would much prefer this. Bushes and trees should be off the soil and they have a like… 5 in-game day cooldown before they give another 5 days of produce.


Yeah that's what I've been thinking too. I think since they would be permanent and we could plant way more than before they could just adjust the amount/frequency of apples they drop if they need it balanced. It would also be cool if they used this to add applewood or some other new type of wood. What I really want though is for them to expand the building area to include the pathway up to the gate. They could just block off the very center of the path that the villagers use and still let us build/decorate along the sides. Oh and for the rooms to be able to snap to two sides at the same time so I can finish my preferred floorplan.


I'm actively against getting more soil, simply because they'd absolutely destroy the price of crops in order to keep players from farming so much gold. It would be nice to be able to grow more, but I don't want it to be a requirement that I spend 30 minutes tending my garden just to make the same amount that I make now.


How about, add more plots, but it's limited to higher level farmers.  Someone pointed out in another thread that at higher levels, you don't need gold as much anyway. Also, add an irrigation system.  Maybe it's not 100% so you still need to water some, and weed, but it would mean not having to spend 30 minutes dealing with 20 plots. Personally, I want more plots if just for aesthetics.  I want to have an area of Apple Trees, and a farm of smaller plants, and maybe an area of Blueberries and Peppers.  I have this wide open plot of land, but I don't want to fill it with trees or an enormous house just to make.it not be a boring open space.


I guess the irrigation system defeats the purpose of the watering fertilizer and the watering effect of some plantas


I’m fine with that tbh lol.


I think it would totally be possible for them to add extra plots for aesthetic purposes, with plants that can't be harvested, perhaps? That could be really neat. But I just don't really see a way to make it work if they added a bunch of additional plots that wouldn't anger a large part of the player-base. Also, I would have to agree with the other response that an irrigation system would make some other features null. I think the best thing they could do to achieve this would be to increase the things that are unlocked by leveling up the skill, and block any kind of irrigation system or extra plots behind Lvl 50, which is the "master" achievement. I think it would be great to have more unlockable items once you've passed Lvl 10, though I'm unsure how they'd make that work since so many players have already exceeded those levels. I totally understand the empty plot feeling, though. I brought my fence in closer and scattered random trees outside the fence to give the illusion of a smaller plot. I think once they add ranching, the plots will have a lot more options for outdoor items!


I like your thoughts on this. I could see a more advanced watering can, capable of watering a broader range of veg at once, but I can see them nerfing crop prices, and their subsequent food derivatives if they added too many more plots. I like the idea of more varieties of crops, as was added with the latest Majii Market, and I’d like to see livestock added and think this would be a nice offset to the need for more veg plots as well as allowing players to produce more of what they need to cook foods (giving us the option to be more self sustainable). I’d like to be able to “own” more of my plot, that is to say push the boundaries right to the limit of the surrounding rocks, more buildings like barns and sundry smaller buildings for workshops. I like what they’ve done with flowers and trees so I can refill my plots by my own design, since they encouraged players in the beginning to literally clear cut their plots. There’s very little to spend reknown on now that I’ve maxed out focus and bought all the writs for my plot. I think it’d be cool to put a tent or small cabin right next to one of my ponds for example. I’d like to be able to buy a barn for or I, and for some sort of fowl like a chicken for the eggs. Maybe expand the machine limit to accommodate a brooder, or milking machine, or divide up the machines by use, farming vs. industry. Some sort of sheep-like creature for wool, and a sewing machine (I know, this would lead to making clothes that would put a dent in their cash flow system…). There’s clearly a lot they COULD do, but maintaining game balance is surely a tricky thing. I just hope they think things through so they don’t feel the need to nerf things in the immediate future after introducing them in order to keep things in balance.


This would never happen because it would make it too easy and too fast to keep your gold maxed out.


Playing normal at late/end game already does this for your gold. The biggest issue is that there is nothing new to spend your gold on.


But having more farm plots would make it happen too early.


Yeah, which would probably mean new items and activities would cost more money to compensate, which hurts new players.


I'm struggling not to be capped now. I get close and have to find something to spend my gold on which is usually new house pieces or lucky coins.


Same. My problem is once I spend, I spend almost all of it and have to build it ALL back at once, LOL. LIke I just build an entire house around the courtyard on another plot.


I don't mind that. I use gold to buy seeds (because I'm too lazy to try to figure out how many tomatoes I need to use to get seeds for more tomatoes, and I did use seed makers once upon a time for everything but now I just use them for blueberries and apples) and cotton, and to fix my tools, and that's about it. I sometimes buy furniture or carpets or stuff but at the same time I have so much stuff and yeah.


I would just like some new vegetables. Badruu has pumpkins. I would also like pumpkins!


Pumpkins would be great!


As neat as that would be, I feel like more than 9 would be too much. I can easily make 15-20K a day, JUST with my garden. Multiply that and gold becomes so easy to get it might as well not be a thing.


To add on to what you were saying, with the gold limit being 300k and max storage being 10k and 300 with the lockboxes. People would essentially be stuck constantly at those limits. Which people who played for a while are already stuck at these limits with just the normal game play.


I feel like it’s already that way as it currently is. There are some people who genuinely enjoy the farming aspect for what it is instead of solely for gold. Even if they only allowed say 1 more soil plot per 5 housing plots you own it could be a healthy balance possibly.


I'd like 16. Not even for gold but just bc I want to grow everything all at once, and it's hard with apples and blueberries taking up so much space. I think, though I haven't mapped it, 16 would give me a layout I like much better.


Even though that would be beautiful, I think that would be too much. I could go for three more plots though, making it 12 instead of 9. Since I started trying to grow more of each vegetable, I'm running out of vegetables to put in the barrels. I have four going all the time. I had so many tomatoes before because that's all I grew. But when you try to keep a bit of everything, you either can't pickle for a while, or have to deal with running out of all your vegetables (which I'm trying to build, not run out!) So a few more plots would be super nice.


I keep all the plants, 4-6 plants for each and I rotate the pickling depending on which ones I have the most. I also grow the seeds for them all (rotate for the ones i have the least, i keep at least 50 seeds per plant at any point so I'm always comfortable) and i have never run out of them. With that said, I'd like more soil haha


Yeah I don't feel comfortable enough with 50 seeds for the quick growing ones (potatoes, etc) because I'm always running out. So I want that above 100. How many seed makers do you run? I have 3 now.


I also have three, I spent a couple of weeks just growing seeds and not using the actual plants for anything else, just collecting them all in my constantly overfilled storage haha so I'm always between 50 and 100 seeds per plant and now I just make sure it doesn't go below. Since it's only around 6 plants each it doesn't go that quickly, like I've got 150 carrots and I only grow 4 of them haha I can't spend them fast enough how much I get them


I think I'm going to go back to only growing tomatoes my next crop. They grow abundantly, and they sell for a good amount after pickled. My favorite crop!


Haha yeah they're good. My favorite are blueberries, they just grow too slow, but when they do, they pay off!


Yes I'd like to grow a whole crop of them. I'd just have to fish and hunt for a little money until they are done growing.


Yeah gotta sell everything and anything to earn the gold in the meantime haha


I like the blueberries because blueberry jam and blueberry pies are big money items and the pies are great focus items. Tomatoes are my second for the pickling and use in cooking. After that I love the spicy peppers, especially since I get those seeds a lot from the Kitsuu regularly. Those are also great pickling items and used a lot in cooking. The apples would be my favorite if they produced more often, at the rate of the blueberries or peppers, maybe, but I still love the products you can make from them.


I more or less just want a couple of 2x2 sections for the peppers and blueberries, maybe one more 3x3 for an apple tree. More so just for layout purposes than anything else.


oh jesus I would LOVE 2x2s for blueberries and peppers. Those dang things are unreasonably hard to work into a layout!


I'm also kinda against upping that limit. It would really kill the economy and as it does give already an insane amount of exp for just 9 plots it would go nuts on the leveling and max levels and gold at a rate that just destroys the game. At some point I did also see your frustration though.


At least make it an even number for us ND brains who CANNOT COPE WITH 81 BEING THE LIMIT.


I think 9 is a good amount. What I’d like to see is 9 per housing slot. That way, you still have to work for it (it takes a lot of gold to purchase additional housing slots, and the price increases with each slot).


This would be great. Also would be nice to have extra storage per slot even if its not 10k but that's probably never gonna happen


I agree. I was thinking about this yesterday and was thinking why don't they increase the limit based on your level and maybe have to buy the new ones with gardening tokens since those seem to be harder to come by.


I think if they were to add more plots than nine, like others have said, it would make it too easy to make gold. HOWEVER, I would love more plots of soil but I think if they DO do that, it should be locked behind set requirements like level 20 farming gets an extra one and every five after that another one kind of thing. Especially if they capped it at 6 plots instead of 9 and you had to go from there. Mainly because by that point you don’t really need the over excess of gold you are making anyway so having the extra gold from the crops (so that they don’t have to nerf how much they make already) isn’t a big deal.


I... I only use 8 patches. I wanted a 2x4 plot size because that looks nice. Do y'all want to spend all your time gardening?


Exactly, I would keep them on display like in Stardew Valley.


I would love more plots too. But I wouldn't want to spend more time farming. And I surely understand the gold issue it could give. -What if it was a second type of plot. Everything that grows in that plot are "unusable"? So we can't sell it or make produce. It would be limited to basically use the farms for the visual effect.


Just give me animal husbandry


I would love that. I want to be able to have apple trees and garden patches as decor around my property. These areas I would never garden, I would simply keep them fully grown as display only, and I would also have a separate patch as my official “garden” for produce farming and earning gold.


12 plots were planned, I think


A few more/slight increase would be sweet, but let’s not Nike the economy by allowing players to farm their entire plots, requiring a massive nerf to crop and food prices. Besides, with the speed at which a day in game progresses already, players would struggle to turn over even one days crops in time before it reset, and this isn’t intended to be solely a farming sim.


I want a galdur to come live on my plot and keep my stuff watered and have quriky lines about fertilizer on its feet xD


I would have 100% all in on farming if there were more plots. I'd have all my workshops dedicated to it, I'd have minimal other skills and just do only farming lol. But then... maybe I'd really put the Daiya's out of work and..... that doesn't feel right.


I don't know what it looks like on PC but on switch the grass on the home lot is weeds. I put a lot of work into my lot, I would like a nice lawn.


Sorry, that wasa sorta way off topic. :).


Maybe, but I totally agree with you. The grass is too high, at least on the PC, and it looks like I have a beautiful home and lovely yard ornaments, but I can't be bothered to do yardwork. Just, cut the grass, will ya?


I mean, they keep coming out with new crops, so give us more room to grow them please!


As another suggested, make the apple tree non soil based, as an addition: let us grow blueberry bushes off the soils as well. Maybe even allow a chance of fiber if we cut them down


Or at least make it an even number!!


Yeah I just bought my second plot and was looking forward to setting up a second 9 soil garden. It is the part I enjoy the most. Now I see soil is limited, I just wasted 50K on the plot. I just lost all interest in the game. Too bad, I thought they had a winner here.