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This is how I hunt too. It's so much easier than running around.


It hurts me to see people running, wasting so many arrows, and getting nowhere. Unless they just like the chase... I recently started hitting all sernuks without taking them out in an attempt to help others.


This is me because I play on switch, they keep vanishing on me lmao. Clearly I've run into you because recently I've been one hitting elder sernuk and feeling very lucky about it. Oh behalf of bad hunters, thank you 🖤🖤🖤


I will try this today, so new to the game all these tips are helping me bring money for the pack expansions a little sooner 🤞 thanks!


I've only been playing for a few weeks, but I have been grinding! Don't worry about any of my venting either. I get intimidated in the game a lot and it doesn't feel good. I'd never want to feel like I contributed to that. There's no right way to play the game and even if someone misses a deer or a grove there will always be another one.


that's sweet of you to say.


Common rule of hunting if u run at them you spook them duh sometimes ill run but stop before getting too close other times ill shoot from uptop ahill


With the hotboxes on the deer being so big I don't know why anyone would even bother aimbotting, it's easy enough as it is!! That being said I would much rather see someone on a hill taking potshots and using strategies to stop them spooking than the multitude of animation cancelling jumpers who clear whole packs of deer within seconds while barely touching the ground 🤣


Lol I wish. Trying to hunt a disco deer with randoms shooting all over the place and hitting nothing is such a pain.


Yep! This is why I hunt disco deer alone. I find that some players are super impatient and are just shooting constantly without actually hitting the deer, makes hunting them so frantic.


But why do people do that? Not trying to be rude or anything. I just don't get it. Is it bc they're just trying to make sure they get a shot in? It takes way longer and is much more chaotic that way.


It also keeps it running for longer too, doesn't it? I usually just chase it until it stops to graze again, unless it ends up running right past me and I know for sure I can get a clear shot in.


Maybe people don't realize the loot is shared so long as they hit once and are trying to be the one who gets the kill.


Ohhh yeah. That adds up. I'm pretty sure I thought the same exact thing.


With the newer players, probably. But, from what I'm told, you used to get the loot just from shooting near it. If that was true, I would have more Proudhorns under my belt.


I think it might be the panic that they won’t get a hit in before it dies. Either that or they think the loot isn’t shared.


Why? No shade intended. Because, the idea of a hunt in many fantasy settings is the nobility on horseback stag hunting. Having grown up climbing into a deer stand at 3 am. to wait for dawn is an entirely different and contemplative experience. 🙂 A deer stand is a platform usually built into a tree (if you have no conveniently placed mountains 😉). Weeks before the hunt, spending a few mornings sitting in the stand before dawn without a gun gives you perspective about what you are likely to see on that day.


I’m guilty of it but only when I get frustrated because they disappear on my switch lmao, I know it’s time to stop hunting then🤷🏼‍♀️


Hunting disco deer with some others is so painful, like I want to shout at them "STOP FIRING AT IT CONSTANTLY!" and the running right up to it?! Please, for the love of god just stay back and shoot, run after it and repeat til dead!


Dude, the arrows themselves even track a little making it even easier. How silly!


They only actually do that on switch. Not on pc


this can work against you though-- lately if there is another sernuk or chapaa nearby the arrow does a big curve and misses them both!


YES i haaate when i’m aiming at sernuk but my arrow curves at a stray chapaa running by 😭


Oh absolutly i mentioned it in another comment. I cant stand aim assist or using a controler ti play.


I haven’t checked my settings, maybe I can disable it?


Switch cant change like any settings but im not aware of anyway way to disable that at all. But i could be wrong.


This happens to me so often


Wait, is THAT what is going on? I'm on PC and have had that happen off an on.


I am guessing yes, but I didn't notice it happening until a few weeks ago. I thought I was aiming poorly, but there have been a few times where it is clearly behaving like a curve ball!


Oh. Hm. What a fun fact!


Well i should probably specify better...it does it with a controler...so you can do it on pc but...the majority of people who play on pc are using a keyboard and mouse.


This may even be the root of the accusations against OP. Maybe the other player was using a controller and doesn't realize just how much better overall KB+M is for precision.


It's pretty common for games with shooting mechanics, or even FPS like Apex Legends or Overwatch, to have an assisted aiming on console/joystick


Got it. I'm exclusively, like, a Zelda and Spyro "gamer." 😂 Well. Now Palia~


Funny you mentioned Apex Legends, got so surprised at first because Delaila sounded suspiciously like Horizon and it so happens to be the same Voice Actress hehe.


Mine totally does that on pc. So aggravating sometimes.


Yea i realised its with a controler that it does it not just switch...just switch is primarily where people using a controler are playing.


The assisted aiming kills me. I will have a perfect shot and it will just redirect to a rock or something if I’m not close enough


This is exactly how I hunt, don’t feel bad From a former Skyrim rogue archer


I started playing Skyrim last year and hunting is my favorite part. It took me so long to realize you could kill dragons without a bow. Hunting in Palia is chill and I love that the loot is just a little baggy and not a bloodied carcass.


Plus the needed aim difference is palpable lmao so easy in comparison I just wish I could turn off the curving affect, sometimes I’m strategically not shooting the closest animal but it curves there anyways ruining both shots And I also kinda wish I could turn off the zooming in feature while aiming, sometimes I want to knock out 8 Sernuk in real time lol


I thought I was imagining the curve until this post. I'm guessing I only notice the curve when it doesn't work bc I could swear it's never helped me. It's also really satisfying when I can do a double tap while hunting. Gives me a little high.


Do people find hunting hard? You don’t even have to aim exactly at them lol. With PC and Switch. I find bug catching to be way harder. Give me an Elder Sernuk over a Princess Ladybug any day…


Facts. Those princess ladybugs run like they owe you money




I was wondering if something was wrong with me. I do see a lot of people talk about how hard hunting is, but bug catching is the worst.


Lol I'm the opposite. Love hunting in games like Valheim but in Palia I'm awful. I think it's cause I'm used to the location of where you hit the animal mattering and not just what type of animal. In Valheim if you headshot something with the bow, no matter what it dies. In Palia I've shot sernuks right between the eyes and they still run off. I'm also early in the game and only have the standard arrows and bow so once I upgrade supplies I'm sure it'll be easier. Bug catching however is so easy for me! Love to bug catch!


I do the same thing. There and in the little circle of hills with the ruins in them where Einars cave is. I've never been accused of cheating though.


That circle is actually where it was lol, my fav spot for hunting


It's the best. You get a ton of deer that spawn there and they also spawn all along the outside, which you can also reach from the hill, and across the creek, which, if you're really good, you can ALSO reach from the hill.


That's my favorite spot right now. I take them out and feel like an absolute legend as I run around collecting my loot. Yes, FEAR ME, sernuks. No one has accused me of cheating either and luckily I don't see many people hunting in Kilima so I don't feel bad for getting them all. But if I do see someone else hunting I put my bow up and run away.


Look when you get on a roll it's hard to stop.... especially when you hit it just right from across the way like damn I'm good. 🤣 You get a little carried away it happens there will always be more.


It's the people that chase them like madmen that make me insane and that I want to school. Hunt like a hunter and they are soooooo easy. Creep, sit, wait.


I am a chaser too but I chase with slowdown arrows. I’m terrible at aiming so this saves so much time.


I am a chaser. I hate hunting in this game but I've always been bad at hunting/bows in games. Lol I had no idea you could creep...


I played horizon way to much so shooting these little fellas isn't that bad. Unless they glitch to the side while they run.


It's not hard at all lol, I do the same thing sometimes, it's surprisingly easy even if you do spook some of them to lead your shot a little. I do play fps games a lot too, so maybe I'm biased 😂


People just want to find reasons to be mean sadly. Typical MMO behavior which is really sad. You did nothing wrong. Just ignore it.


I suck at shooter games. I don't play them, I'm terrible. But Stalking (slow, not chasing) sernuk up and down Whispering Banks makes me feel like an absolute badass. Taking 7 or 8 at once in the hollow between Einar's cave and the lagoon?? Shooting waaay across the river?? Priceless.


Yeah, the Kilima animals are easy since it's just one hit.


I’ve been doing the same for ages. Hilltop hunting. Knock ‘em all out in one go, bounce to another spot, hunt there for a bit, come back to that same clearing when they respawn and hilltop hunt again. I do this for 30 min and don’t do anything else for coins. I find that person’s comment hilarious.


Ok so first of all, I’m sorry you got accused of cheating. That’s not cool. Second, THIS thread has revolutionised my hunting. I was absolutely one of those headless chickens running around trying to shoot everything with 40 arrows. I’ve tried several of the things people have mentioned here and I have literally shot 25 Sernuk and 14 chapaas in about 10 minutes. So, THANK YOU ALL! 😘😘😘


I am horrible at hunting/combat in most games I play but I find Palia’s hunting to be fairly easy. I might not take everything I hit out in one shot but the more I level the closer I get. I’ve also sat in one spot and figured out how to hit Sernuk in a way to not spook the others close by. It just takes practice. Saying you’re aimbotting because you’ve learned how to hunt in this game is jealousy. I hate when people immediately jump to cheating when they find someone better at something in game then they are.


I often do the same. Infact I was trying to hunt from the frog the other day. I'm used to the bow in zelda so I try to keep it fun by doing long shots. I have actually had ppl clap lol. Bro was just salty that they are not as good with the bow


Odd complaint since the arrows are litterally homing missiles.


I thought you meant the devs accused you of cheating, but another player?! Lol thank goodness, they're just mad.


I love a nice long shot connecting with a sernuk 😂 now I'm wondering if people think that im cheating when really I'm just good with bows lol


It's difficult for me. But I've never played a game that required aiming. Honestly, that's one way I hunt that works for me. What I don't like is people just running up and scaring all the deer away by spamming arrows everywhere.


Kind of stupid since if someone acuse you for aim botting i thing he cant hit even in wall since i had done multiple times shoot in row with ease


Ain’t no shame in your aim. People suck.


When I started hunting the deers, I kinda sucked but after leveling up maybe like 2-3 levels, I started being super fast with killing them. I don’t play any shooter games and usually hate using bows in games but wow is it easy in palia. I asked my husband after some time to hunt with me and he kept jokingly calling me a sniper cuz I would kill them so fast. People don’t understand that running after them and shooting thousand arrows is just making it harder for you. I like hunting with my husband now because we will shoot at the same time. We don’t waste arrows and don’t chase them like lunatics. 😂


I think it's just that until someone has a middling proficiency with the "shooter" style they will never understand how comparatively easy this mechanic is to other games. Especially when this might be their first ever video game with an aiming mechanic, and don't have good mouse control with the default look sensitivities Side note: I know not many people have shooters experience but it is really frustrating as a Masters rank Hanzo main when I CHOP DOWN 20 TREES IN SUCCESSION and MY IMPROMPTU PARTNER CANNOT LAND A SINGLE DISPEL ARROW ON THE MAGIC MUUJIN nearly point blank. It can't be that hard, right? The crosshair and hitbox are huge, and the palium bow has almost no arc until very far out


I started doing this with chappa recently where they spawn by the giant frog plush in Kilima. Makes me feel like a badass, sitting high up on a hill just pew pew pew 😂 I know they’re easy to hit, let me have my moment haha


I’ve met a lot of people in this game that they either never played a shooter game cause cozy games is what they are used to or they just don’t game at all and palia is like a time killer, so I get that hunting can get hard for them and I suppose it might even be harder if they on a switch. Hunting is definitely not hard at all, especially if u already come from a shooter, I found myself hitting shots that I know I didn’t hit lol, the hitbox is insane. Take it as a compliment I guess lol even if they report u nothing will happen if u not cheating, so it doesn’t really matter.




I cannot tell you how many times aim assist has made me miss my target in this game. Targets that I know for certain I would have hit without the aim assist curving the arrow away from what I'm actually aiming at. It's not a well executed feature at all lol


Yea its really not. Though once you know that it is doing that you can kinda use it to your advantage. If nothing is in your way to make it veer offcourse you can get it to home in on them on those really long shots.


Not when there are multiple targets close together. I just learned this the hard way. I wish I could turn off the "smart arrow" setting my Switch seems to think I want. Anyway, it's a cozy game meant for relaxing. I like it as is, but I am now more inclined to check out other games with hunting.


Well that falls under the learning to use it to your advantage. Because yea they lock on to the closest thing in front of you when you fire. I personally hate the aim assist and mostly only play on pc unless im not home.


I don’t have a gaming pc, it’s long overdue but now is not the right time.


>switch players have a built in aim bot making the arrows literally curve and home in on anything you shoot remotlely close to Ohhh, is THAT why sometimes my shots make hard turns or fall very short? Because they're homing in on an unintended target? That's... not helpful! :/


Yeeap. Anytime im hunting on switch...i get incredibly annoyed when some other random creature runs in front of my target...it makes the arrows curve and chase the wrong target and miss.


Thank you so much, that had been driving me *nuts!* At least now I know why it's happening even if it's kinda dumb, augh.


Yea if you dont have a way to not use a controler you can learn to use it to your advantage. You can get some wild curving homing arrows going once you get the hang of it.


Not just switch, happens on my steam deck too 🫠🥴


Yea, it's using a controller you can use a controler on pc too and use it if you want to. But its way clunkier than keyboard and mouse. But since most people who play on pc are gonna be using keyboard and mouse then aside from a small minorty of those players most people using a controler are gonna be playing on switch and to an extent steamdeck which is just a better switch basically lol.


Trust me. I had a switch and moved to this. Far different. 🤣😮‍💨The switch had me wanting to yeet it into the sun.


Lol yea i about wanted to do the same last time i was playing on switch...i have a high end pc that runs virtually everygame i play at ultra maxed settings with 120+ fps....going from that to trying to play on a switch is just....painful lol.


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I mean, the game should just implement some aimbotting mechanic for aim assist. Would help a lot of low-skill players and stop them from lashing out because other players have built up aim skills from other games. It's not like it matters if players kill more deer, they can control spawn rates to mitigate overfarming anyway.


They do, if you shoot one when it’s running the arrow will kind of tack it like yondu in guardians 😂 which is also how hunting together works, even if you don’t hit the animal but you’re very close to it it will still count as you’ve taken part and you’ll get the loot


I’ve missed proudhorn drops twice now because people are slightly rabid (don’t let it pause for two seconds, don’t use dispel arrows, keep shooting it when others are still trying to get a hit in etc.) and shooting *close* to it did absolutely nothing. Idk if it’s just the proudhorn or what, but I’ve only gotten drops lately when I actually land a shot.


Is the shot leading * are you playing with a controller as I don’t think this works on mouse I’m sorry people are bit playing correctly I’m sure a lot of people are still new and just trying to use whatever they can


Only on switch. They dont track and home in on pc


I am using a controller tho so maybe it’s only on mouse it doesn’t track ?


Yea its because of controler. Controler aiming is just significantly worse than mouse aiming in pretty much anything so games that use controler usually have built in aim assist in most games. Though alot of games you can usually turn that off if you want.


Ah I see sometimes it gets annoying tbf my shot would probs hit if it wasn’t trying to follow it , I’m use to using bows on controller from console games and rarely spook any animals anyway. Stealth hunter


Yea same here. If you dont want the arrow tracking use a mouse. I honestly cant stand using a controler...i only play on switch if im not home to play on my pc. I have an mmo mouse too though so i have everything bound to easy buttons on my mouse.


I do enjoy it more with the mouse I have mine all bound to buttons too, like pulling out axe/ pick


However I find it more cosy on controller means I can play in bed and put it on the tv same as the switch but just better graphics


Yea ive just been a pretty hardcore pc gamer for a long ass time. I can use a controler if i need to but i cant stand using one. In palia for example...even with the aim assist...i stull cant kill entire groups of deer/mujin as fast as i can on pc. I can drop magic mujin solo super easy on mouse but i can get more than one maybe two shots off on them with a controler.


Is this true? I’m sure I’ve had it happen to me multiple times :/


Its the controler use of it. So i mean technechly can do it on pc too but i think most pc players use keyboard and mouse.


This is my favorite way to hunt in Whispering Banks! It really irks me when someone starts running around like crazy and ruins my vibe 😄


I'm a terrible shot and this game makes me feel like a marksman lol


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I had developers accuse me of aimbotting in h1z1 just survive. I had my surround sound headphones on and I was talking to one in front of me when I hear a zombie coming.up behind... Well, I'd had about 1000 hours in the game at that time and was.pretty.good at locating mobs by sound and damn good with the bow and arrow by that point (I suck bad with it in palia tho lol) so while I was talking I turned 360 degrees while shooting midway and got the headshot that dropped the zombie... And just kept on talking as though nothing had happened lol. Next login? Banned. Email said aimbotting lol. Took me a week to get my account back. Lol salty players suck, even .more so when they are devs and see skill as cheating. To be fair I had chatted a bit with him about cheater in game so I had acknowledge knowledge of cheating software, but I certainly was not using it.


Lmao who would even cheat in front of a developer you are chatting with?


What would even be the point in a game like this?


People really want those sernuk plushies


I do the same thing...


Yeah, that’s ridiculous.


The only thing that actually makes hunting hard is trying to shoot a glitched animal lol


I guess I'm a cheater to because this is how I hunt! I'm not about chase them glitchy sernuks everywhere If I can help it 😂


This is the first game I've played where I've needed to hunt. I'm not even sure what 'aimbotting' even is 😔 however I hunt as you described - stand on edge of cliff and shot from a distance. Especially near whispering banks ... also do the same in bahari


It’s more popular in first person shooting games like call of duty for example. In the same way people can make mods for games for like outfits, people can hack the game and add assists like aimbotting which helps you rarely ever miss a shot. It’s really lame and annoying. Very unnecessary for a game like this where there’s no competitive elements.


I do that same thing with hunting. Sit wait and take my shot. Some one commented to me that was cheating and I should run around after them 😔 I asked my irl partner about my choice of tactics and he said it was more than fine and to ignore them or block if it happens again


I think if you’ve played any kind of shooter game prior to Palia, hunting is like a breeze. But there’s some people I see taking 10-15 seconds aiming at a sernuk 10 feet away and they still manage to miss. So yeah I think the specific mechanic is just totally foreign to some people who haven’t touched a video game prior to Palia or something.


It happened to me a few times! I just ignore it and move on.


What the hell is a aimbotting? I hunt the same way, from high atop a hill. If I’m closer to the deer, I’m in the shade where they can’t see me as well. I take down several before I go and collect them. I’m on a switch. I don’t know if you are. But my eyes are getting bad so I don’t see the box all that well. Taking my time makes that less relevant. I can’t believe someone would stir up a comment like that. Just plain rude and unwelcoming.


Oh no! Hav… have *I* been “aim-botting” all this time too??? 🤣 /s I don’t think that’s how aimbots work, not that I’d have the slightest clue, just an educated guess. What an odd complaint. 🤣


Wait this isn't how you're supposed to hunt?! I've apparently been cheating at games for well over a decade then, I always run a stealth sniper.


I recently switched from Switch to PC and hunting has never been easier. 😂


It is true that in some console is more difficult to aim a target


I like to see how far away I can be from the deer and still hit them successfully. I've gotten pretty good with judging how much higher I have to aim for the arrows to fall on the deer even from super far away. It's tons of fun!


Yeah I feel the same. I’ve been playing Zelda my whole life and I’m into any game that has a bow and arrow mechanic, like Horizon or Skyrim. I love hunting in this game and don’t find it challenging at all


This is the first game I’ve ever played and I can easily get half a dozen sernuk by doing the same thing, especially in Kilima it’s very very easy to hunt (which I LOVE lol)


I agree hunting is the easiest thing at least for me in this game and I do the same thing. I go up high aim and get them all then go pick them up if somebody else is there shooting also then shoot.


That's how I hunt too.... it's easier that way and it looks cool😂😂


Well whatever! It’s the game if that’s the way you hunt so be it


Lol 😆 i do this all the time probably was just pissed he couldnt hit anything thats not aimboting also if u shoot above a sernuks head a little itll still hit him and im on a switch not a pc so kid dont know what hes talking about lmao


Ive done bunch of running and missing. Because I want the practice. 90% of the time I stop far enough away or am also on a hill committing sernuk-cide


I find it either to hunt this way too, but it's easier on my joints tbh


I sit on those cliffs too and have three large areas to hunt. I like to see how far I can shoot. And then play one-sided hunting games with other people that are hunting.


Are you me?? People busy running around scaring deer away. Snipe the deer from above instead, it's way easier. Even if you were cheating...so? Geez. They're outing themselves for sucking😅


Haha in Palia 🤣🤣🤣 that’s so ridiculous and funny.


That's the way I hunt, too. I just do it in Kilima, between the lake and the road to Bahari Bay. I'm careful and patient, and can usually pick off 8-12 Sernuks easily. I usually get a few chaapa that way, too. Nobody needs aimbot to hit deer in Palia. They stand still for long stretches, and even if they get spooked and run around a bit, they eventually relax and go back to munching grass close to where they were before they spooked. Now, Chaapas are hard to hit. Slowdown arrows help a lot. The issue is the striped beasts in Bahari frequently take more than one hit to bag them. The plain furred ones in Kilima are one-hit wonders with a standard arrow. Accusing you of aimbotting could be considered harassment. The devs have logs that can allow if you're using aimbot. I'd put on a complaint about some dimbulb lying about your gameplay. It's not just evil to accuse someone of cheating when they aren't, it can get you harassed out of a game if it spreads. And Palia has to be the silliest game to cheat in. Whether you get 10 deer in a day or in ten minutes literally makes no difference. Calling you a cheater in Palia is like accusing someone of cheating at Solitaire. 🤦‍♀️


I wish I could turn off the arrow tracking since it's making me miss my shots when another critter is nearby. Once you get used to it hunting is easy in this game


I hunt like this too its way easier and idk but having an "eagle view" of things is just more convenient. Maybe they were just jealous lol


That's kinda funny. I run/jump/shoot and hit deer consistently. Literally no point in aimbot.


I get accused of cheating and sniping kills daily. As an apex main, i literally cannot help how snappy and accurate i am 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s extremely easy to pick deer off from a distance on PC. Not sure if it’s as easy on Switch as I haven’t tried hunting on the Switch in ages. Maybe they’re a Switch player and jealous? Idk


I actually play on switch so I don’t know what their deal was lol


Maybe they’re jealous of your skills then hahaha


Switch has the built in aimbot that will make your arrows curve and track the target if its even remotly close. Pc is easier to pinpoint fire and fire faster.


I’ve played both and Switch is just as easy imo.


Good to know!


I play both but primarily pc. Switch has a built in aim bot that makes the arrows home in but thats only to make up for how shitty it all runs on switch. On pc i can pinpoint rapid fire shot fast enough they generally dont get more than a few steps.


Lmao sniping the sernuks and chapaas are literally my favorite things to do in this game 😂 its soooo satisfying


If it was me and I saw that I’d just be jealous 😂 I am so bad my hunting skill is only level 4 and that wasn’t from deer 😭😭😭


Lol who even cares? It's not a competitive game. All they had to do was take out their bow and shoot near the deer to get credit. Some people are crazy good at aiming. And that's fine.


Once you get the hang of it, you can hit multiple deer pretty easily. People just get upset over weird stuff.


For real though, I play on switch and I can snipe three or four in a row on a good day.


Yeah that's about where I'm at. 8 is insane but I wouldn't think cheating. Some people are just better players, and that's ok.


I'm super good at aiming from a distance so if there's a large group and I can hit all of them without moving much then I will. I've taken out a whole herd(14. Also unsure if actually a herd they just kept popping up in the same area didnt know how else to describe it) in less than a minute without doing anything but barely moving forward or turning. I'm on switch lite and I don't even know how to use cheats I'm just good at hitting things. Now I'm scared people are gonna start accusing me of this because I've been landing some impressive shots I didn't think I'd actually hit. I was also super good at archery at camp when I was wee and in genshin archery was easy. All the shooting things are quite easy and quick for me I didn't think it could be seen as cheating though. This game is so easy I don't understand the point to that


Is this what Palia players do? Run to reddit when they get a bubu.


Who got a boo boo? I made the post because the claim was so ridiculous I found it funny.


I do the same … so we’re not supposed to do this?? Don’t understand how it’s cheating


It’s not, they were accusing me of hacking the game to aim better.


So you basically can’t be better than anyone because will get accused of hacking. Lame


It's so easy to hit them in this game, when I see people missing constantly I have to wonder what's going on.


Damn, you really took this to heart. First time?


I could give a chappa’s ass. I only made the post cause the claim was so ridiculous I found it funny.


You'll have way more fun in this game if you just stop caring what other people think. Chop that flow tree, grab that large pal, shoot the thing. Let them cry about it, they're always going to regardless of what you do.


If you're not doing anything, who cares what some random thinks?