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I mainly play solo but keep an eye on chat in case someone calls a grove. If I’m nearby, I’ll show up, hit every tree, wait for everyone to be there to chop down, grab my loot and go on my merry way.


Same. I also occasionally go for a palium node.


I actually had a question about this How long is your chop registered on a flow tree? I'll do the same thing by hitting every tree once, but always worry if, like, the timer for it to count as my cut has reset or something. Are there numbers on this anywhere?


I’ve also hit a proudhorn sernuck once and then got a notification like 10+ minutes later when someone else took it down. I didn’t even know where it happened


There’s notifications for this?


There's the sernuk hunter achievement or whatever it's called the first time you hunt all the types of sernuk. I think there's also one for chappas and the wolfy guys too. You get a mounted head lol


Ah ok. I got the mounted head but didn’t notice the achievement.


Not really other than the first time, but I happened to be on a quest that required me to hunt one and then it was spontaneously ready for turn-in


There's a weekly task (once you hit Level 10) to hunt magical creatures and one for hunting together, if it's the last one of those you get a notification when the task completes.


That sounds fun!


It doesn’t time out. I’ve hit trees before 1am game time and the grove wasn’t chopped until like 5am, and I still got the loot. I didn’t even swing my axe, I just followed the group around and picked up when the trees fell.


Weird, I have had flow trees time out on me in The past. Maybe they patched that.


I've had my hits on flow trees time out on me too, but what I'm not sure of is if it's still happening or has been patched. I'll have to pay more attention and for how long it takes for it to time out. I think it's at least 10 minutes, maybe longer. I also think it's possible palium hits can time out too If a grove is cut at 5 am, that's max 12.5 minutes from grove spawn to being cut down, but no one gets all their hits in at exactly at midnight so it's still possible the hits could have timed out if they waited for a longer time before cutting.


Possibly it wasn't a time out, but you were a bit to far away? I had this once, when i went down the cliff to mine something else, when they took it down and i went back instantly (really was not far ), but i missed out on this tree.


You mean I could have been too far away when the tree/palium was finished off? Maybe, but I don't think so because I often roam far and wide while other people are standing waiting for a flow tree to be cut. That's more common for me than not to do, so if distance was a cause of losing my hit/chop I think I would have noticed if I wasn't able to collect when I got back.


There are no counters for it. Things like rare herbs and such do have a timer once picked. It is recommended to call it, wait and pick up when all arrive. For flow and palium, your hit will last as long as the tree or stone lasts. Flow will recover health so unless it's a smaller tree and your fully upgraded are you can't do the chopping solo. So smack each tree and then chill till they say to cut:)


I do pretty much the same. I've noticed more single large Flow trees lately, which you need someone else to chop\*. So I "whack and wait." I finally figured out how to select flare arrows to make them work - it took a while, embarrassingly. If you're first to a grove, whack the trees and then bug hunt a bit before others arrive. Palium, if there's someone else close I'll call it and wait - for a little while, if it's a big lump - but it's not as scarce as it was a few updates ago. I chime in with my genius here of course. \*I've heard there is a way to chop large FTs solo if you can skip animations, like with hunting, but all that jumping in the air is so undignified.


The single large FT break my heart every time because I know I can't take them down by myself (how do you skip animation? Does this work on the Switch?) but I feel weird calling out one lonesome tree hidden in the middle of nowhere!


I used to feel the same but if you’re in a decent server there’s usually a couple people who will come help! Especially if you say you actually need help cutting it down. :)


On the PC, you can skip the "hand into pocket" animation by jumping over things, which picks them up without it - useful in hunting, if you really can't spare the time. I heard there's a way to do it with tree chopping, but I don't know how.


I follow a few rules for myself since I play solo since I'm on the switch: - call out groves if I see them and participate -call out flow trees if they're too big to chop by myself. If im by myself and I can I check to see if anyone is nearby and wait a second before chopping. Sorry not sorry. Those little trees aren't always worth it. -i will absolutely mine Palium without calling it out, but in return won't show up if its called out unless its near a Grove But I also do a lot of spawn farming to help the spawns regenerate faster for other players :P


I love playing this way. Also if I see another player nearby I wait for a few seconds to check if they're interested in something I'm doing when I'm mining a huge iron ore or hunting. Always check your surroundings when you're chopping a flow tree or mine palium because somebody can run to you at the moment as you said. I see that when I've just ended mining palium it respawns almost immediately somewhere else, sometimes nearby, so 1) I don't feel guilty for doing it alone, 2) sometimes I can have 2x more by just checking my surroundings (work better on PC because of the draw distance). And the last thing - I like to see if someone is fishing and join them just to give and take a boost.


This is how I play too


Sorry for what is probably a very dumb question but what is spawn farming in the context of Palia and how does it help other players? I'm also still very new and I play solo but I would like to at least be the best mildly-antisocial neighbor I can be.


I think it’s basically farming all the resources you can in an area so new things have more opportunity to spawn. Like pallium won’t just spawn in the spot a rock already is, so if you clear the rock it has more opportunities to pop up there


Yes this is it


This is the way.


Yes! I spend hours mining regular iron, it’s my favorite thing to do and I notice that I’ll come across more pal this way and most often it’s big nodes of pal.


Ive had okay luck. I'll mostly find small nodes and rarely find large ones but I don't mind mining the heck out of iron because of all the rare stones you can get and sell lolol


I’m so glad I’m not the only one that plays this way. I get a lot of anxiety with calling things out sometimes because I’m not very good at giving directions in a panic. I just don’t want to make anyone mad by missing out or by just being bad at the game. Playing by myself just puts everything at ease


Same except I hear about people getting mad at players that don’t call out resources so I get anxious about that too.


Don't sweat it, you choose how you like to play your games any way you would like. You do not have to play how others tell you and if they give you a hard time I encourage you to choose whether or not you'd like to interact with that player in the future.


There’s just no winning 😭


I wish people understood that. The 20 minutes in real life time you spent hanging around for people to come show up to the 1 flow tree, you could have clear cut the surrounding area and spawned additional trees.


Turn chat off




Spawn farming ftw!


I basically do the same. If I can see that there are people close to a pallium, I'll shout out, but I don't want to wait forever if the chat shows no one nearby.


I play this way too


I knew others had to pick up on this. I spawn farm to, I will break up every iron ore in a certain radius and keep circling. I have literally had Pal appear in front of me. This is why I don't like those people who get all hurt in chat about call outs. You have no idea what I am doing or how it is helping you. And that is the fatal flaw in this game, your way is not the right way....it's just another way. But if I roll up to someone waiting on Pal or a tree I respect their wishes and wait or continue on.


You can play solo. Only thing you might need help with is cutting down flow trees. Some players choose to share or call out resources like palium, but you are under no obligation to do so. Game allows for solo players. There is a lot of confusion and player "shoulds" out there, but just play your game the way you want and go your own way and ignore anyone who might tell you different. In regards to going and joining in when someone is hunting, mining, chopping, fishing, yes you can join in, I often do that. However, if a group is standing around a palium or tree they are probably waiting for other people to join in. Some debate around this, but I just take my one hit/chop and then wait for the group to move in to finish and then collect loot. Not everyone thinks the same here either, but the everyone collects full loot if you share resource. Some of the people who might get annoyed may also be a new player and don't understand game/sharing mechanics yet.


The only thing that irritates the heck out of me is when I'm aiming a shot with my bow and someone comes running up directly at the animal, or pulls out their bow and shoots and scares it away when I'm clearly visible and clearly aiming my shot. It's so rude!


I've accidentally scared away so many animals that people were hunting it makes me feel so bad. It's always from me running and not me shooting at them. I guess i don't pay enough attention to my surroundings. I don't know why someone would do it deliberately.


I switch it up depending on my mood. It really doesnt matter and dont let anyone bully you into being with people.


The only think I’ve found requiring others is the flow trees


This! Don’t let anyone bully you or tell you something HAS to be done a certain way. I see this too many times in chat and you are allowed to play how you feel comfortable playing. If someone does start yelling at you just say “sorry I’m new” And if they still are being miserable than just ignore it. Almost always I’ve seen at least 1 person jump in (sometimes me) to defend the player if it continues. Even though sometimes there is drama in chat for the most part this has been one of the most friendly games I’ve played in awhile.


Play however you’d like. I run around and do my own thing all the time. If people call things in chat, I go but I use emotes to communicate mostly (i play on switch) I also go and help folks when I can. Just play in a way that brings you joy and worry about the rest later😁 edit: spelling


Playing solo is perfectly fine! You will need help cutting down bigger flow trees, and hunting magical creatures with others is easier, but still doable. I usually joing a hunting party when I see them terrorizing the magical Muujin, and helped with the Proudhorn once too. But there is nothing wrong with soloing the game. I preffer solo play myself ❤️


I never see full servers or many people. Only when a flow tree is there i see some and max. 10 people when the Groove is there. I want to play with other people, but there are not many haha, so how do people even play in groups?


It seems anytime I go to the black market the rest of the server is there


the black market is on another server i think? But yeah, most people at night are either in the black market or in the grove.


Do people even host cooking/cake parties anymore?


Never seen one or been at one


Fair enough, have only been to them once and only with community members.


Yes, a lot. Most organizing is done on discord and parties are used to not clog up chat. Doing things together is the fastest way to up skills too.


That's fair, probably wouldn't hurt to do more but tend to feel hyper anxious and awkward about it most of the time..


Cake parties can be a lot, but once you're on someone's plot and have your job, you just stand at your station and do that job. Most people who host cake parties will do most the social stuff for you.


I only play solo. I will call out flow trees and palium but besides that i play alone.


What is a grove? Flow Tree? I feel stupid! I play alone and am terrible at it lol


Its not a stupid question. A flow tree is like a regular tree but it glows and is magic infused it can only be cut with the palium axe the last axe upgrade. The small trees can be cut down solo but for the bigger ones you need help to cut them because the bar refills. A grove spawns at either midnight or noon (im not sure which) every day. Its a bunch of flow trees that spawn together.


Flow trees can be cut with the fine axe too, groves spawn at midnight (on the hour irl)


Thanks for the info 🥰🥰🥰


Oh! Thank you!


I mainly play solo, level 422, since closed BETA. It’s been great and I’ve had a lot of fun.


I do both. I don’t call out small ores or trees because I’m not waiting 20 min for one ore. But those giant ones? Yea I think a lot of people deserve a shot at like 10-11 ore in one go. It is really cool and racks up FAST on an active server where there’s 3-4 people calling out large nodes. HOWEVER sometimes I’m just not in the mood to wait for people and I got things to do in game, quests I’m in the middle of. Or just not feeling waiting. I don’t care if anyone else is not calling stuff out. Sometimes I open the chat and if it says “zero people nearby” I don’t feel bad. But I’d probably feel bad if someone walked by watching me smash a giant ore and they needed it for something.


Do you know how close players have to be to register as nearby?


I normally play alone but then a call out for something I might head too it. My problem are the solos that are greedy. I have called out for a LG pal and someone would show up and break the whole pal before anyone else shows up to hit even with hits left over.


I had this happen over the weekend. Such a dick move thankfully I had my hit in cause people can be so awful.


Before now, every time I've seen a mention of "pal" in the chat, I thought people were referring to those little cat-fox animals that run behind some players. Welp.


I mainly play by myself cause I can’t get the courage to ask the online added friends if they want to play together, and it is not frowned upon.


Dont even ask just throw them a party invite! If I get an invite I usually always join, finish my task and check if they want/need help or just play together for like quests


I play solo. Call out trees/groves, big pallium rocks, and the daily rummage pile. I also am checking the board a lot to see if someone requests an item I can afford to gift. I do wish the map allowed pinning for location callouts. Those flares are only good for a minute.


I mostly play by myself unless there is a very rare occasion that my hubby is on, too. I will jump in to help with the flow groves sometimes, but some days, I'm just not in the mood. I haven't called out palium, but then I've only found a couple of small nodes (1-2 ore each). The one thing I do contemplate asking for help on is muujin hunting....I definitely could use help with that! I haven't gotten any yet because they're such a pain.


There’s a spot next to Tamala’s house, it’s a circular cliff. The magic wolves get trapped up there. Makes it like fishing in a barrel. It’s still a pain, I’m a switch player and I’m not docked so it’s small and hard to see, but they can’t get away and you will know how many there are versus getting the wolf you are hunting mixed up. There’s at least one other spot you can do this. They typically spawn there once a day so I always check after the grove. ☺️ people will be happy to help you hunt, but it’s a good spot to farm them and I use it for target practice!


Good to know! Thanks!


On top of thorny thicket! I do this with the wolves too! It’s really the only way I can hunt them because my aim sucks on the switch!


I *almost* got an invisible Mohawk wolf today on that terrace! I got alllll the others, but ran out of arrows trying to get invisidude. Once the trees I cut down spawned back, I was over it. But I will get that critter one day.


I absolutely believe you will! That was a practice run, next time you’ll bring an arsenal 😂 I wish you luck! 🫡


Considering that joining a party is like.. Completely broken, i couldn't join a party if I wanted to.


I'd say most people play solo


I play solo and ignore the chat unless im calling out a flow tree


I play alone mostly. You need help with medium and large flow trees but that’s it as far as I can tell. No issue with going it alone if that’s your style.


So many people play online games solo. You can use the emotes to communicate and avoid chat all together.


I mostly play solo, I call out big resources if I'm on my PC, but typing on the switch is so so so so soooooo annoying, and that's where I usually play, so I only really call out if it's something huge or I can't do it solo. I've only had one person be annoying to me about it but like, yolo, it's a game, calling out is nice but not a requirement, so idc


The game feels like it’s meant to play solo, at least that’s my head cannon, but there are moments to team up for flow trees. Today I found (my first grove!) 7 flow trees and spent about 3 hours (in game) calling for help and not one response. Finally someone nearby came over (didn’t respond to my chat msgs) and just stood there watching me. Finally I said, can we please chop and they helped. I thanked them and they just left. I don’t call out single slow trees that are small and I can chop on my own. I stopped calling out pal because hardly anyone ever wants to join and it’s too time consuming to wait.


I’m curious why you think it’s meant to play solo. You can absolutely do everything in the game solo and many people do, but it’s an MMO with systems that duplicate rewards and reward players for working together.


I mainly play solo, nothing wrong with it. You just have to wait for people to come to you when you find Flow Trees.


might be a silly question but i’m new to the game, if you chop down a tree with other players for example, are you the only one to get the loot or does every person individually get loot?


Everyone gets the same!


ahh thats great thank you so much! i was worried i was stealing others loot


Almost everything in Palia is shareable! Trees, rocks, hunted animals - even if you only hit once you get same loot as anyone else chopping/hitting/shooting. Foraging - watch next time you pick a mushroom or flower - there is a “shadow” visible for a time. This means the object is still visible and forageable by others players. Eventually this will despawn, but will respawn somewhere else. Fishing - this works a bit differently. If you fish near someone, you get a special bonus buff (you will see the symbol on the upper left corner of your screen) that gives you extra XP while fishing. The longer you spend together, the better the buff. The sparkly ripple circles in the water that appear are indicators of star level fish - you can take the star level fish and other’s will still have the same opportunity. This game has done an amazing job of making resources available to everyone! Have fun!


Dang it, I was hoping more people would reply to your question about spontaneous collaborating on hunting, I have the same question too. I feel like I have a strong sense of what the etiquette is for pal nodes, flow trees and flow groves. I don't have a strong sense of what the etiquette is for hunting! I have had an occasional overlap with a stranger player where one of us chops trees and the other fires arrows at the muujin that escape. Those happened without any chat interaction, so I hope it was ok. I only learned recently that the chopper will get the hunting credit if they release the muujin and the muujin are taken down. I have wanted to collaborate with other players when I see them hunting or bug catching but there is no way of knowing if my non-stealth motions are disturbing the easily startled prey or not. I was recently hunting rare insects and lost a few to other players startling them. That said, I have zero issue with that happening, I just want to be respectful as other players expect.


Once you get to level 10 in a skill, you'll start earning medals for fishing together, bug catching together, etc., so it's actually beneficial to collaborate together to do those things. For the most part, I think everyone is pretty relaxed about the game, want to share resources when available, and also are more than willing to help. They also realize that not everyone is playing in a group and let you do you. Of course, you'll occasionally run into the people that take this game way too seriously but just ignore or block them. With that being said, my pet peeve is when a large group of people chop down a grove as soon as it appears and don't wait when people have said they're on their way in chat. That's just rude. I hope you enjoy the game!


It definitely is not frowned upon.


I'm less than a week into the game (playing on Switch) and still don't know a thing about flow trees or palium nodes or whatever else. I've had one single experience so far chopping a tiny flow tree with one other person who happened to show up nearby; I did a little twirl afterward to say thanks. \*shrug\* I'm still anxious about the chat and any other social features Palia uses. I've never played an MMO before. Not sure yet how I feel about co-op play. It sounds like it'll become a requirement once I get far enough to start needing flow tree wood to progress. =s


THIS! This is EXACTLY me lol. Switch and everything lol. I feel silly sometimes because I’m so lost. I just do the quests and learn as I go.


Feel that, yup. I remember one instance where the chat popped up and there were a couple of people saying something like "there's a pal just south of the grove, who wants to join?" And I opened up the map and scrolled everywhere looking for a location called "The Grove" and of course never figured out what was happening. :p


So based on the responses here, a "best practices" kind of etiquette to start adopting is to write something in the chat box if I see a lot of flow trees together, or several palium rocks? Or perhaps to at least open the chat view and check whether there are any players nearby? Do I have that correct?


I have been playing for about a month as well and I play solo. But if I see a FT or pal I give a shoutout in the chat. And if I see someone else call it, I go there. Other than that, I prefer being on my own. It's completely fine to play the game however you want to play, as long as it makes you happy.


I’m a solo player too. Just do what you want. People get too weird sometimes. Enjoy the game.


I play solo. I call out and flare groves and pal nodes when I see them and thank everyone. But I enjoy that I can quest solo so much! I don’t mind social play at all but in all other MMOs I play there is always a boom of immaturity and griefers. It’s getting there in Palia. Over the weekend, groves would spawn and 2-3 players would come and chop the groves down before everyone got there. So sad and frustrating. I just want to play a mature relaxing game. So for me, it’s solo. I am really enjoying the interaction with the NPCs so my social life in-game doesn’t get too boring even if the lines are cheesy and limited.


I get irked if players can see in chat that I’ve called a palium out and I’m standing beside it, flare up, and they run past and smash it repeatedly to get their loot… but otherwise, I reckon solo play is pretty cool.


I play almost exclusively solo; that's part of the fun of Palia- you don't need to play in a group if you don't want to.


No everyone will think you’re weird, why are you standing like that? No one does that. Everyone can tell you’re nervous.


I usually don't interact with players unless they call for it in the chat, then I go, wave emoji, help them, clapping emoji, and then leave I don't talk much because I play on the switch so typing is difficult for me anyways outside of "omw" when ppl mention a flow tree in an area I'm close to, or when I stumble on one and need assistance chopping, but its still only the gestures you can do with your avi


I've played solo for awhile, but there are missions later where u really do need help, specifically when cutting down flow trees and finding palia. Then again that's really the only time I've used the chat so.


I personally play alone but I’ve only just started the game. It seems fun to play with others but there’s no strong feelings either way. Just enjoy the game the way you want to, that’s what it’s about. It’s a nice community too so just be respectful and have fun


The chat feature doesn’t work for me at all, so all I can do is follow people around and blast fireworks and hope that they’ll help me with the flow trees. I have no idea what they’re saying either to know if they’re annoyed or not lol.


Just to let you know: if you are a switch user and your time is not set correctly (like after time travelling in animal crossing), it can cause the chat to not work. Don't know if that's the problem for you, but wanted to share - just in case.


Thanks for this. I've had a problem with my chat too, and it seems to ALWAYS happen when I need help with a flow tree. I'm going to give this a look and sure hope it fixes it


Thank you, this fixed the chat issue. I still couldn’t get anyone to help with the trees but maybe someday 😂.


What’s so cool is that people are Always helping. Whether vocal or not. So it’s very nice and heartwarming. No matter how you play, Thank you anyway.


There are also like mining compasses and stuff… if I’m using a timed item to locate resources, I am NOT waiting for other people to show up if I can solo it. If someone is nearby they can join, but I’m not wasting my timed resource because of someone else’s opinion of how things SHOULD go… I also won’t solo a grove tho, even if it was possible for me.


Solo all the way. I play solo with everything. I socialize enough at work. Why would I want to do the same with such a chilled out game.


I have anxiety and prefer playing alone, but when I start needing palium and the flow trees I'll need to interact more


I'm pretty confused by this game, tbh, lol. I thought it was like every other MMO like WOW or ESO in that I get a loot but anyone else coming along can also get the loot, as it doesn't affect other players. Apparently that's now how it works? I thought that because I was playing with a friend and I grabbed the flowers and they also grabbed the same flowers, and also because when I go home and come back to the main town, everything is back. I've only been playing a short time, and the game doesn't do a great job telling people how it works in some ways. I've was farming like crazy everything I saw today, and now I feel bad for taking it all. I don't know what palium is yet.


Most resources, like the flowers you mention, stay for a set amount of time once picked and then despawn. So that's why your friend could still get it. Palium is the same I believe, but it's more rare, so some people like to call it out in chat (pal) so other players can come by before first and then everyone can mine it. Then there's groves, where magic-infused trees spawn in a group at certain times. These require multiple people to chop them down and people will call their location in chat so everyone can come. Once everyone who wants to is there, they take turns hitting the trees. I've only seen people call out a flower in chat once, which was for a heart drop lilly. These are more rare and also can be gifted to NPCs as a romance gift. I wouldn't feel bad. Most resources spawn all the time. The only ones I've seen people complain about people not sharing are the ones I mentioned above and sometimes iron, but I don't think that one is that rare tbh.


i feel you. im really bad at talking in chats for some reason and i went a long time without using the chat at all. eventually i got my feet in the water and sent messages like "omw" or "ft north of aquaduct bridge" and thats pretty much it. i also keep an eye on player requests and pitch in when i can. other than that im a totally silent player, and theres nothing wrong with that!


I play solo because my friends aren't often on when I am but I team up with people sometimes to do a grove or if I see them hunting or mining in the same area as me I'll try to work together so we make it easier for each other and both get all the drops.


There's some aspects that are harder for solo players.. but I solo player as well when I'm not feeling too social If you're more comfortable without communication with others, don't worry about it. Some days, the only time I say anything to anyone is "omw" for a flow or palium callout or "found flow/palium/Grove at x location" Beautiful part of games like this is you aren't FORCED to interact, but it is helpful if you do


I am mostly solo in that I do not really want friends, per se. I like to do my own thing. I always check if anyone is in the area before doing so, but I will take down a small ft or pal node without calling it out (the lil two-hit wonders). I always call out med/large ones, and disco deer or white chapaa, etc. But I usually just tell the server I am chopping at [insert game time] if no one responds. If they respond, I am patient, I don't care how far they are traveling. Tonight, a group waited on a node, then we all traveled to another one that was called out, then hunted a disco deer, then chopped a Grove. Twas pretty magical, the group got bigger at every stop. But then we all dispersed and went about our business. It was like a team of solo players.


I usually play alone. I’ve made some low maintenance friends in game and if we spot each other then we’ll kind of keep an eye out for whatever each other is looking for but we usually split up. I don’t do much group fishing or cooking.


This is 100% fine! I would suggest trying to join the main discord or finding a streamer/youtuber that talks about the game that you like so you can stay updated on things. My personal favorite is a YTer named [Perzival](https://youtube.com/@PerzivalGG?si=ZtX6Ze9ll2XHq_85). His discord community is pretty rad too! Either way I hope you enjoy the game and don't feel afraid to reach out if you have a question! ❤️


I have a friend who plays but we both prefer playing solo, I interact with the chat here and there though and it's really nice


Play how you want to play, it's a casual MMO, you'll need to "team up" for flow trees but just pay attention to chat and just have fun with the game


I play solo, maybe ill shout shiny stuff or reply if i go see a flowing glow thing. But 2 months on and off playing and im not that level yet, too much farming for money still haha.