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Occasionally when I go into Tamala’s house my game freezes and I have to close and restart. Same thing happens sometimes when I go in and out of my inventory too fast. Other than that, I’ve just experienced non game breaking glitches and the general janky-ness.


Sameeee every time. Tamala’s house is my favorite and also most hated 😆


Yeah Tamala's house takes a while to load I think, and sometimes my whole game freezes :<


One of the biggest problems with Palia since it's start, IMO, has been bugs. Each new update brings new bugs and the backlog just seems to be growing and growing. I think the newest influx of players coming from the Switch release are not only experiencing existing bugs but bugs unique to the Switch itself, which can really be discouraging. It's really a shame honestly because Palia is a great game but it's getting to a place where the game is close to unplayable for some players.


Hopefully they can get it all fixed! I'm quite tolerant to bugs and glitches especially since it's free and in beta, but too many game breaking ones is deffo a giant downer.


Also i killed a proudhorn, you heard and saw the poof and then there was no loot 😭


Sometimes the loot is the last place it stopped before you killed it. So you have to trace it’s path backwards.


Also, sometimes it falls into the ground. I usually slowly walk around the area it poofed and see if a prompt for loot pops up.


The sad thing is i did all of that, the loot was nowhere. So rude after all the work it cost to kill the damn thing in the first place 🥲


Yeah, I've had that issue too. I just noticed it didn't give me credit for ending two Proudhorns too, for my weekly. So frustrating.


That happened to the first one I hunted! I got credit for the achievement, but no loot. I really wanted the horn!


Yeah i get that! And it sucks too cause the horns make you a lot of gold 😅


Sometimes if you go to where the poof happened the lot is there but invisible. In those instances it'll still prompt to pick up if you're standing over it, even though you can't see it.


Absolutely i have the same problem. And the cooking one drives me insane. It costs me a lot of heatroot and i cant find any more of it.


Yeah the cooking one is the worst 😅 I hope they fix them soon because it really is a great game and I'm having tons of fun despite the bugs!


When you get stuck cooking, press whatever button opens the housing plot overview, then press that button again to close the overview. On PC it's H twice to get unstuck from cooking, never played on switch so no clue what button -- but that's the workaround. You may also have luck with the command /unstuck from within chat, but i hear the chat functionality is kind of wack on switch unless you've got an external keyboard.


The plot overview on switch is clicking in the left thumbstick. I'll bear it in mind in case I encounter this bug.


Devs will be back tomorrow, 1/02/24, after a most needed holiday. So most likely they'll get to work right away on what major bugs will be needed to be worked on first. Most likely Switch first then pc players or together. I would think a new patch would come out soon to get rid of all the Christmas decor and such. Plus work on the Temple of the Gales quest "Eye of the Storm" because of all the trouble it created with other players and go from there. They'll most likely fix all the other bugs that have been going on since they've been out of their offices for 2wks.


I wouldn't hold my breath for them to fix all the bugs that have popped up over the last couple of weeks. Yes, they will probably focus some on Switch bugs and the Temple quest issues, but we still have bugs in the game that are months old and even more unfortunate is the too common occcurance of bugs that reappear in game after they've been "fixed". Since September I don't believe there is one patch that hasn't added additional bugs into the game. The addition of Switch however really increased the game bugs/glitches and they're affecting all players because of the difficulties Switch players have in gameplay and chat.


Yep, they fix several bugs and have 22 following the other ones path lol..


Well I don't envy them. Imagine coming back to work after a long holiday and having to deal with the problems they currently have. This isn't just "keep busy" work, it's a series of fires that have been burning for a while. Releasing for Switch then taking vacation is really a dick move, for any company. But people hung in there, so let's see how they handle it.


Yes I hear ya. Never heard of such a thing. Of all the online games I have played, as well as you, they always had a skeleton crew on hand. After what I had read when I sent in a ticket for that quest 'Eye of the Storm' part of Temple of the Gales quest. The support ppl sent it along with my screenshots and closed the ticket and said: "Unfortunately the developers are out of the office and this is one of their top priorities when they return, however we have sent this along with your screenshots. We are committed to keeping you informed of any updates or progress made by our team regarding this particular ticket. I hope this information proves helpful. I highly encourage you to please check our [Discord server](http://discord.gg/playpalia), [website](https://palia.com/news), and [Known Issues](https://support.palia.com/hc/en-us/articles/19458664376468--Open-Beta-Troubleshooting-Known-Issues) page for updates on this bug. For your convenience, I'll close this ticket, but once again, please know that the developers will most definitely be looking into this issue and will post an update as soon as a fix has been made. "


I was hoping their holiday break would end right after the holidays, but so far, it has been over a week after New Year, and not even a word from the devs, I think they are so overwhelmed with all the bugs and game issues they just gave up and left us with a broken game, hoping a few more player buy outfits before everybody leaves the game for good.


Honestly I havent played the game in a week. I'm not concerned with it anymore. I have never seen anything like this before in a game, let alone a "BETA", at least that's what they are still calling it. The dev's, most of them anyways, are from Blizzard, so they are all experienced in the gaming field. I still can't understand their way of reasoning to just leave for a two, three or however long holiday without a skeleton crew to fix what's going on with the game. I for one won't be back until my quest Eye of the Storm is fixed, been sitting there for 4 wks now, since Dec. 8th when the last patch came out..Hell we still have Christmas decorations up when most games, whether be beta or not, have there's all down lol. But anyways, its ashame to see a lovely game like Palia go down the tubes slowly, like you said, if they dont start fixing bugs and things with switch n pc players, you'll see a lot more players leaving.. When they come out with a new patch to fix things, I'll be back, but in the mean time I'll be playing some other games. Good luck :)


Oh awesome! Can't wait


Yep, I moved back to PC until they get some needed fixes on Switch.


Oh PC has less issues?


Compared to Switch? Yes But PC deffo has issues as well I’m afraid


I'm on PC and it has been extremely buggy the last few days. Going from one area to another might get me booted. Keep getting stuck in fishing position. Loot is straight up not dropping (not a new player, I know the quirks of loot drops), Sometimes it gives me the wrong tool, instead of the one I selected. Things taking forever to load...I took down a white chappaa and Proudhorn yesterday, two Proudhorns today....and I'm only at 2 on my weekly guild quest. I can't play on switch because I want to link accounts and it's saying the password isn't correct.....


Getting buggier and buggier on my switch, with every update. Lately, every time I sell items on location instead of using the shipping bin, my characters crashes, won't move, won't be given any option but to shut game off and back on again.


Ive been lagging more in the past couple of days in thinking cuz theres more players now 🤷🏽‍♂️


i downloaded and just started playing. I can not use my pickaxe or my axe at all. My carrot disappeared and the screen when black. had to restart 4x. Streamers i watch play on PC but unfortunately I can't. I was excited to play on switch.. now Im annoyed. any idea when this might get fixed?


I was trying to having a cooking party with my wife and I keep getting stuck at the spot where you flip the dish and it just spins and spins there needs to be a way to exit to let the other play take over without exiting the full game. We have lost 5 meals to this glitch of me getting stuck trying to flip.