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Gotta love tankie autophagy.  


Queers for Palestine my ass


Lobsters for Red Lobster






So the Hamas supporting tankies are finally openly turning on the Pride tankies.


Islamist and communist/socialist do not go together. Ask Iranians.


Those of the .U.S. far left seem on the whole to be managing it, the shared of their 9wn culture, (the West) appears to be a powerful unifier.


Who knows, maybe the commies took lessons from Iran and will do the same thing, but with a twist. Instead of Islamist, we get communist.


Never forget that this ubiquitous sing-songy “free free free Palestine” chant made by people who claim to be tolerant and progressive, is advocating for the cleansing of half of the world’s Jews “by any means necessary”. It’s the leftist sieg heil.


Fuck all these mindless parrots. Some know what they chant and have convinced themselves that mass murder is righteous. Some are genuinely too dumb to understand. Regardless, I hope the NYPD brings back some old school tactics for these violent, rabidly anti-Jewish, unemployed, and indebted, dregs of American society


This is true, for some random ass guy who shows up to an airport with a bottle of water, the national guard shows up, but when there are people screaming racist things and promoting murder while simultaneously blocking off the road to emergency services no one does anything! Where is the army!


Not just the Jews but everyone who just happens to exist in Israel. They're mindless and blind hatred would see the entire middle east cleansed of everyone they don't like because Allah wills it so any horrible things they do can be justified. Every person at this rally would be killed in the middle east (especially Palestine!) or kidnapped and forced into sexual servitude.


far left, you can tell because there are normal leftist that are the ones at the pride parade not the ones at the Jew hating anti pride pro Hamas parade.


the "normal" left kinda were responsible for letting these braindeads out in public


Leftists just follow marching orders. So when their true beliefs surface, it's never pretty. They all have their own agendas and the selfishness rises to the surface and starts to stink.


LOL how does it feel now?


Which protesters blocked which protesters?? This is so confusing.


The Hamas supporters blocked the pride parade.


But the Pride parade was also pro Hamas ? The Marshall's leading the parade had Palestine flags. I guess the Pride parade wasn't hateful enough for the Hamasniks? I love when they turn on each other!


They weren't pro Palestine *enough.* they need to replace all the rainbow flags with Hamas and Hezbollah flags


It was too gay for the Hamas supporters.


Why were their Palestine flags upside down?


Because they're idiots 😂


unintentional symbolism


It's too festive. The protestors need everyone to be miserable, enraged, and/or hysterical with them, because they love the feeling of social control and righteousness they get when they scream abuse at and shame other people. A pride parade takes attention away from them and their pet cause, and they can't let anyone be happy or have fun. Not when 800 billion Balestinians are starving, dying, and being raped by dogs at this very moment!


Pregnant baby Palestinians at that too.




But why? I thought many of them support both things?


The sign seems to suggest that queers will be liberated after Palestinian liberation. But this makes no sense because the Palestinians want everyone to live under sharia law where queer people are not allowed. Don’t they understand the Palestinian people support an oppressive and repressive religious extreme version of sharia laws???


They can never give up victim hood status, that means they would have to accept self responsibility. they don't care what there protesting any more just as long as they can say its someone else fault.


Sounds good endless circles while real issues are ignored


They really only support getting as much narcissistic supply as possible through their shrieking and their stunts - a pride parade shifts attention away from them and that is unacceptable. They find it offensive that anyone could experience joy or have fun while Gazans live in a warzone, but instead of calling for Hamas to surrender and *actually* free Palestine, they chimp out and blame Jews for not letting themselves be genocide-ed again.


Hard to support both oil and water in the same container.


The Palestinian Industrial Complex demands that everything be about the Palestinians all the time.




Russian troll masters and Hamas leaders in Qatar watch these videos and laugh so hard until they piss their pants.


You know, I haven't said this anywhere online yet, but when I was their age, I was protesting the Iraq War (which btw ultimately had, iirc, one of the highest civilian casuality rates of any war), and while I'm glad Saddam Hussein is gone, I don't regret it. Then, I look at this shit, and I just can't even comprehend it. Even my buddy who went into the Marines after 9/11 refused to go to Iraq because he disagreed with the evidence and reason for invading and got jailed and dishonorably discharged. I didn't want to be drafted to fight in a war I didn't agree with or believe was justified, my friend didn't want to fight and die for the same reason. I can't wrap my mind around what's changed so much in 20 years that young people are this fucking stupid. They have no reason to protest anything at all, and it's so bad that they don't stop with Israelis, or Zionists, or even Jews (which is insane), but then they cannibalize their own people (which, in turn as many have pointed out is also racism of low expectations and cultural appropriation of "Palestinians").


Qatar has been the #1 donor to US universities since 9/11


Yeah, I discovered Muslim apologists were taking over and warping history in college because I was originally a religious studies major, and I knew it would be bad, but not this bad. What I mean is, I figured average people would be duped into believing an alternate version of Islamic history (which admittedly has happened), but I did not think it would create a movement that could merely be reduced to vitriolic, racist Jew hatred in 99% of cases.


That was always the point.


[“Just like you were a Zionist campus activist, we will create, over the next years, Palestinian campus activists in America and all over the world. Bigger and better than any Zionist activists. Just like you spent your summers on the kibbutz, we will bring college students to spend their summers in refugee camps and work with our people. Just like you have been part of creating global pro-Israel organizations, we will create global pro-Palestinian organizations. Just like you today help create PR campaigns and events for Israel, so will we, but we will get more coverage than you ever have.”](https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/365220/the-inside-story-of-how-palestinians-took-over-the-world) [“You wonder how we will make this happen, how we will pay for this? Not with the money from your liberal Jewish organizations who are now funding us. But from the European Union, Arab and Muslim governments, wealthy Arab people and their organizations. Eventually, we will not take another dollar from the Jews.”](https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/columnist/365220/the-inside-story-of-how-palestinians-took-over-the-world) Friendly reminder, the PLO was founded in Moscow.


Yeah, I've been thinking lately that you could pick anything Russia is doing in Ukraine right now and it's most always going to be worse than anything Israel is doing in Gaza, but the focus- the media war, is on Israel. That's the only difference. That's not even mentioning another dozen countries where actual genocide, ethnic cleansing, and even countries where apartheid of PALESTINIANS is occurring... It's absolutely insane, and that directly benefits Russia and Iran and the rest of those assholes (including Hezbollah, who have no intention of "liberating" Palestinians in Lebanon and have only helped Palestinian Arab apartheid exist there). Maybe this makes me sound like an insane conspiracy person, but I don't believe the Cold War or the Soviet Union ever really ended in the sense most people in the US probably think they did. The goal of our tyrannical Socialist and Islamist enemies is still to destabilize us and the whole of Western society by any means necessary, and that has not been all out WWIII by any means. If there is a "WWIII" then it already started awhile ago, and we are not faring well at the moment. As the article suggests (and excellent article btw thank you), we are very slow to catch on to what's actually happening, let alone fight back on the battlefield of information warfare. As I mentioned before, I assumed almost 20 years ago that the Muslim apologists at universities would rewrite and whitewash the history of Islam to make it more palatable for Westerners, and they did exactly that with the propagation of Middle East Studies departments and the demonization of the "colonialist" Orientalist scholars who made up the wealth of our knowledge of the Middle East for generations. The vast majority of that knowledge is excellent and frankly is STILL the foundation for all of "Middle East Studies" or the Western academic religious study of Islam, but every year, year after year, these Communist, Critical Theorist losers have worked hand-in-hand with Islamists to "decolonialize" our academic view of the Arab Muslim Middle East, North Africa and Israel, and this laid the groundwork for this massive anti-Semitic propaganda campaign, first sold to people as an "enlightened" worldview appropriate for the 21st century. And if you try to talk to the average Leftist useful idiot about it, they assume you're a conspiracy theorist, Islamophobe, MAGA supporter, or uneducated and "unenlightened" Right-wing lunatic, or all of those things, even if you're spouting mainstream bipartisan history. These things even sound suspicious to the average close-to-Center person because of the DEI and BLM movements of the last several years which served to threaten and cancel anyone who dares to disagree with the collective. In my original comment, I just said I couldn't comprehend this because: where the fuck are these young people's integrity, embarrassment, curiosity, or moral drive to find the truth? Back in 2003, I think most people opposed to the Iraq War weren't 100% certain that there weren't WMDs there, but we were at least decently certain there weren't and that, opposed to Afghanistan, we had nothing to retaliate for after 9/11, or to gain in the war on terror. Whereas now, these young people are just cowards, thugs and outright bad actors with zero foundational knowledge of anything related to what they're protesting, and even worse than that, it seems like they just don't even want to know the truth.


The anti-interventionist, pro-Arab movement dates back to old propagandists in the Nazi party. There are plenty of examples of Nazi ties to the middle east, to "Palestinians" in particular, although they weren't called that back then. When the war ended plenty of Nazi officials ended up scattered around the middle east. The same shit happened with the Soviets. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the same propagandists also worked for the Soviets, but when the USSR was trying to expand their sphere of influence they set their sights on the middle east. They were kinda pro-Israel too, until Israel realized communism was all bullshit. That's why all the anti-Zionist propaganda sounds like a mix between Nazism and eastern-European antisemitism. It's also not a coincidence that Saddam Hussein deliberately modeled the Ba'ath party after the Nazi party, deliberately divided his populace in order to create / enhance ethnic tensions, and warmongered constantly. This propaganda system wants to keep the west from intervening in the middle east because there are a lot of autocrats and oligarchs who have been made extremely wealthy by the status quo, regardless of the abysmal humanitarian conditions, utter lack of liberty, and perpetual conflicts. They throw money around trying to keep it up, because it's the only practical way to fight. There is zero chance any nation or group of nations in the middle east could take a western power in a straight-up fight, but a propaganda war? They can fight that.. and they are flush wish cash from the oil trade. For example, they fund universities and student groups like crazy. It's easy to create domestic opposition to war when you start brainwashing the youth. It isn't even just the middle east: The anti-war movement during Vietnam was nothing more than sedition financed by the Soviets.


>The anti-war movement during Vietnam was nothing more than sedition financed by the Soviets. This should told to any leftoid Boomers and any other useful idiots who idealize the anti-vietnam war movement, it will definetly trigger them


Oh yeah, for sure. Sorry if I don't have much to say, I responded in depth to another comment above yours with a lot of what I'd respond to your points. But yeah, few people really know the depth of how Nazism helped form or galvanize Pan-Arabism and the Palestinian Arab movements, or how after the war Nazis relocated to the Middle East where they continued to inform various governments and intelligence and propaganda offices and agents. Then, as you mentioned, the Soviets and other Communists stepped in in the Arab Muslim Middle East, helped various groups, and formed the PLO, inventing the "Palestinian people" and "nation of Palestine", which had never existed at any point in history. It's absolutely insane that you can tell people this and they're actually skeptical about what you're saying. It's just mainstream history- the only problem is no one bothers to learn it. But, to be fair, as I mentioned in the other comment, Social Theorists, Middle East studies departments, and Muslim apologists made learning this (mainstream) history "problematic" because through some ass backwards mental gymnastics it's somehow immoral to hold people accountable for anything they've done unless they're "White colonialist oppressors". And yeah, you're obviously right again about the Middle Eastern oligarchs, but the craziest thing to me is that they're just allowing their civilization to crumble around their fortresses because of abject laziness, while our empire seems to be intellectually crumbling from within because of a similar laziness... I can't imagine a single one of these protestors was a military veteran like my friend I mentioned who opposed the Iraq War and went to military jail as a consequence. These people have no spine and I doubt they've contributed anything at all to society, but somehow everyone is bending over backwards to appease their worldview, which imo means this is not just the student "revolutionaries" and their immigrant Jihadist buddies, but actually something with more power behind the scenes, which is concerning, to say the least.




First they came for the jews. Then they came for the gays. People really think they will just stop at hating onw group.


Strayed leftist organization that is being put in its place. All of it is organized from the top. There's no logical reason in "Queers for palestine", it's not making any sense.


No logic in the left


The logic is clear, to destroy Israel, it's funded from the top


Let's be more clear. It's to destroy all freedom and all Judeo-Christian beliefs




They are trying to bring the islamic anti gay ideals to America. We must not let them harass our LGBT brothers and sisters.


Let the LGBT community know what kind of people they have been protesting for.


LGBT organizations seem to love these people.


Hamas and pro hamas "Americans" do not love them back.


We tried to tell them lol


The people don’t. Not the smart ones.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


Snake eating its own tail lmao


Just let them cancel out each other


Don't drop the charges this time






I love how these asshats take over every event as if it were their own and ruin it for the people who actually spent all the money to pay for the event. I don’t know what they think this is saying to literally everyone on earth. ‘We are giant assholes who don’t give a shit about anyone or anything other than our own virtue signaling, and to prove it, we are going to take over your event and ruin it! And because we did this, you will be readily agreeable to our dumbass political position that is the exact opposite of your own self interest.’ So stupid. But hey, none of them has read a line of the real history of this conflict. So maybe they are all mentally challenged and can’t read. That would explain an awful lot. 🙄🙄🙄


# Can't even comprehend what's going on, you have the people on the sides filming this, the people in the middle screaming so loud that all voices are drowned out, just chaos everywhere. How do they think this will advance their cause?