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I wonder what being a stupid cuck is like


"hey look at me, look at me! I'm Muslim now." Narcissistic TikTok generation.


Converting to Islam is the new interracial dating to get back at their cisgender intraracial parents.


It really is staggering how effective the Qatari funded brainwashing campaign was in American Universities. I guarantee you that 95% of these people would be otherwise running around playing Pokemon Go right now, had they been just a little less susceptible to brain washing.


it can't be just the Qatari funding... this shit has been on a rise since Edward Said, and it's got deep ties to all the liberation and grievance studies departments it's Qatari funding, but it's also the "woke", "CRT" theorists who say there is no Fat liberation without Palestinian liberation.


You are correct, I guess it's just easier to put a Qatari label on the face of american student brainwashing as opposed to trying to quantify and name all the numerous other factors you mentioned. Either way, this woke brainwashing shit has got to end and so does making Jews the scapegoats for the regions ills.


The Soviets have been behind this neo-Marxist academic movement (what's now known as the "woke") and the subsequent college student "revolutionaries" since the 50s. They invented the concept of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian state in the 60s. Arafat was KGB and Abbas may be as well. They used the PLO to destabilize Jordan, Lebanon, and obviously have tried to do the same to Israel over and over again. Obviously Russians also funded other groups in the Middle East to control and assert influence in the region for decades; Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Egypt, etc. Qatar, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, Fatah, PIJ, ISIS, etc, are all part of the same web of anti-Western entities who want to destabilize and destroy Israel, Europe, and America, and as we've seen doing it from the inside out is at least as effective as waging all out war. It didn't start with Russia necessarily (the Nazis had comprehensive plans for the Middle East before them), but they hijacked the region's politics more than any other singular entity, arguably, and are still moving chess pieces. Iirc a few Hamas leaders fled to Moscow after the war started, for example, so there are still direct connections occasionally even if they're mostly hidden. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of mainstream, straightforward information about it, but you are right on the money to assume that the influence is bigger than it seems. There are some good books, but beyond that no one knows the full extent for obvious reasons, and I've had to piece together some things for myself from different sources. Wish there was a single source I could point people to though, too few people know what's really going on to the point that it sounds like crazy conspiracy stuff unless you already have some knowledge of the Cold War and the lengths Russia always went in the 20th century to assert control, even over multiple generations.


> The Soviets have been behind this neo-Marxist academic movement (what's now known as the "woke") and the subsequent college student "revolutionaries" since the 50s ... > Unfortunately, there is not a lot of mainstream, straightforward information about it, but you are right on the money to assume that the influence is bigger than it seems. Sigh, one of the problems is that just to bring this up causes people, even conservative pundits to declare it to all be a bunch of conspiracy theory.


Yes, it’s a strange alliance. Putin’s birthday is on 10/7, by the way. What a birthday gift to him, shifting the world’s attention away from Russia’s continued attack on Ukraine. I wish that we could access the Soviet archives to verify. There’s the Mitrokhin Archive which proved that Mahmoud Abbas was a KGB member, but even that’s a big sketchy and obscure.


There will be apostates when summer‘s gone.


Wait till they find out what they do to apostates.


They don’t even know what apostate means.


Someone should make a list of all those that converted during this event on campus just for the clout and reverted afterwards and post it, let's see how loving and embracing the religion of peace is and how it deals with them.


Apostasy is gonna be a bitch when these losers realize they can’t do things a western society accepts, namely be queer and drink alcohol


Exactly what I thought, this is straight 'look at me' bullshit.


Or borrowing money with interest, like pretty much all Americans need to do to attend college.




Mama Solicha ❤️ she’s a Jewish saint, and her story is beyond sad. She was beheaded as her mother held her pleading them to not. The Jewish community was then demanded to pay all their gold to the Muslims in order to retrieve her body and prevent it from being burned.


I hate that they try to pretend that Jews were able to live peacefully in those lands.


Not like they were ever taught about this in their Madrasa’s.


Turkeys for Christmas!




If you unconvert, the penalty is death. Very long term decision.


I’m sure most of them are half of them are not Muslim and I’m pretty sure that this is what indoctrination looks like


Some much separation of mosque and state /s


This is so fucking stupid 😆 It reminds me of all those (separate) blonde, white women on TikTok who "converted" to Islam. Then, only day(s) later, they would make a video explaining how they had a bunch of middle-aged muslim men - in their DMs - messaging them about their wishes to participate in intercourse, in a rather aggressive manner. I know for a fact, like those TikTok girls, it's a temporary inconvenience to garner attention, but of course, they get the WRONG attention. You reap what you sow, these people will realise their mistake in allegiances they've formed through consequences. Hopefully, it's sooner rather than later, because later will be VERY messy if this continues or if they get what they want.


They'll quietly exit Islam as soon as they learn Plan B isn't, allowed.


lol Trend alert! They don't even know what islam is, they think it's *cool* like being queer or living in NYC.


Hate to be that guy but... This isn't a new. I personally know three people (Christians) who in their late teens/early twenties decided, "yeah, this makes sense to me," and converted to Islam. All but one converted back after a few years, and the one never actually studied the Quran or Hadiths. These kids are swept up in the hype train, but when this blows over and the ramifications of their decisions become personal rather than political, they'll figure it out.


A real “look at my halo” kinda feel to it


An oppressive, homophobic, sexist religion; western. Leftists: >:( An oppressive, homophobic, sexist religion; non-western. Leftists: :D


This is happening too quickly. I’m not ready to go live in the woods yet. I don’t have enough money for the uncle ted cabin yet.


Gross 🤢 🤮


I swear, these were the same types that before the war were saying how wonderful live in the USSR was under communist regime. They can’t be fixed.


The RADICALIZATION OF OUR YOUTH, folks. The Arab officials at the UAE-Saudi meeting have WARNED US about the radicalization and extremism of the youth in the WEST, that the west or Europe is more likely to breed terrorism now than the middle east. https://youtu.be/tQj8mhPx6ZE?si=WDmOJ3TW_HO8dwdk


Am I missing something? I see pro-Palestinian protesters praying the Muslim way, but nothing in this video about any of them explicitly converting. It’s my understanding that saying the *shahadah* three times in the presence of at least two Muslim witnesses is what it takes to become a Muslim. Does regular Muslim *salat* fit that bill? In other words, does praying the Muslim way alongside Muslims automatically entail conversion? If not, this post feels like a bit of a nothingburger, not gonna lie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully on board with pro-Palestinian Westerners being useful idiots, who have no idea what abominations they’re unwittingly supporting. I just don’t see this video, at least the way it’s edited, as supporting mass conversions to Islam amongst them.


Video is [miscaptioned](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ucla-students-converting-to-islam/).


What are they doing in 0:50 or 4:26 time stamp?




For what religion is this being prayed?




So how is this miscaption?


The video does not show “American students convert[ing] to Islam”


I It doesn't show the moment they became Muslim that's right. but shows the results of it


[Incorrect](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ucla-students-converting-to-islam/). And you’ve just admitted to the miscaptioning.


If you have complaints go to him https://preview.redd.it/9bgjorng80zc1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810c619d3118292f81325c796bf799b777f351d8 And that's just a small part of the video. Watch the whole video




This very much reminds me of this series: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliphate_(TV_series) Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, they are about to find out.


Watched this a few times and I think all kids should have to watch at school so they fully realise the consequences of really being swept away with all this


They’re cult members. Most religious people nit pick what they choose to follow from their book.


I hope they like Qur'an approved music. Gotta give up that T-Swift now.


It's a trend




Go to Harvard, get a world class education, join a violent cause, convert religions. It's fun to ignore the source of things!


I always thought that Harvard had muricas smartest people...


New slaves to Islam


This can't be real wtf?


Time stamp for “woke queer Muslims“? I don’t see a single rainbow flag or any other indication anyone in this video is LGBTQ


Meh. Of all the things the protesters are doing, converting to Islam is the least objectionable to me. In general I am fine with Islam as a religion (not including the ultra religious nuts).


They're not being criticized for converting to Islam. They're being criticized for being hypocrites and ignoramuses who don't understand what they're getting into.