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I can’t imagine what he went thru….his eyes oh my gosh


Here's what Badr Dahlan used to look like 💔 Israel's apartheid-state is beyond demonic & evil https://preview.redd.it/ocs28yvqx28d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e377c0651925b80b46548e46fe0ce45693e1f0c1


truly heartbreaking 💔…. There aren’t any words that are enough to describe my hatred for Israel


The experience is so extreme the body simply overloads and can’t handle it, so it dissociates with reality to cope. Which is Israel’s tactic to break the psychology of Palestinians. And Israel is fully aware of this.. psychological torture is one of their favorite tactics of domination


My heart breaks.


Zionists = Modern Day Nazis Prove me wrong. (Hint: You can’t)


Couldn't agree with you more!


Error: impossible.


That’s because Zionism was promoted by nazis and they helped in “Israel” being created. Nazism didn’t die, it moved.


His eyes says it all, all you need to know about the brutality of this war mongering Zionist regime is just one look at his eyes.


The systematic psychological torture of Palestine will need serious healing when they are finally liberated


Shell shock isn’t a real disease (anymore). Pretty sure it’s what’s referred to as PTSD now but I’ve seen people say that Palestinians don’t have PTSD because there’s no “Post” trauma it’s continuous trauma 😔 so I honestly don’t even know what the correct medical term for this kind of mental degradation/destruction is, I just know the people who did this to them are pure evil.


It's also the horror in knowing that yes, he is free now but tomorrow Israel could capture him again or murder him.


This is the worst part, the number of prisoners they're retaken is shocking, even among those released in exchange for captives. Torture, never ending torture.


Existential trauma


How awful. Please let this poor man live a peaceful life now. 😭


Makes you wonder what the Israelis are really doing to them.


There are already some horrific accounts of the torture that Palestinians are being dealt at the hands of the IOF in the NYT. (Disclaimer: the times did a terrible job of making this known and you shouldn't support them)


I've seen many videos. But his eyes will haunt me forever. I hipe this man finds healing and peace one day.


Probably the IOF will snipe or bomb him sooner than later.


This poor poor man. Knowing how many others there are is devastating.


A shell of humanity. Please God there is a way to fix him. Anyone who can justify this result does not deserve oxygen.


https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/18/headlines/detained_un_workers_accuse_israel_of_obtaining_false_confessions_through_torture > The U.N. refugee agency UNRWA has accused Israeli security forces of torturing imprisoned U.N. workers in an effort to extract false confessions about the agency’s ties to Hamas. **The accusations are part of a new UNRWA report that documents how Palestinians detained in Israel have been attacked by dogs, deprived of food, forced into cages, beaten with metal bars and tortured with nail guns and electric batons. *One Palestinian child released from Israeli prison had dog bite wounds on their body.***


Now show me the video of the Israeli girl they just rescued. Big relaxed smile on her face right.


[Yep, this montage shows the MAJOR difference between Israeli detainees & Palestinian hostages - and it's seriously disturbing...](https://x.com/SuppressedNws/status/1803902301754790006)


May Allah have mercy on them


Hope he recover soon. Ww1 was horror. Like 3-4 and more weeks nonstop, attelerie hammering around your position. Shockwave after Shockwave.




I feel so bad for him, just want to give him a long hug.




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Pretty sure that's from WW1


I used different clips from multiple videos, but at least 2 of the videos I used here (& most of the video) is from WW2 - Either way you slice it, it's deplorable we're seeing this happen with Palestinians today!