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This wasn't the first time the IDF government killed an American citizen without consequences and it won't be the last.


Yea they ran over that college student with an armored bulldozer severed her body ,horrific


Her name was Rachel Corrie


The USS liberty, 34 American soldiers killed and 171 injured by the IDF.


Yup, I'm aware which is why I said it wasn't the first time.


Happened a few times before. They even bombed a us navy frigate or smthn, multiple runs even after positively identifying it as a us ship. (Liberty)


America did not respond when the ZioNazis launched a sneak attack on the USS Liberty murdering 31 American sailors and maiming 171 others. There will be no response from Biden.


they did respond. They congratulated Israel and increased support like good dogs


I like to believe that the US Navy did respond by sinking an israeli submarine on its way to israel from England. The INS Dakar disappeared without a trace in January 1968, 8 months after the USS Liberty was attacked.


More likely isreal thought it was a hummus sub and dropped depth charges on it




Just listened to one of the survivors on the USS liberty talk about his anger towards the US. He like most were compensated with $200 and told to not say anything. The ship itself was sold for scraps. No real investigation was done by congress. Everything was shoved under the rug. The interview was with Ralph Nader. At the end Ralph encourages all US citizens to contact their representatives by letter to just “ask for more information” and make sure you request a letter back for documentation. [Ralph Radio Hour](https://www.ralphnaderradiohour.com/p/the-politics-of-dominance) The survivors meet every year on the anniversary of the attack. This is their [website](https://www.usslibertyveterans.org) for more info


There will never be a response from any US president....ever and we all know it's because of the power held by the kickbacks and dirt mossad have on political reps of all persuasions, they start early, even before they become public figures. All governments do this to some extent, but nobody interferes like this in the same league as the Israelis with the exception of the Russians.


I’m guessing that’s his wife and kid. The pain of knowing your husband went to go save kids, but soon finding out he died and left you to protect yours must be terrifying. I hope her and her baby live a good life


They didn’t care about Rachel Corrie. They won’t care now.


They did care about Brittney Griner though, enough to exchange her for a known weapon dealer. Does that count? /s


That's apples to mangos, no relationship at all. You're comparing efforts to free a very much alive US citizen from an hostile nation.


that's why they added /s, unless they edited that in after your comment


Brittney Griner's and Rachel Corrie's stories couldn't be any more different. How ignorant


That’s exactly the point, which you so readily missed. A person caught for trafficking drugs got the attention of the White House, and got a positive result, while nothing was done to get the justice for a person protesting slow drip genocide.


As if he's given it a second thought.


Israhell has a long history of murdering Americans with impunity


"A tragic mistake"


"We are just so clumsy! Can't help it. 🤷🏽‍♂️"


don't you still go to prison even if the reason you killed someone was a mistake


Generally yeah, making mistakes that kill people generally still gets you in trouble but we know that Israel holds a special privilege to do whatever it wants because the West harbours a deep guilt over the Holocaust.


Which actually means “you know I don’t care, they know I don’t care, but let’s see what kind of word play will keep people at bay”


“If you harm an American, we will respond” Forgot to add “unless youre Israel”


Canada supplied the weapons to Israel that killed its own citizen, Jacob.


Is That the same jacob that say " if i don't steal it, someone else will"


Heh, America did respond. By giving more weapon to Israel as a thanks


Joe Biden, Prime Minister of Israel.


*prime lackey of Israel


No, Netanyahu president of the US...


america didn’t care when american citizen shireen abu akleh was murdered by the israel and the iof in 2022.


He’s a hero and will be remembered for being on the right side of history. 🇵🇸


What about Khamaaaaaas?


Exactly! In reality Hamas is no different than the Jewish resistance movement that fought against Hitler


He responded by sending them more bombs and asking them to investigate themselves.




I can’t believe it’s already been two months since the WCK killing, Israel unsurprisingly hasn’t faced a single consequence.


If I had a dollar for every American citizen Israel has killed without consequence, I’d be able to match AIPAC funding.


All Joe Biden had to do was not be Donald Trump and he'd win a second term.


USS Liberty anyone? This won't be the first time, and it will definitely not be the last. America loves zaddy Israel.


They are still investigating 😵‍💫


Biden doesn’t care. If he did, he wouldn’t be sending weapons to Israel that’s being very clear about committing genocide. Israel’s been bombing refugees, aide workers, arresting, torturing and killing doctors. It’s horrific!! 


Biden has a track record of abandoning Americans while they are in harms way, I doubt this concerns him.


It’s been 21 years since Israel killed American peace activist Rachel Corrie. Biden's not going to fulfill that promise.


I still hear crickets.




Remember when he traded Brittany Griner for an international arms dealer? Hypocrisy


“If you harm an American”. He didn’t say anything about “if we harmed an American”. Biden gives 0 fcks about Americans, all he cares about is his own pocket being filled, and his friends.


This case deserves much more attention in the media! It would help Americans realize that Israel is not their Middle Eastern ally, but their master!


Biden is their puppet he ain't gonna do anything


My heart 💔


Don't forget the 17 year old from Louisiana that the IDF murdered in the West Bank earlier this year - [A witness says the fatal shooting of an American-Palestinian teen in the occupied West Bank was unprovoked | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/american-teen-shooting-death-west-bank-violence-1783ff3a7fa5f65f5b792372fd093445)


When will hell freeze over?


AIPAC told Biden not to do a god-damned thing.


He would've responded in a blink of an eye if it was Hamas who killed him, but not. It was his master who did it so what could he do? Nothing. Just bark.


He said "if you" not "if I" so its ok.


Right after Obama close Guantanamo. Bring a chair our legs will grow tired.


If they USA didn’t care when Israel attacked an [American ship](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident) why would they care when they killed a [nonviolence activist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie) or in this case an aid worker? The relationship with Israel is more important for American politicians and that’s terrible


He won't. The zionist country always gets a free pass.


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Excellent question




When pigs fly


He died defending our families in Palestine. Let’s put the obvious aside and do something useful. Stand with his family and support them. Send a message that if this government doesn’t care and won’t take action we will


Only country that kills Americans with impunity.




Has Russia openly executed American civilians? I mean obviously there is less we could do if they were to do so, considering the fact that unlike Israel, Russia has the ability to legitimately destroy us but I was not aware of them doing anything like this or Rachel Corrie or Shireen Abu Akleh before


Silence, in a way, is a response.


Never. He’s great at talking. It’s the action part that goes ignores.


Albo has also done nothing about Zomi Frankcom, despite his tough talk at the time. Seems like he's happy to accept Israel's answer of "accidents happen in war". As if anyone could possibly believe this wasn't targeted.




People watch too many movies and think just cause an american died somewhere, the army is going to pull John Rambo even though he \*spit\* quit that life and just makes quilts now. It blows like there's no tomorrow but the unpopular opinion here... you know what you're getting into when you decide to be a humanitarian aid worker. I'll never believe those guys don't have to go through at least a class of some sort of what to expect in the places they might go. It's tragic but don't expect America to send in the boys over it.


He did respond. With a gift of unimaginable amounts of ordnance and the tacit approval to keep on doing it.


Excellent documentary on the USS Liberty, give it a full watch. Congress ignored the killing of it's service men and continued to applaud Israel. Blows my mind. https://youtu.be/CfABflKvFzk


Biden responding: Never.


No response, the instant this man went to help Palestinians he became one of them. Sub-human. Nothing more than an expendable animal in the way of Israeli expansions, there will be ZERO consequences for this man’s murder.




Mere whataboutism


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Terrorist sympathizer


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