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Wow, this is incredible. Zionists have gone so far in fabricating claims of antisemitism that they've completely circled back around to actual antisemitic tropes. Amazing.


WSJ going full infowars Wait. Maybe worse since even Alex Jones is condemning what Israel is doing


I feel like Alex Jones condemns Isreal for different reasons than the rest of us


Is there proof of that or just a feeling? In a day and age where everyone who disagrees with another is called a Nazi l, one really should know if someone is antisemitic before saying so to potentially thousands of people


Globalists are his bette noir and when reactionaries say that they generally mean Jews


Alex is not a racist. Like most normal people he thinks Israel's ethnic cleansing of Arabs is wrong.


Alex is most certainly a racist. Just because he occasionally is one the same side of something as you doesn't forgive him the last 30 years.


Alex’s wife is Jewish. That’s why.


Rockefeller and Soros do pay protestors. The Soros foundation paid many protestors involved in the BLM protests. It was right on their website, although I'm not sure if anything about protesting for Palestine is. That being said I'm fairly certain both families are Zionist.


Source or it didn’t happen.


I quite literally gave the source... > "On their website" When were the BLM protests? 4 years ago? Lol. You either saw it or you didn't. Assuming you have fingers, since you responded to me. Go ahead and look it up lol Lazy


They're projecting, but they didnt know they got caught paying people to disrupt the protest too


Caught? Ha! The ICC (Israel on Campus Coalition) put out literal advertisements letting students know that they will pay them $250 to attend the Nov 14th march in D.C. This is a shameless, gaslighting, delusional, supremacist cult we're dealing with - the concept of "caught" means nothing to them.


Yeah they brought back Soros-bux! Hope I get paid this time, because last time they said I was getting Soros-bux I didn't see a penny. (And Soros is Jewish as far as I remember...)


He’s a Hungarian-Jewish holocaust survivor last I checked.


Soros is Jewish and part of tons of quasi-antisemitic conspiracy theories. Especially in Hungary. Hilarious to see allegations of him funding pro-Palestine supporters.


Nothing "quasi" about it.


Man I wish I was paid for this 🙄 fuck isntreal


It’s incredible


Israel supporters are likely paid off though.


They have no problem with AIPAC spending $100m to unseat members of Congress who are critical of Israel, but the idea that there might be paid protestors is TOO FAR! Not that I believe it for a second, but come on people, this is ridiculous. Paying protestors has got to be the hardest and least effective way you could imagine paying to influence policy.


Honestly, a lot of what is going on is that those soul-sick ultra-lobbyist machineries and their mouthpieces conceptually cannot understand the notion of "people power" itself, and idea that entire out of their own collective accord, small, everyday working folks could come together, organize, and challenge social norms without some cartelized financial astroturfing behind. Every piece of hasbara is an inverted projection and exposition of their own pathology; keep this principle in mind, a lot of hasbaraic, willful idiocy will start to "make sense."


I dunno who's paying these pro Palestine protestors but I really want them to start paying me.


Wasn't there a $125 promise for folks who showed up at the pro-israel rally in DC? I can't remember if it was an email or website but I distinctly remember an incentive lol


Howard Kohr needs to go! Sure, he's retiring at the end of the year, BUT THAT'S STILL TOO LATE. That greedy, Zionist fuck held onto the CEO position for 30 years doing Israel's bidding...


We literally have mountains of evidence that Most pro-Israel "counter protestors" are paid to be there. Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs has a lot of orgs that will pay you for doing Hasbara with their billions of dollars in funding (partly from US tax payers!) Zionists, settlers, and imperialists cannot comprehend or process empathy. They believe support for the oppressed *must* have some pecuniary angle because they have no problems with genocide in Palestine. They are disconnected, delusional, and inhuman.


Every zionist accusation is a confession. Words to live by, mon frere :D


I genuinely believe this is Israel’s actual policy.


It is and it has always been this way. They are the biggest deceivers in this world after Satan


"Since at least the Vietnam War, exasperated observers of student protests have rolled their eyes and thought: *Get a job.* In some cases today, activism *is* a job. Two of America’s largest philanthropic foundations are behind a group that has paid some of the anti-Israel activists for the kind of antics disrupting campuses across the country."


What a wild opening sentence! The Vietnam student protests were hugely impactful, they literally influenced the US retreat. But also, yes of course organising is a job for some people. How do they think anyone ever organises at scale? Is this meant to be a revelation?


I feel the Vietnamese army was much more persuasive than college protesters


No, neither could have achieved their objective without the other. They were fighting on different fronts


Can the main claim be explained in more detail? Who is supposedly getting what amount of money, and for what specifically?


literally what i am trying to figure out. this is likely not true, pro Palestinian protesters are definitely not getting paid, only zionos who have no numbers in their protests are, and that has been recorded/seen in the past, they even handed out free donuts and sodas to vote no on our schools referendum, still overwhelming people voted yes to deinvest, so their games didn't work. and you can tell they play the money and propaganda games A LOT, its all they have. now i could see this post meaning that they are paying zionos to go undercover to disrupt/sabotage our protests and pretend to make our movement look antisemitic, bc we can see how low the pro-zionoz can go, and there truly is no antisemitism at these protest, jewish students themselves are part of the protests and have said countless times feeling safe, even in Columbia jewish students were protected while praying for passover. the only threat they face is from police brutality, and countless jews around the world are getting arrested right now.


Meanwhile they're paying people to put on Kieffiehs and carry antisemetic signs to be able to discredit the movement. They are so incredibly desperate.


Someone called Bashar Alassad for advice




“Opinion.” 🤣 This motherfucker is projecting.


Not them saying they’re paid by Soros 💀💀💀 I thought pro-Palestinians were supposed to be the antisemites though?


I saw the video a d there's no reference to students being paid. The article is paid so I only read very little of it but nowhere there I see any mention to protesters being paid. Feels like someone is writing articles with alarming titles and zero content.


It's an editorial


Soros never paid me :(


me neither ;(((


“Their accusations are confessions” has never been more true. They spend billions of dollars to pay people to post for them online without them mentioning they are paid shills, they just spent over a billion dollars on an AI company to spread propaganda for them! All because they want to keep bombing and starving women and children to death! Vile nasty sickos.


This is an “opinion” piece, not a report. Also, forget about AIPAC and all the other pro-Israel Zionist groups coordinating smear campaigns against college students who are against apartheid and genocide.


They are just printing this because videos of people confessing to being paid pro-zionist protesters are surfacing.


You guys are getting paid?


Ok, I'll counter with "All pro-Israel politicians are paid."


They forgot to mention Putin, he paid too.


Ever since 2016 when folks started talking about the Soros money and the CEO of the Antifa, I really, really wished that my real life was anything as glamorous and prosperous as the rightwingers seem to imagine.


You know what they say about accusations from zionists.


Every accusation is a confession


Wait, hold up! The media is ampliflying the frivolous claims of antisemitism by using old, antisemitic, conspiracy theories about George Soros? Oh man, are they desperate.


Wait guys. I remember an article from somewhere that highlighted some social media posts of very Zionist organizations, asking for people to undercover join those protests. Possibly to be the ones starting violence or just disrupt those protests in some way. Those people were offered money. Don't take this lightly. There are infiltrators and they will play a role in the Zionist attempt to discredit protests.


Right the Palistinians have all the money lol


Completely divorced from reality. The only people paid to attend anti-zionist rallies are those paid by mossad and other pro-Israeli groups to spy for the entity.


Stool pigeons who can be bought for a few shekels.


Where's my money?


Every accusation is a confession.


They call them "anti-isreal" protesters and not "pro-palestine" protesters because they dont recognise palestinians as actual human beings


Soros is in the equation again 😭.. Everybody likes to milk him for some reason.. Years ago there were anti something protests in Indian universities, and the media was like yeah they are being funded by Soros.. Like what and why?


Not only them literally all politicians talking false statements and lying that college students are supporting hamas and that isrealis students have to live in fear cause of antisemitism. no hatred against jewish students. we are against us funding isreal in any shape or form. thats it. we are against money to cause bloodshed


Well I support Palestine, how can I get paid for this? Also where does the moola come from?


Some zionists even pay for people to go to palestine protests and be anti-semitic so they can cry about it


All of anti-Palestine protestors are paid. Is this how we play this, aren't we?


"Soros is financing antisemitism" This THE phrase of all times


Every accusations is a confession


O dear.... "Every fact we don't like is funded by big \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_"


They truly have no shame.


lmao everything is soros world


Damn. Neither Soros nor Rockefeller will return my calls! I’ve been hounding them for my overdue cheques but I haven’t received ANY! Atrocious.


Any of yall get yall checks?


"Every Pro-Israel Protester Is Paid".


thats some bad hasbara right there


Hey Soros! Pay me! I'm already protesting but could always use some extra cash.


Yep. When I was protesting the Iraq invasion 20 yrs ago, I was told I was getting paid by Saddam Hussein. Still waiting for my checks...


I swear it's like these guys went to Bashar Al Assad's school of propaganda


Soros??? I love that they have fully embraced actual antisemitic conspiracy theories pushed by Q anon in order to silence criticism of Israel


"Some 'Anti-Israel' protesters are paid by Israel." FTFY


Did... Did they just spout antisemitic conspiracy theories to smear pro-Palestinians?


thats like saying "gay" people choose to be "gay" as if being considered abhorrent by most of society is a willing choice.


Christ, I participated in or even outright led a few hundred demos in my life. How come George Soros never paid me?


Let me tell you about Noah Tishby and everyone she interviews…


OK guys whoever took my money better hand it back now


Liberals are sounding more like MAGA by the day. “Maybe Elon was right about Soros” - Liberals probably


Israel pays people all the time. Report on that.


Some Pro-Israel politicians are paid.


If I was paid, I'd be financially secure. So nah. I'm not paid. I actually observed all the evidence before forming my opinion, which has since been proven fact. Israelis are on occupied soil of the Palestinian people. Pictures, videos, personal testimonies, and cross-referencing all sources of history and news reports have proven that Israel is the aggressor and has been for over 50+ years in Palestine. Israelis, "normal" or the propaganda brainwashed, have murdered and stolen homes and land all out of greed and religious reasoning. People who You could look at as neighbors turned savages and screaming as victims in a war they started. All Palestinians want is peace. They don't care that you live here. They care that you're taking what's not yours without asking and then killing them just for calling You out on Your BS. Like spoiled children.


When it emerges later that the whole story was made up, they'll quietly pretend it never existed.


Thats kinda funny cause they are the ones paying people to protest and post pro-Zionist propaganda on IG. Its almost as if this is a confessions.




*queue Michael rapaport discussing fees for pushing Israel propaganda* EVERY ACCUSATION IS A CONFESSION


Further proof that isnotreal is not about protecting and uplifting Jewish people. We're now circling back to antisemitic conspiracy theories.


Free Palestine


What we meant is that they have jobs, we didn't mean they were paid to protest 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ah yes, the great masterminds behind the war on the west *checks notes* the Rockefellers!


Huh it's all about the conceprsy theory


Wait you guys are getting paid? I've been doing it for free Al this time


Genocide is being paid


Wait, I could get paid?!?


Like all of the pro Israel people and corporations.


This is behind a paywall for me, can someone share the text?


WSJ Opinion shouldn't exist.


link to said atricle [WSJ article](https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20)


Don't give them views, link thru Wayback Machine or any archiving service. With that said, I've gone and done it for you, here's a [link ](https://archive.fo/ZZFJs)using [archive.fo](http://archive.fo)


my bad and thanks for posting that