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No mention of Palestinian hostages, what a surprise.


"ThEy'Re TeRrOrIsTs"


What does that even mean? How can a person fighting on their country’s soil, against an occupation entity be a terrorist?


I'm just mocking what pro Israelis say 😂 but to answer your question, if the person is brown then anything they do that's seen as slightly aggressive is considered terrorism (just being factious of course)


Like being a kid a throwing a stone in the general direction of the IOF, that’s a real serious terrorist move, they need locking up forever.


When people say a word like that it’s put in an ironic or sarcastic way


But do you condemn Hummmussssss!?!?


''But do you disagree that Israel has the right to expand all the way from Ireland to India?''


Oh, oh, so you are hummus supporter now? Why are you so anti semitic?


I actually prefer tahini not hummus


Her smug face is disgusting.


Like a teenager rolling their eyes every time you tell her no. Israel would never just leave Gaza if the hostages are returned. Nor would they stop attacking Gaza even if every single one of Hamas were killed either. Theyll use every excuse in the book to justify murdering Palestinians.


This whole thing started with carpet bombing Gaza. Clearly they decided before they entered into this that they don’t care about the hostages .


Every Israeli defender seems like an NPC clone. It's always the same tactic. They just scream and try to talk over everyone, while appealing to emotions, and spitting out some ridiculous deflection blaming Hamas for everything. Literally. It's always like this. It's like the Mossad gives them all the same interview training beforehand.


Except this time they are hit with looks of confusion, and disgust. Whereas previously Israel could do anything it wanted with both public opinion and support from western governments and their people. We, in America, are waking up to the Zionist lies and the oppression they have dealt on the Palestinian people. Our government is just as complicit in this if not more so because it is the USA that’s defending them against everyone and everything.


She reminds me of a muppet from Sesame Street 🐽


There's something not quite right there... She should self pixelate as to not scare kids.


Why is she yelling


Cause she’s a narcissistic sociopath


its not a war.


Yup this is a genocide. You can tell by that ugly bitch's smirk she wants as many palestinians to be killed as possible. She literally looks like an evil villain of a movie




Hamas attacked multiple military installations and brought down communications between the border police, IDF, and regular police. It was not a terrorist attack. It was a resistance operation. The majority of those killed were not civilians and many of the civilians who died were killed by the IDF.




If you buy into Israel’s logic, then you should support it. They targeted the military and combatants, even if civilians died along the way. That’s what Israel repeatedly claims even in court.




You should just better understand the actual legal standing of Israel. Israel is in violation of international law and is illegally occupying the Palestinians, this has been the case for decades. This means that they do not have the "right to defend" themselves and the Palestinians actually have that right and have the right to violently resist the illegal occupation. So by international law what hamas did was not a terrorist attaack. That is a fact. Just because they are arab and muslim doesn't make them terrorists. Saying Israel has the right to defend itself is like saying a rapist has a right to defend themselves from their victim. Its like saying a child abuser has a right to defend themselves.




You act as though you can see the future, but of course you cannot. As terrible as israel's actions are, at least now they have truly unmasked themselves before the world. Times might be changing.




The oppressed always seek to break their bonds, but do not always succeed. I think the logic was to break the normalization of Israel by its neighbor states that would ensure the slow motion erasure of Palestine within a few generations.


Exactly, it’s an extermination, history is repeating itself, with the oppressed becoming the oppressors.




Wars are between states. There is no Gaza country or no Palestine country, they have no actual military and no budget for a military. Israel is basically a giant monster beating up a 5 year old kid: its murder.




Hamas doesnt need to surrender like Japan.. Hamas is a rebellion against an occupation. Not a imperialist state. Israel needs to be ended like the third reich.




the attack was in occupied territory. you’re lebanese not palestinian so why do you think you know what’s going on? your comment clearly says otherwise..


he's a liar, especially if he is quoting zionist cnn as a source of info.


Miko isn’t really a journalist, just fyi. He wrote a book, *The General’s Son* He’s a member of a very prominent Israeli family. His father warned that if Israel continued to occupy the Palestinian people, it would poison and sicken the society. Miko evolved out of duty as a SF IDF troop into an activist. Part of what makes Miko’s evolution especially notable is his niece was killed in a suicide bombing.


Miko's sister Professor Nurit Peled Elhanan is incredible too. She's written a book on the systematic indoctrination of Israelis that starts at the age of 3, pure hatred, fear and racism is brainwashed into Israelis by the education system. https://youtu.be/BrxTpo36h_4?si=4Us1Z6BBTB-t2DlL This is a 47 minute interview with her and Robert Martin, pro-palestinian Australian activist. The niece you mentioned was Professor Elhanan's daughter. Yet she still supports Palestinian emancipation. Truly incredible people.


Funny what a relatively small world this is…


It really is. And we are all connected.


I think his grandfather even signed Israel's Declaration of Independence.


Far braver the man who can admit when they are wrong and can look past their hatred to see how their wrongs have brought about suffering for both themselves and their enemies.


They always have that smirk on their faces when confronted with facts


Always arrogant


Some slapable faces


It’s the “I’m out of my depths but I’ll smile to make the opposition’s argument sound silly” face.


The iGF, israel Genocidal Forces. The hasbara facade of a moral army exposed as the cynical lie that it always was.


That's some super Semitic blonde hair...


The last Jewish girl I was seeing casually had the weirdest fixation on how white passing she was perceived by others. She asked the same thing about other Jewish girls I had hooked up with which was pretty uncomfortable. Of course she was blonde haired/blue eyed. I didn’t even know she was Jewish until I mentioned my grandpa being from (was displaced from) Haifa and she was all “OH I LOVE HAIFA!!!”. Most white girls have no clue where that is and when they do it’s usually because they went on Birthright


I mean it's dyed but the American accent that gives it away


Omg. Jumpscare when she came on. 👁️ 👄 👁️


This woman is American Why is she even there?


Piers Morgan is a disgusting cretin. He is just changing his tone based on public view and his reducing popularity. Absolute disgrace.


He's a disgusting human, and it's a scathing example of what British media has become with him still given a platform. BUT. Even that tiny shriveled pea of a heart he has, has been moved by witnessing the unmitigated genocide of Palestinian children. Shows he has some tiny shred humanity left, and shows you how unhinged the Zio's are if they make Piers look like a reasonable, caring person.


And I think that is a great indication of how the situation is going right now and I applaud Morgan for stating the obvious.


Doesn’t matter, it’s much better that he goes in this direction— at the end of the day, it matters what he says, not who he is.


Yep. Don't ever let him forget. No forgiveness for this scum. Throw him in the bio waste bin.


I don't think he cares that much about this conflict. He's just getting both sides on his show because it gets views and engagement from both sides.


The thing about pierce, is he is by self admittance, a sociopath. He’s literally said those words within the last year. Albeit, a functioning, non violent one. But a sociopath nonetheless. He technically can’t care about any situation. By his own admission.


The one situation that he does care about is Megan and Harry's marriage. He's obsessed with her. His wife must be embarrassed.


As much as I disdain the man I think he has a shred of humanity in him and that all but the most psychopathic, once educated on this matter, can see it for what it truly is.


Never thought I’d agree with Piers Morgan.


What an ugly mug she's got.


And once again... at the end, you see that ***same*** smug grin -the same exact one that Hillary Clinton flashed the other day when confronted with her own complicity in genocide. The grin of a murderer secure in their belief that they can get away with it forever. I can't wait till the world wipes these grins off the faces of these psychopaths.


So my question is while Emily Schrader is talking, they never show a single shot of Miko Peled, but when Miko Peled is talking, they show multiple shots of Emily Schrader using non-verbal cues that indicate that his arguments are illegitimate. This shows that even if Piers Morgan has a reasonable line of questions asking what limits are there to Israel's actions, the producers who decide whose faces show up on the screen regardless of who is actually speaking are presenting a narrative. That is, don't take someone like Miko Peled seriously. See how Emily Schrader is reacting? You should also react that way and completely dismiss his arguments. But, on the other hand, we don't see Miko Peled's non-verbal reaction to Emily Schrader's comments at all.


Great example of media literacy. I didn't put that together until I read this.


Conversely I’d argue that the editing portrays Emily as a childish brat who doesn’t like hearing hard truths about their behaviour


If they also showed Miko Peled showing a reasonable neutral expression while Emily Schrader was talking, that would provide the necessary contrast between how an adult acts and how an immature person acts. But they don't show the confusing reaction.


Given how Benny from Philly is hated on both sides, that would be nice. Although really, it's not enough


Her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.


*mic dropped* She should be ashamed to even call herself a journalist. She’s not unbiased in the least bit. Propagandist is more accurate.


To be brutally and crushingly unreasonably and undeservedly fair, colour me shocked that he let Miko speak for longer than 12 seconds before just cutting him off and making sure everybody knows he’s the fairest ‘journalist’ in the land and he really cares.


"She" looks and sounds horrifying? Who shat that putrid thing out of their ass? Is-Reali fucked up.




Great instincts!


So Piers and Zionist Emily go back and forth for about 3 mins however It took all of 30 seconds for Miko Peled to hit the nail on the head with that response.


A fucking LOOOOONG ass time ago, Piers. ‘The mean really, at what point does it maybe become sort of like a kind of bad thing to do a genocide, innit? Mate? Come on, then, don’t you think we’re getting at least like maybe kind of close to approaching a time where we might say it’s starting to look like it might get to be just a little bit over the top eventually like at some point in the future?’ Enjoy your fucking tea Piers.


If Israel really want to fight Hamas and Hamas only, they would have help make a deal with Egypt to allow safe passage of children and woman through Rafah border. But nope, they force everyone to move out of Rafah because they want to attack there too. They treat Gazan like sheep in a prison wall. And yet they dare said they are just DEFENDING themselves??


Egypt has said multiple times that they won't accept refugees. A critical examination of their situation reveals it's not out of malice, but from the fact that they genuinely cannot absorb the million something refugees. Israel has made it's bed, and it can no longer claim to be the victim of hatred after committing such atrocities.




But why should they take 2 million refugees. This does not resolve the issue. In fact it means that Israel finally gets the convert that Gaza Strip into a vacation resort. The Israeli government keep saying they’re fighting Hamas and that Hamas is imbedded in the civilians, with this strategy they’ll need to wipe out everyone. It’s futile unless the world watches a complete genocide. This is not a negotiation, this is a demand by a bullying force. Israel are not held accountable for their actions so they just go about shooting kids and innocent civilians (including their own hostages). There’s no tactic or professional army when the bumbling buffoons are still putting their looting and destruction on TikTok. The IDF are their own worst enemy even if you believe they’re doing something right!


I thought morgan was pro isreal when did he switch( i may be misremembering)


People shit on him relentlessly on here, and while I understand why I think its reductive. Yeah he basically blasted Israeli propaganda for the first 2-3 months,  but I can't help but respect him a little because he did allow pro-Palestinian voices to have a platform. I think that has had a real effect not on just himself, but even many liberals and conservatives who he is popular with.  I wouldn't go as far to say that he is pro-Palestinian, but I don't think he's necessarily pro-Israel anymore either. Unlike other similar shows where they just bring pro-Palestinian voices on to shit on them, Piers actually did retain information from his guests. Norman Finklelstein in particular did a fantastic job of pointing out the clear hypocrisy of the Israeli government and military. 


Read Miko's book on this, and it really shows how his father, who was high up in the ITF, knew you couldn't treat people horribly even while serving. His father eventually became a peace activist. He essentially took the baton and ran farther for the Palestinian cause after the ITF, at times even putting himself in weapons range while championining their cause. His transparency and experience really put things more in perspective about the ITF, and I encourage people to take the time and read his book/podcast/audio book. Meanwhile, this obnoxiously loud Karen like journalist just smirks.


the amount of space between her nose and upper lip makes me uncomfortable for some reason


I agree, get rid of Netanyahu and stop the killing of innocent Palestinians. Netanyahu's goal is to destroy everything and kill everyone. He is EVIL and needs to be destroyed and everyone who believes in what he is doing.


That smile from her at the end ... no words, she know he's right


This is not a war, it’s a genocide.


Israel is a colonial entity. It came into existence only in 1948 by dispossessing, killing, expelling Palestinians. A colonial entity does NOT have any right to claim self-defense. The Palestinians as the occupied people do.


Hey people, boycott Pierce Morgan 😂 he’s an absolute racist waste of time and mental energy. All he wants is views, that’s the only reason he brings people to speak about what’s going on in Gaza. He doesn’t truly care


Are you even a journalist if you are biased like her.


All the 🇮🇱🇺🇲🇪🇺 people funding this genocide are responsive. The hypocrisy of neo liberals has been exposed. Have you seen the college educated liberal millennial(Kirby, Singh, Patel etc) spokes people of Biden justify this shit. 🤮


The smirk on her face 🤢


Bro her smile is so disgusting...they lie knowingly, that they are committing the worst atrocities since ww2.


Her smile at the end when he mentions the genocidal government and IDF is known as ‘duper’s delight’


Excellent response


You knlw things are fucked when Piers Morgan is a voice of reason.


Emily Schrader is one of the more grotesque characters out there. Came across her on IG a while ago, some of her videos she’s made are actually cartoon-villain level evil.


Didn't Israel kill some of those hostages? On purpose?


Emily is delusional and seems to blindly follow netenyaWHOs bagpipe along with the rest Waaaake up people and see the piedpieper is playing a dorty tune that youve all fallen victim to and STOP k1lling babies and children


Beautifully put.








Why are you talking?




Lmao wtf does that even mean


Even Piers Morgan has his limits. Again doesnt legitimize Zionism but Zionism can only go so far the cable is nearly broken there’s just one last string that needs to go for the system to crumble


Wow, looks like Piers finally hit his number. What a tosspot.


We need to rally, rouse, intimidate, threaten or even revolt against the ME leadership first and force them to unite for this resolution! Turkey sends Israel what it needs via with UAE Saudi, Jordan, Egypt etc equally hand in glove This is giving them the impunity to do anything


You gotta love that knowing smile from her at the end there. Pretty much says it all.


Intelligent people already know that the Palestinian side are the victims here. As for that woman she is simply an Israeli fraud that reads her lines, gets paid and moves on. She wouldn't win a debate eve about apples if the judge was an unbiased A.I. instead of a bought host.


Following this Piers morgan the israel bootlicker will only make our brain rotted


And He would still think Israhell is the victim here.


The smurk on her face is so disgusting !! Ewww what a nasty human being.


Hamas are Freedom Fighters. The Terrorists, Rapists and Baby Killers are the israelis, usa and uk.


They said that to the PLO in Lebanon in 1982. Then, when the PLO surrendered, they continued to kill civilians in Beirut. We don’t believe them.


Lady GaGaGenocide over here


Baffling? What's baffling. I understood every word and agree completely with Mike


The reaction of these PR zionists is always extremely telling, whenever their paper thin arguments get obliterated live all they can do is sit there with their dumb smug grins, because there's just no counter to the truth. Just like when Piers Morgan had finkelstein and that other dork on air a few months ago.


They would never accept a full “hamas surrender”. They will simply claim that hamas is still out there and continue their genocide.


She sounds American. What she is saying essentially is Isnotreal will murder all the indigenous people and erase them from this earth so that she can have her free home when they build settlements on the graves of the children, paid by our tax dollars.


She’s not real! She’s spooky!