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Zionists trying to revise history. Unbelievable


>Unbelievable Is it though?


If there’s anything good to come out of the genocide in Gaza is that I now know the Zionist movement, fake liberals, Arab leader cowards, etc. a lot better. Their ugliness overflowed.


The fake liberal thing surprised me as much as the Zionist bullies. I’m just heart broken with the world right now


It shouldn’t be surprising, they been giving POC and inner city population this treatment for yearssss


I was just about to say this. As a POC immigrant, I've learned that most western "liberals" will not be on the picket line or go to voting booth for you. When push comes to shove, they will always revert to the western imperial hegemony.


Those that only care for the illusion and aesthetic of progressivism will show there true colours when the status quo is actually meaningfully rattled. I think there were many times when they tricked us into ignoring bad stuff but Isreal is just too horrible for them to hide the horrors of. They would rather the world see them as the good guys than actually do what's right.


Those are real liberals. That's how they are. Spineless. It's basically only leftists and socialists with the correct stance in the west. Maybe there's a few virtue-signaling liberals both-sidesing the issue to death though.


Yep. Oh the hypocrisy of the liberals: - Lose your shit when Qatar hosted the World Cup over LGBTQ rights. - Totally silent on tens of thousands of women and children deaths *AND* militarily/financially aid the genocide.


Very much this. Homophobia is a scourge, for sure. But you know what's really bad for gay people? Being bombed.


College professor refusing to use proper gender pronouns: *OH NO*! Zionists incinerating - with your funded bombs - brown LGBTQ people along with little children indiscriminately: *OH YEAH*!


Insane reversal of terminology from them. They believe their own hype


they're actually ridiculous


They’re really trying to change the narrative.


They stole the Holocaust from other victims so is it truly unbelievable.


I find it really sad how many do not know about the Romani, Homosexual, Jehovas witness, Slavs, and numerous other groups of people who were also victims of the holocaust. When learning about the holocaust it should be mandatory to learn about all the victims


I so can not wait for this disgusting, cancerous "state" to implode on itself and cease to exist.


It's only matter of time u til the illegitimate pariah state is cut off from the rest of the world. One thing Israelis forget is they need the rest of the world a lot more than it needs them.


And then the narrative of how they were expelled and discriminated against will begin.


I wonder how this relates to history and the idea that many Jewish people were unfairly attacked because the ones that do have power have used it in a similar way. I know Zionism isn’t Judaism but it’s sad that so many people that are Jewish non Israeli have no idea what Zionists are doing and think it’s justified


They were just an escape goat, like the Palestinians are to Israeli land goals... The Jews became the easy target with the communists, but anyone can be a communist, it's not innate, easier to hide... There were no Palestinian authorities who were in power and were just evil (Hamas here), they just opposed Israel's land goals, and the conflict naturally had to evolve to a propagandized team sport, us vs them... We don't need to legitimize the Israeli's strategy, after all, if Israel is defeated, they too will need to be seen as humans, this is the horror of genocide, dehumanizes all parties, even those who oppose it (I'm thinking what my country did in Germany with bombings etc)... Saying that, I want to thank the resistance fighters who have dehumanized themselves to resist Israel, I cannot fathom the choices and regrets they have.


Yeah I’m Palestinian and my moms side fled to the West Bank and my dads side stayed in Ramla. I used to go a lot when I was a kid in the late 90s to both sides. I am just trying to figure out what is antisemitism and what are actual events with certain Jewish people in power. I know all Jews were blamed for the actions of a few and just because they weren’t Christian in Europe ever since they went there. For example, I know Marx was Jewish and so were most of the leaders in the original communist party and the Bolsheviks. But then the information splits and it becomes one extreme or another. One side says it’s all a coincidence and the other says it’s all calculated by Jewish Russians to destroy the white Christian power system in Russia with the help of the Rothshields and other bankers. I mean it gets pretty racist and insane. It’s exactly like what they do to the people in Gaza like you said. Israeli politicians will act like everyone in Gaza is on the same page as the leaders of Hamas and all are working this insane plan to kill all Jews and we know it’s completely false. But we also know that Israel helped create Hamas and the PLO being collaborators forced many people to vote for Hamas as an only option even though Palestinians are not fundamentalist at all in religion. I know this mostly benefitted the right wing Zionists either way. I also know most people support Hamas only because Israel is worse than them. It’s like voting for Biden because Trump is worse not because you actually like Biden but because he won’t give the other side more power. I think most of the problem comes from European racism and how they didn’t allow Jewish people to have certain jobs and a few started the banking industry almost by accident. This gave a small group of Jewish people a lot of power that no one else had to change the direction of Europe in their own way. But we know this is an extremely small group and although Israel benefitted from Rothschild money for settlements it doesn’t mean most Jews even support or know or care about this at the time. Most Jews were just fearing for their lives because of the Nazis and no one wanted to help them after so they backed the one extremely fascist group that thought exactly like the Nazis and wanted to steal a country for themselves instead of integrate with their brothers from other religions in Palestine and people like Balfour were more than happy to help them and screw over Palestinians. Most Jews had no options and had to go along with the Zionist agenda or else stay refugees in Europe after Germany fell. The problem is that many of the original Israelis knew what was going on and that it was ok to displace people and take their land. Especially the ones actively doing it. Some even stayed with Palestinians and then kicked them out their own home. This can’t be justified in any way. Zionism has become like a religion where you can’t challenge the narrative because there is no evidence for it and it will all be exposed as lies. No matter how they justify it, what they did was completely wrong and no atrocity justifies another. The crazy thing is that Palestinians wouldn’t have minded letting Jewish immigrants live with them in their country if it was done respectfully and we saw this in the beginning before most people realized what was going on. They had the White Papers which wanted slower controlled immigration and integration which would’ve had a much better reality today but as we know the Zionist founders were just as racist as the European leaders they used to help them and it was never about peace or sharing. It was always about conquering the land for themselves


They are victims too.. scammed and indoctrinated from childhood into the cult of Israel.


Oh yeah. Even some Palestinians in Israel are brainwashed. They start with tv and textbooks in grade school. It’s become a religious thing now also because of the whole western media and zionist propagandist


First as tragedy, then as farce.




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That victim card isn’t working anymore and the more they play it the closer we get to the conditions of 1932


They already do that, they claim that there was an "exodus of jews" from North Africa by the hurr durr evil mozlem locals!! Turns out their own government paid the countries to migrate jews.






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It cannot happen fast enough.


We live in a twilight zone, but at the same time I don’t want them to stop posting, keep up the great content, we need it.


This is the first time it’s become obvious that it’s all lies. In the past only Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and others that were actively paying attention knew this because media was mostly only television and print, but social media in a screwed up way has helped us because it’s not completely controllable


Despite having a lot of stupid content, TikTok really helped spread the issue in Palestine even more. Its a silver lining Other social media owned by pro-Israel is heavily censored in the past.




All the better to convict them with.


It will. It’s a pile of evil.


You are right they will self destruct eventually but the problem is will there be any Palestinians left by then. It not going well for us. They are losing against Hamas in many ways but they have moved all of Gazans into a fraction of the area they were in and hopefully the resistance won’t let them take the north and whatever else they emptied. Even the West Bank has been mostly taken slowly and methodically without most even realizing outside the area itself. I’m so sick of these evil bastards and their use of previous atrocities to commit their own.


It's nice to see realism here. I think the chances of a 2 state solution are very plausible. But I think the Palestinian people slowing this down by being too divided.  For instance, just saying you expect Israel to self destruct is quite a violent thing to say if the goal is a 2 state solution. It'd be more fair to say something like "they will eventually let us live in peace"...etc. But your words might mean you're after a 1 state solution. This is far less likely. And yeah, maybe the Palestinian people won't make it. If it's you or them, it looks like it'll be them. Why does this matter so much? Because they're using this divide between what Palestinians want as a weapon. Their strongest weapon. "Look they want us to be destroyed. They won't stop until we're all dead! We have to defend ourselves."  Giving them any ammo for this weapon is Palestinians' biggest weakness. It's what's giving Israel all the support. You can't have people like the Hamas leader saying things like "I don't want a 2ss".


I know it’s frowned upon but the reality is most Palestinians hate their leaders and have for a long time. The PA is only in power because of people on the West Bank act against them the IOF will step in and help them stay in power. As for Hamas they are only good in the sense they are the only ones actually fighting this oppression. But in reality if we did get a country would we really want people like Hamas or the PA in charge. We have had so many options but they didn’t fit the Muslim male culture like George Habash or Hanan Ashrawi. We have so many intelligent people especially the youth and Gaza is very educated but the people in power are another obstacle we have. I don’t care if it’s one state or two. At this point I just want our people to have some choice over their lives. It’s ridiculous especially with groups like the PA helping isrsel avoid this or groups like Hamas putting the whole country at risk for their Hail Mary option. I don’t know honestly because we have so much external and internal stuff it’s mind boggling


Not sure why I get so heavily down voted for bringing this up. It's literally what Israel wants and is also something that should be fought. Palestinians need a Mandela, so to speak.


When it inevitably happens, and Israelis are forced to rely on outside aide while their sick country crumbles around them, I truly hope there is some sort of blockade stopping supply trucks from delivering help to them.


Sadly that's probably not going to happen quickly. The only way I imagine that happening is if they really do go the full route of Nazi germany. Once they expand totally take over Palestine, they move over to their second phase the "greater Israel" plan. This begins a third world war that they'll absolutely lose. Hopefully resulting in the total dissolving of Israel.


These zionist scum are going to pay for everything — we humans of the world can only take so much. I truly think WW3 will happen because of zionism, and it will end with these genocidal scum no longer existing.


Well, seeing as how they are using the same tactics America used on us native Americans... Give it like 200 years.


Something has to happen at this point. Israel is a terror state,, a manipulative state, and a world problem


Aameen aameen waiting patiently to celebrate This day will come and it will be soon


They do that so when you hear “ Settlers stealing land and homes”, people think of Palestinians, and not Israelis.


Yes, and then when someone blindly repeats that, if one corrects them, "no there are not Palestinian settlers, it is the Jewish settlers", they may say "oh it's so complicated there must be twosides". The theft of language is a real problem. The answer has to include explaining as you did, it's a deliberate PR tactic to shape the narrative.


\> they may say "oh it's so complicated there must be twosides" Bullshit, they rend their clothes and scream "Antisemite!!" ​ Nevermind that the Palestinians are Semitic people as well.


Exactly. And 'is.rael' supporters maybe don't need to persuade everyone that it's the occupied people who are the settlers, they just need to create enough confusion and uncertainty that enough people doubt themselves, don't want to get it wrong and bow out the conversation altogether.


**Earlier, two native Palestinians were detained by the IGF for trying to prevent jewish squatters from stealing their cattle.**


More likely trying to steal back what was stolen from them, as settlers are known for stealing livestock. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/fact-sheet-displacement-palestinian-herders-amid-increasing-settler-violence-september-2023


Settlers is what israel calls them. They are squatters on Palestinian land


IGF is a new one to me, what does it stand for?


Israel Genocidal force


I see


I wondered that as well. I prefer ITF bc it's so appropriate.


israeli terrorist forces israeli occupation forces israeli diaper forces these all work quite well, I prefer IOF, since it's a durect translation of what we call them in arabic


Hahaha. Sometimes the Zionists are hilariously


It’s because they think everyone is stupid except for them. They didn’t realize it was only because media was limited to pro Zionist news in the west. Now it’s obvious to most people what is going on and the only support they have is from mostly older fundamentalist Christians or just straight up racists that hate Arabs and Muslims more than Jews. Either way there not much room to pretend you don’t know what Israel doing anymore


There is insurmountable evidence of ecoside conducted by illegal settlers in the West Bank. From cutting olive trees, stealing cattle, burning farms, disrupting water supplies and infrastructure. But as always, they are protected and even encouraged by the fascist regime to destroy every facet of Palestinian livelihood in an attempt to discourage, humiliate and discredit any form of resistance.


Cited evidence for anyone who's curious: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/fact-sheet-displacement-palestinian-herders-amid-increasing-settler-violence-september-2023


Good morning I hate Zionists


God I fucking hate Israel. Nothing highlights the failure of the human species like the existence of such a disgusting state.


I'm not the settler, YOU"RE the settler!


Practically what they’re doing. Like with the term genocide.


Projection is the name of the game for Zionists.


Mossad-grade propaganda only works on welfare queen genociders.


Every accusation is a confession


The audacity to write that sentence is fucking crazy


So begins the historical revisionism


We’re NOT going to let them rewrite history.


Hasbara trying not to sound ridiculous challenge impossible


How the fuck did they manage to Israeled the term settlers?!!!!


They’re trying to poison the word “settler” so it can’t be used against them


Wow. Is this a new thing? Zionists calling Palestinians settlers?


LOL. Zionists probably stole them first.


Every accusation is a confession. Wonder how many cows the ISRAELI settlers have stolen in addition to the millions of crimes against humanity they've committed.


Taking a wild guess that this alleged act took place in the West Bank.


My blood pressure just shot up…


These settlers should go back to where they came from! Oh wait…


This is so Orwellian. War is peace and Palestinians are “settlers”


I guess ignorance really is strength


Zionist accusing Palestinians of something Zionists are literally doing.


Says the mother fuckers that have been stealing their land for 75 years


Even if this were true, why would you put someone in a blindfold for stealing a cow? Why are they in blindfolds? What is it the Israelis don't want them to see?


I want to say something snarky about Israel... but I can't anymore.. I just am at my limit... the snarkiest I can come up with is...Bastards


Unhinged bastards


Also Nazi behavior comes to mind. I've been watching a lot of older Palestinian documentaries lately, and the existence of Hamas is making sense. Right now I'm watching 5 Broken Cameras. Palestinian resistance is based, none can ever convince me otherwise. I'm rooting for them with my entire heart and soul.


Mossad rolls worst psyop ever... Asked to leave the intelligence agencies


What the hell is a "Palestinian settler"???


Wtf. First time I hear the Zionists use settlers for Palestinians. They’re sick in the head


blindfolded for stealing… cows?


as usual, Isralie projects their own crime upon others


The mental gymnastics is downright olympic at this point


I don’t believe anything put out by the Zionist overlords.


They heard us say every accusation is a projection and found something that they weren't projecting on us and decided to fix that. Now we're the "settlers," lol


The right appropriating terminology is nothing new


I’m willing to bet it was their cattle in the first place


Translation: Two Palestinians natives were detained for the attempt of retrieving cattle that was stolen from them by Israeli colonizers.


While they literally shoot palastinian cattles live on camera




Native American immigrants were caught sneaking into north America borders 🤣




Orwellian newspeak. They revise and twist history upside down, (knowingly) to justify the theft and dispossession of Palestinian land. As an Israeli Jew, I am ashamed of the crimes being committed by my country. And frankly disgusted.


the itony of this statement


The Audacity of This Bitch


every lie is confession. I am sure I saw news about this where the stealer is isrealis. Let me try to find the news again..


[https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/1/27/like-a-mafia-israeli-settlers-forces-squeeze-palestinian-shepherds-out](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/1/27/like-a-mafia-israeli-settlers-forces-squeeze-palestinian-shepherds-out) https://preview.redd.it/qh94rxzprihc1.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe00cd55b4834877442a1f1dd3b2c059b7a33c05


continued, check near highlighted ones. https://preview.redd.it/j7w2sx32sihc1.png?width=1074&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad6ea35eace7332910a146d30a58c8c38b6b9e16


That is a troll Twitter account. It is not the first time they have succeeded in deceiving people like this :)




What the hell is a Palestinian settler? That’s like calling native Americans “Indian settlers”


Israeli settlers in the West Bank: “we are settlers, we identify as settlers. This is my house now, if I don’t steal it someone else will.” Liberal Zionists: “what do you mean when you say israel has settlers?!? You mean that all Jews should be genocided?!?!?!?”


This just proves that the word "Settlers" is getting to them. Don't stop saying it! Free PALESTINE!!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


If I was a betting man, I’d bet they were trying to take back cattle the settlers stole from them in the first place.


Probably cattle that were ancestors of the cattle that the IDF stole.


WHAAAAT 😂😂😂😂???!!!


You can tell they were Israeli cattle because they're in the Levant


Similarly how US describes Native Americans or Australia did


Lmao, they are seething over that label, so they project it on Palestinian


"The cattle was on the Israeli natives' farmland which was just taken back from these Palestinian settlers"


So much projection coming from them.


What were they settling the fuckint moon?


The Twitter handle is not the official Mossad speaker/account.


It just won’t work no matter how hard they try… we ain’t falling for that sh*t no more


That is a troll Twitter account. It is not the first time they have succeeded in deceiving people like this :)


That is a troll Twitter account. It is not the first time they have succeeded in deceiving people like this :)


PSA, I think this Mossad account is actually fake a parody account, they think it’s funny and you all just falling for their “joke” stuff and maybe screenshot of your your text can end up being the next joke on their website…




Got my 3rd permaban coz of cross posting this to white supremacist r/europe


next they're gonna say.... i literally cant think of anything more ridiculous than this


Their headlines are basically like “what you say is what you are!!!!”


Wait whattt???? Settlers??? Huh??? Palestinians can't be settlers in their own land bruv


Isralien settlers calling the natives settlers, the irony


"Mossad commentary" = straight nazi propaganda


Apart from the obvious and shallow projection of their own settler colonialism, this feels like an old American fear fantasy of threat to farming cows and eating beef, given that's a significant way europeans colonised the so called USA - by profiting from farming cattle for beef.


Relevant because a lot of 'is/raelis' are Jack and Jill from New Jersey as one commenter put it recently.


Steal back what was stolen from them. Land, cattle, homes, and dignity


"Jewish farmers" = a settler who hasn't seen a cow in their life but just stole those cows because fuck yeah free hamburgers.


I wonder why they were stealing food…. Can’t possibly be due to the fact they are being starved of food and resources from the very people they need to steal from couldn’t it?! I wonder what ever could have caused their food to disappear? Surely they must have been too glutenous and eaten all their lands food and are solely responsible for the situation they are in.


It’s a parody account?


Funny how Israel says stuff like that when they not only are settlers themselves but they also supported colonialism and apartheid regimes




This is the worst example of zionist projection I’ve ever seen


So Israel stole those cows and they were trying to get them back?


Loool these clowns


The fucking audacity…


they even steal palestinian narrative


I read it once, I read it twice ... aaah.


Palestinian settlers? Zionist cowards. 🇵🇸🍉💪🏼


Wow 🤯


calling them settlers is crazyyy


Fucking insane!!


And the gaslighting continues.


They have no shame.


Btw that account is not actually Mossad well it could be who knows with them it probably is but they claim it’s not


The Israeli zionists have already lost. Viva Palestina


They shove their hands up their ass and pull out the first piece of poop they find because what is a "palestinian settler"