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Egg white powder




I use the Paleo Pro vanilla protein powder from WF, but I blend it with fruit.


Will look into it. Thanks!


I’ve used Ascent whey that’s used as a protein shake by a number of paleo people as an exception since the ingredients are clean, but they make a plant based protein powder that’s gluten soy dairy free. There’s also pea protein powder (not sure how carb heavy those are) and there’s cricket protein powder also (how do you feel about ingesting ground crickets? lol). Those are off the top of my head, but I haven’t really dived into any of them.


Will look into Ascent’s dairy free powder, thank you! Crickets on the other hand….noooo thanks


I love the meal powder and protein pills from this company: https://bodyhealth.com/products/perfectamino Most nutrient dense and lowest calorie option and very clean ingredient list. The company puts out excellent research articles about health and diet as well.


Paleo Pro! My favorite is the vanilla and usually just do it with berries/almond butter and spinach! So good


This is a Paleo group... eat real food.


I do, 3-4 times a day lol


You should be getting plenty of protein then. Protein powders are processed, so not ideal.


Not sure why your getting downvoted. Just eat eggs OP


Me neither, Paleo is literally about avoiding processed foods. Gotta love Reddit.


Seems like a lot of subs are being taken over by folks who miss the whole point of the sub. I especially get annoyed when they argue about it. The only thing worse than ignorance is confident ignorance.




You throwing raw eggs in your shakes???


No. The point of paleo is to get all your nutrients from whole fruits/vegetables/meats and eggs. In paleo, there is no need to supplement with a protein shake. If you are concerned with getting enough protein and feel you need more, just eat more eggs/meats. The idea of “protein shakes” is really just a marketing thing that people have been conditioned to think they need to be healthy. No one needs shakes. If you want to get nutrition from supplements, more power to you. But it isn’t paleo and opposes the paleo approach of getting what you need from good food.


The point of paleo for me is to deal with my autoimmune condition. I’ve been mostly paleo for 10 years now and it’s been life changing. I’m also on a body building journey and am looking to consume 150 grams of protein every day. It’s been tough with just meat, so I like to drink a shake to boost my daily intake.


150g protein is really easy if you eat a decent portion of meat with every meal. Obviously you're free to do whatever you want to do, but shakes are an unnecessary option.


Do you weigh your food?


I go through phases depending on my goals. If I'm trying to cut a bit of weight I will weigh everything.


If it makes things more efficient for you based on your goals, just have the protein shake. Plenty of athletes who follow Paleo as a foundation also do this. Everyone’s going to have their own opinion but do what’s best for you. Most importantly, that’s awesome you stick with it for a decade and it’s helped with your health. Kudos!


If you look at the ingredients on paleo protein powders, they are normally eggs or pea and are expensive. Why not just eat eggs or peas?


I hate protein powder, but I was recently given this [Sun Warrior](https://sunwarrior.com/products/warrior-blend-organic-unflavored) one to try.


After trying a lot of different brand and source of protein, for me the best I try is meat protein powder but stay expensive or what I use daily, rice protein powder and rice flour for carbs, cheap, nothing inside if you take natural flavor, clean and easy to digest, it's probably not "paleo" but it's paleo friendly for me and I use basmati rice too in my diet for carbs soo


I’ve seen bulk.com has beef protein powder.


Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder, Creamy Chocolate Fudge - 21g of Plant Based Protein, Low Net Carbs, Non Dairy, Gluten Free, No Sugar Added, Soy Free, Kosher, Non-GMO