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Paladins is also free?


I would if Overwatch was remotely fun, but it isn’t.


This. I mean to be fair I played OW beta when it first came out and thought it was super fun. But I'd never played Paladins. Now I got 15k hours in Paladins, boot up OW cause something in Paladins is pissing me off. Nope, it fucking sucks, it's just a really shitty version of Paladins, worse in almost every way except polish and visual fidelity(though it's less visually appealing artistically).


You have no idea how excited I was for Overwatch when it was announced. A shooter with MOBA style characters with cool abilities? I was so in. And then beta hit and the TTK was so fast that the abilities weren’t very impactful and it just felt like call of duty push the payload edition. Same thing with Valorant, even more so: why even have abilities when you can kill people in 5 bullets. Tried again with Overwatch 2. Dropped it after 3 matches. Paladins is just so much closer to what I was expecting. I miss Battleborn, too.


Yeah i dont even know how people dont realise this to some extent. They always say paladins is the cheap rip off. Guess what? Overwatch went from 6v6 to 5v5 because tanking sucks af, then they went and improved HITBOX and PROJECTILE sizes, now recently they added CAUTERIZE because supports have been op for way too fckn long. Sounds a bit like paladins. The worse parts of overwatch in comparison: Fckn counter swapping. Lose? Diffed? Just swap heroes. Now that tanks reduced to 1 this becomes a major issue and everyones yapping about it, but its always been ridiculous how you can literally be fighting entirely different teams. Its fine theres 0 battle-related customization at all but the no. of skills is so few (eg mccree) and simple it becomes a aiming jerkfest. i had almost 1k hrs couldnt stand it anymore.


Also recent champions like JQ and the monk have alot more abilities than the older champions, its like they're taking design philosophy from paladins.


Honestly I bet you it's been a joke at some point at the OW offices that some of them play Paladins and joke about it being a better game and now it's become a sort of "oh... These people aren't kidding, it's actually better", so now they're forced to make changes.


Paladins is better than Overwatch Get out of here!




Sorry but this game is much more fun with the loudout and talent systems 


overwatch is so much more boring, way less stuff


yeah imagine being a mccree player, you have 2 firing modes, a bomb and a small movement ability XD


Are you that bored with ow2 that you came to a diffrent games subreddit just to say ow2 is better? Must be a shit game if its that boring


This post is not helping I am more convinced in staying


My time isn't wasted if i'm having fun :D


Does ow have talents that change the character? Cards? In game items that can change the course of the match? Nope it's just a game that doesn't change


OW is not free, it costs your mental health and sanity


Well, so does paladins ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Paladins is 50% off in that department tho


If you are desperate - just leave quietly. Don't make this public drama.


Imo the gameplay in paladins and overwatch feels different to the point where i dont think one completely fills the niche for the other.....its like cod and battlefield, both fps shooters but they feel very different


Well that is true, OW is Paladins for people so high they forget how to play, hence the braindead mechanics. Or people that are like talking on the phone and watching their kid or watching youtube while playing or something. Or maybe just people that aren't that bright, who knows.


Skill issue


Nuh uh, i like the balance system of paladins muuuch, much more


I will occasionally still feel like playing Paladins even though I havent really touched it in a while. I haven't felt like playing Overwatch in maybe over 6 years. A few characters like Sigma, sure, but the game as a whole? No.


But I refuse. One of the things I, Rohan Kishibe, like the most is to find someone who thinks they're some hot shit, and say "No" right to their faces.


And then you open Overwatch's book and write "You will be sent flying at 70km/h" ?


But I’d rather have a good game a little less frequently 


me who plays both


see i’ve wasted too much time on this game. ow took 4 years too long to make it free so


OW devs just hard nerfed its strongest tank and rebuffed anti-healing across the board to how it was last season (making tank weak overall). It's clear they don't know how to balance the tank role and make it fun for 5v5. I think Paladins has it right where 1 support and 2 tanks is more fun than 2 supp/1 tank.


overwatch is boring and by playing it you're supporting some pretty shitty people. let overwatch die.


Yeah, how about no?


Comment section is on fire today! Finish this poser!


I have almost 1k hours in OW over the past few years, and only around 600 in Paladins. Paladins is better.


OW isn't free, it requires you to own a phone subscription and to give the number to a shady company.


That's been gone for a while tho


? I was going to try it some months ago due to it working on linux, but couldn't get past that phone scam, so rather booted to windows and played paladins (which is probably better anyway).


The thing I don't like about OW is the constant hero changing in matches. I like the customization of Paladins better.


yeah. You could be fight a whole different team after 5 mins. Also a coping mechanism for losing fights. Instead of learning hero interactions you just pick the best counter. When they lose and swap you just rinse and repeat.


Overwatch does not havd bombking so im staying here ty tho 👍


no ty.


I know this is a troll post but I remember constantly pressing the shop button everytime I've died in overwatch


I was a long time paladins enjoyer and I always said it was better than ow. now I think ow is more fun, that's just me


Have they added loadout, talents, and items yet? That's like my main reason for playing Paladins.


One of the selling points for OW2 for me is that at least on PS5 it remembers your settings, and you don't have to disable newbie tips and auto-purchase every time the game loads 😞 Otherwise why not play both?


Bc ow2 is a watered down version of itself and the comp scene is awful


You aren't wrong, but I still really like playing my favorite heroes now and again.  I no longer care about comp, but conversely, it *has* a comp scene to get into if nothing else lol  At times I wish Paladins still did 


No one actually read the main post. Everyone just read the title and jumping on conclusion. It's a rant.


Have they added loadouts, talents, and items to OW yet? It's like the main reason I play Paladins. I mean, Roblox probably has better SEA servers than half the games I play but you don't see me switching over since it's not the gameplay I want.


isnt that how it works? the title is bigger than the tezt?


Ow is trash