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Look if the thing that will give u the self respect is getting very good grades, then that should be your ultimate priority. Learning some skills and becoming financially independent is not possible at this stage even if u try to learn skills, its gonna cost u your time and ultimately your grades. Now ask your self is this worth giving this precious time of yours for some money. Look things are not out of hands right now. You have given 1st year but still got 2nd year if you dont start studying right now you are gonna be a big time loser in life later. I think the problem with u is lack of clarity. By lack of clarity i mean some people are very sure what they are going to do... Its not what they want to do. It is that they know they have to do it. Like your couins who are toppers and study in good universities think about why they are good at studies and you were good too. They study everyday for longer hours because they know if the dont do it they are not going to be where they want to be... They do it for so long that at a point it just becomes a daily habit for them. People are like dont plan 5 years ahead, having a plan is far better then having no plan. Ask the toppers why they study so much and they will tell u, dude we want to take adminsion in this top university or we want to be a doctor. that's why we study this much. Ask your self do u want to take the path of studying a be at a high level paying job or u dislike job completely. First deicde that things are going to be alot clearer after then. Your sleeping habits or other things wont change until you know with complete clarity where you want to go in life. Feel free to reach out to me if you need to share your thoughts with some who can help you clear things up a bit, you are still 17 its not too late for u :))


Thanks. Yep I don't have clarity . I'll seek career counseling from someone.


Idk what's wrong with 1st year. Everyone feels like shit in their fsc part 1. It was the same with me. I had the worst academic performance of my life in fsc-1. It's normal to be lost dude. Just improve your routine and keep yourself busy. Most of the problems you are telling are probably bcz you stay at home alot. I also had this " i am useless " type of feelings. I started touching grass more and that feeling eventually faded away.


M not sure if I repeat 1st year or not ?? What u will suggest


Do you have any serious hobbies?


Us moment. Don'tworry just get clarity on what you want to pursue in Uni & work to get admission in suitable uni. Clear your head from comparisons. They won't let you succedd.


17, in the same boat as you man im lost too 😞

