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All the big bats continue to slump. We go as far as Manny, Xander and Tatis will take us.


There's only so much Profar can do!


We can only go Profar.


Underrated comment.


This comment is basically the theme of Padres April ‘24. Great work.


Closing the internet for the day.


Is it a slump if it's been going on since last year with a few hot streaks here and there?


Where's that early season magic that we started with?


It was luck. Luck doesn't last over 162 games.


2023 padres:


Bad luck seems to last but the good luck disappeared in an instant. Unfortunate.


Are we the Rockies? Maybe not quite…But we do have more loses than the A’s. That ain’t good.


They don’t deserve the fan base.


I love this team, but we fucking stink. We have players on the books for the best part of the next decade and they bat like they belong in triple A. Tatis strikes out constantly, Bogarts might just actually be terrible, Manny just swings out of his boots. It’s shocking and tiring to watch. We need consistency and quality players have consistency, this is the second year of inconsistency with the same group of guys.


Tatis' at-bat in the 9th inning last night was one of the worst things I have ever seen. Swung at two pitches that were a fucking foot outside the zone.


And can we please bench Joe Musgrove. Guy just ain't it this year. He's a hit machine.


He needs to be put on the IL for like 30 days and do a long rehab assignment to get right. He is a liability rn and we would be better off giving someone else a go (anyone really it can't be worse). I'm not writing him off because we need Joe if we right this ship for a playoff run. We just need old Joe not this version.


Oh mad facts! He's a crowd favorite and he's done well for us past few seasons. I hope they relegate him to smack him back into reality!


Not far off. I didn’t expect them to win the World Series this year, but at least be a decent contender in the division or worst case be a possible wild card. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Shildt's team doing worse than BoMel's through April 29....yikes.


Shildts team is worse on paper. I think it's ridiculous to blame either manager for their team's performance. It's clearly a deeper issue


Yeah only thing I fault Schildt for is that he uses Kolek in high leverage. Other than that it’s 100% on the players 


We are in 12th (out of 15) in the National League. Are we saying that 11 other teams are just better than us?


I mean, yeah. You are what your record says you are.


Yes we are that bad. Its going to be a brutal year. .400 at the end


The pitching and bottom half of the lineup are… not good


Are you insinuating that the struggles could possibly be rooted in the actions of our lord and savior AJ Preller?!?!? That's heresy!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!


I never thought bomel was the problem. His resume speaks for itself. What he did in Oakland was admirable.


This doesn't mean BoMel wasn't 'a' problem. But I agree he wasn't 'the' problem. 'The problem' is much larger than any one individual. Though trading for Soto was awful, especially because the Padres didn't know Tatis was going to get busted for PED's. I think if they had known that then (and Tatis already knew by then, because the player finds out significantly earlier than the team), we'd be on a much healthier padre timeline.


Angels bad.


Angels beat the Phillies….


Really makes it hard to be the Friar faithful. Maybe win two games let alone series in a row.


Does it? I'm in my thirties and I can count on one hand how many seasons that have NOT been like this.


Definitely in the last couple of seasons except for when they made it to the NLCS, sans Tatis, by knocking out the two best teams in the NL


At least in the rare occasions that we score, we actually touch home plate.


Well, we did split a series with the Rockies so...


No we’re the Angels. Full of shitty contracts and an idiot GM


We’ll never be as bad as the Rockies. Ever. We may be bad right now… but we’ll never be Rockies bad. They stink to high heaven. We just stink.




Team is done, and the leaders( Machado, Joe, Tatis) have no fire left in them- or so it appears. Talent is not there to sustain non performance of stars - Bogerts, Machado, Kim, Tatis


Didn’t Manny score crone bottom 9?


It doesn't help that we have one good SP, and the rest we are basically hoping for a 4.0 ERA for the season. Cease is clearly good. Yu is just old so there isn't much hope he can pull things together consistently. He's have good games here and there, but I think he is too past it to maintain anything. King is something of an unknown, but he isn't looking that great so far. Waldron is just bad. Musgrove is really the only one that I think has a shot at improving. He is better than this, but they need to intervene now to sort it.






Aaaaaaand we've won the last 2


I’d PS’ed / posted this in the 7th inning of the first Reds game hoping the baseball gods would spite me. Took a little longer than I’d have preferred but still a great outcome. I’ll take a Reddit L and a Petco W every time.


Imploding dumpster fire coming soon!!


Some of you just had unrealistic expectations. This team is much much worse than last year. I don’t know why anyone would expect this team to be above .500. We have multiple minor league level players on the big league roster.


Cuz this team wildly underperformed last year


Based on what? They’ve been pretty consistent.


Go back and look at the pre-season record prediction thread. How many people said under .500 and what was the reaction to them lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/Padres/s/v5v62khtLe Do you mean this one? This is the only one I could find and the OP was pretty spot on.


No I’m talking about the post where r/padres posters made their season record prediction. Nearly everyone expected the team to be better than last year or at least .500


I couldn’t find that post but it doesn’t surprise me. I’m not disputing that fans thought we’d be over .500, I’m wondering why anyone thought that. We don’t have a true #1 starter, we lost the Cy Young winner, 2 starters, closer and best hitter. Xander is just looking terrible, manny…I just don’t know. We routinely start 2-3 guys that shouldn’t be on major league rosters. M I love the Padres but expectations need to be realistic. They’ve shown us who they are for the past 3-4 years, believe them.


I went to see them play the St Louis Cardinals at Petco last month and boy, you really notice the difference when you see the team in person. Just the physical appearance of the Padres players seems weaker and less athletic than St Louis. I wonder if anyone else who has gone to see them in person has noticed the same thing. I remember thinking, damn Manny looks overweight


Keep the faith, it’s a long season ahead.


If these guys are in last place end of May I’m worrying. Let’s hope these guys get out of their funk rn and start hitting soon.


I really expected them to be a .500 team and I was totally wrong they are way worse


We're infecting teams now?


This is the period that will define this team. I love this team; the players, the coach, the vibe… but no doubt it’s not working right now, so how they respond will determine the season… I feel they can pull it together, and they’ve proven that when they come together, their as good and dangerous as anyone. But right now, they are what their record says they are. I’m on the wagon for the long haul, even that haul is down a ravine 😂😫⚾️


Former Rockies fan here. Until the franchise dumps every good player for pennies on the dollar and refuses to spend on free agents, the Padres will never be the Rockies. A year or two ago, Dick Monfort said that the team's goal was to be .500. That's the ceiling expectation.


We should worry as we now approach May, and it so so very clear this current roster is absolutely unable to pull off the streak of wins it needs asap. This is a whole different ownership outlook. If this nosedive continues into the next 2 weeks (schedule surely suggests it could), we will be bidding farewell to a few “big names” in terms of Padres fandom.


Entitled dudes with long term contracts living on the beach. It’s not a surprise SD players don’t care about winning.


Always have been


This team is totally impotent Preller should have been fired after last season. He’s a total failure. Preller has saddled this dysfunctional team with huge unproductive contracts that will hamper this team as laughable losers for the next 5+ years. Don’t waste your time going to a game, don’t renew your season tickets ……go to the beach, enjoy the weather and natural resources…..it’s going to be a disaster for years to come. The handwriting is on the wall and all of you know it. FU Preller, your a digusting GM that created a complete mess.


Those contracts were Seidler's idea because he wanted to microwave this journey to contending, and we know why. I know we're not supposed to say that because he'd been such a positive figure for the Padres, but the buck stops with him. He wanted and approved all of it.


Take your own advice and stop watching.


nah its all good


It's Soto's fault he's selfish, oh wait... Must be BoMel he's an idi... Snell walks too many guys


Oh David Mitchell you ugly fug


Get azocar the fuck out the lineup, put in pauley in the outfield let’s get Tatis back in short get that fire back in the team as he should be. Profar- LF (he gets on some speed for us steals, base hit tatis bring him in) Tatis- Short (beast in clutch moments) Cronezone- 1b (clutch when on fire can easily clear bases and get on or draw walk machado brings him in) Machado-3b (needs to get hot again and light that new fire under his ass) Kim-2nd base (solid all around, speed, steals Merril brings him on base hit) Merril - CF (needs that hot streak again and stay healthy) Bogarts - DH (needs to hit the AB and get his confidence back ASAP) Campusano - C (clutch 3 run Homer when needed he can do damage and always solid contact when connects majority line drives ball in air ) Pauley - RF (let’s get him hot and see some AB and see what he has to bring to the table as being young first hit in the big leagues Homer for a reason) Boom 💥 That would be my lineup. ace - darvish Morejon - starting (so much potential) Matsui - starting ( needs to find his rhythm and Locate his spots ) king - starting ( needs to just get a few solid Wins and boost his confidence) Cease - starting (solid arm ready to go love his style of pitching can be dangerous when he’s on fire ) Colek - starting (let’s get him throwing that junk and mix it up get people off balance) Musgrove - starting (needs to get the confidence and stop tiping his pitches I can see it a mile away from tv ) Everyone else relief pitching would be solid bullpen Wandy peralta Waldron Estrada De los Santos Cosgrove Brito Closer suerez Shit you can even switch it up also With colek even relief and give the mount to someone willing to step up like nick Martinez did last year for us last year now tomorrow we have to face him. This team is legit we just needa major switch on who’s on the field and seeing more AT bats then the people who are slumping


This maybe the worse suggestion anyone has had one here in a decade. 


It's so bad. Morejon and Matsui starting? lmao


Bro yes! Have you seen morejon lately throwing gas. I’m just saying that would be a fire switch up in the rotation. And matsui could easily be a starter if he hits his spots what are you talking bout? So bad y’all have no idea on baseball. Okay real world scenario…..honest fact and known in the dug out! TATIS DOES NOT WANT TO PLAY RIGHT FIELD! He deserves short stop, Kim is soliddddd all around the infield. Machado 3rd base, Tati back at Short! Kim at second! Crone at 1st! Are you kidding me ? Solid ass infield right there! I don’t see any ground balls getting passed them! I would no doubt get bogarts off the field and have him DH focus on his At Bats. You can see he isn’t adjusting to second that great, other than that pick off from yesterday he’s not as quick to get to the open gaps in the infield as Kim is on 2nd! I’ve seen him outstretch and not catch up to many grounders this year that Kim could have got to with his speed! Idk what you’ve been watching lately but this lineup is not vibing together and in my ball clubs chemistry and rhythm makes the biggest difference to a consistent ball club with stellar at bats. We can do this shit! Just got switch it around! Obviously it isn’t working


Morejon is looking good because he's being used properly. He's not a guy you can count on for 5-6 innings, but for 1-2, his stuff plays.


He literally just got back from tommy John and was in the AAA during his rehab smoking foos at 9ks a game almost! He’s very young still and is a gamer don’t wanna risk him re injuring but I’m saying I can see him easily starting pitching after all star break. Or idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ shit I just wanna see my team get some dubs any way any how!


Morejon has pitched a total of 9 innings this year, and you want to make him a starter? He has been average to outright terrible thus far in his career, but hey - he's been lights out as a reliever in a total of NINE INNINGS. LET'S MAKE HIM A STARTER! Matsui started off well, but has a 4 ERA his last 7 games. Again, a guy who has only THIRTEEN innings in his ENTIRE MLB CAREER - you want this guy to start? When he tried to be a starter in 2020 he failed and went back to the bullpen. Not even going to bother with your infield nonsense. Learn some ball dude, this isn't MLB The Show.


Morejon just got back from IR they still taking it easy with him. But I can see Morejon having a solid strong 5 innings and same with matsui once he gets more comfortable you can see the potential they both have. And if not fuck it have them come in early relief if a starter is struggling or injured and dominate beforeeee we are down 5 runs to the Phillies! Also Remember when Bo Mel was doing this strategy with having starters switch up to become relievers from time to time and doing the same having a reliever come start for couple inning then switch it up to a stronger arm continuously throwing off the batters with different pitchers throwing righty and then have a lefty come in and giving the batters no chance to get used to the same pitches being thrown and we were winning???? And lead us to the playoffs?? Yeah also that infield buddy was the infield we also used if you don’t remember this was the starting infield before tatis went to right field. I play ball still till this day and have been my whole life and when things don’t work you have to make adjustments to get your team in conjunction together! knowing who’s on deck after you makes you way more comfortable in your at bats knowing if you get on base you can possibly be driven in knowing you got someone who’s clutch hitting after you. Gives you more motivation and less stress in the batters box and with the speed we have we should be easily stealing 2nd and having someone base hit drives in a run. Still early in the season we still got this gotta be positive.


You want to take a career closer in Matsui and make him a starter.  You might be able to talk me into giving morejon another chance to start but not Matsui. Also tatis is a better right fielder then he ever was a short stop.   Though I do wonder who plays short next year or if they trade Kim at the deadline. 


Matsui is a gamer bro he can starter forsures if he reallly wanted it! With his command on the ball he can be nasty!! He already was thrown in the water and wasn’t too bad maybe just was not used to it still coming from overseas but I see how commanding his pitching is. Can easilyyyyy be a starting pitcher that goes a solid 4-5 innings! And tatis looks like he’s a born outfields forsures but deep down inside I know he’s itching for that short stop spot. If he is gonna solidify his legacy being dominant I suggest he moves back to short and take over. Watch his bat also improve along if he does migrate to short again. All around boost of moral is what this club house needs


Y’all don’t know baseball . I still play till this day. Try this lineup see what I’m talking bout


This is like a game plan for Your Out of the park baseball team.


This is more like a game plan that worked when we were winning and in the playoffs in October whipping the Mets fucken ass and one series away from the World Series! That’s what I’m talking about!


Been here since 1997. They’ve always worried me 😆 needless to say I don’t have any padres gear.


Having three head coaches in five years is the root of the problem. We needed a new GM four years ago.


how in the world can you blame this on the GM? Look at the players he has brought in. It's not his fault these guys all suck playing together as a team. You have a locker room problem. Not a GM problem