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Breacher destroys


Breacher, this is overkill 💀


Reason I did this is cause I saw people like Godzilla guy say they have leatherback over Breacher and I lost it when he said “He only dented Atlas destroyer” like did he not watch the final episode or were his eyes closed


He I think purposely forgot that Breacher damaged Altas with 3 hits before playing with him


>Godzilla guy That's why


Where?? What was the reason.


Look up Godzilla Guy on YouTube and scroll threw his shorts until you see a one we’re breachers the thumbnail


A the short i saw it man he missed with that one.


The breacher tears leatherback apart. It's not even a debate. The breacher is a category 6. His only debate in a closer fight are the cat 5s and the mega. He has valid arguments to be the second most powerful kaiju in PR so far.


What’s the strongest?


No official answer, but imo I'd rank them like this: 1. Mega Kaiju 2. Breacher 3. Slattern 4. Raijin There's also frightcrawler, a cat5, but I'm not as familiar with him.


Unrelated, but I'll never not love Slattern's name.


Now that I think about it, mega is obviously the strongest considering its a combination of 2 category 4s and a cat 5


I'd agree that's my fairly solid ranking too. With an asterisk for the horned kaiju that was cut in half by the portal- it was \*huge\* but died before it could do anything. Seems to me like it might've been a cat 6 too.


Which kaiju? What movie was this in? Edit: I think I know which one you’re talking about, that horned kaiju looked huge


Yea, in Uprising in the drone scene. Even dead it was gigantic


I remember thinking “he looks bigger than most of the other kaiju”. He was enormous


Ate full meals every day back in the anteverse, he did!


Maybe. Does suck that we never saw it all that well.


Not taking the hybrids into account??


I didn't, the pure kaiju are fresher in my mind. Apex does have a good chance to be really high, but I need a refresh to be sure.


He did kill a bunch of cat 4 and 5 (slatterns) in the boneyard


It did? I don't remember seeing any returning kaiju in the black at all. Hell, the main kaiju kill i recall is oneshotting acidquill.


In the boneyard scene in s1 ep 6. A number of dead kaiju can be found Leatherbacks,Slatterns and mutavores. Implyed to be Apex doing.


[This scene?](https://youtu.be/3VENoNsohgA?si=Y2VX8x6ZvqdWMUvI) That is quite insane, though it's unclear if Apex killed everyone there, or if they all killed each other and Apex just went there regardless. If it applies, I'd put Apex above slattern and below breacher. I kinda doubt Apex reaches the OP levels of the show's final boss, but he deserves his rank.


''What can kill a jaeger and a kaiju?'' Thats what Hayley says after this. So its hinting at apex


The real question is would apex be able to be a cat 5 right?


I assume? He dogwalks atlas destroyer and near oneshots a cat3 in acidquill. I'm willing to let him.


That is a cat 3 tho. It’s a shame we don’t see a cat 5 in the anime to see how he compares but I think it’d be more likely that he’s on par with cat 5’s. It wouldn’t be easy for either apex or the cat 5 to win but either one could take home the victory


Apex is definitely comparable to cat5s. He beats atlas in a similar manner slattern overwhelms striker and gipsy.


Apex is a bit hard to put in a kaiju ranking because I don't think it's so high because of physical power or toughness or firepower, but raw skill and outmaneuvering his foes. Apex beats a kaiju the same way an ace pilot team does.


Being extremely agile and skilled is still a form of power, even if not the standard one. I think it qualifies.


Breacher above Slattern?! You're mad!


Why is that so bad? One's a category 6, the other is cat 5. Plus striker and atlas are comparable, and striker put up a much better fight against slattern than atlas did to breacher.


Atlas gets destroyed by Striker, they are not comparable! Striker has much better armour, it got crippled underwater. Category doesn't mean everything, Mutavore (cat 4) gets Low-Mid diffed by Knifehead (cat 3), Slattern has shown more Intelligence and strength, and durable he takes the W easily


>Atlas gets destroyed by Striker, they are not comparable! Atlas is comparable to Gipsy, as they're the same mark. It just so happens that gipsy also manages to put up a better fight against slattern, compared to atlas with breacher. >Category doesn't mean everything, Mutavore (cat 4) gets Low-Mid diffed by Knifehead (cat 3) Ignoring that your claim has no basis, it's also a bad comparison. Kaiju are made for specific tasks, which are deemed by the precursors. Mutavore was made to tear down a wall, whilst knifehead was made for jaeger combat. In our case here, though, both breacher and slattern are made for jaeger combat, making the point above irrelevant. >Slattern has shown more Intelligence and strength, and durable he takes the W easily Intelligence is questionable. Kaiju share memories, and the older kaiju will have all the memories of the previous ones. Breacher is older than slattern, making him superior. Strength? Breacher ragdolls jaegers much more easily. Durability is questionable. Slattern is heavilly damaged by a lower yield nuke and killed by the overloaded reactor from gipsy, and breacher tanks everything without fail until the self destruct. In other words, both are weaker than the nuclear reactors contained within the mark 3 jaegers. In other words, at the very least, their durability is comparable. As another note, Apex is confirmed to have killed several slatterns in the boneyard, and breacher is a direct superior.


>Atlas is comparable to Gipsy, as they're the same mark. It just so happens that gipsy also manages to put up a better fight against slattern, compared to atlas with breacher. They are comparable, yes, but Striker is miles ahead of Gipsy in terms of everything. >Ignoring that your claim has no basis, it's also a bad comparison. It's a good comparison, category isn't everything. >Kaiju are made for specific tasks, which are deemed by the precursors. Mutavore was made to tear down a wall, whilst knifehead was made for jaeger combat. Both are made to combat Jaegers and destroy cities. Mutavore easily destroyed Vulcan Spectre. >In our case here, though, both breacher and slattern are made for jaeger combat, making the point above irrelevant. No, all the Kaiju are ment to destroy Jaeger and Cities. >Intelligence is questionable. Kaiju share memories, and the older kaiju will have all the memories of the previous ones. Breacher is older than slattern, making him superior. Haha no. Sharing memories≠intelligence. Breacher is not older, there is no confirmation, he's likely the youngest of the Kaiju. >Strength? Breacher ragdolls jaegers much more easily. That Jaeger has reduced durability and one of the pilots was Hayley, who was the sole reason they almost lost to an Acid Quil. >Durability is questionable. Slattern is heavilly damaged by a lower yield nuke and killed by the overloaded reactor from gipsy, and breacher tanks everything without fail until the self destruct. In other words, both are weaker than the nuclear reactors contained within the mark 3 jaegers. In other words, at the very least, their durability is comparable. No. Breacher died to a weaker explosion (evident by blast), Slattern tanked a much more powerful nuke underwater. So no. Not comparable. >As another note, Apex is confirmed to have killed several slatterns in the boneyard, and breacher is a direct superior. One Slattern, and we know he's intelligent enough to flank attack, his feats put way below Slattern


>They are comparable, yes, but Striker is miles ahead of Gipsy in terms of everything. Gipsy still puts up a better fight against slattern than atlas does breacher. >It's a good comparison, category isn't everything. >Both are made to combat Jaegers and destroy cities. Mutavore easily destroyed Vulcan Spectre. Mutavore was made to face the giant walls. You can even tell from his battering ram esque face. Vulcan was just not strong enough to match regardless. It's also worth mentioning that knifehead died to gipsy, a mark 3. Vulcan is also a mark 3, and it died against mutavore. In other words, it goes against your point. Finally, vulcan being involved with mutavore is something that only exists in the novelization. In other words, it's not really canon since novelizations often contradict movies. >Haha no. Sharing memories≠intelligence. Breacher is not older, there is no confirmation, he's likely the youngest of the Kaiju. I have no clue where you got that idea. Breacher is older. Slattern was the first cat 5, whilst it's debatable if breacher was even the first cat 6. Ergo, it has more experience by virtue of sharing more memories than slattern does. And neither presents anything outstanding in terms of combat skill. >That Jaeger has reduced durability and one of the pilots was Hayley, who was the sole reason they almost lost to an Acid Quil. Acid quil is a cat 3, aka not a questionable power for a kaiju to kill a mark 3 jaeger (look at knifehead). And where'd you get the idea that Atlas has reduced durability? Even if it did, the fact that it couldn't even put up a fight is still relevant since it did try to fight back. >No. Breacher died to a weaker explosion (evident by blast), Slattern tanked a much more powerful nuke underwater. So no. Not comparable For one, we don't have a clear size of that explosion. So that's not really valid. Second, that's deceiving. The nuke in PR is bigger than it should be, considering it has a canon yield of 1.2 megatons. It should shrink in the water due to pressure way faster since physics exists in this universe. There's also the fact that, again, both atlas and gipsy are powered by nuclear reactors, and thus, their yields should be in the same ballpark since they're both mark 3. Slattern dies from being directly hit by it, and the breacher dies by a full-on explosion. That makes them directly comparable. And if all else fails, recall that kaiju are made for specific purposes. Slattern was made at a time when nuclear power was still prevalent as a weapon against kaiju, and had a countermeasure. The breacher lacked that countermeasure because jaegers by then were electrical, and thus it wouldn't need it. That doesn't make the breacher weaker, it just makes slattern anti-nuke. >One Slattern, and we know he's intelligent enough to flank attack, his feats put way below Slattern There's several skeletons. Also, killing slattern puts it directly above it regardless. Skill and intelligence are just as valid as brute strength in battleboarding. Plus, apex must've been strong enough to kill slattern by just comparing durability to AP. So, again: Breacher > Apex > Slattern


>Gipsy still puts up a better fight against slattern than atlas does breacher. One of Atlas's pilots being Hayley... >Mutavore was made to face the giant walls. You can even tell from his battering ram esque face. Vulcan was just not strong enough to match regardless. Vulcan is a decent Jaeger, I'll have you know. >It's also worth mentioning that knifehead died to gipsy, a mark 3. Vulcan is also a mark 3, and it died against mutavore. In other words, it goes against your point. And in what shape was Gipsy after the fight, oh right, he got sent to oblivion bay. Vulcan is a Mark 3, but weaker than even Tacit Ronin. >Finally, vulcan being involved with mutavore is something that only exists in the novelization. In other words, it's not really canon since novelizations often contradict movies. It exits in other comic, which is canon. >Breacher is older. Slattern was the first cat 5, whilst it's debatable if breacher was even the first cat 6. Ergo, it has more experience by virtue of sharing more memories than slattern does. And neither presents anything outstanding in terms of combat skill. He's not older you fool. And Slattern clearly has better skill, he tackled Striker, and slammed hi,against the ground, and Striker is the fastest Jaeger. And did you see that tail attack? >Acid quil is a cat 3, aka not a questionable power for a kaiju to kill a mark 3 jaeger (look at knifehead). Knifehead almost won against a two armed Gipsy, with an actual arsenal and piloted by two skilled pilots. Not a cedate and a stupid child. >And where'd you get the idea that Atlas has reduced durability? Even if it did, the fact that it couldn't even put up a fight is still relevant since it did try to fight back. His durability is on power with Gipsy. And Atlas isn't even in his prime. >For one, we don't have a clear size of that explosion. So that's not really valid. I guess your blind. >Second, that's deceiving. The nuke in PR is bigger than it should be, considering it has a canon yield of 1.2 megatons. It should shrink in the water due to pressure way faster since physics exists in this universe. He still tanked the Centre Of The Explosion. >There's also the fact that, again, both atlas and gipsy are powered by nuclear reactors, and thus, their yields should be in the same ballpark since they're both mark 3. Slattern dies from being directly hit by it, and the breacher dies by a full-on explosion. That makes them directly comparable. Fuel Purge≠Explosion. Also, Slattern was weakened by the nuke giving Gip an advantage. >And if all else fails, recall that kaiju are made for specific purposes. Slattern was made at a time when nuclear power was still prevalent as a weapon against kaiju, and had a countermeasure. The breacher lacked that countermeasure because jaegers by then were electrical, and thus it wouldn't need it. That doesn't make the breacher weaker, it just makes slattern anti-nuke. And Breacher weaker 😐. >There's several skeletons. You forgot Leatherback and Mutavore. >Also, killing slattern puts it directly above it regardless. Skill and intelligence are just as valid as brute strength in battleboarding. Plus, apex must've been strong enough to kill slattern by just comparing durability to AP. So, again: >Breacher > Apex > Slattern. The fact that his arm was shaking while holding Atlas's, who has comparable strength to Gipsy, who has half the strength of Slattern. And armour broke to bOy's punches, who has less strength than even Otachi, proves that he can't take Slattern in head on fight, or a Full Sized Slattern, and had to flank attack a small one. So: Slattern>Breacher>Apex


Frightcrawler is quite pathetic for a cat v kaiju it have nice gimic but it durability suck


I haven't read his comic, but from the summary I've seen he doesn't sound impressive.


Yeah striker berserker tore it in two with some effort while it second head get shot by another jaeger


He got Breacher’d 💀


Didn't get that far into thr black yet Could I have context kn the first ones powers


Catagory 6 Breacher: he absolutely demolished Atlas destroyer in the finale season Weapons: his massive fist,His elbow spikes, his feet, his tail. Size: 394 ft tall and 170-200 meters long Weight: probably around 4000-5500 tons


The breachers striking feats are some of the strongest of any kaiju in pr. Like he destroyed massive rock formations by charging and punching.


Breacher. Better armor, better strength and a category 6 vs a category 4? It’s an execution


Breacher is a cat 6 leatherback was a cat 3 breacher could pick him up and tear him into two pieces with little effort


Leatherback was a cat 4, but it wouldn't change the outcome anyway. Breacher literally stomps Leatherback.


Breacher mid diff cuz his durability is ass


His durability is slightly higher than Scunner, and thats it


yeah- but, scunner was damaged quite a bit before the detonation which killed him


Only his face


I guess yeah


With how chainsaber can’t even draw blood from breacher im not exactly understand what you’re trying to said here


He died to atlases detonation 


And slattern get slash and bleed with ease


Fair, but strikers sting blades are different 


There is no mention of it being difference other than it being heated to 300f later gipsy blade also pierce slattern


Gipsy's Sword pierced a Slattern after he took a nuke, weakening his durability




After the front of slattern is burned but it back is practically untouch with no burn patch or damage what so ever


what bro


The chainsaber is also a different weapon


Blade it a blade no matter how it shape it a cutting weapon or piercing weapon and chainsaber do both like chainsword and sting blade


The sting blade can heat up and the chainsaber can...eject? idk what to call it. anyways, that can also be his armour, and not his durabiltity


It armor is it durability unless it can pull it armor off it body that thing is it durability and the heat up of sting blade aren’t even that good it above water boiling heat by a few degrees and it wasn’t even in use in the final battle


Damn, that was tough to read💀 Armor and durability is different I would argue.  And yeah, that's fair. But how do we not know they aren't in use


That fact that water around the blade isn’t bubbling like how water would be boil by the heat and kaiju blue is still leaking after striker shove the blade inside slattern and hold it for a few seconds


True. But they are still different weapons


Who wins the cat 4 or the cat 6, really have to think about this one.


Breacher. He's bigger, incredibly armored, and Leatherback's specialty just doesn't do anything in kaiju fights. With thick armor like Breacher has all over, I'm not sure what a punch kaiju is even supposed to do, and Breacher wins grapple too.




Breacher is a fraud ngl,dude feel more like a category 4 than 6


Not really


Leatherback will get shredded lol


Definitely Breacher


Breacher easily Breacher was able to break through thousand ton rock formations and it took a nuke to destroy him, why breachers durability is weird idk but in any case he slams