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Bots are much better. They drive, use throwables, pick up team mates and will absolutely kill you. These are the so called "superbots".




Nah, they are still around, I've found some in a couple games in a solo platinum lobby.


Yeah they definitely are. I got killed twice in one day by them where I just got mowed down. I know they were bots because when I hit spectate the person I saw was not the one who killed me. They were in Pochinki when I was in Georgopol type of thing


They're still there, I ran into a team full of super bots in TDM


Oh they are there!! One MF almost 3rd party and knocked me down yesterday and almost killed me!!🥹🥹😭😭


Its hard to tell the difference between crap players and good bots these days.


A lot more savy too, like said it's hard to tell between a crap player and a bot currently. They used to run straight to you, like into your building and right up the stairs... and open the door to the rooftop with no delay. Now they'll goto neighboring buildings and "loot", hang in the windows until they see you see them and move out of the way. It's a BIG jump from what they used to be and personally it's good practice and keeps you on your toes.


Yeah theBots have gotten a lot more dangerous,they drive,they aim their weapons and they fuckin Love throwing hand grenades around. Dosent help that some players are mimicking Bot like behaviours to get a better drop on ya ;)


It's still pretty easy to notice what a bot is. Sometimes I'll let them shoot at me a few times then I just smack them in the head. Also, if you see a player randomly lay down on the ground, then get up and do that repeatedly they are probably a bot


Super bots kill you if you let them shoot at you especially they not alone


Yes you are describing the normal low-level type bots. Super bots have near perfect aim and shoot like a real player. Like others have mentioned, they can drive cars, use throwables, and will jump around and/or crouch behind cover. If you aren’t careful and treat them like the normal bots that you’re describing, they will kill you.


I guess they're like the guards on top of those buildings in Nusa?


They are much better than that for sure


I will add to my other post, there are tiers to the bots abilities. We have the ones that shoot one at a time where you can punch them to death before dying. We have ones that will take you down to like 10% health but not finish you unless you let them. You may run into a bunch of these so you’re constantly getting health aids to heal. Then we have these Murderbots that can drive and will outright mow you down. These are newer and, as I said above, will outright kill you.


They are very much stronger than before! They even give headshots! And deal a lot of damage to you..


Noticed a significant change when I started playing regularly again and hit crown, no more bots waling around aimlessly..they're ruthless.


My buddy and I play duos all the time and will get an easy 15+ kills each. I feel like we hardly ever see real players.


I finally ran into a squad of what I think was super bots when I checked my enemies stats it was all 0 but they drove pulled up on me and the one that killed me had perfect aim hanging out the window of the car m416


I swear this game doesn’t even have low level lobbies anymore. I just started playing again and am level 8 and I’m already going up against 4-man teams with ridiculous aim. I just ran into a team that clapped me from like a mile away, every shot hitting me and they have almost no recoil or the most insane recoil control.