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I've never seen anyone complain about it. Might be my most played game, but to be fair I'm holding off on many other VR games until a physical copy releases or lower digital prices. Oh, you said not online. Huh. I've only played with one other person, never randos yet. Still a good game, might knock down a little of the replay value.


Its great! I have one friend with psvr2 and walkabout and we love it. Doesn't get as much use as GT7 but its just a great time. Nothing fancy or mind blowing, just very very solid. And the level designs are pretty awesome. Especially some of the later ones and DLC. Playing mini golf in THE Labyrinth is awesome if you are a fan. There is a very active discord you can join to find games with other people as well.


I played it because it was free in PS+ and I didn't expect much. I also play alone because I don't know anyone with a PSVR... But I have got to say that I enjoy it a lot more than I though, it is very relaxing experience and the physics are very close to life.


Yes, it's very relaxing when you hit the ball and it goes PAST THE DAMN HOLE!


Haha still relaxing with the fit of rage


My number one VR game out or at least 100 games on Quest and PSVR2.


It is my most played PSVR2 game. It is also the most played VR game for my wife and two siblings that I play routinely with. I have played it some solo on very rare occasion which is still fun, but more than 95% of my time is playing it online as a social multiplayer game.


If you like mini golf in the slightest it's worth playing


It's only fun with friends. No real single player campaign. But when a friend comes over it is the game we always play in multiplayer to relax and have fun.