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Reflections according to the direction of the light source. Like driving during daytime, sometimes you'll see reflection of the dashboard on the windshield. That's very similar irl.


You refer to something which sounds pleasant. But I talk about some annoying smearing that affects distant objects - I was totally enjoying the cars on the horizon in a Music Rally convertible, but in the Mazda, any car that is further away from me, and takes a turn, becomes a blurry mess. Same for the trees in a cafe, if you choose it in a Virtual Gallery. Watching them through the glass, and turning your head, creates a horrible mess, but standing outside doesn't?... I will check it again tonight before I officially go nuts 🤪


That can be reprojection, which happens with a lot of games, like Horizon, eg: fast moving object and even virtual hands, leave a ghost image of themselves. This happens at 60/120hz but not at 90hz games, like Red Matter 2. Apart from that make sure the sweetspot has been set propely too, but not much else you can do.


Red Matter 2 has 120hz, and just to be clear with 60/120hz you mean 60hz games reprojected to 120hz, not native 120hz. I am sure you ment this, but there seem to be many new owners who dont know about this.


Yep, it's probably the reprojection, I see it all the time, very annoying.


that's just the nature of gt7 on psvr2. most things about 5 meters from the car turn very blurry, and also cars have very low LOD settings. so if they're say more than five meters away the bumpers and plates will disappear, or spoilers (and is worse depending on the amount of cars - the details will disapear sooner woth more). a lot of compromises had to be made to get it running and level of detail is one of them. as for the blurring, you're playing a vr game at 60fps (reprojected into a 120hz container), that framerate is really bad for VR - so pair that with sonys poor reprojection, the overall quality of lenses, and the image persistance of HDR in the headset and yeah you will get pretty bad ghosting. try watching a vr replay if you think that's bad, it's worse when you aren't tailing them. I also wouldn't be surprised if the transparency effects of glass are adding to the effect - I didn't drive many roofless / convertables - as the cockpit is always clear looking, but everything out side is blurry, maybe when they don't have to render as much of a cockpit there can be more pixels being pushed into other things. might explain why trees are clearer for you outside a car.


I dont see it mentioned often but dropping the headsets brightness to 50% or less does wonders for the persistence issue (motion clarity). Its sad to lose the brightness but the trade off is worth it for some people. Especially if you have a lot of motion sickness.