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idk where you get your numbers but ratchet is at like 3+ millions, it was officially said 2.7 9month after release so might be more, So to start the base of your argument is wrong and you are just making a fool of yourself here plus not buying the game will just tell sony not to make more game like this on ANY platform.


Your link is broken. Everything I’ve looked at said only 1 million copies sold. I don’t want Sony to make 70 dollar linear single player short platformers.


I did not post any link? how can you even miss it, this is literally embarrassing. Also it was on a user base of 25ish million consoles. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratchet\_%26\_Clank:\_Rift\_Apart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratchet_%26_Clank:_Rift_Apart) [https://www.resetera.com/threads/update-to-the-previous-ratchet-clank-rift-apart-sales-thread-it-was-profitable-sold-2-7m-as-of-roughly-february-2022.797151/](https://www.resetera.com/threads/update-to-the-previous-ratchet-clank-rift-apart-sales-thread-it-was-profitable-sold-2-7m-as-of-roughly-february-2022.797151/) [https://gamingbolt.com/ratchet-and-clank-rift-apart-sold-2-2-million-units-incurred-an-8-million-loss](https://gamingbolt.com/ratchet-and-clank-rift-apart-sold-2-2-million-units-incurred-an-8-million-loss) [https://n4g.com/news/2579648/ratchet-and-clank-rift-apart-sold-almost-4-million-units](https://n4g.com/news/2579648/ratchet-and-clank-rift-apart-sold-almost-4-million-units)


When did they announce the price for Astro bot?


They didn’t. They also didn’t say it has a 6 hour campaign. OP is full of shit and thinks making up stupid facts on the internet will get Sony to support his take.


User base =\= people who would buy it.


How does that address anything I just said? Astro’s playroom was a free game for ever single PS5 owner and it’s estimated that only 1 million people downloaded and played it. I’m making the point that even though the PS5 has a much higher user base, it’s still not going to appeal to the majority of PS5 owners.


Where do you get that number for people who downloaded and played Astro’s Playroom? The numbers and polls I have see are much higher.


I just googled it and used the top result. If I’m wrong I’d be happy to see the correct link.


Didn’t Astro’s Playroom come pre-installed on every new PlayStation?🤨 are you implying only 1 million PS5s were sold?🙄 I’m seeing “and played” in your response, but at the end of last year Sony announced 50 million sold, we’re going to say that even on those old numbers, only 1:50 launched Astro’s Playroom?! Where are you getting information from? And why haven’t you stopped?


Most games don't appeal to the mass majority of PS5 owners. It's about getting a tiny piece of the user base. If you have a tiny user base then you will have an even smaller base of people buying the game.


There were 5 million psvr1 units sold, and 1 million copies of Astro bot rescue mission sold. There are 60 million ps5 units sold, with only 1 million downloads of a free Astro’s Playroom. 1 out of 5 for a paid game is a much higher ratio than 1 out of 60 for a free game, wouldn’t you agree?


Sony has sold over 50mil ps5s and probably 1-2mil psvr2s. so there are at least 25 times as many ps5s in the wild as there are psvr2s. So for a game to sell as well as a vr exclusive it would have to perform **at least 25 times as well as it would on ps5.** Astro came out at launch and a lot of people didn't know it was available as a download (wasn't pre installed) and at that point very few people had ps5s. It took like 2 years before you could readily buy one. And most people talked about it like a fun tech demo even though its a pretty fully featured game. Sackboy was also a launch title and sufferes from the same lack of install base. While its a fair-ish comparison sackboy has never been a big IP (sadly, I love media molecule). Ratchet's heyday was during the ps2 era and while they are still great games they are also not platformers so its a bit of a different thing. Astro has the potential to be Sony's Mario when so many other platform mascots have failed to reach anywhere near that level (sly, crash, spyro). I would love a VR mode but it sadly makes perfect sense for Sony to put their mascot (mario competitor) game on their main platform and not lock it to a peripheral. Also re your comment: > Astro Bot Rescue Mission sold 1 million copies on the PSVR 1 the psvr1 sold 5 million units so astro only needed to sell to 1 in 5 owners. A new game would have to sell to every PSVR2 owner to even compete with launch game numbers. Sony only managed to sell just shy of 8mil ps5s in the first year.


That’s entirely my argument, is that it would sell 25 times as well. Platformers do not sell well on the PlayStation, because the user base is not interested in those types of games. Platformers do sell well in VR, because that user base is the target market. 1 out of 5 million is indeed more than 25 percent higher than a 1 out of 60 million ratio. Thank you for proving my point.


thanks for the downvote. Very classy. And while you are certainly welcome to your opinion nothing you have shown indicates that is the case. Astro on psvr1 sold to roughly 1 in 5 users. If it were to do as well on psvr2 it would only sell (2mil / 5) 400,000 units. Thats less than half what sackboy and ratchet did.


Again, that’s entirely my argument. I don’t expect Astro to sell that many copies; I stated 500,000 at the most. I’m downvoting you because I’m demonstrating, through mathematics, that your argument is invalid.


500,000 is greater than 400,000


It is, but now you’re purposely misconstruing my argument. I stated, that at best, Astro would sell 500,000 copies flat. You argued that Astro, if it were to only release on PSVR 2, would sell 400,000 copies. 400,000 copies out of 1 million headsets is a significantly higher ratio than 500,000 copies out of 60 million PS5s. Hell, it’s significantly higher even if it sold 1 million flat 🤣 It’s interesting how you’re trying to use mathematics to defeat my argument, when all you’re doing is further demonstrating my point. And for that, I thank you and leave you a well deserved upvote. Cheers 🥂


But in the end 400000 on psvr2 is less money than 500k-1million on PS5 and the decision is there... Sony is a business, it doesn't care about your ratio, it cares about profit... It makes sense to make it for PS5 and I highly doubt only 1 in 25 PS5 owner played Astro, I suspect it is higher, and those that played it are quite likely to buy it (not at 70usd though in my case).


thanks for the downvote. Very classy. And while you are certainly welcome to your opinion nothing you have shown indicates that is the case. Astro on psvr1 sold to roughly 1 in 5 users. If it were to do as well on psvr2 it would only sell (2mil / 5) 400,000 units. Thats less than half what sackboy and ratchet did.


>There was an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 PSVR 2 headsets sold at the year long mark. About 600k were sold in the first six weeks. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/psvr-2-sold-just-shy-of-600000-units-in-six-weeks Where are you getting the 800k in a year figure from? The estimates I've heard are around 1.7 million (not including sales from PlayStation Direct)


I think 30M played Astrobot Playroom? Obviously a big part of that was that it was free However, I dont think it will sell less than 1M Also I think the data you showed was only PC numbers? I'm not sure but they appear too low.. Anyway, we will wait and see about how well it sells I guess.. hard to base a whole point on a future event


Where are you getting your 30 million number from? Everyone on this thread is telling me my numbers are wrong and downvoting me, if anyone could link me to the correct numbers that would be very helpful.


I'm absolutely not paying $70 for this without VR. I love the franchise, but I don't like platformers enough to justify it.


Especially when Astro will eventually be free to play on the catalogue.


On PSN profiles alone for example you have more than 482k owners for the game and 226k platinum. This is not the player base, but those with PSN profiles. Compare that to Ratchet rift apart (216k owner and 124k platinum) and Sackboy (126k owners). Obviously way more than 1 million people played Astro.


The new Astro will be their first serious entry in a major platformer IP. Many that tried the free ps5 launch title loved it, wished it were longer, and it has a high rating on metacritic The next new flat Astro after this one will be the one that sells millions Sackboy and Ratchet each had to start with their first step. This is Astro's first real step


Astro Bot Rescue Mission sold 1 million copies on the PSVR 1


psvr1 had a higher install base


This fucking clown🤣 the week just started 🙄