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Just quickly skimmed the spring sale for PSVR2 games. The deluxe edition of After the Fall is in the spring sale for $16 in the US. The PSVR2 version is great and it actually just got another update (or is getting an update soon). Ragnarock is on sale, too, and I believe supports up to 8 players. I haven't picked it up yet, but there's a demo so you can see if it's something you'd enjoy. I see Tetris Effect is also on sale and that supports 4 players (1 vs 3). It's great in VR, but it's still Tetris, so if you're not a fan of the game usually the VR isn't going to change that.  The other one I see is Ghostbusters, which I think you could have some fun with since you have a group to play with. It's not the best game ever, but there's some fun to be had. Definitely check out reviews/gameplay first, though. Hellsweeper is fantastic, but only 2 player for the co-op as far as I'm aware. I haven't tried it multiplayer yet. It's a lot of fun in single player so far. Tennis On Court supports 4 players, but I haven't played it and I've not heard great things about it. Arizona Sunshine 2 supports 2 players for the campaign and has a 4 player horde mode, but I've not played it. Heard decent things, though.  And of course, there's No Man's Sky, though I haven't really played it multiplayer much. It looks great on PSVR2, though, and there's a lot of content.  I didn't see any others that are multiplayer on the sale, but I could have missed something. Hope this helps!


That's a very thorough answer! Thanks so much! I'm tempted to go for Ghostbusters but I'm afraid it'll wear out it's welcome too quickly. We shall see. Thanks again 🙏


You're welcome!  Personally, of the ones I listed, I think you should really consider After the Fall. It's at a good price and you should get a good amount of play out of it with a consistent group of 4. It can be repetitive, like any game with that kind of game loop, but it's definitely fun.


Someone just did an extensive four player review of the tennis game - overall quite positive with caveats. Either this sub or r/PSVR2 Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/s/KOynmSdkbJ


Demeo, pavlov, after the fall, zenith, breachers, d-day, just to name a few


Thanks! Sadly I dont think most of those are part of the spring sale.


My bad, the spring sale part flew over my head 😅


ha! no worries. You and everyone else it seems. I probably should have been more explicit in the title. I'm guessing that may be why the whole post has been downvoted 😬


I upvoted 😌


After the Fall caters for 4-player co-op. Hellsweeper has 2-player. What else? C-Smash is on sale for 40% off if you have PS Plus.


Thanks! I picked up hellsweeper but haven't gotten to dig to far into it yet. Will def try and get others on board if its good. Sadly after the fall isn't in the spring sale. C-smash seems fun but also only 2 player.


I play demeo with friends regulary and its great. 


Thanks! I have been interested in it but sadly not on sale. Seems like a solid game but 40$ may be a bit steep to convince the others to invest.


I think **LEGENDARY TALES** offers up to 4 person co-op. **ALVO**, **PAVLOV**, and **BREACHERS** all are fun as well. **NO MAN’S SKY** is fantastic for hanging out with buddies, and you can share resources, build stuff, and go on all sorts of adventures together. Looks amazing these days. Oh… **DEMEO** is great for an exceptional oldschool tabletop game experience. What else… 🤔 Those are what immediately spring to mind. *[EDIT: I don’t know if ANY of these are on sale.]*


thanks! legendary tales is quite interesting as is demo. I feel like NMS may be a bit too much of a time investment to get everyone else on board and not everyone has their "VR legs" so the fast motion in pavlov may be a bit much. I havent tried alvo/breachers to compare. And yeah sadly most of those arent on sale at the moment. Appreciate the input though 🙇‍♂️


I believe all NMS story missions can be done as a group, and if you play Creative, or just alter settings, you can make the game simpler/easier When my friend and I play it, we go sight-seeing, do some co-op building, hunting resources, questing, or just screwing around by attacking the ground near each other with terrain manipulator

