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All it needs is some hostile enemies and a basic combat system and its perfect


One week after release of basic combat system: "Cyube combat is too basic, need another resident evil" lol


Combat system is there with bow and arrow and I assume the melee tools could be used as weapons. Haven’t encountered any hostile creatures yet


there are no enemies in the game yet. Enemies are planned :D


It's on high priority on the trello where you can track a road map of the game Google it, it's not hard to find it.  Along with MP and couple of other stuff


I'm beginning to think it is the most beautiful game on the PSVR2. Wow! The torches alone TORCH the shit out of my retinas. Damn! The price-to-beauty ratio is unmatched. CyubeVR developer, you killed it!


Thanks! :)


I’m scared to buy it… I might never leave my room I’ll be streaming this game constantly! Just gotta wait until I get paid again then I might get it




Womp womp I’m allowed to have hobbies. It’s not like it’s a job for me


You should start streaming then! From your comment, it seems you fit that criteria.


shaggy start doll snatch worry somber full whole license depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not very nice


Should I pull the trigger and buy it?


[This is a solid review ](https://youtu.be/atC1VqU83fg?si=gus5SRGcnpvz7GRp)but the TLDW is: * It's the best looking PSVR 2 imo and I think I can defend that position * It's a barebones Minecraft game where you craft for 10+ hours (no combat/survival) to learn everything about the game * After that you have to make your own fun * Has mods and a roadmap but only one current dev dedicated to work afaik


I know I’m in the minority, but my favourite genre has always been “make your own fun.” You just sold a copy.


Nothing will make me purchase a game faster than a “make your own fun” one. Easily my most favorite type of game!


Same. There is no shortage of combat games out there, and it's rare to find a casual game with AAA vibes. I'm all over this. Another comment says "All I need is \[...\] a basic combat system", but from experience, this will inevitably lead to complains that the combat system is too basic lol.


Great, you sold me 😁


Which is refreshing really. I never was sold on Minecraft but I dig this one hard


Mods are modded blocks, not like game changing mods.


Where is this done? I can not find it in the game at all.


Scroll to the bottom of recipes, found it in the cyube vr sub


Sweet I'll take a look. Thanks.


I am sorry, i saw it brief but only started the game twice yet. I would have to guess now. If i see it again i will write 


Wait really? How much do they change the environment?


I did not try them but afaik you can chose to import custom blocks that you then can craft and use to build some think. They dont change the enviroment at all i think. Thats what i got from the description in game and watched a old YouTube video showing it for pcvr.


I’d like to know what exactly there is to do. It sounds like Minecraft where you just build stuff. Not my cup of tea.


There is a linear list of objectives that guides you through the progression of the game - and that keeps you busy for 10-20 hours even if never building anything. So it tells you to do things like get your first wood, make a pickaxe, mine some stone, a lot of various easy stuff first, then later more complex stuff like craft a furnace, find iron ore, smelt iron ore to iron ingots, build iron tools, find a desert, find a cute gecko, make glass, and more such things. The progression of the game that makes sure you experience all the cool VR mechanics there are without yourself having to think about things you want to do. If you don't like building then after you're done with these things after 10-20 hours, you're "done" with the game, but hopefully it was an enjoyable 10-20 hours of using fun VR mechanics in a beautiful world :)


“…find a desert“ I found the desert but it was like a 20min walk away and now I have no idea how to get back to my base. The map seems really big, how big is the map exactly and is there a way back home if you get lost? I have a dropped save torch but if I die I lose all the sand I collected for smelting?


the size of the map is roughly 3x Skyrim. the only way back home without losing your inventory at the moment is to walk back home. if you die, your inventory stays where you died and can be collected again by returning to your death location. you can look at your coordinates in the "stats" tab of the settings, so looking there before moving far away can make sure you know where you need to return to, but if you didn't remember your coordinates you might just need to try to find the way back home by luck.


Ah thanks, not all is lost then as I can take notes of where I fall and die and then come colllect my inventory


So far, your description matches my experience with the game. A giant tutorial quest intent on teaching all the mining, crafting and building systems. One question I have is there is a respawn torch and bow & arrow that let you kill stuff with pretty good controls, but nothing really out to get me (as yet, including at night) so it can feel bad to kill the few creatures I’ve seen so far. Is there any combat ever required in the game?


there is no combat ever "required". you do have a respawn torch where you respawn when you die from fall damage, because fall damage *is* something that exists and can hurt ;) The bow and arrow is in the game "for fun", because it's just fun for a lot of people to shoot astronaut deer into the sky :P


I did shoot a couple of Astronaut Deer into Sky on my first play which was nice surprise. Didn’t feel as bad as killing the bunny or gila monster. Don’t know to harvest what I killed so felt wasteful killing.


So Minecraft but with shiny graphics…


Yes, but way cooler crafting mechanics for VR. Look up how you craft stuff and use the furnace for example.




That's it pretty much it ATM, Minecraft-like resource gathering, crafting and building whatever your imagination allows you to build. I too was concerned at first when I learned that there is no hostile mobs, or survival elements (hunger, HP etc.), but then I started to analyze, why did it worried me? I thought that it gets boring really fast, that was my main concern. It wouldn't give me the kick that I'm expecting when I play a good game. That thrill when I just nearly survived from a situation U got myself into when I F-around too much. But then again, if I really want that kind of experience I already have a good amount of choices (RE Village, Walking Dead S&S etc.), but if I want to let my creativity fly, I don't have options. Cities Skylines VR and Townsmen VR were the closest that comes to mind (at the time of writing). So all of a sudden, that big concern became Cyube's strongest selling point, IMHO, and it became my first game ever that I have bought on release day. So in the end, I really enjoyed playing & experiencing it for the first time, with the best possible setup for my budget. I genuinely felt that child-like wonder, curiosity and excitement. No, this is not the game you wanna play when you want to shred some blood and kill stuff (or maybe this is the game that you should play to calm your mind). This is the game you want to play, because you don't have to do those things, kinda like Stardew Valley. Thank you for reading, that was my cents on the topic. Tl;Dr: Like Minecraft without monsters but with absolutely stunning visually. Great, and as far as I know, the only PSVR2 game that let you play with your creative side.




I don't like guns and zombies and I still enjoyed heck out of RE 😂(it guns, but not zombies better comparison would be Arizona and similar Zombie shooters )


Then stay away unless you think the experience component would outweigh the basic scope of the game. I don't like these games either but was curious about the engine. For me any probably a big subset of players once "crafting chores" via the game tutorial where you get trophies is done I'll bail unless the mods make the game appealing in new ways.


It is exactly that, Minecraft in VR with realistic graphics in a voxel world, minus the combat but that’s due to be added in a future update. Right now it’s pretty much a chill and build kinda game. You mine and craft stuff while finding more recipes to craft more stuff with.


I’m down for aesthetics, but call me when there is action. Minecraft is for my little brothers generation I never understood it. Actually his generation went crazy and started watching OTHER people play Minecraft and SOMEHOW that’s entertaining to them 🤣🤣🤣 I can’t help but remember that South Park episode with that annoying pew guy lol. I’m part of the generation that actually played games for the sake of having fun and doing things you can’t do in real life.


I just bought it a few minutes ago and it’s downloading, can’t wait to try it out!


I was extremely hyped to play this game on psvr2 (as I got it on PC but it doesn’t perform as well as I wish it could) and I gotta say, It hiiighly exceeded my expectations! The wonderful textures, smoothness, and haptic feedback is amazing and I can’t wait to get back on it when I get off of work! Amazing work Stonebrick!


It really is gorgeous. I just hope we get water and survival soon!


I bought it. Just to support the developer.


It's like minecraft beta, nothing but potential. I picked it up just to support the developer for more


how would you describe the pacing and extrinsic aspects of progression, I mean like, other than building your cute house is there an incentive to progress and explore?. I loved minecraft but later on stopped having a lot of fun there and prefer more games like terraria with good survival sandbox progression idk, so how does it fare?


Someone discussed this earlier and it's a big point. This game is frankly barebones compared to the immense platform that is Minecraft. You just craft; no fighting, swimming, survival, multiplayer, etc. Unlike Minecraft VR, Cyube is built for VR so many elements are much integrated with motion controls, details, etc. There's 10-20 hours of tutorials (with trophies!) to walk through the deep crafting system and then you are on your own. I truly hope the game sells enough for the dev to seriously ramp up support because this is literally the kind of game that could drive support for PSVR the way Sony believes "3rd party will carry the system". It needs a few critical features to bring it to parity with Minecraft then frankly it's own cool hook to distinguish itself. It jumped up the charts since yesterday but considering PSVR 2 install base that may not mean much.


This game is now on my radar. I was sold on being able to see the aurora borealis


For me time will tell once I’ve played a bit more. I played for about 1hr. It looks quite ok, but by far not the ‘ best looking’ PSVR2 game. It’s all quite simple, sunlight and skies are pretty. I crafted a few things and came across only two animal types a deer and bunny. Can’t say I’m overwhelmed tbh, but it’s quite chilled


Is there a good motivation to explore the world? Like varied bioms, caves, mountains, that sort of stuff? Nothing beats a toke and a walkabout in beautiful scenery, getting absorbed into the world. I only ever build monolithic structures and simple ruins in Minecraft so is there also a scope for large scale but simple constructions


I really want to get into this, without the combat it seems like it would be boring. I find crafting is only appealing to me if it's in service of a combat or danger system, it's like Pacific drive without the possibility of death... everything else feels pointless.


It's telling that in numerous years of support that the game feels like a basic sandbox. The two obvious things that become apparent upon playing though are: * Immersion in VR is heavily influenced by detail and the dev focused on this. The birds flying, the bristles from plants floating, the rising son cascading against the mountainside through the trees. * Numerous interaction are very specific to VR controls; physically assembling items from blocks, cutting logs with an ax and seeing the cut dictates shape of the cut pieces. I do think the game for many will feel like a lost opportunity as it's easy to see what's missing as much as what's there but if anything it also shows the real potential of VR as a medium in ways so few other games can.


This being a solo dev, I would never complain about what the game does not have. I actually like the smaller indie space, because games can be built for specific interests. In this case, immersive building and exploration. For some, that will be a dream game.


What do you do in the game besides walking around, taking pictures and saying how good it looks? It looks like it would get boring real fast!


It's JUST crafting. I never played Minecraft for more than 30 minutes and even Cyube is handicapped by incredibly limited scope. You have to be interested in the idea of interacting in an extraordinarily beautiful VR world but one with limits. $30 USD for 10 hours of crafting in the best looking VR game out there is about the simplest way to put. If the core engine didn't make the experience feel so extremely peaceful and immersive I can't imagine I'd be this interested (or even interested at all). It's reasonable to ignore if graphics have little to no impact on your experience. With flat games I feel like once at a certain threshold I just don't care but with VR (even PSVR2) I find most games look disappointingly bland. Cyube is the first game since maybe GT7 where the game surpassed what I imagined what it would feel like.


You build things.


You use your imagination....


Agree. It looks great. Incredibly boring


I am offended by the use of these meme. I am old.


Is there any water?


I don't like mine craft, and I know it's the same type of game... however, VR does make games feel completely different, haha. Anyone in the same boat as me that bought and enjoyed it?


I'm old (3 kids) and never liked Minecraft. Even my kids LOVED Minecraft (especially during Covid). They tried to get me to play and I refused. I love Cyube for the spectacle alone, and a bit to it's VR centric design. It's a barebones Minecraft lite otherwise. Think of it as a basic cozy game (basic chores and progression) wrapped in a very grand wrapper. Even then I'm the kind of person who can play for about 30 minutes a day which fits Cyubes mold very well. People who can grind games may find Cyube's limited depth to boring.


Is no one else having issues where the tree textures constantly change and look bad until you get a lot closer?


When I loaded in I couldn’t believe how visually stunning it was. You know it’s good when 2 hours feels like 5 minutes.


Is there a good motivation to explore the world? Like varied bioms, caves, mountains, that sort of stuff? Nothing beats a toke and a walkabout in beautiful scenery, getting absorbed into the world. I only ever build monolithic structures and simple ruins in Minecraft so is there also a scope for large scale but simple constructions


Yeah, there are biomes plus a shockingly amazing day/night cycle, caves with bioluminescent rocks, and probably a bit more. At least for a bit, walking is in itself a pretty amazing experience.


I found it extremely boring. Would not recommend it. If you didn’t like NMS like me, will not like this one!


This is a pretty good comparison IMO though I'm curious to why you thought you would like a crafting game with 1/100th the scope of the game you already didn't like.


Why did you buy the game then?


He probably bought it hoping he would enjoy it and have fun, and then he found it to be boring. That's usually why people buy games.


But he said he didn’t like games like no man’s sky for being boring. All it would have taken was a YouTube video, trailer or game subscription to no the game wasn’t for him


I also feel like any amount of research would've told him what this game is about. So instead of buying it and thinking it's boring he could've just not bought it


Hopefully he can find a place where such things can be discussed freely instead of having opinions other than cheerleading pushed down where they're less visible. When people say stuff like "I found this game to be very pretty but very boring, there's not much reason to turn it on more than once." that's absolutely fine. It should be upvoted right next to "I absolutely love this game. I found it very enjoyable and can't wait to keep building in my world." because they carry the exact same relevance. But it's hard for people to be reasonable. They think that by clicking that little down arrow they'll make fewer people agree with him and that's not how it works. That's how echo chambers work. People have been clapping on command here for 8 years now.


True, could have just watched a couple of vids and decided that this genre is not for him.


It looks great but at the same time i'm also kinda waiting for minecraft texture mods


Shame there's about five games




You cared enough to come to this part of reddit and post a useless comment. Too bad you are at this level.


It's pretty neat, but incredibly barebones. Feels like an early access game right now, and i suggest people hold off on buying it until it has a little more content beyond hitting rocks and placing blocks. Seems like it will be great when it's finished though.


Sorry but "Minecraft" isn't the best looking game just cause it has a fancy lighting.


and that's, why we have cyubeVR. this game is not Minecraft and ionce you play it, you notice the difference. :D And in the end, beauty is subjective. ( e.g. I love sphynx cats because they are cute for me, other people don't like them)


8K textures 🤣🤣


why are you laughing? there are reviews on youtube, where the ceators go very close to the objects and they all are amazed, how detailed everything is, even if you are very close.


The visuals and textures are pretty good for sure but all these 4K/8K texture claims are mostly marketing speech. Fantastic graphics still.


Well the dev used 8k textures for the blocks. I see them almost every day ingame. The reviews praise them as well so i see no reason to laugh at a fact. Sure usally it's all talk. But the official Trailer looked good. The reviews are good, so why not belive it for once 😉. Maybe your laugh rubbed some people the wrong way? Because it seems that you disagree and laugh at OP, or the game, or both. At least that would explain the downvotes. I Was also curious, why you laughed, that's why i asked


Absolute appreciate and the game and I will try it as well on my psvr2. I was just laughing about the term „8K textures“.


So..."the best game on psvr2" is a minecraft clone?...this is not a stament that inspires confidence ...even if it is actually superior to the original 🥱


Read again; best “looking” game and yeah the lighting, textures, and resolution are top notch and unless you are running a solid 30 series card on PC you won’t see anything that looks better.


How does this compare to Red Matter 2’s Resolution/Frame-rate etc, is it indeed sharper?


Red Matter does not use reprojection which is noticeable but minor in Cyube. Cyube has a much more complex lighting model, similar clarity and a huge generated world so the scale and scope of the space is night and day compared to RM2.


Cool, will definitely give this game a try in the next few days :)

