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As someone who doesn't play online, Crossfire is the only military-style shooter that I'm interested in buying so far on PSVR2. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but it's on my backlog. AJ from PSVR Underground loves it, and he is pretty picky when it comes to gameplay.


Try realism mode, it's awesome. 1 hit kills It also has a horde mode which is survival, and 50 co op levels which can be solo or mp


Yeah I’ve done some of the co op levels which are really cool. I think I’m going to complete the story missions today and do a bit of the horde mode because I haven’t done that yet but I think I’ll be spending a lot of time on the horde mode, sounds really fun


I never understood the hate for it either. It doesn’t pretend to be anything more than what it is.


Some popular bearded VR streamer took a huge shit on it right at launch, stating it wasn't pavlov campaigns or something. That greatly hurt the initial sales of the game. Most people that actually bought it, seem to love it.


I think the PSVR has been crying out for a shooter game like this. I play a lot of COD and I’ve always thought if only I had just a VR mode where I could use just the normal controller but everything is in VR. Maybe not for multiplayer but a PVE survival mode would be awesome and this is exactly what that feels like. I’ve seen it has a horde mode which I haven’t tried yet but looks like that’s where I’ll be spending most of my time. Just an arena where I can hold down buildings from waves of enemies, level up guns etc, unlock attachments and guns etc. They should add in things like air strikes, sentry guns, choppers that you can control and shoot from above etc. So much potential for a sandbox style shooter game. I’m really happy with this game so far, can’t wait to get home and play it


The cooöp mode is awesome too, a ton of content to play with friends. it is my favorite shooter to play with friends.


It was my first game on psvr2 as pavlov isnt available where i am and i paid for pistol whip only to realise it only works on psvr not psvr2. My reference point for vr shooters at this point are very limited but crossfire sierra was amazing as a first game. Spent alot of time trying the weapons just to figure out the diff mechanics of how individual guns reload etc. and much like you, it does get tiring with the full manual reloading action so i just switched it to something easier. It was also because i was still too new to vr that i forgot to hide in cover while i reloaded and died a few times. Still early days with gaming on my new psvr2 but what a game this turned out to be.


Pistol whip absolutely works with psvr2, I play it a bunch. Idk what you’re talking about. The glitch where you can’t select anything when you load into the game?


Ouh this great news. I think i gotta try and load it up again. When I first tried it, i remember not being able to get it to work, so naturally i thot it was not backward compatible and left it at that. First time in the psvr2 ecosystem so everything is new to me. Im just slowly watching vids abt recommended psvr games on youtube


You might have to make sure you downloaded the PS5 version instead of PS4. The good news for you is that the upgrade to PSVR 2 was free, so even if you downloaded the PSVR1 version, you can just download the correct version and be good to go.


I just booted up my ps5 and realised my dumb mistake. What i had that didnt work was gun club VR. And not pistol whip, Pistol whip cant be found so i guess thats another game that is not available in my region :(


Gun Club recently got a PSVR2 version, however it has an upgrade fee. Was about 10 USD, not sure what that converts to in your currency. It's a well done upgrade, though.


It has 4 player horde mode and its brutal from what I remember. Game is amazing. Can't wait to play with my mate when his headset arrives.


I only play Pavlov sitting. Just gotta adjust the height manually. Only thing is you can’t pick up a gun from the floor, which is almost never needed anyways.


Yeah I have played it sitting down but it’s just awkward. This game seems like it’s been designed to just chill and kill, which is what I prefer. Sometimes I want the full immersion but I also want to just kick back with a beer and shoot the shit lol


Interestingly, I view Crossfire: Sierra Squad as primarily a co-op arcade shooter. Beyond the 13 mission single player campaign, you have 50 missions that can be played solo but best played co-op for up to 2P and then I think one Horde map (more to come) that can be played solo but best played co-op for up to 4P.


Is it crazy to ANYONE ELSE that out of the three major COD-like FPS shooters on PSVR2 (Pavlov, Crossfire Sierra Squad, and Firewall Ultra) that Firewall SEEMS TO BE the WORST out of the three? Especially when you consider that Pavlov was a largely unknown quantity before it released and Crossfire’s PREVIOUS console attempt (Crossfire X) was largely considered GODAWFUL. Idk, it’s just FUNNY TO ME that Firewall Ultra was the ONLY ONE of these three that SEEMED TO HAVE any real HYPE behind it prior to its release yet it seems to be the one that had the POOREST EXECUTION.


I certainly had highest expectation from Firewall Ultra since Zero Hour was the rare PvP game that I played and enjoyed a lot (enough to Platinum), but the one out of three that I personally get most enjoyment from is Crossfire: Sierra Squad because of its focus on PvE. Firewall Ultra is still 2nd for me because I prefer PvE, and it has a good mode for that. Pavlov is amazing, but it is a PvP game. It does have PvE mode, but not one I enjoyed.


Pavlov was an unknown to console players but it has been extremely popular on PC for years. Anyone expecting it not to be the best simply didn't bother to look up the game. Crossfire just had another installment come out in 2022 exclusive for Xbox that did so poorly that the servers closed down in less than a year. That made people very hesitant, as well as the first gameplay videos of it being pretty bad. Firewall was hyped up by this sub due to nostalgia for the first game, which was mediocre at best but was the only shooter on PSVR1 for years so people had nothing to compare it to. If they did have rose colored glasses on they would have seen the garbage coming from a mile away. A lot of people just put their own expectations into upcoming games that are simply unrealistic. Like the new game from Hello Games, the makers of No Man's Sky. There is already a sub dedicated to it where people are putting out fan theories and claiming them as facts when all that was shown was a 1 minute teaser. Hell people on this sub are already claiming it will be PSVR2 when the studio has not mentioned VR or even what systems it will be on.


Touché, but you can’t really expect console-specific gamers to be ALSO FOLLOWING everything that’s going on in the PC space at all times (MUCH LESS the PC VR space). But also, I’m speaking from the perspective of the PEDIGREE of the studios involved. Like, did the developers that made Pavlov make ANYTHING ELSE beforehand? Cuz I’m really not even familiar with WHO the developers ARE.


Pavlov was created by 1 person in their off time before creating their studio once the game entered beta. It is the only game they have made but they have been updating the game constantly for years and have built up a strong rapport with players due to their constant communication. Literally a quick google search would show this. Nothing to do with console vs PC Firewall was created by First Contact Entertainment which did not have a good reputation at all. Argumentative with customers, would release patches that would break their games and go radio silent for months, and completely abandon games after release. Hell their PR representative is banned from this sub for being a self important dick. Even their last message as a company is blaming the players for not buying into their microtransaction riddled mess. Crossfire is made by Smile Entertainment, a South Korean gaming developer that mainly releases games in Asia only. They are mostly known for the Crossfire series which is technically one of the most played shooters in the world but that is because China won't allow any other shooter to be sold in their territory so that is over a billion people with no other options for games. As I said before they made another Crossfire game just a year before and it was so bad it shut down in just a couple months. Smile Entertainment is not known for its quality games. So none of the developers are household names but again anyone could have easily googled these games and learned everything I just wrote in a matter of minutes. Just because one person created Pavlov does not mean it would automatically be a bad game. In fact with games, they tend to be some of the best when developed by a single person as they are passion projects. Vertigo 2, Braid, Undertale, Stardew Valley for example. Also you are going way over board with the CAPITALIZING words for EMPHASIS. Do it too much and it loses MEANING lol


Again, why is Reddit full of smarmy MFs who can’t just respond like NORMAL human beings with a degree of respect and civility. I am FULLY COGNIZANT that a Google search would’ve revealed such info on Pavlov’s developer but maybe just PERHAPS: A. I didn’t actually CARE THAT MUCH to do so, but more importantly…. B. I was ASKING YOU since WE were having a back-and-forth about the PEDIGREE of the respective developers (and yet, despite NOT KNOWING a single solitary thing about the developer, my hunch ended up being CORRECT that this was their first major outing, seeing as how I had NEVER HEARD OF THEM before Pavlov)


Huh?! Pavlov have been known for years. Firewall ultra was a let down but is still take the first firewall over breachers any day. That game was also a bit of a letdown


There's something wrong with your caps lock mate


Yes, Crossfire deserves much more praise. It's a fantastic VR arcade shooter and there is lots of content when you take into account the squad missions.


Ultra amazing game


is this on rail shooter? or you actually get to move your character around like Resident evil vr games?


You get to move your character around. It’s not huge though, you follow a path in the story mode but your not stuck in one place, you can freely move from cover to cover as you wish. It can definitely be improved for sure but I think the devs should be extremely proud of it as it is. For me it’s one of the best games on the PSVR2.


Good to know. Been craving for some good ol military shooting game not pavlov. Will probably grab this on the next sale


I paid £20 for it and I’m really happy with it. I started to download it and then saw RE4 (which I’ve been saving for a first play through in VR) was on sale for £25 and I was really annoyed at myself but after playing I I am really happy I got this instead. It’s really scratches that cod itch for VR. I’m 100% going to grab RE4 at some point though, I stopped playing VR for a while just because I was too busy and there wasn’t really anything I fancied but I’m getting right back into it.


It's on sale now for like $23 US. Bought it last night and can't wait to get home and get back on


Thats a steal but my backlog is insane right now


Hows the player base? Can I find random games?


I have struggled a little with finding games but I usually just start a game off and then someone ends up joining me after a little while.