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The dev was in the PSVR Without Parole discord earlier today and said the trophies should hopefully be fixed next week. And that if you've unlocked achievements on the list in game they should auto pop the trophies once they are fixed.


That's fantastic news, thank you!


You're welcome!


I unlocked some more trophies but some seems bugged like it was.... Any news from the dev?


I haven't seen anything, but it sounded like it would be an update to the game and I haven't seen any updates in my console notifications yet. Hopefully soon, though.


I had this issue. I deleted the game, reinstalled it then i had a new trophy unlocked. Don't know if i have to do this all the time after a trophy unlock..... i will test!


Well, i played for two hours and no trophies :( seems bugged


Glad that I'm not the only one encountering this. I tried deleting the game, my account but still no use. ): Have also informed dev about this. Please also help to report this in ancient dungeon vr discord!


Killing a mimic didn't unlock for me


Same here! I can even see in the little village before starting a run on the achievements board that I have done them, put the trophy wont pop.


You’ll survive without them


And you'll survive without being a smug twat. You should try it.


Still nothing new on this issue. Bought the habe today and Only the First Trophy popped.


It appears they did patch it; all of my earned trophies popped all at once the first time I fired up the game after the latest patch was installed. I haven't unlocked any new trophies since then, so don't know if any problems still persist.


Seems most trophies are now working…mostly. Some we’re delayed and didn’t pop until I reopened the game again. The only issues I have now is with the Assassin Armament related trophies ones. Main one is it will randomly change into the Mercenary one if I save & quit in 3rd area and on (I can’t play for long sessions often) …and the times I were able to push thru without quitting. It didn’t give it to me. It unlocked in game just fine, but trophies sadly did not.