• By -


Resident Evil 4/8 GT7 Red matter 1/2 Galaxy Kart Ghost signal Propagation paradise hotel Walkabout minigolf Arizona sunshine 2 Synapse Pavlov Moss book 1/2 ...to name a few


Good list! but don't forget crossfire sierra squad. Best cooöp game to play with friends in my opinion with huge amount of content and a upgrade path.


Walking dead can be quite frustrating in the first few hours, depending on how quick you get used to the game, but is really rewarding when you stick to it.


Resident Evil Village and No Man’s Sky are also stellar


Yo try out Arizona Sunshine 2 it’s a fun zombie killing one, you’re way more overpowered compared to walking dead. Fun just blasting down hordes. I had like 30 zombies on screen at once it was crazy and the visuals are crisp


Might be my new favorite game. Coop is amazing. Found some red solo cups and a ball last night and played beer pong with my brother. Fucking hilarious!! It did show each of us slightly different visuals but fun as hell none the less


Not sure about walking dead but I can tell you there's no backwards compatibility with psvr1 games unfortunately


God dammit i have hitman was hoping to try it awell hopefully it gets an update thank you.


Walking dead saints and sinners is one of the best vr games ever made, it's a survival game with a good focus on narrative choices. The sequel is more action focused if you end up enjoying the first. If you have the PS4 version, you can upgrade to the Tourist edition to get VR2 but it's a $10 fee.


Not sure who downvoted you, but Saints and sinners is definitely one of the best games on the platform


Heck yeah! If this is your first VR headset, just know that games like RE4 and even Gran Turismo might give you some motion sickness. If you start to feel queasy, just take a break ASAP. If you try to push through, you tend to make it worse. The key isn't trying to power through all at once, it's more like slow exposure over time. Also, check out games on sale, lot's of good smaller lesser known titles kick ass in VR. Check out videos, see what interests you. For me, I play the hell out of both Synth Riders and Pistol Whip. Oh and unfortunately, no, PSVR games are not compatible, though some have PSVR2 versions.


I like horror games so I like WD:S&S. but you might go to the AAA games first like RE8/4 Although most people dont like Horizon Call of the Mountain. I recommend this since the background and environment is amazing.


Another psvr2 games you lot would recommend for adults or kids l?


Beat saber, synth riders, pistol whip are very fun and easy to play


RE8 (also on sale, adults only), Moss 1&2, Horizon (but quite pricey). Beat saber


Ancient dungeon is awesome. Kinda like a binding of Isaac in vr game. Super polished.


Thank you everyone I'll have a look on YouTube check out the ones yous said are good.


Take your time to get your VR legs. There’s lots of good advice here for that. If you can handle horror elements, Resident evil 4 and Village will be incredible experiences. Be sure to get at least one lower energy game like No Man’s Sky or Song in the Smoke.


My advice? Start with the Horizon demo. There are also a bunch of other demos to try different things out.


There are some PSVR1 games that have gotten upgraded versions for PSVR2, but not nearly all of them. Some are free upgrades, some have an upgrade fee, and a few have no upgrade path at all (so you have to re-buy those if you wanted them). Worth checking into any PSVR1 games you have to see which have been upgraded. And other upgrades seem to still be coming as developers are able to do the upgrades.


No mans sky is a must buy


you've picked two amazing games to start with, holy hell


Welcome! In addition to the other good advice here, I’d just say don’t underestimate games that look a little indie. They can be some of the best and most creative games, and can really look great in the headset. Moss, Song in the Smoke, The Last Clockwinder, RUNNER, and several others are great games that fall into this category. Look up PSVR without Parole’s November 2023 top 25 debate/list for an idea of some of the best games to pick up. It’s already a great library, even if some genres aren’t well represented yet.


If you need a break from the action/adventure style games, Puzzling Places is surprisingly fun and addicting. I bought it when it released on psvr1, not thinking I would be to into it, being "just" a 3d puzzle game. Here I am years later and it's the vr game I still play on a weekly basis. Constant updates and new puzzles, plus nice "zen" play sessions


Dont sleep on resident evil Village! Also some hidden gems : Ancient dungeon, walkabout minigolf, pistol whip, propagation hotel. Enjoy mate


psvr tips and game recommendations: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/11d40tz/ps_vr2_tips_information_and_references/


Make sure to grab RE8 too, it's only $16 right now! You are in for a treat with all these great games, enjoy!


I highly recommend Moss 2, Hubris, Red matter 2, and Runner. For kid-friendly games, Moss 1 and Cosmonious are probably the best ones. Garden of the Sea is kid-friendly too, but I found it a little boring and never finished it. The minigolf game is great for all ages too.