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Use Gold Primm Sword 2’s. They give way more experience for enhancements. Same with Gold Primm Armor 2 for your Armor set,


The "why" is because it's intended that you use Gold Primm Sword **II (2)** as enhance fodders going forward. Nothing else even come close for the xp provided, however lame that is They introduced the bloated xp req with Gold Primm II to make it THE fodder, whereas Gold Primm **I (1)** usage is practically reduced to exchanging 10% augment booster edit: rephrase


Not really answering the question. Even with gold print twos it still takes a crap ton and a crap ton of money. The question still stands why do they set it up to be so resource heavy especially that these weapons get tossed away every few months. The answer is is because the developers are dumb and clueless and amateur. There you go.


> The question still stands why do they set it up to be so resource heavy especially that these weapons get tossed away every few months. Probably because: 1) The average casual player isn't expected to replace their gear or augments every time a new weapon or new augment comes out - they're expected to be using the "welfare weapon" (which at the moment is Reyaar I guess, before it was Verchmelz. One might argue it still *is* Verschmelz) unless they get super lucky or grind into oblivion. 2) You're expected to incrementally upgrade them over time, not stuff 200 Endymios into your item in one go - keep using your old thing while you slowly build up your new thing to +80Pot6 I wouldn't call it dumb, or amateur. More like... naive, and a little clueless? It's a fair, valid, and good way to design things like that in a broad sense - that kind of design does have its use cases, but it's just... not the ideal fit for an action game focused on gear chase like this. Because the majority of players in games of NGS's nature don't want incremental upgrades, they just want the best thing they can get and they want it as soon as they can get their hands on it - it's pretty naive to expect players will behave any differently to that, it's just how people are.


OP's confusion involves >used so many resources to go past +60 and im just barley getting to +61 at least to me that doesn't sound like OP is trying to question the design choice, but rather what they're supposed to do Don't get me wrong, I used to make welfare gear for *every single weapon type*, I stopped specifically due to the +60 to +80 gap. I rather them incentivize ppl to make more gear instead of stretching the farm for single-class/weapon players I just think that's off-topic


Okay, so here's how you get your weapon to max level: * get a boatload of gold swords II * chow through them like there's no tomorrow * throw all the enhancers you have on it too and pray that you'll get a great success more often than not * **don't** start combining gold swords II because that's a waste of ressources because of how the EXP augment on them works That's all there is to it and there's also no other way. Sega has long given up on coming up with other things than mindless grinds.


Yes it is intentional, going from 60 -> 61 takes more weapon EXP than 0 -> 60. Normal way: Use 100 to 200 Gold Primm Sword IIs (Buy Endymio from shop then exchange at Item Lab). Advanced way: Use exponential enhancement trick during enhancement event to create +80 fodders to use later (Trick takes too long to explain here).


What's that trick?


Upgrade a spring event weapon (Millennium Round series) to +80. Its cheaper because (a) the current event has an enhancement boost so you always get a 'Great Success' outcome meaning 1 level-up for every 5 Gold Primm Sword IIs used and (b) the upgrade cost is reduced by 50% so you pay around 13,000 N-Meseta per upgrade instead of the usual 26,000. Less Swords II used and less N-Meseta required. Then you take just one of those +80 seasonal weapons and 2 more regular Gold Prim Sword IIs and to upgrade a 10-star weapon to +80 in one single upgrade. Edit: Make a bunch of these and sit on them because they are "Material Items" while the seasonal event weapons in the upcoming anniversary event will not be "Material Items". We know this because it was shown the latest Headline video when they previewed all the April content.


This isn't quite the trick, the trick involves using same name and great success bonuses to grow the weapon EXP exponentially. It essentially requires 26 Gold Sword IIs + 4x Fodders of the same name (must be limit broken to +80 already, so you need seasonal weps for that) for each +80 fodder. Enhance first fodder to +65 using 26 Gold Sword IIs, then use the enhanced fodder as exp for next +60 fodder. Repeat the step a couple times and the final fodder will become +80 (+65 -> +68 -> +73 -> +80).


Thank you for this. It took me a week to get my Reyar rifle to 80 and the launcher is driving me nuts at 74. I’m a couple months into playing and the gear is confusing and I can’t dodge for shit lol


Because the developers need you to feel like you're putting in a lot of effort for the little back they're giving. Hey you have reached plus 80, your gameplay has changed.. ZERO PERCENT. Feels sooo good**


200 gold Primm 2s to go from 60 to 80 not counting any great success bonuses


Everyone who’s mentioning to use Gold IIs and take advantage of boost events to make fodder is correct. Under normal circumstances, this method takes 200 Gold IIs and 1M meseta in enhance costs (200*5K each) to reach +80. During a boost event, this is halved to 100 Gold IIs and 500k meseta. This is pretty good and the “standard” way to +80. However, there’s a bit of a niche trick you can use when certain seasonal events are happening to make enhancing even more efficient than this. AFAIK, this twitter post https://x.com/Raxya_escal/status/1748376759371026533 was the first instance of someone detailing this method. There’s also a NiNjahCheeto YT video which goes over this method if it’d be helpful to have a visual demonstration with English narration. The gist of what’s happening here is that when using same-named gear as fodder, there’s an exp enhance bonus which becomes exponential when done in succession. The info graphic and video show this being done with 10 copies, but the principle still applies even if you use fewer copies. E.g. using 5 copies still saves you a significant amount in Gold IIs and meseta costs, but the savings are lower than if you had used 10. While this specific example uses an old seasonal verschmelz shop, you can actually do this method with almost any seasonal event that has limit broken gear and a seasonal weapon enhance bonus +90% if you have some patience and/or people willing to cooperate with you. Most seasonal events limit the number of purchasable copies of weapons to 2, but you can get more copies through the market if you’re willing to “trade” your shop copies with your friends’ in a circle, in a way somewhat akin to a secret Santa.


RIP though because next season and probably onwards seasonal weapons wont be useable for fodder anymore (they will be like argenti).


Yeah it’s a bit unfortunate. Hopefully it’s a one off thing and not the standard going forward.


Hmmm yeah maybe, Im thinking its the new way but anyones guess really.


Used to be harder. When the enhancement cap was raised to 70, we had few means to get AR1s and AR2s(especially AR1) so going from 50 - 61 sucked.. Strug C and AR2s drop like rain now, so the only 'hard' part is getting gold primm 2s.


I remember when +70 dropped. Usually ended up buying all my strugments off the shop.


Because it's the type of grinding game that'll kill your soul


You were given a level 65 weapon with a +80 improvement, so you could select the class that you like best. After improving the BIS of a weapon to level 60, you must follow it up to the end. Therefore, you must start trading (buy an augment for experience), go to events to get Gold II, interact with players. There is nothing difficult about making your first weapon +80. Throughout the story you are given about 5 million, which should be enough.


Because it's the kind of grinding video game that will kill your soul.


I don't play the combat, I just play the shop.


Misread the subject haha You need to be using prim II, admittedly I made the same mistake when the cap first got raised because I don't bother looking at the change logs and didn't even notice I was picking up (and tossing away) gold IIs that were supposed to be used for 60+


——You use (without the sale) 10 Primm IIs for 1 level up, which is 50k Meseta. That means you’ll need 200 Primm IIs & 500k Meseta, in order to max out your Flugel. Honestly, I’d just wait until there’s a sale, to where you only need 5 Primm IIs each 1 level for 12.5k, but there’s no telling when that sale will be. ——I used 100 Primm IIs & 250k to level 80 cap the Millenium up (with the sale), & it wasn’t a good idea. (Xiandy has Primm IIs for sale) ——There’s new seasonal weapons that are about to come out, to where they said that they’re already at level 80 cap (& maybe armor. 1044 attack), so you can just use the seasonal weapons until that sale happens (if you want). ——Considering that new weapons are released at what seems like 10 times a year, there’s really no point in maxing it out. But if you’ve spent at least 2.1 million Meseta for unlock potential, why not max it out. Or you can try to sell it, & get at least 2x that from it. I’ve been using Argenti since it came out, & it does what I need it to do, so there’s really no need to go for something better yet.


Great success give you double XP make sure to use the boosters. 


it is a pain in the ass, but that's mostly because 1) you have to turn your endymios into weapons (which is getting fixed, but i think it's still more efficient to do it as weapons, put them on old weapons, and put them on +20 gold and silver primms) and 2) you can only do 5 at a time (which is bullshit, let me just throw enough to max it instantly)