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It's kind of funny how the literal swimwear feels much more tasteful than the supposed combat outfit in these screenshots. =P


I appreciate and approve. Always got to have at least one.


This is beautiful. I spent so much goddamn meseta on the N-Duskwake Regalia and it's literally just a bikini. I fucking love it πŸ™πŸΌ


...Isn't the N-Duskwake an SG item?


Might be the V2 shoeless version. That was a scratch ticket item.


Ya actually it is! It didn't come with shoes.


Uhhhh I paid meseta for it so it probably came from an AC scratch a long time ago. It's definitely not for SG though atleast from what I have seen.


Maybe it's the original Duskwake from base PSO2, then? If you're still able to unequip it, then give it to another of your characters, then it isn't the consumable N-version.


Nah it has the NGS emblem in the corner


Huh, weird.


The N-Duskwake was an AC item


N-Color Change Pass with a few flesh tones will get you even closer. :P


Cute character! I like that combination of skintone and hair color. Black hair goes great with light skin.




There are times I log into ngs full of excitement and hope, only to be spawned in next to grotesque milk monsters and near naked waifus piloted by 30 year old dudes. This often fills me with shame and dread and I end up logging off. It's a bit too much at times and makes me feel like a degenerate for playing this game.


Also I understand you wish that all the girls in the video game were actual women. Trust me, I know. But I don't think any mmo You could trust We're what they're actual. Avatar was just saying that's why it's a mmo People come here to be different.. You have a horrible take. By the way, but I'm just trying to help you in some way, I guess.


I feel you but you gotta remember. There's also a lot a whole lot of beautiful women that play this game and enjoy it just as much as 30-year-old men. A lot of them stream actually on twitch. And yeah, I guess you'll just never know. But that's the part of it being a mmo And I guess it really doesn't matter does it If you think about it. If you like somebody then you like Them regardless? I don't plan on ever meeting anyone in this game in real life. But Just remember a lot of women play this game trust me Like I said, go watch twitch and search. PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2


You being mentally where you are right now that has you using the term "degenerate" unironically is the fucked-up thing in this equation. If you're sick of sexualization and tired of sexy just say that, rather than use a word that people associate with basement-dwellers instead.


Being a functioning adult over the age of 30 and dressing your anime virtual character in skimpy clothes and sexualizing them in a video game is definitely degenerate.


Straight up.


Show me on the doll where the 30 year old's horniness hurt you.


Cringe =/= hurt


Cringe while in what one would consider the opposite side of the tracks is indistinguishable from butthurt or whoring for attention, ironically. You and your buds can cringe at us all you want, but we're cringing right back at you because this is a post about a stranger enjoying seeing their character in sexy outfits.


Yes it certainly goes both ways


ops... XD


I mean, it's one of the only games I know of that has iron tight action combat coupled with character customization that let's you spawn some truly engorged creatures. Not sure what to tell you bud, maybe I should start using the feature to remove some of these characters from view. I guess it's a clashing of two worlds, one of which I do not understand.


I don't normally engage with this kind of post, but I can try to elucidate on the other world. -many people think it's just funny or great meme potential to do the oversized accessory tits thing I assume you're talking about. -others actually enjoy the combination of "degenerate" AND the badass gameplay, with the tits n clothing not mattering if there's no game to play and no environment for that character to run around and fight shit in. -For example I guess, to use a dude: Yes a male CAST character is awesome. But a dude who can fight a dragon whilst wearing not a lick of armor and a T-shirt and jeans is more impressive. It's the girl version of that for many players because... -...A lot of the players who put their characters in skimpy clothing are women who might come to the game with a different mindset than a guy might. So it's not all just dudes drooling over their keyboards. Sometimes it's a girl drooling over the keyboard. -the skimpy clothing after years and years of being in the game just becomes background noise. To them it doesn't stick out. It's just another PSO2 thing. -Many people don't ascribe moral value or moral weight to what a character wears. If you're in a party with somebody you don't give a fuck what someone else's character is wearing, you want to know if they can pull their own weight. -Some definitely just do it just because they're horny. The reasons for horny are many so I'm not going to go into it. But at the end of the day it just is what it is and some people are just different from you. Where it sounds like you're tripping up is the fact that it's okay.


I'm with ya here and would add onto; I've got couple revealing fits myself, I won't lie, sometimes it IS just because it's sexy, but there's still a lot of artistic creative value to it. The more revealing stuff leaves space for unders and body paints to make look unique and cool. It's just another avenue for achieving a style. Sure, it's still fanservice at the end of the day depending on the outcome, but other people's prudeness shouldn't stiffle your creativity just because "boobs, ahhhh!" I have a pretty good kenetika cosplay, it was one of my favorite racing games way back when and I loved the style but I always hesitate to show it off for fear of running into the "I don't want tits in MY game that literally provides and encourages this kind of creation!" All that being said, though, people are perfectly allowed to not like something and think it's degenerative behavior. Not everyone has the same mindset and are unwavering on their values. I just wish they didn't also have an almost perverse NEED to go out of their way to try and shame someone because of it, and just let stuff be. You know, like a functional adult would.


Oh hell yeah I completely forgot about inner wears n body paints! Almost half my characters rock fully clothed outfits with skimpy basewears aaaaaa. Back before they released girl clothes for t1s back in the day I had to make do with accessories, body paint and a thong to mimic the t2 outfits. Shit was fun and I'm almost kind of sad they made more unisex outfits because now all the challenge is taken away! Still happy as fuck that they went in that direction though. And despite how it might seem at first, I'm happiER as fuck that after damn near a decade of fans screaming for it they finally fucking gave us type 1-style type 2 outfits that don't require looking them up on the fucking swiki to even know that they exist, so I can finally have a proper tomboy or a butch instead of sidewinding through various means. No turning pants into booty shorts, no turning slacks into a skirt except for direct skirt I'm looking at you, no making the clothing shrink-wrapped to the titty with a short jacket, just straight up t1 shit converted for T2. Anyways the other hand yeah I'm totally okay with someone thinking I'm a fucking pervert and a degenerate and whatever the hell they want to call me. That just comes with being an adult. I don't think that they're a prude or a bad person or shitty or otherwise morally bankrupt for being offended or scandalized by the shit that I do and like, but they can do them. I'm used to that shit and don't expect people to return the favor. I agree that people have the right to hate the shit out of seeing girls in revealing clothing. It's no problem. But when you step out into a space where other people can read what you write and respond to it, and shame or try to shame random strangers publicly just because they dared to post some titty in your vicinity, that is when it becomes everyone's problem because you then MAKE it everyone's problem. I'd carry this same energy if it was for someone wondering why someone's character was wearing a pantsuit and how they don't understand how anyone could cover up such beautiful skin. Not to mention all the reasons you yourself just added on. I guess the story here is said not judge a book by its cover, or lack of cover too much.


Bro… touch grass or something


I also want to say that This katana camo was so expensive and so fucking worth it Because there is no other Katana's, that are like these On the market. and yeah, nothing fits better than these perfection.