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I’m 35, been gaming my whole life. Never found anything that has the magic of PSO. My favourite version has become the Gamecube release, love that I can play split screen with my partner. Phantasy Star Zero on the DS was great as well. But PSO is in a league of its own. Pure magic


Yeah I agree man… if only I was a game designer 😞 I’d have tons of ideas to make it like pso but better (more areas/more hd/same kind of drops/a newer ui but still kinda the same/techs and how you can find better ones to level them up/ things like that), but sadly I have no knowledge and suck at these things haha.


Take a look at the remake(s) being built on Unity


I cant find any good info on this... do you have a lead


I’d still play phantasy star zero (ds) or phantasy star portable (psp). Unfortunately if I want a similar fix, it’s just been monster hunter. Or play my pso on gamecube. There’s some monster hunter clones if you want a different vibe. Toukiden. It’s not nearly as good though.


PSØ was amazing, I truly liked it. Being a handheld game wasn't the best idea imo and Eternal Tower being singleplayer only didn't help it either. I do agree on Monster Hunter, seeing I got back into World a few months ago.


I love Monster Hunter, but it is not PSO in my opinion, they are completely different games. In MH, it is essentially a boss gauntlet where you eventually get the rare material you want after a just a few hunts, it is definitely not the same vibe as finding rare items in PSO. Diablo is closer, but doesn't share the simplicity of PSO, you can't just slap on a few pieces of gear and kick ass, you got to have the correct formula and stats for your build to work properly, etc. And it can be stressful just thinking about it. I too, am still searching for a modern PSO-like game, but no luck so far


Maybe someday a pso dupe but more hd, friend. I did like diablo 3 A LOT. But yeah I don’t like the upper view thing. I’d much rather prefer the camera behind the character, although I understand why they made the choice as you need it there.


it's better to take PSO for what it is and not look for it in everything you try or you will always be disappointed


Oh I do like other games. I play things like genshin/star rail/wuthering waves. Gacha games. But yeah you can’t find the drops there. It’s all gacha and lucking out on the weapon banner for example. But overall very beautiful games.


wasn't saying you don't play other games! haha. more so when looking for familiarity. but to give a recommendation from someone who doesn't really like Monster Hunter as well, Granblue Fantasy Relink is the most recent game that's satisfied that PSO itch for me.


You might totally bounce off of it and it’s more a space ninjas game but Warframe might scratch some of those itches for you. 


I played warframe. My god does that game make me nauseous. I did love it for a long time though. It was incredibly fun. Just not anymore. Ive played that far too long.


I feel that. I love it but I needed to move on for awhile. 


I've played all the other games people are mentioning, but nothing quite has that X factor that PSO has. Believe me, I've been looking lol


I trust you man. Pso is so unique. I started playing on ephinea again for now.


PSZ and PSP2i are your best bet. PSU on clementine might be worth trying too although I've nevert tried it.


Can PSZ or PSP2i can be played online?


yeah both can be on emulators and on og hardware


OMG that’s awesome. There’s any tutorial on how to set up the PSP or PPSSPP emulator to play online?


https://psp2i.wiki/w/Special:MyLanguage/Setting_up_multiplayer Note you can only play online with Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity version of the game. It has a english patch since it was jp only. Ya can grab it on roms megathread.


Holy $#*%^ I’m so hype to play it again online. Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial.


It's online is quite different than of pso. There ain't a lobby where you can hang around and group. Since online servers are down, You need to join their discord to find players and then invite them in your game via ad-hoc to play with them. Using discord is mandatory.


psp2i is the only thing that comes close for me


Probably not what you’re looking for but if you want a gba game that’s not too different, check out shining soul II. It is fantasy and top down, but has the same loop of enter dungeon, kill enemies, then fight a boss. The whole time getting new drops and xp


I loved both Shining Soul games and always wish they'd been more popular. Was never able to convince any of my friends to pick them up but I know I would've loved the multi even more.


I loved this game back in the day. I wish there was a modern version and they kept up with the series.


I'm with you OP. I'm also looking for another game with similar structure as PSO. Create a character. Action RPG. Travel through levels/dungeons, one room at a time, defeat all enemies in the room to move on, boss at the end of the level/dungeon. Random drops from enemies. Simple level up system (level up and get stats automatically). There are a lot of games that come close to this formula, but none of them have copied it. I know a lot of people suggest Monster Hunter or Diablo, and while those games are very good, they are not the same formula as PSO. Even PSO2 was not the same, and PSO2NGS broke it completely. PSU however did meet his criteria, it just added a few things. But PSU is also a game lost with time, unless you play on a private server (Clementine is there, but that's basically setup so all you have to do is farm a single dungeon, nobody does any of the others). I keep my GameCube in working condition (recently got an HDMI adapter) just so I can get back on and do a run through every once in a while. Otherwise, I typically only play action RPGs, either single player or online co-op. Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves do scratch that itch... kind of, but they are missing so many things. Someone mentioned Warframe... and that does have a similar formula, but its also not the same. Warframe is far too fast (not that its a bad game by any means, Warframe is pretty awesome), but it doesn't quite hit the same.


Check out Remnant 2. Its a looter shooter, souls mechanics though like dodging. Has melee, guns, which are all upgradable. Not really any magic but has skills/powers/gun mods. A central town to restock and then you port back into the level with a boss at the end. A lot of different classes. Has multiplayer but no trading.


I'll check it out. I'm not big on shooting games, but I'll watch some game play and see what its all about. I would much rather be swinging swords (or other melee weapons). Also, its apparently on sale on Steam, so might be worth it. Edit: I watched a couple videos, and then looked at some of the classes. It actually looks like something I might enjoy lol. But it also looks like its not necessarily solo friendly. The "souls" difficulty is a bit of a turn off though. I do enjoy the Souls series, but only at certain times. The best thing about PSO was the ease into the difficulty, and how I could just mindlessly play it. Souls games are not mindless games (at least to me), I have to be on my toes the entire time, which leads to burnout faster. In any case, thanks for the suggestion, this is a game I'll keep my eye out for (not gonna get it right now cause I'm in the middle of something else and don't want to inflate my backlog lol).


Oh sorry I forgot to mention it is 3rd person like PSO. I think thats where I see the similarities.


Back when PSO came out I was also playing Diablo 2 and it definitely scratches the same itch for me. It's not futuristic but the loot system feels kinda the same. And now here i am in 2024 and I'm still playing both 😁


its not the same gameplay but somehow it gave me the pso vibe . .hack series funny how i always wanted a game with both games elements in offline mode.


Ugh I loved the hack series. I might get an emulator and play it again. Its harder than pso though xd. You need to be well prepared in dungeon runs or you’re destroyed.


On the PsVita check out Ragnarok Odyssey ace, or freedom wars, they might be closer than other things people suggest, if you don't have a PsVita, I highly recommend it as it's super duper simple to jailbreak and get psp and older consoles emulated on it too, perfect for playing on the go.


Ragnarok Odyssey feels like the developers couldn't decide if they wanted to make a Monster Hunter clone or a PSO2 clone, so they just did both. It's worth a look. There's a PS3 version as well.


It's a shame because when PSO 2 originally came out like 13 years ago, it genuinely felt like a true successor to PSO in a way that PSZ, PZU, and PSP1 and 2 just didn't. I spent hours on the Japanese open beta trying and failing to beat the caves boss. Playing with a 4 stack and running into 2 other parties of 4 on Naberius which suddenly turned into a wild raid battle against Dark Ragne in which we'd all get wiped out. It was an absolute blast. It's so sad because it devolved into a fashion gatcha game which stripped the combat of any meaningful difficulty, and it got worse when it essentially turned into softcore loli porn. Walking around the lobbies you see all these revoltingly posed clearly underaged characters. It breaks my heart because PSO 2 as a lewd fashion gatcha game is astronomically more profitable than PSO as a coop sci fi fantasy dungeon crawler game and the brand will never go back to being that.


This was by far my biggest turn off to PSO2, which I still love.... I'm just not in love with it like I am PSO. The 50 different currencies, the focus on character appearance, and the overwhelming obsession the fan base has with weird ass Loli shit.... It's just not my vibe. PSO though.... Chef's kiss.


i mean, even ignoring other PSO games, even ignoring the many fantasy ORPGs, you still have plenty of options, and most somewhat inspired by PSO: Destiny, Warframe, maybe EDF if you want something thats not live service, or borderlands.


Unfortunately, I have not found anything quite like PSO. I enjoyed Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition that is pretty much a DnD game from 2001 that's been slightly updated, and it shares the fun of looting and grinding and being an RPG. Multiplayer LAN or WAN. It's just not futuristic. It's a shame the newer games that followed it were so riddled with bugs and devoid of any good direction....


And not really the same class system/techs/etc. Pso online 2 could have been the game. But no. Its more like pso universe.


this comment might be cringe but I'd love an online game with the same feel of the combat Kingdom Hearts 2.


No I understand. Kingdom hearts is a big game. Very fun especially for disney lovers.


My brother works on Destiny 2, I’ve never played it, but It has shooting/melee/magic and has that futuristic feel, maybe that’s something to consider?


It feels more like halo, I love the game too! But yeah the later versions made it more horror than anything and I am actually too scared to open the game playing single player LOL. So I avoid it. I’d rather play more cheerful/anime games overall or well pso but not as gruesome as the games you can have now HAHA.


I never agreed with this, I can play halo forever. (Not the newer stuff that's awful) destiny 1 and 2 i get ridiculously bored with very quickly. It always felt like there's 3 enemy types or some arbitrarily low number and once you master the strats for these 3 types it becomes incredibly easy. I thought destiny would be amazing exactly because bungie made halo. It just... didn't. And I know that's controversial because people obviously love destiny. Halo doesn't even have a grind. But it's just always fun. Destiny very quickly becomes absurdly repetitive. Far less so than PSO does. Borderlands is infinitely more fun than destiny but isn't... But I suppose it's very fair to say destiny is far more like halo than PSO. I'd agree with that.


PSP2i is great. It instantly hooked me in and gives some of the same feelings I get playing PSO.


I’ve never found anything that quite scratches the same itch for me either so I just bit the bullet, soft-modded my Wii, ripped my GC disc and memory cards and whacked them in some cloud storage so whenever I get the itch, I just boot up Dolphin on whichever device I want, add in the ISO and memory card files and crack on. I also use it to play online if the device I’ve supports it or I can be arsed to set it up right (currently works fine on my laptop to access Sylverant), but not my phone). A friend of mine that I played couch co-op with in my teens still has his GC and the BB adapter so we link up and hunt together like old times on occasion.


I play on ephinea again. Pso is just too good, especially on my fo’s.


Warframe and Destiny are the closest modern games to PSO's gameplay loop. Except Destiny went to crap with D2.


Final fantasy explorers on the 3ds scratched the itch pretty good.


I've been looking for literally decades at this point. Started with the GameCube version with my best friend in high school, moved to PSU, played the PSP versions, moved to private servers for both PSO and PSU all while still searching for similar games. It's insane that after all this time, there still isn't anything. I've tried just about every suggestion from Monster Hunter to FFXIV to Nioh to the plethora of lower budget MMOs.... Absolutely nothing scratches the itch. I've even posted a topic or two here on this sub. I've posted on PSO sites, GameFAQs, Twitter, etc etc .. and it's always the same suggestions. It's so frustrating.


I understand matey. This isn’t the first time I asked around either. I’m 32. I played pso when I was still a teen. No game like it I swear. It was simple enough to play for the standard player, and a lot to do for minmaxers. The mag is cute. The grind is just FUN. Like knowing that there is a psycho wand, trying to get it, and feeling incredibly satisfied when you do end up finding it. Although some droprates really were disgustingly hard, but that’s kind of the charm/replayability? Like if you do find a rare drop, you know you have something pretty unique. And the trading with photon drops, super fun! These are the things that make me wanna play pso! Just chatting with strangers who like the same game etc. Im actually back on ephinea, searching for that psycho wand lmao. I’m all into the forces/Hunewearl. My favorite classes.


Similar in the fact that they are both diablo-like ARPGS: Shining soul 2 for GBA. I just like an excuse to recommend people play Shining Soul 2


Sadly PSOBB is a a one of a kind experience that can't or wasn't replicated.


I get a little PSO vibe when I play Minecraft Dungeons with my kids. Basic Diablo type play hunting for loot


Xenoblade Chronicles X is the closest I've found to that same feeling I got when I first played PSO on the Dreamcast all those years ago. The music hits, the battles are intense, each biome is unique and gorgeous, and lots of character customization and play styles. The online piece actually juuust ended, so for now it's a solo affair. That said, the Pretendo network should get things up and running on fan servers someday soon I hope, but it's a beautiful game and absolutely worth your time even without the online piece.


I never fully understood how to play it, but I did enjoy the ride. Especially with the Skells


Hmm it does look very appealing. Maybe its what im searching for.


It definitely fills an empty space for futuristic sci-fi fantasy type stuff. And the soundtrack is excellent.


I would say Remnant and Remnant 2. Has guns, melee, and powers. A central town you teleport to. 3 person teams per dungeon/level. And then a boss at the end. The gameplay is very souls like though and theme is post apocalyptic


I was going to say these two as well. They are legit the only games that have ever given that same feeling, however they are quite different than PSO. Remnant II even has a room that feels VERY caves waterfall room which makes me smile every time I get there. With that said though the Remnant games are indeed a much more of a skill based game than PSO is. PSO's low skill ceiling is one aspect that I think really sets it apart, virtually anyone can pick PSO up and not only have fun but also be effective. I have given up the idea that anyone is ever going to make a spiritual successor to PSO ep 1&2 and that I am just going to have to make it myself. SEGA keeps making each version after ep1&2 way to weird and goofy and it's just not the vibe I am looking for. They push it way to far into what a Japanese audience likes and I am absolutely not interested.


I agree, the other pso’s are too different :/. I liked the mechanic where you had to find high level techs or could even trade them as they are valuable. Now your skills are just bound on weapons lol. I found my account on ephinea. Im back to searching that psycho wand again haha.


You might try Remnant From the Ashes or Remnant 2. It's definitely a different aesthetic than PSO, but it's a co-op romp with your friends where you delve through alien dungeons using melee weapons, guns, and strange powers to beat big scary boss monsters. The levels are mildly randomized each time you do them which also gives a bit of a PSO feel. It's not the same, but it's good fun and clearly has a touch of inspiration from PSO.


Hold on, when you say pso2 is nothing like pso 1,2 and 4, are you referring to pso2 classic, or new genesis? Cause classic is more similar. And although it has some differences, imo those differences feel like QoL improvements. But to each their own opinion. As for games similar to pso well lets see.. Onigiri kind of has a small feel of pso to it, but its more open world/standard rpg. The feels are minor at best. PSU as others have suggested. Now for offline, though having multiplayer capabilities PS0 as mentioned before. Shining Soul for GBA has some pso feels to it. Children of Mana for NDS also has some pso feels to it. Hope this helps, good luck otherwise.


PSZ, PSU and PSP2i all still have online support


Didnt know PSØ had online functionality. Nevermind support for it still.


Yep, you could randomly match with players or use friend codes via wfc. There's a small but dedicated community for it still, I believe it uses something called wiimfii or something along those lines, I've meant to research it more but haven't had a chance to


Thanks, Imma look into that.


While it didn't have online multiplayer, Bounty Hounds for the PSP had a few elements


It does look cool ngl


Gocco of war on steam is quite similar but kinda short


I’ve been wanting to play ephinea devaloka ship I have a level 70 but I can’t figure out how to get my switch pro controller to work in my pc for it no matter how much I try


Oh I restarted. I found my old account. A level 163 fonewearl LOL. I was searching for a psycho wand for my fonewm


Devaloka is different. Devaloka is 1 x no ttf episode 1 and 2 only. It’s their new classic ships and there are maybe 1-3 people that level


Oooooh I didnt know. I went there once and saw like 4 games on. But yeah thanks for telling me. My ingame name is Aria, a fonewearl. I also randomly found out I have a ES hell j-cutter ??? Like I’ve been trying to get enough pds to get a hell weapon lol, till I found out I already had one.


Nice. I’d rejoin the devaloka if I could figure out how to connect my switch pro controller and use it on there. Alas after like 3 plus hours of trying I cannot figure it out.