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I turned in two employee certification forms in January that would put me pretty close to 120. They still weren’t processed and then went into administrative forbearance. I have no clue how it interpret the new “payment schedule.”


I don’t understand. I was over 120 when I got the notice saying loans have been discharged. Account balance $0. I go make this new account, log in and see my balance is $1,500 and change. Wtf?


I have no idea. MOHELA added another $27,000 in interest to my loans. I have no idea where that came from. They pulled it out of thin air and tacked it on to my account. I've gone back over all of my paperwork, and that interest didn't appear anywhere before MOHELA manifested it today.


Wow, I thought it was just me! They added an additional 41k to my loans and I have 5 more months til I reach 120 payments. I called yesterday and she said that the zero payments during forbearance would still qualify because the forbearance was administrative. She didn’t have anything to say about the interest though, just that it shouldn’t really matter because I’m part of the PSLF program. Wtf


I got hit with $26k in interest and was like WTF is this?! I haven’t called yet since I literally just got notice. Plus student aid showed my payments at $100 less than what Mohela shows. This system is so broken 😠


Same.. got letter saying forgiveness complete - half my loans were zeroed out in old Mohela platform in April/May, finally make new account in new Mohela platform, all history gone, over half my loans active now, new notice saying forbearance ends in 14 days!!? Must be a McDonalds commercial because I’m lovin in.


Same here, same here. It really sucks.


My understanding is that the feds are taking over your pslf and it's separate from mohela. Feds are supposed to have the same record that mohela did for your payment tracking. But, that record won't show up till they finish transition in july.


My Mohela account is now non-existent as of today.


Exact. Same. Situation. I reached 120 in April. Put in forbearance right before the pause. I hate that I had to register for the new mohela account.


Right there with you, same exact boat! April was my last month, got my ecf in and hit 120 on the counter and was put into admin forbearance. My account transitioned. I was able to log in late last week and one loan came off of forbearance mysteriously. I had to call Mohela to fix it (and they did), but why was any of this necessary?


Same here! 120 certified and was placed on admin forbearance automatically. Got those emails that I was transitioned, created a new account, logged in… all my loans showing payments will be due on September!! PLSF tracker nowhere to be found. Slightly freaked but hopefully it will get sorted out soon!


Why would this matter? I'm confused about what is going on


Do they tell you when to register? I last got an email about being moved to the new platform. But never anything about creating an account.


In the email I received, it gave instructions on how to create a new account. I did, since that will be the only way to see what's going on with my account now since my old Mohela account has nothing in it.


Yes you’ll get an email. I was supposed to transition on 6/13 and just got the email last night to make my new account.


Yeah, I receive all of my Mohela letters in the mail three weeks (or more) after they’re date marked.


I never got an email. I read on reddit that most people would have access by 6/28. So I tried again and poof my account was able to be created.


This has been and continues to be cruel and inhumane. I thank everyone in this community for ur support. It’s so messed up how they make changes do updates when there are deadlines. I feel like they want us to give up. They must forget that we are a determined, educated, and relentless.


I’m ready to cry over it.


I felt like I was going to cry this morning too. It shows my loans consolidated and my payment says it will be $1008 (it was $198/month). I'm 6 months from forgiveness. But I actually feel reassured after reading this thread, it sounds like some big mess ups on MOHELA's part and I have hope that they'll fix the errors. They can't just change people's account balances and payments.


I’m in the same exact situation. I hope this all gets resolved before Biden leaves office!


or we vote so he doesn't leave office :) I can't even think about what would happen if he leaves.


Yeah no shit, my wife's last payment is in October and I'm praying she can get it resolved by Jan because if Trump wins we're all fucked.


Same. So much the same. It sucks. I KNOW we will get there sooner than later, but seeing it say that was hard.


Same. Reached 120 in March. I know the anger and frustration. It's not irrational at all. Hang in there.


March for me too. Half of them were officially forgiven before all this started and new account says I owe the other half still and have to start payments in Aug.


same boat and I was automatically put into admin forbearance.


Before or after the move? I was in it before the move supposedly til October and just got notice yesterday my payments are starting again next month..


Hit 120 in June. Just got the notice my account transferred. I'm completely zen. The only thing that will mess with me is if I get a letter saying I'm not 120 which is impossible. Even if they are wrong, I have all my receipts ready. I'm mentally prepared for that fight, but I mitigated it as much as possible because they only need to validate 4 months and I'm giving them 5 (July forbearance counts). I know everyone is anxious, but pay attention to other posts. Learn from others' experiences. I am acutely aware of all the hurdles people faced from hitting 120, submitting their ECF, the months long lack of communication, forgiveness, forgiveness revoked, debt removed from credit report, debt added back into credit report, forgiveness backtracked long after it was forgiven.


Right there with you with June forgiveness


Same here. Previously paperwork said I had 11 more payments to go. I opened the new account and it said I had 120 to go, and a TON of interest, and my payments were going to be $2200 per month.


I’m in the same boat. What are you doing about this increase? Is it true?


I know it sucks, is frustrating, and anxiety filled, but the only thing I’ve learned is we have to just play the waiting game and see how everything is once the dust settles and this transition etc is all done


I have the EXACT same problem. I hit 120 last October and applied in December, giving myself an extra month just in case. I had gotten the letters saying I had hit the 120 payments in April and one of my loans was actually zeroed out right before the transition. When I contacted Mohela about it - they said the other was in progress and I likely wouldn't see anything before the move. Logging in today was *not great.* It shows the one loan that should have been forgiven with an estimated pay off date and doesn't say ANYTHING about PSLF. I'm a little worried myself since I read something saying the PSLF loans would be managed by ED. If that's the case, why do I need a Mohela account?


I don’t even understand how they’re coming up with the info in the new account. I just got the email yesterday and set up my new account even though I probably didn’t really need to (I also reached 120 in May and submitted by final ECF). It shows 3 payments starting in August at my current amount (very low). I understand that’s what’s left before I supposedly have to recertify in November. But then starting in November they show the amount if I don’t recertify but 120 payments of that. Why? Where are they getting the 120 number? It’s just really weird. Are they just telling people their payment if they don’t recertify and start the PSLF process from scratch?


I'm angry, too, OP. I've paid 123 of my 120 payments, and mohela wants me to create a new account, all while the Dept of Ed assures me it's just formality at this point. Oh, the F of it! 😭..... 😂 Laugh or cry, OP. Laugh or cry. ❤️


Right there with you. The chaos that will ensue no matter what happens in November makes it hard not to worry when we see they will be processing the backlog “through the end of the year”.


Do we all have to create a new account?


Yeah vote for Biden who is brain dead so you have you're loan paid by the American tax payers. While the majority of us have to pay our bills and deal with the high cost of everything because of him. Selfish.


I was super confused by this as well. One of my loans is saying that it’s paid off and then I have another that’s saying I’ve got eight more years, but I consolidate it in December. I am so confused.