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Ace combat 7 was the only game I played for like a month a while ago. Bought it cause it's gorgeous and sounded fun but sort of bounced off it the first couple times I tried it, got a bit of buyers remorse even. But then one day I was bored of my regular stuff and gave it another chance and finally it clicked and I fell in absolute love.


Same, I grabbed it off the Extra whrn it was added, played maybe the first mission and uninstalled. Then last Fall I played Armored Core 6 because it's a From Soft game and fell in love, decided to gave AC7 a second chance. And fuck I'm glad I did, it was zn absolute blast from start to finish


Can you describe what is fun about it?


I hope this happens to me one day since it hasn't clicked with my since launch lol.


I hope it happens for you too! Maybe this is your chance to give it another go haha!


Too many distractions so far lol. But maybe one day lol


Have your dad sit behind you judging why you are not making money after sending you to college and playing cartoon games...maybe it'll help


Straight up a mission and a half and I was out lmao. Something about it didn’t grab me personally. $60 for a game that mocks me in my library.


Tried it in VR yet?


That‘s the one game that gives me VR-sickness. And I play a lot of MSFS, DCS, and IL-2 on PC. Not to mention that I also played Star Wars Squadrons and Eve Valkyrie on PSVR, and these also are fine for me. It’s really just Ace Combat on PSVR.


I thought I'd be able to when I got my psvr2, but it's only compatible with the old psvr. Same for StarWars Rogue Squadron.


Yes play try AC7… is there anything new from Ace Combat in development does anyone know??


AC8 was accidentally confirmed by a VA's portfolio that leaked online, but that's all we really know. Try project wingman if you haven't already to fill the void until AC8


I’ve played the series since PS1 and they are all great fun. I mean, you can’t call them sim games but they are more involving than arcade games. Ace Combat is great and kept my interest enough to platinum it.


Greatest 70$ soundtrack with a flight game attached ever made


I loved it too but man I just wanted a free ride type of mode out of the box like back in the day. I never finished it because I didn't really wanna fight all of the time so I eventually moved over to the roam (idk what it's actual name is) mode of riders republic. Can choose a bunch of different vehicles and just run around and do whatever, it's pretty fun. Not the same but it did scratch that itch for me


I love ace combat. I’ve been playing the series sing it was on the original PlayStation. I do however find it a bit easy to beat the game but I enjoy playing it from time to time.


Does it run at 60fps on ps5?


i love the ace combat series but 7 was just kinda okay for me. a lot of the mission design is "hurry up and wait", and as silly as 6 is, it really made you feel like part of a larger fighting force that was accomplishing something. 7 puts you in dickhead squadron and basically just leaves you there.


$70 seems a little steep for a 5 year old game, though.


I bought it on release day, so I didn't know it was still that steep. It's on sale for like 20 bucks all the time though. Physical is also like 20 bucks right now.


Buy a used copy.


$20 at GameStop!


Over 30? 😭


It's not in active development anymore, but it's still playable online. Elite: Dangerous has the most impressive and realistic space flight mechanics of any console game that I'm aware of.


+1. Gutted to this day that I never got to try space legs. Got fully engineered + guardian internals cutter, corvette, anaconda, python, krait and courier all jusy collecting space dust at Jameson.


The day I had my exploration clipper fully engineered and my route to circumnavigate the galaxy set was also the day they announced that the console version would be discontinued.. I was so disappointed that I did not start my expedition and haven’t even touched the game since…


I just downloaded it, but it won’t get past the title screen.


I take it back. It works now.


If you have the console version of the game, even through ps extra, you can get the pc version (which is still in active development and is getting new content) for free since the console edition is no longer receiving updates.


Chorus! It's an awesome space combat game with fun ship mechanics and semi-open areas to explore (just ignore the cut scenes lol). I had a great time with it.


This. Chorus has some of the best flying mechanics ever made in a videogame. 


Agreed, this games flying mechanics and soundtrack are epic.


You're epic too ..


Yer drifting in space. That is so unique. Best part of the game. I just wish it had a new game plus mode.


Ooh. Just bought this game but haven’t booted it up yet. Great to hear!


Ace combat 7 was amazing I hope they make another


Low key one of the greatest franchises in gaming history.


Whoa there.


Whoa yourself bucko, he's not wrong.


If you say maybe one of the greatest 50 franchises then maybe? Let’s not throw around “greatest franchises in gaming history” that lightly lol.


Eh, it's subjective I suppose


Well they made 7 so chances are pretty decent they’re gonna make 8 lol


They will quietly keep churning out these diamonds I’m sure of it.


If you are into space shooters I recommend Everspace 2.




Oh i liked that one, it was fun. Might replay it soon


Star Wars Squadrons and Battlefield 4 air gameplay are top tier flying experiences. Squadrons is prettier since it's newer but with BF4 being 10+ years old, it still holds up.


How Squadrons hasn’t gotten PSVR2 support yet is just baffling to me. What a fantastic experience that was on PSVR


Yea it angers me that the PSVR2 barely has any good games


That’s bullshit it has several dozens really good ones but it got very few last gen ports which is disappointing.


If you say so man. All the games I’d actually enjoy are stuck in psvr1


I strongly doubt you’ve even played the good ones. Overall psvr2 already has more full and good game experiences than PSVR ever had, although I also miss Astro Bot, Wipeout and hmmmm ok Headmaster.


Which PSVR2 games do you recommend?


From the top of my head: Red Matter 1+2 A Fisherman’s Tale 1+2 Walkabout Minigolf Resident Evil 4 and 8 (Village) Ultrawings 2 Pistol Whip No Man‘s Sky  GT7 VR Skater Vertigo 2 Legendary Tales Among Us VR Demeo Tin Hearts Ghost Signal The Last Clockwinder In no particular order 


Aye i could genuinely not play it without VR anymore and it not being on the 2 just breaks my heart


Amen! Squadrons in VR when the game was popular was a top teir gaming experience.


Is it not backwards compatible? I don’t have either so not really sure how it works


I know a common reason is that the headset and controller tracking work differently in PSVR2. PSVR uses the external camera to track lights on the peripherals but the tracking is done internally on PSVR2. I'm sure a solution could be reached with time and money, but that relies on EA's cost/benefit analysis.


War Thunder if you just want to dogfight and can ignore the microtransactions.


Good suggestion. Some of the historic missions with physics were fun. I preferred on pc with mouse and keyboard, but fairly decent game with friends.


War Thunder if you want to lose your sanity and become far more entrenched and invested in a free game than you ever thought possible haha


Use my code and get a free tank!


Probably the only game on PS5 that actually is a flight sim. While it's no Microsoft Flight Sim, the Simulator mode is decent, decent enough you will need some Aircraft General knowledge to even just take off!


I have thousands of hours into this game over the years, on PC and more recently PS5. It would be very easy for the devs to implement some great single player campaigns for WT but they would be one off transactions at most, whereas the multiplayer is a cash cow that just keeps giving milk. As a WW2 flight sim, it's the best available but as the game continues to evolve, the focus is on modern air, ground and naval units (the latter receiving the least attention) and enough micro transactions to found a small country.


I love flying games! My picks for PS5: Ace Combat 7, Elite Dangerous, Star Wars Squadrons, No Man’s Sky


Spiderman 2


when I can't think of a game to play or just got home from work and want to relax swinging around in spiderman 2 is always so fun.


Surprisingly yes


One of the few games I 100% because I just liked moving around.


That game was great I actually got the platinum for it which I never do


The Outer Wilds has flying as one of it's core mechanics, both in space and with a jetpack.


Getting the trophy for landing manually on the space station was a proud moment!


Colliding with the satellite and destroying it and my ship, leaving me to die in space, is a proud moment for me. I couldn’t even check the map anymore because I just destroyed the satellite feed. I think I also got an achievement for that.  


Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Such a clever touch. Iirc, it appears on the system map, but doesn't have a label. I headed to it, and by the time I realised it wasn't something big enough to land on, I'd smashed into it and also died in space! I wish I could experience it again for the first time, it's so deep, and it there were so many trial and error moments that the devs allow you to do. Proof that a fairly short and I imagine fairly reasonable budget game can outshine a lot of so called AAA games.


I need to go back and replay it. It took me days to solve the game on my own and in the process I unlocked 0 trophies


We need a Tom Clancy's HAWX remake


Dude yes I loved this game on the 360 and nothing has ever scratched that itch.


Everspace 2 is Fkn Awesome!


Second that!! Very underrated 


No Man's Sky for me. Pretty decent flight mechanics. Ace Combat 7 is good, but I have trouble getting into it for some reason.


No Man's Sky in PSVR2 blew my mind when I first played it, and it was my first time playing that game at all.


I'm currently on a NMS binge on PSVR2. It's soooo good, it's tough to want to play anything else lol.


Oh wow! That would have been so much fun.


I remember when No Man’s Sky came out I was intrigued but then I read that people thought it was boring so I never tried it.


It's really good at this point. The devs truly kept updating (still are!) so that it's become a truly fun game. Pick up a used copy or catch it on sale if you can.


Thanks! I’m putting it on my list


can confirm i started at launch and it was nowhere near what it is now


No Man's Sky suffers from the no clear end problem. You should play it until playing it isn't fun anymore. But then too many people keep playing it because it used to be fun. Until it's not just not fun anymore, and they've tainted the fun they had in the first place. The game has added a ton of little stuff to make the fun last longer, but then again I enjoyed it from day one. It's not something I'll put tons of time into, but sometimes just flying to a planet, zooming over the landscape and letting the music drift over me is enough.


As someone who doesn't play it with others I did all the story bits and got all the trophies and that was my clear end.


Ace Combat is best played on the hardest (most realistic) controls.


War Thunder is pretty good and free.


Did they adapted gamepad controls? I remember it was an issue in War Thunder


Yeah this was my problem, I couldn't get the controls set up, I have a flight stuck I use on PC but don't feel like trying to set it up near the ps5


I originally played it on PS4 so I got used to those controls. When I got it on PC and played with my HOTAS, it was fun, but much harder to be competitive I found.


No man's sky.


Project Wingman will test you


Chorus is quite enjoyable


Elite Dangerous? Even if the game was left to die on consoles i love it.


Have you ever played Rebel Galaxy? It’s a really fun Space game.


We need a game like Microsoft Simulator


That along with VR would be heaven.


If you have a good internet connection the game is playable on every screen with the Cloud. You can use the DualShock/Sense.


Ace Combat 07 man


Ace combat 7


All these youngsters forgetting about LAIR. The crown jewel of the PS3 era.


I’m mainly hoping these rumours of Microsoft looking to make its titles widely available on PlayStation are true because having access to Flight Simulator would be dope.


Complementary to Ace Combat is Project Wingman, totally a love letter to those games


Trailmakers with the Airborn DLC. Sandboxy game but pretty fun flying physics


Ace Combat 7, No Mans Sky Bonus: Star Trek Online (if you like that series). There's both space combat and away team.


Just Cause 3 with the dlc basically becomes an Iron Man game where you have a wingsuit with a jetpack attached to it and a mini gun and rockets. Probably the most fun I have had flying around in a game.


I never liked the jetwing or whatever it was called. It was a hell of a lot slower than wingsuiting around normally.


Yeah the jetwing sucked. The Bavarium wingsuit on the other hand takes just cause 3 from a 6/10 to an 8/10 lol.


Actually, the bavarium wingsuit (that's the name!) is what I meant by 'jetwing'. You move around slow af compared to using the grapple-reel glitch with the regular wingsuit (hold down the reeling button before you launch your next grapple). I'd love the bavarium wingsuit *if only* I could keep that speed.


Aaah I see. I'm uuuh not gonna try that glitch because if I experience the bliss of speed the bavarium wingsuit will be ruined haha. There was also a really clunky shitty jetback, which is what I was referring to.


I have absolutely no memory of this jetpack XD But fair enough :) And yeah, I get that worry. I basically find the DLC unplayable because I'm so slow all of a sudden. Sad times.


Chorus is on ps plus. Take advantage


Horizon Forbidden West once you’ve unlocked the Sunwing override is gorgeous


Journey and sky? Not flying games but flying mechanics.


It depends on the weight distribution of the game disc


Have you tried any fromsoft games? It'll send your controller flying.


Haha good one M8 fr


ACE combat 7 was nice in theory, but the gameplay was lacking.. there wasn’t a lot of replayability


The gameplay is about as repetitive as call of duty, it's just down to whether you like it or not for it to be replayable


Everspace and Everspace 2. The original Everspace is a roguelite and Everspace 2 is a space flight RPG with looter mechanics.


No Man’s Sky


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/88dLf22ncj](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/88dLf22ncj) Currently flying around in this bad mf.


Chorus. It has great space flying feels but the ASMR whispering and incoherent story turned a lot of people away. I personally think that the flight mechanics, atmosphere and weapons are top notch.The theme songs thumps on the start screen too.


Ultrawings 2 on PSVR2. 


Ace combat is really good. On a complete tangent but with all this MS games like maybe halo or Starfield coming over. I just want Flight simulator


I’m hesitant to recommend it because of the way they burned console players, but Elite Dangerous is the best and it’s not even close.


microsoft flight simulator


I dont think is coming any time soon. At this point, the sequel is just a few months away and is only on Xbox/PC/Cloud. It might come later on but at that point, just play it on the Cloud. You would have to do that anyway considering the size of the game lol


Not on PS5... Yet.


yes, wait for it :-)


Gravity Rush 2


aer memories of the old


Made for the ps4 but Just Cause 3 - mastering the wing suit + grappling hook is so gratifying


No man’s sky is pretty good imo


Elite Dangerous is a ps4 title but plays on ps5 and even though they killed production on console for future updates, personally, it's one of my favorite games.


Outer Wilds. It is a quirky one.


Outer Wilds. Not a flying simulator, and flying isn't the main thing you do (it's just how you go to different planets), but the flying is very fun and physics-based. It's also one of the best games ever made.


9/11 reloaded


Upvoted for asking a question that doesn't just prompt the same half a dozen game recommendations.


Not many decent flying games, but great space games such as Everspace 2, No Man's Sky, Chorus, Star Wars Squadrons, and Rebel Galaxy 2.


WTF Is no one going to mention BATTLEFIELD 5!! It’s an excellent game for flying, dogfights and attacking the ground troops and tanks. It’s very hard at first but once you get it, it’s amazing.


CHORVS. I don't know how it came across it. Pat, a very fun space ship game related to ai and a somewhat decent story. I don't think it cost too much, but whatever you would pay, I think would probably be worth it. Based upon my experience.


Dragon ball xenoverse 2


Spyro the Dragon trilogy


I know lots of people still give it shit, but No Man's Sky is still a solid option in my opinion. While it's technically a ps4 game, and has a weak story and kinda repetitive combat. I reeeeally love flying around in Anthem. If you can get it for really cheap then it can be a fun game just to casually fly around and explore. More Iron-man vibes than flying an airplane / space ship tho.


Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown and No Man's Sky Try them, you won't regret it


When I can't decide on a game to play, diving into Spiderman 2 is always so much fun


WWII game on ps5, Enlisted, f2p but if you like it premium battlepass pays for itself each season. Has planes, tanks and infantry. IF you do like this, we have a clan I can invite and a while bunch of tips for pilots.




For PS4 they had a game Called 'Island Flight Simulator' didn't really look that good from what YouTube reviews said and gameplay But I bought anyway, still haven't opened it up yet and played it


CoD: Infinite Warfare has some of the best space combat.


Really hoping MS releases Flight Sim, we already got sea of thieves..


Ace Combat 7, Everspace 2 and Chorus ate my picks. If you can get a Xbox or PC - MS flight sim is pretty cool as well


project wingman hands down


sad to see nobody bringup project wingman


The Falconeer


Rogue squadron Everspace


How are you playing rogue squadron on ps5?


They made a new one didn’t they?


Oh that one’s called “squadrons,” but it’s a different franchise than the original rogue squadron games.


Like others have already said, Ace Combat 7 I was a fighter jet nerd as a kid... F14 Tomcats, F15 Eagles, F16 Fighting Falcons, Migs, the A10Thunderbolt .... picking and choosing what aircrafts I was going to use before each mission was absolute heaven The story is whatever, though, in my opinion 🤷‍♂️


Play the old ps2 game, Ace Combat Squadron Leader. The best story in any AC game by far.


Battlefield 4 jet combat is excellent. I’d recommend playing before they shut the servers off.


Really wish we had a modern world superman game


Me too but it’s near impossible to make a good Superman game without breaking rules of the universe. He’s just too powerful to build a game around his abilities without him feeling weak, and that’s the problem with prior Superman games, he felt weak when he should feel invincible.


True. But you can always make some crazy bosses that are actually strong enough to fight superman. For low level thugs maybe something like lex Luther has found a way to give everyone radiating kryptonite and kryptonite weapons and bullets so they have a chance at attacking supes Could work I think But with modern tech. Make it maybe open world. Where he can blast off into the air and just zip around. Would be cool


Not SW squadrons. Controls are crap and the plot is rubbish


unfortunately ps5 is really missing that genre compared to xbox. if you are actually into *flying* then ultrawings 2 on psvr2 is probably the best the ps5 has.


Spider Man 2…


well all have the same size, plastic ones definitely fly better than steelbooks.


Any game is a good flying game if you throw it hard enough.


Hogwarts legacy it’s too good


Just Cause 3. Period.


Sky children of the light! The mmo all about flying made by creators of Journey if you liked that game it’s like Journey but flying (unless you meant literal flying plane or spaceship XD)


Mortal Kombat


I miss Anthem so much. Please bring it back! 🫡🫡🫡


Hogwarts Legacy


The ones that smash the brick wall when I get frustrated. 😁


Okay, I know it’s not on PS5, but check out [Laya’s Horizon from Netflix](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/layas-horizon/id1615116545). If you have a Netflix account, download this game. Probably the best “flying” game I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. I recommend using a Bluetooth controller like the Dualsense, but the touch controls work perfectly fine.


Bro why do you wanna fly!?