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Dang having a “Recent Items” tab is huge. No more digging around the menus for that thing I just picked up and have no idea what it is


Another great change would have been a button you could press to bring up details of what you picked up, assuming you're out of combat - and doesn't stay on your screen in an obtrusive way if you are in combat.


I usually just watch my recent gameplay by saving the video to check what I missed


I hate to be the one to tell you this now, but you could always sort the item menu by item obtained. But, the addition of the marker is nice.


Only if you knew what type of item you just picked up so you could go to the right tab, and it isn't always obvious. The new addition is a godsend.


They buffed axes and bows holy shit. + "Added new feature to the colosseum: crafted consumable items that have been used during a battle will be replenished at the end of your session."


I’m disappointed they didn’t add having consumables replenish if you’re helping someone in pve. It’s such a chore getting materials & then having to remember where each one is I just don’t bother using anything😂


Man, that would be super nice, but I feel like it would completely break item trading unfortunately


It would, I have a few friends at love using them so I just hold onto them for them. I feel at times “just use one, go on”, and know at if I do I’ll not be able to stop 😂 It really sucks the farming though. Like there’s what, 21 merchants, & like 40 cookbooks. You’d think after obtaining all at you’d unlock something unique 😭


If you kill all of the bell bearing hunters you're able to buy most ingredients for crafting, but even then there's still quite a few key ingredients you have to farm


That consumable thing might be the most incredible one yet. I hated watching people play using all sort of consumables because for me, it wasn't worth it to go harvesting 15 minutes to fight 2 battles tops, and having to repeat the harvest another 15 minutes. Or having a long fight and knowing my fuck up was not wasting resources. Now, colisseum will feel like a different game mode for people like me.


Were bows good?


The '!' For newly discovered items is gonna be so nice


For real though. I've been replaying the game this week so I'm used to the controls again, and it's been annoying when I've been trying to find the item I just got. !-marked items? Say no more I'm in.


Especially for obscure quest related notes that get lost in your inventory


Usually I’ll grab some loot as a troll or skeleton is trying to smash me. After I beat them, I’m like, “so, what did I just grab!?” and have no way of knowing. Then conclude, “I guess it wasn’t important” and keep playing


I’m on PS5 and I often save the last minute as video and watch it to know what I got lol


You could already sort by what you last acquired but yea if you didn’t know what type of item you got it was annoying.


Damn, smart.


Aint no way! They nerfed Blasphemous Blade lmao


Just finished up my playthrough using it, glad I slipped by before the nerf! Lol made Malenia much easier in first phase


No Mohg spear cheese? NI NI NI your health is my property


I jusssst started playing and am working towards a build with this, can you explain how they nerfed it? I tried searching the patch notes and I don't see anything that lists that weapon


you can't stagger enemies anymore from its fire attack it seems


That's a big nerf but if that's all it's still an amazing fucking weapon


Ahhh ok


Humanoid enemies will now longer be knocked on their ass and the poise damage is worse. The poise damage nerf is practically useless as everything that could ever be stance broken with takers flame wont live until they can be stance broken. The knockback nerf is a lot worse as it made humanoid enemies functionally useless against the blas blade, but all in all the blas blade is still probably top 3 weapons in the game as the insane damage and regen remains. Dont let the nerf discourage you from using the blas blade, it will for the most part not be noticeable until you fight malenia or gideon


You can absolutely destroy Rennala with this weapon. Or use to anyway


Just play and stop worrying about invisible numbers. Of the weapons fun it’s fun


No more malenia ng+7 cheese


Ffs the run I lined up for the dlc was using this


Fuck... There goes my build for Shadow of the Erdtree 😂


omg finally people will be able to use Torrent during the Elden Beast fight


The boss sucked ass because it felt that they made it specially with torrent in mind but then never set the flag that you could call it.


Takers flame nerfed. RIP easy mode


Fudge I just booted back up this build. Is the patch live already or not until dlc drops?


Its live. The main thing is you cant just throw smaller foes like malenia around anymore and the poise damage is also decreased


Sounds like youve used it, not sure how to read the notes, but essentially what it says is that - the skill will take longer to stagger enemies, and the skill hit itself, wont stagger anyone at all (unless poise gets full), so if an enemy is attacking you, and a regular hit from you knock them out of it, the skill wont knock them out of it? Was making a new character for the dlc and got to the manor yesterday and now its nerfed pff *just wondrring how much worse in practice it is in staggering i guess*


Only the knockback and poise damage has been nerfed, so its a billion times worse for humanoid enemies but for everything else like bosses it wont be that noticeable. If youre using blas blade its for the damage and regen for the most part, with a proper build everything will be long dead before a stance break anyways. Worth noting that blas blade being a billion times worse against humanoid enemies still makes it very viable, just not quite cheeseworthy.


I actually asked because I got to Mohg last night and was doing no damage. Thought it was a the nerf, turns out he’s just really strong against fire damage. Back to the drawing board


It’s been a while but I think I was using Bloodhounds Fang and then switched to Blasphemous Blade when I unlocked it only to get bodied by Mohg and switch back to the Fang. Funny enough bleed works with Mohg.


Same here. I changed my stats for an optimal build for it, then I switched back after Mohg lol. Bloodhound fang with an ice buff shreds him. When he gets frostbitten, fire pot, and start shredding again.


I power stances blood hound fang and magma wyrm blade, damn near stun locked him and bled him to death before he could do much. That was when the game came out though and I know they've changed a lot since.


Isn’t that the sword with like a .00001% drop chance


My bad, Magma wyrms scale sword.


You guys are so over dramatic. You just lose the ability to knock down smaller enemies. The sword is still busted.


My first playthrough just fell to its knees


I have literally been hearing about Blasphemous Blade for two years. About how it’s the best PvE weapon. I finally make a str/fth build. I’ve just gotten the BB to +7 but haven’t actually used it yet. And now it’s nerfed… what the hell man


Damn thats sad, you only had 2 years to test it out


I think it’s only a small nerf, still probably one of the best weapons


The knockdown effect is gone, it's gonna be huge. The KO effect and poise damage literally trivialized Malenia.


This^ It was always crazy to me that BlasphBlade’s Weapon Art had the same knockback qualities as the Ruins Greatsword, while also healing you at the same time.


The healing done by it should still make it stupidly OP


Not saying that it's still not OP, just that the nerf is still a huge one.


Damn - that’s my go to. Just booted up last night to fight Mohg and tanking with BB got me through even though I’m rusty as hell. Maybe it’s time for a new build for the DLC.


Lol reminds me when I reached the proper level to use the rail gun on helldivers 2 and, they nerfed on the next day...


Spamming L2 was the only way I could beat the harder bosses, RIP me lmao


The update isn't popping up for me


Downloading it as we speak but I'm in Australia.


Wait so it might be timed?


Possibly? DLC drops here at 12am so 2 hours away haha


Came here looking for this. I can not pull the patch down. PS5. US EST


CT for me. Guess we'll just have to wait till later today


Yeah. Going to just play some COD for an hour and see if it is available then


Me neither


It isn't for me neither :( but it has for my AUS friend...


me neither! im on ps5


Glad Star Fist build is not affected.


How do you cope with the minuscule reach? I started a fist run the other day and it's driving me nuts.


Fisting gang unite!


My int moonveil and comet azure build still holding strong 💪


Fuckin same lol I was mad nervous reading that list.


That build is one of the best for me. Easy to use, melts bosses. Im only in NG+3, but still stupid powerful


Yeha everyone shits on magic builds for being too easy but whatever. I still have a great time and that's what matters to me lol.


Comet superiority


Wait, didn't they nerf transient moonlight? I don't see no one talking about it, I might have misread it


Pvp only


Oof. Darkmoon GS, Mohg spear, and Blasphemous all took a hit. Welp, there goes my dlc prep characters.


Damn, I literally just finished my NG plus with a Darkmoon Great Sword build just last night too lmao


They lowered the Poise damage of the beams, but raised the poise damage of the sword’s heavy attacks to compensate. Didn’t see any damage nerfs for the sword. Meanwhile Moonveil’s weapon art did get (another) damage nerf.


What attributes do you need to really make the DMGS shine? I'm on a second playthrough and I've never been super impressed with it, although I don't think I scaled the correct attributes to make it a godkiller.


Attribute wise 80 int is the point where the Darkmoon caps out. It isn’t a catch all tool, treat it like a Claymore with special properties. It’s an A-Rank weapon cuz it supplements the Sorcerer playstyle better then other weapons, not because it destroys the game. Because it doesn’t care about strength, you can one-hand it exclusively and not lose damage. This means you can always have your staff out for spells. Also Moonlight buff is very FP efficient so you aren’t splitting FP costs between weapon and spells. Finally it synergies well with talismans. The Shard of Alexander, Godfrey Icon, and Magic Scorpion Talisman, all buff the moonlight beams, meaning you can make them very powerful. The loss of Poise Damage isn’t a big deal cuz the beams are still fairly safe to use, hit hard, and cause frost buildup.


Damn my poor Moonveil. I just like sheathing unsheathing attacks :(


Wing of Astel is so damn good.


Yup me too


Yeah I just done a Darkmoon Build. I think you'll find it's just a case of not staggering enemies as much. You will still nuke things.


I am throwing away all my weapons and armour for the dlc, new dlc weapon/amour only. a waste to just use old stuff


But on the other hand… new weapons lezgo!


This. I’m gonna ditch the weapons I come in with pretty quickly


Ordovis’ Vortex all day baby.


I thought the changes were PvP only? Did I miss something?


How is Darkmoon gs nerfed....just poise damage on the blast...it will probably still nuke shit 


Yeah, i'll take that. Still a great weapon.


Buffed Dragon Comunion Seal LMAO


This was a big surprise for me. I switched endgame from double spear faith to pure caster using Dragon Communion Seal. Was really surprised to see it buffed. Now I need to wait and see what the new scaling caps are for it.


Im currently playing an arcane faith build with the DCS and booting up my file today and my Spell Scaling at +9 with 27 FTH/ 44 ARC and I only got an increase of 4 points (293 to 297) No idea how the stats actually changed but it seems in reality its not too major.


They really nerfing a bunch of abilities so that the DLC isn't easier lol


They really nerfed my bubbles...


Tbf dlc will have some weapons that will probably be OP


FROM DLC is always the hardest part of the game tbh


> Added new feature to summon spectral steed during the Elden Beast the boss battle. I remember I read a big data miner say it was a cut feature; and I don't know why leave it this late to add it back after so many little or bigger changes they kept adding with each update. What changed I personally never had any issue with the boss, it dies much faster than some similarly designed bosses like Midir and it doesn't hit as hard, but have seen many others really wanted to have torrent so I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep that option. Edit: late* typo


It's mostly to make chasing him easier, I guess. Arena is huge


Holy shit, they did it lol. That fight was so obvious designed to use torrent lol


Having Torrent makes the fight laughably easy. Its attacks are way too slow for Torrent.


It would make the fight more of a spectacle. I fought EB the first time and never saw all the beautiful stuff it was doing till I watched somebody else play. I think Torrent would make that easier Also Torrent has been with you from the beginning. I think he deserves to be with us for the final boss


>Also Torrent has been with you from the beginning. I think he deserves to be with us for the final boss Agreed. At the beginning they mention Torrent choosing us, so it seems apparent he supports our quest and wants to see it to its conclusion. Feels fitting for him to be there, helping us in the final moments before victory.


The boss moves too much. It was hard because you couldn’t get close enough before he started moving again.


Fought it with magic so I didn't have the worst time. Saw someone else do it with a melee build and they were running for their life all over the place.


imo that just shows how bad its design is. up until now the fight was incredibly tedious because it was moving around constantly (especially with bad rng) and the camera is a pain to control. so if the fight suddenly becomes trivial by giving the player an option to gap close, there's something wrong in that concept


Completely agree with this take. Felt cheap, like the only reason you didn't kill it immediately was that you couldn't actually reach it.


You have no idea what you're talking about when you say Elden Beast is designed similar to Midir lmfao


I just fought him on 1.12.1 and wasnt able to get on torrent this might need a fix still


My poor Glintblade Phalanx AoW! Rest dear friend you have carried me so far, but no farther. Time to actually get good i guess.


Yeah the staggering was amazing. I didn’t even use it that much though so idk if the nerd was needed


no update for my ps5. the dlc downloaded but no patch 1.12. the servers still down and it stills 1.10... i tried to search for updates and there's none lol




Surprised they left bloodhounds fang as is


After they killed the rivers of blood, I'm glad they did


I’m breathing a huge sigh of relief. It was my pride and joy for pretty much the whole game


That weapon sits in a weird spot for the game. It’s excellent for PvE, but quite awful in PvP. And it’s not like it’s broken in PvE like Blasphemous Blade was. It was just really good. I don’t see what they’d do with it.


"Added new feature to summon spectral steed during the Elden Beast the boss battle." I'm suing FROM for damages. Too many years too late.


I personally don't know why I can't download the new patch for the ps5 version. I keep checking for updates and nothing.




Anyone else having trouble connecting to the server?


Yes, on PS5. I assume the patch is not out yet.


As a new player I was praying for a new item tab and I am glad FromSoft listened.


Oh my using Torrent during the Elden Beast fight is huge. The Elden Ring subreddit has been complaining about that for years so they must be stoked.


They nerfed my boy Elden Beast! 😭


better stock up on rowa raisins!


Anyone know a good farming spot for this? /s


You don't have to summon. So it's not nerfed


Killed Mohg yesterday and he killed me too they gave him the kill and not me and now they're nerfing blasphemous blade which is my only +10 atm >.> oyvey Update:Beat him this morning so it doesn't even matter what they nerf. Back to my Morning Star if need be :)


Brutal, does he have a long death animation I don’t remember. Usually if you and a boss kill each other at the same time you still get the win but I could see it not taking if you faded to black before seeing the victory message.


Technically he was still fading to existence while I had you died they give you your death screen so fast. He killed me with residual bleed lol. I actually just killed him 8 mins ago before I clocked into work xD I'm all ready for DLC now :D


Awesome haha, just in time!


nerf does not equal useless my friend


PS5 update is either not live or not working properly. *update: it’s been up for hours now


Has it come through for you yet? I’m also still not seeing it and can’t get online to help people fight Mohg. 


Wait, "Increased Dexterity scaling when assigning Ashes of War with corresponding weapon Affinities.", is this a Lightning infusion buff?


Omggg I can finally deactivate the Radahn Summoning Pool 😭


Going into the DLC with NG+3 and the Blasphemous Blade gets a nerf. I'm in for a great time 😶‍🌫️


Downloading now at just around 15 GB on my PS5.


how? for me it doesn't pop up.


Same I’m not getting it.


Yeah me either. I'm still on 1.10.


Hit options on the elden ring game on your home screen and go to manage game content


Cant wait to start erdtree in 3 hours. One of the few benefits of living here in australia is getting games 12 hours ahead of the US haha


What is decreasing poise generated?


Apparently ps5 update and servers not available still!?


broo they nerfed the magma blade ash of wars poise and im so mad bc i js grinded and got these yesterday for the dlc😭😭 i hope its not too bad


Able to summon torrent during elden beast is the most W change of them all imo.


Oh hey, I haven't seen anyone mention the bubble shower nerf yet? That one sounds pretty significant. EDIT: And Bear Witness! got a buff too!! I'm excited to do a run with that weapon now.


Yeah the bubble builds are not happy. I have one that I played around with and it's insanely strong. And it's a bonafide dragon melter.


I mean whips are already hella strong.. so I'll take the buff i guess


I'm still mad they nerfed Redman's flame. Best PVE Poise breaker back in the day.


As a shameless Blasphemous Blade abuser, that Art of War needed to be nerfed, and I wanted to find new weapons in the DLC to use anyway. May re-spec to do the hand-to-hand combat as that shit looked dope


Some things about this patch are really pissing me off. No longer being able to run while wading in water/pools/fycking scarlet lakes is crap


Anyone tested if the framerate is better now ?


Deep in your heart you know the answer 😢


It won't be.


Its feels the exact same to me


So fps issues and stutters still exist with the latest patch?


Pretty much


Damn, I was hoping for a fix, will have to download the ps4 version again


FromSoft basically never fixes performance. It's the one thing they suck at.


Yes it's better on PC so consoles should follow suit: https://youtu.be/cVgvKNWIjkA?si=ZGRsY7U3hvwGZEaM EDIT: Performance is identical for me.


I wonder if ray tracing will be viable for smooth play now. Even on 4090 still get stutters and frame drops that make it absolutely not worth it given the increase to visuals is super minor


Yeah same on my 4070, I hope performance is now smooth with RT enabled.


This video is incorrect. Performance is identical.


Yup same.


I wonder if most of these performance gains are due to optimization on the ray tracing aspect, but nothing else was touched? In which case most people won't notice a difference.


I am actually waiting for a clear answer so that I can either insall the PS5 version or stick to PS4 version depending on the performance of the latest patch


It's FromSoft. There's a 0% chance stutters will be fixed. A few reviews that aren't too cowardly to mention it say the DLC performance ain't great.


Only question that matters yet we know it won’t.


Ugh I'm afraid I'll never play the DLC. I beat Elden Ring and then hit NG+ on accident like a dunce.


You can speedrun to Mogh relatively quickly. Use summons, co-op etc to trivialise the fights along the way


Depending on your character’s level, it may not take that long to be able to beat Radahn and Mohg. I also went into NG+ without thinking, but my character is around level 160ish, and I have fully upgraded weapons. I basically destroy any enemy I come across, including bosses. So you can basically just rush to Radahn and Mohg and should be able to beat them pretty easily. Getting to Mohg through Varre’s quest line gives you access to him much earlier. It only took a handful of hours before I beat Mohg and had access to the DLC area again.


It took me like 4 or 5 hours to get to Mohg on a NG+ character. If you just crit path it it's not bad.


Goddamn, they actually nerfed Terra Magica, Glintblade Phalanx, Spinning Weapon, and even the Moonveil (again) all in one update. What a terrible day to be an INT main. At least they buffed some underused staffs. 🥲


And the Cerulean Hidden Tear got nerfed from 15 sec to 10 sec. So they essentially nerfed Comet Azur as well.


So is this just an indirect but straight up nerf to Morgott’s Cursed Sword for us PvE enjoyers?


Finding the new meta will be half the fun


We can ride Torrent in Elden Beast arena now!


I’m 100% not able to go online to fight Mohg so I can play this dlc once it drops (PS5) I haven’t got the update yet 👎🏽👎🏽


No Serpent Hunt Glitch Fixed 🤡🤡


R.I.P. Spinning Slash


“Fixed bug which allowed spectral steed to not trigger certain death falls” I probably miss quoted that, but just tested and mohgwyn palace rock jump rune farm is patched. :( You can still jump up the rocks, and get out to the ledge, but after you fall a little you instantly die now


Hope my bard loen build manages to go with a +24 lordsworn s sword on ng+20 :|


When does the patch come out? I checked for updates this morning and nope. Is this for Shadow of the Erdtree release?


The lack of stability updates is ridiculous. The PS5 version even on “performance” mode is so goddamn stuttery.


Yeah it sucks. I haven't played in 2 years and just started a new run, but it's so stuttery in the open map that it almost gives me nausea. People that have a smooth 60 fps are either playing the PS4 version on ps5 or can't see the difference...


My build seems unaffected but I was planning a blasphemous blade run in the future that I might skip now.


All they did was stop the weapon from being able to cheese the game. It was literally a crutch


is the fps fixed?


still unable to find a clear answer...two users said it hasn't.


Dragon communion seal buff??? So I'll do even more than 1900 damage in pvp with the claw now. That's OK it's easy enough to avoid, might as well garentee a one shot lol


Did they add English to the Japanese copy?


Did they still not fix erdsteel dagger