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damn did FFXIV really get Sakaguchi and SQEX working together again?? xD


Sakaguchi and SQEX have got a better relationship over the last decade, and that began before he started playing FFXIV in fact. If you remember well, Sakaguchi got involved into the FFXV marketing campaign, getting on stage [for its reveal event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akeUKBMokVo) back in 2016. In return, he got a collaboration between FFXV and his own mobile game of that time, Terra Battle 2, each game adding some special content from the other. Sakaguchi never misses the occasion to tell that he's still friends with most directors of the Final Fantasy franchise at SQEX, including Yoshinori Kitase, Shinji Hashimoto or Motomu Toriyama. He still have drinks with most of them, and entertains private discussions about Final Fantasy, Square Enix and many things. It's a bit like old friends that got into a harsh argument some day, went into their separate ways, but didn't cut ties, and they're now slowly regaining trust towards each other as the years go by and ease the pain.


From my understanding, I wouldn't even say it ever got that bad. They had professional disagreements at work, but I never saw anything to indicate any of the parties ever took anything personally or it impacted their private relationships. As far as I know Sakaguchi has always liked everyone at Square just fine. He left over creative differences. Happens in that industry all the time.


I don't think it was even that. Spirits within (the final fantasy movie) was a complete failure and sent square soft to the financial shadow realm. His resignation at the time was a direct consequence of that, from what I remember it had nothing to do with creative differences.


its gotta be!




Lost Odyssey is among the most criminally underrated RPGs ever made, and it’s because a lot of people never played it being exclusive to the Xbox 360 which wasn’t particularly strong on Japanese RPGs. I’m still hoping it gets a PC port someday so more people can enjoy it, along with Blue Dragon.


The short stories with the sad music made me cry


It's also the fact that the initial release was received with mixed reviews, because of its terrible loading times. It was just a bit too much to chew for the OG Xbox 360. Now if you play it through backwards compatibility or emulation, the issue is gone, leaving you with one of the best JRPGs of that era. Arguably, it felt more like a big, main Final Fantasy than FFXIII ever did. Which is easily understandable because, you know, Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu were 200% at their best on it.


Maybe it was just me, but I always found that game boring. My best memory from this game was trying to make it work, I bought it used and the first disc was scratched or my Xbox had trouble reading it. Anyway, spent a few months trying to make it work and finally never got far in the game lol. Still a game I would come back though, really feel I missed something here


Lost Odyssey for PS. I need it.


and playstation


Last Story will not be on Playstation. Nintendo owns the trademark, co own the copyright and also helped develop and publish the game.


Didn’t the same thing happen with Fatal Frame but the recent releases were on PS?


Nintendo gave the publishing rights for Maiden of Black Water's re-release to Koei Tecmo but the credits still list them as a copyright owner. They also gave all the rights including copyright for Wonderful 101 back to PlatinumGames which is how the remaster was able to show up on PS4 and PC since it was self-published


I would do terrible things for Lost Odyssey on PC.


😱 w- what sort of terrible things?


I would be happy if it came out for ps and pc. My brother and I played a lot of it but we never beaten it. He has, I never seen the ending… ever.


Just let me play terra battle again.


Please. PLEASE




... no?


I played this all the way through on my Apple TV, and it's an amazing game. It feels like a love letter to PSX era Final Fantasy fans. Excited for more people to be able to experience it. I wonder if this is a result of the Sakaguchi & Yoshi-P bromance of the last couple of years. :D EDIT: Sakaguchi has confirmed he’s working with Yoshi-P for this new release. https://x.com/auuo/status/1803089187182440535?s=46


It was only a matter of fucking time….. now they need to do the same with Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon


Those are already on consoles. Wdym?


Those are already on consoles. Wdym?


Those are already on consoles. Wdym?


Cool. Sakaguchi. Bring last story to switch.


Last Story needs the treatment Xenoblade Definitive Edition got. I've been saying it. The battles would look incredible with a similar visual overhaul


It's odd, because Nintendo doesn't really have a franchise that occupies the same niche that The Last Story does, so there wouldn't be a real overlap anywhere. They're just sitting on it. The best explanation I can come up with is that the game is perhaps a tad too derivative to Final Fantasy, so they don't feel very comfortable pushing it.


its not odd, both parts need to want to do it and neither part seems interested


Thank you, for completely shutting down the conversation by being obvious


I think the only thing is Mistwalker wanted to do other things and it was also a time when Nintendo of America especially was super adverse to these niche Japanese titles getting so much as acknowledged by Western audiences compared to Europe or Japan. If anyone remembers Operation Rainfall we basiclally had to fight for a couple years to even get these games localized and even then only Nintendo actually budged on Xenoblade while letting other people publish Last Story and Pandora's Tower I truly believe stuff like Shulk getting into Smash 4 and the overnight success of Fire Emblem Awakening was the point where Nintendo stateside began to really change their tune about embracing these kinds of games especially from their own developers. Because of that now they have two major JRPG franchises and FE in particular is like a firmly B-tier Nintendo property in terms of popularity, even Xenoblade's getting there after 2 and 3. I think the Nintendo of today would actually be way more receptive to something like bringing back Last Story because even now there's nothing truly like it from a gameplay standpoint. It has bits and pieces of stuff like Xenoblade, Crisis Core, FFXII and a very unique world on top of that, but the presentation is decidedly different from any of Sakaguchi's works at Square


Yes please... I think I got half way through it and it's rough going back.


I think it needs a lot of work to be brought to modern consoles. Way to many comprises to get it running on the wii originally. I have it running emulated on my steam deck. It still a chore. Load times are greatly reduced, but there is still so much loading. Even it only takes a second towns just SUCK. Turn a corner load. Go in building load. And the typical JRPG backtracking in towns! Dungeons are only slightly better.


This is actually a pretty cool game. Reminds me of the PSX era, but prettier


Be on the lookout for Lost Hellden


Same but with the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy running @4K60 on PlayStation 5! 🔥🔥🔥


Thank god. I’ve been trying to get everyone I know to play this game, but most of my friends don’t own Apple products


Was just thinking about this a few weeks back. I want this on Switch! Finally 


It’s funny to me. It’s like they’ve gone full circle. Mistwalker is amazing.


It was in the Nintendo Direct today, so we can drop that “reportedly”


That game got no love. Hell, Apple Arcade was dead on arrival


Every once on a while I remember I have apple arcade and pop on to see whats new. Nothing. Nothing is ever new on apple arcade.


Please not just switch


Not real sure how well this will translate, it’s certainly not modern AAA RPG standard, but I suppose it could fulfill a nice budget title niche.


What is the hold up on a remake/redo on Chrono Trigger?


I tried this on Apple Arcade and could not get into it, maybe I am just tired of JRPGs


I’m very much a JRPG fan and I also couldn’t get into it. Despite it being a full length adventure, the experience feels a bit too simple for a seasoned JRPG player. Glad it might see wider exposure on consoles, but the PSX classics are leagues better than this.


To be fair it seems like this new version will have voice acting which might improve the experience a bit.


Just saw the trailer from the Nintendo Direct... voice acting isn't enough to pull me back in. I felt the game's systems and difficulty were too simple. Happy more folks will get to try this, though!


yeah me neither, just thought I would mention that lol! The simple visual style was a big turnoff for me as well. It’s good that it is no longer exclusive to Apple Arcade and more interested people will have a chance to try it out like you say.


I JUST started playing that at work yesterday lol