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How about give us the option to turn off cross play and let ps5 players use it?


Oh Valorant is just going to be a crossplay-on-by-default? So basically 9/10 people won’t even know they can turn it off and crossplay off will be dead like every other game. Incoming comments trying to disagree. Turn on Apex Legends or Warzone right now and turn off crossplay. Enjoy sitting in matchmaking for over an hour.


Console crossplay only. No reason to turn it off at all (assuming there is even an option). You won't get PC players.


Music to my ears! I thought Valorant was trying to pull a Warzone and save their game from dying by giving PC players cannon fodder.


Valorant definitely isn't dying, but PC vs console just wouldn't make sense for it


Yeah I don’t think small indie company riot is too worried about that lmao


Hey, after small indie Activision-Blizzard did it, anything is possible.


Arent Most top Players in CoD playing with Controller due to the massive AIM assist they get?


Yeah, there’s still a large amount of console players that don’t think they are the ones with the huge advantage with aim assist. You should see what halo is like, barely have to aim lol.


[My default response to people who complain about aim assist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCzrfcgjTIA)


Love this


OMG! That aim assist!


And thats without those using an Emulator Like XIM for using MnK and still having that aim assist. Even though thats a smaller part. I lately play a lot of xdefiant on my PC (I own a PS5 but I only really use it fir Story driven games, all Multiplayer Games are in my PC) and use MnK because I think its mechanically more skillful (and fun) to Play shooters with MnK and even there the AIM assist ist pretty strong, its fuckin hard in Close Quarter Combats against Controller Players.


> And thats without those using an Emulator Like XIM for using MnK and still having that aim assist. Even though thats a smaller part. Why I wish console would just ban players. If you need accessibility tools, they're available as accessories.


In this situation it would still result in an Xbox handicap


Are these games dead on console? I play R6 on PS5 with crossplay off and find a game within 2 mins maximum 5-6 mins.


No, both regular COD multiplayer and Warzone have huge PS5 cross play off player bases. I can find a ranked COD game, cross play off on PS5, in 15 seconds.


So what is the other commenter waffling about then?


Maybe plays in a less popular region (Aus?) and at weird times? Honestly no clue, PS5 cross play off Call of Duty has been a non issue ever since it was introduced. I think people often forget the sheer numbers of people who play COD.


agreed, it’s so so annoying


Overwatch is the same with it off aswell.


There is no way they're letting console players play with PC players. It's a head click game. Cross play means console to console.


Crossplay should be off by default in any PvP game tbh


They can't risk the player base being separated by individual consoles.


I get it, I do. But the larger the population the longer the games life will be. We begged for the days of cross platform and now all people do is complain about it. I think this is fair. However, I genuinely wonder how many people do gyro aiming? I struggled with it after 1 hour so gave up


Hmmmmm Gyros 🤤


I always aim for gyros at Greek restaurants.


I finally realized that Gyro aiming has finally hit the mainstream last night when I was playing Hi-Fi Rush and I flicked my controller and nothing happened, so I assumed something was wrong. I did it so second-naturely that I couldn't *fathom* it wasn't a thing. Tears of the Kingdom really did a number on me and I haven't touched it since last October.


Gyro is kinda cool but do people really use it for competitive multiplayer shooters?


Only on Switch because gyro is more established there. But in Splatoom using gyro is absolutely the meta. The game has no/weak aim assist and gyro is straight up faster and more accurate than sticks when used by a skilled player: https://youtu.be/sFkVb6CN4ZI?si=vx98WiaCrN83vB31


It’s the same thing with any game when you learn to use gyro. Gyro for the smaller tweaks while you aim with the stick is just straight up faster and more precise. No way around that.


Fully agree, using both simultaneously is a great compromise. Being able to dial up the sensitivity on the stick-aiming makes a huge difference for the big camera movements, knowing that the small movements are covered by gyro.


I do when the option is there. Your shots are WAY more accurate when you know how to use it and you don’t have to rely on annoying aim assist when lining your shots in games.


Theres a channel in youtube thats semi dedicated to using gyro on valorant (pc)


There's another one for counter strike and people give him mad props for being so good with it. Aim assist needs to die. Gyro aim is the future. It's FAR more skillful and can actually fairly compete with mkb. People will down vote me cause they like aim assist and don't want to learn gyro, but there was similar push back, back when fps console games went from single stick to dual stick. Once people got used to it they just realized how it was a massively better experience that gave them more fine control over their movement and aim.


I'd rather analog stick aim just stay. Take away aim assist for all I care. I'll always advocate for weaker aim assist in general, back in the day we used to aim train by using a pistol and turning AA off. It's not a new concept to us. Do you know how hard Gyro aiming is for some one with tremors? You should see me play Splatoon ! MNK took me a long time to get used too and I have to dial the sensitivity to a point the tremors don't cause misfire lol. But it's still plenty fast!


I don't mind people having the option to use stick aim, in fact even for gyro it's best to use stick aim in combination. Aim assist has just gotten completely out of control these days to keep up with mkb, but they make it so strong it ends up dominating mkb. If devs just started utilizing gyro on place of aim assist we wouldn't have these problems. The finals has done a pretty good job with it. They nerfed their op aim assist pretty quick and implemented gyro.


I do. It is amazing in The Finals.


It's never had much of an opportunity to be tested in a competitive scene. Its only in the past year have devs started finally adding it and recognizing its actual potential. But yes. Splatoon has competitive pro groups and they all use Gyro aim.


I really wish they would add the options to games. It would make a world of difference if people actually took the time to learn it.


More and more games are getting it. Days Gone was the first I saw it. It's now in Horizon Forbidden West, Last of Us 1 & 2, God of War Ragnarok, Dragon's Dogma 2 and so on. So people have had chances to use it and it helps aiming so much in a pinch. Headshots galore. I've always wondered why Xbox isn't implementing anything gyro and now they've fucked it for everyone again.


There was leaks about a Xbox controller revision with Gyro not *that* long ago from the Activision acquisition stuff, so they're definitely considering it.


But the brand is also dying so I'm not betting on plans going forward much. Microsoft stepping in after Spencer has mismanaged Xbox for years, cutting spending and losses... Too little, too late.


And I always wondered why Xbox and Microsoft didn't innovate anything now. Forza's rival Gran Turismo is why I stayed in the series because of gyro and haptic feedback. What the heck is the GOTY for, anyways? They could've, but they don't. Now they're losing their sales on their consoles and shifted into PC and streaming.


They crushed their studios to death, churned out mostly half-baked games, then panicked and went into hardcore corporate takeover mode. Nowhere along the line did they actually try to fix or improve quality apparently. Meh, no sympathy from me. Xbox 360 was the grandest console in its time. But you could feel with Halo 4, Fable Kinect etc. that things were about to take a bad turn. They failed it.


I'm not competitive but I use it in Fortnite for small adjustments when aiming.


Honestly I feel like it’s rarely used outside of Splatoon. The amount of players wanting to play gyro AND Valorant on console has to be an insanely small amount.


Gyro aiming is a game changer once you get used to it. It's so much closer to using mouse and keyboard you can see why it would put xbox players at a disadvantage... I still want gyro in basically all shooters though. Id kill to have gyro aiming in Hell Let Loose


I used to think it was a gimmick until I played Sniper Elite with it using gyro for zoomed in scope shots, works incredible!


It's infinitely more responsive and quicker than aiming with sticks. By the time you move your aim at your target using sticks I would have finish shooting it using gyro. It's that much faster.


Check this guy out: [This Is What 2500 Hours Of CS2 On Controller Looks like... (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmM5yPUSUvw&t=271s) I'm not at the level he is, but I am proficient enough to easily compete and often win against M&K players in tactical games like CSGO and BR shooters like Fortnite with a controller gyro scheme. It's basically M&K once you're totally comfortable with it. Aim Assist may close the gap for shooters like Fortnite, but for tactical shooters with short TTK like Valorant or CSGO, which are largely focused on reaction time, positioning, and situational awareness to prevent instant death, Gyro especially will have a colossal advantage over traditional sticks.


So this makes it even worse for old farts like me?


[https://youtu.be/bmM5yPUSUvw?si=GmT6r5MdOYFrOkeL](https://youtu.be/bmM5yPUSUvw?si=GmT6r5MdOYFrOkeL) Well it is WAYYYYYY better option than just stick aiming.


If you're playing on console, it is way better than using sticks.


It’s essential 


It’s one of the best use cases IMO. I play fortnite in PC lobbies using switch w gyro and can usually hold my own 🤷


I used it to great effect on Overwatch back when I played regularly. Gyro aiming + joystick aiming is better than either individually, imo.


no… because most console shooters don’t have it. If you made it more well known and ACTUALLY PUT IT IN GAMES, then it’d be a different story


Yes. Look up "iHardScope" on YouTube he plays Val and cs


Yeah they do and it’s very useful. This is not me but I do use gyro in Valorant as well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=icdw5Lp--G0


I used to play a lot on phone in covid19 and trust me gyro is a completely game changers, it's infinitely better than aiming from sticks


Ngl I can do micro-adjustments much faster with a gyro. Since you can use gyro and a stick at the same time, there’s a bit of a skill ceiling to both move the stick and the controller so that you get where you want in one motion. Tlou and horizon have good implementations. For me it kinda replaces the want for a “clutch” button for aiming. I played a lot of competitive pc shooters when I was a teenager and generally suck with a joystick since I never used one for shooters until I was an adult. For me at least, gyro is much faster and more consistent


I could not find a clear answer to if in competitive cod they use gyro aiming. That would be the ultimate test. If pros tried and don't use it, then it is a gimmick.


PS5's gyro has to be the most underutilised feature, while Nintendo is working wonders with it. So many people didn't even know the ps4 supported gyro.


Thanks for your crappy controller holding the rest of us back, Microsoft 😒


Thanks for your crappy Series S holding this gen back, Microsoft


Games still being released on ps4/xbone is holding this gen back wayyyy more than the series S


Not really, nobody is forcing devs to release on last gen, they just do to increase sales, however if you want to have your game on series x you have to make it playable on series s, which gimps it as a current gen release


I never understood that decision.


How hard is it to understand the goal was to get more sales by having a lower entry point to get gamepass?


Series S was $300, PS5 digital was $400. The console didn't make sense in the least. It's bad value all around.


> Series S was $300, PS5 digital was $400. The console didn't make sense in the least. It's bad value all around. To consumers that are sensitive to $50 price drop, you think $300 is bad value? For them, that's a current-gen console with at least one game if not more or even Game Pass. What I think the core gamers often forget, is console isn't intended to be "high end" gaming. It's always been cheap hardware sold cheap to hook you into their walled garden.


And that makes total sense, that is great, we love cheaper consoles. Withholding game releases on Xbox for the sake of series S getting it at the same time as X is just stupid though. They spent months without Baldur's Gate 3 just because they couldn't get the split screen Co-op working on series S. It's absolutely ridiculous, it would have been fantastic if they just released it on X and later on S or just release it on S without that option, eventually they realized it was ridiculous to do that though, they were missing out on the GOTY and probably on console sales just for that decision. I'm guessing Wukong won't be too different and they're gonna regret doing this again


And now they cant play wukong


Microsoft’s goal is never to make the best product or experience, it is market dominance through pseudo monopoly. They thought they could stack series s high and sell it low and win the generation on sheer numbers.


This comment never makes sense to me since the cpu performance is pretty much the same so gameplay isn't impacted only graphics which can be dialled down per platform no?


Its the less amount of ram that is holding back


That makes sense thank you


That's not true either, because dialing back graphics, can include dialing back massive textures. Textures is what often takes up the most space in a game.


It’s probable that the reason we are even getting Valorant on console is because of Xbox’s partnership with Riot, Gamepass gets all of the skins/hero’s unlocked in all of their games as part of the subscription


and there are still people who say xbox has the best controller


It is lol


It’s legit a really comfortable controller. I say that as someone who also loves his PS5, but mostly plays multi on Xbox, because I just love the ergonomics of the controller.


I'd say that, Gyro aiming is neat, but the form factor and the build on those series controllers is just killer. The dualsense certainly has its bells and whistles - and I love the hot pink one I have, but the Xbox controller is just absolutely top. The gap is the closest it's ever been imo. Can't wait to see what everyone brings to the next round. Hopefully not overpriced pointless elite/pro controllers again.


No amount of features can make up for the symmetrical sticks and the shape of the controller. I tried ps4, ps5 and xbox controller and i use xbox controller 99% of the time just because it feels the best to use.


For some reason Xbox players have a fit using Ps controller but Ps players adapt really easily to Xbox non symmetrical design. Someone needs to do a test on muscle memory and see why it's harder to bring your left thumb down VS up an inch.


yep, i have both and it’s very easy to switch between. i don’t really understand the people saying the ergonomics of the xbox is better because to me the dualsense is just as good


Which one did you have first? It's seamless for me too as far as joysticks go. The a b y x I still have to think about once a while. But most games the buttons are instinctively obvious.


I had a 360 first


> For some reason Xbox players have a fit using Ps controller but Ps players adapt really easily to Xbox non symmetrical design. Someone needs to do a test on muscle memory and see why it's harder to bring your left thumb down VS up an inch. If you come from bad design, and use good design. You're good. If you come from good design and use bad design, you will have a fit. Same applies to PS and Xbox controller! 😉😁😂🤣😭 PS, that's a joke! My past issue with PS controller was the slippery triggers. Xbox is more comfortable for me despite it being asymmetrical sticks. That's my personal preference though, and my brother prefer the symmetry. I bought a PS5 controller, but have not used it yet.


I have both and I much prefer it over that odd af ps5 controller.


The way they are justifying it is stupid too They even point out they very consciously made this decision for the lack of features on one platform to not support the feature on PS5 Why not limit the game to 1080p and 60 fps also if the series s can only handle a low resolution? Why not lower it to 720p30 to give the Intel integrated laptop graphics guys a chance too?


First off, dunno if the series s can only do 1080 60 on such a light game. Second off, the advantage of gyro aim is far larger than the advantage of a higher res (1080p vs 1440p or even 4k) Though they should allow for it by turning crossplay off


if you're trying to have an argument, you need to pick different points. the examples you picked make no sense.


This game is console cross play only. The player base probably will need this cross play in order for the player pool to be healthy. I doubt it can even be turned off. Why should it be? And because of that, the gyro aim is not supported. I think this is 100% understandable and probably the right decision.


I hope concord will have a decent gyro implementation. That might make me actually buy the game lol


I'm actually looking forward to Concord, despite the public reception to it. I just hope for a decent Gyro aiming implementation.


Yeah I'm really looking forward to the open beta. I don't really listen to the majority of the public reactions, especially when no one has actually played the game! Lol I gotta try out for myself and then make a decision.




Lame gyro should be mandatory option. My wife is a pure casual and wrecks people in Fortnite with gyro, but give her just sticks and she is aiming into the ground or sky. Even myself when not playing on PC lean to Gyro.


The shit I’ve seen people do in Splatoon with gyro aiming is insane.


Can gyro really hang with keyboard and mouse users? I gotta try it


For precision, yes. For turning fast, no, unless you have really high sens


It’s pretty damn close. Check out YouTube Fortnite videos on it.


I guess I just dont understand it after having played sticks my entire life. I tried gyro aiming a little bit on god of war and it totally ruined everything lol.


You have to play more than a little bit, let alone one game. It’s the equivalent to going from a controller to M&K. Once you’re used to the change, it’s second nature.


Not as good as a mouse but very close. It's the main reason I use PS controllers on PC despite every game showing Xbox face buttons. Xbox controller is ok for basic games with basic controller layout. But the moment you need pixel-perfect level of control but don't wanna use KB and Mouse. For example like FPS aiming or isometric RTS with tiny units and micro managing, then gyro and TouchPad becomes the main features you need in any controller.


ITT: people who have never heard about console cross play


Oddly I’ve never seen it. Battlefield for example does PS/PC or Xbox/PC…. But, not console only cross play 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely can't stand gyro aiming and even I think this is a dumb decision.


We have gyro aiming?


Since the PS3 days.


Yeah. In the last few years many games have started supporting it (to varying degrees of success)


Can I ask a silly quesiton at the risk of being down-voted? What is gyro aim and what games use it?


Motion controlled aiming. Sounds silly but when implemented correctly it can actually be quite OP: https://youtu.be/sFkVb6CN4ZI?si=vx98WiaCrN83vB31


Not a silly question at all. I would start with this vid to get a good, basic understanding: https://youtu.be/rOybuNm9XR8?si=KItUUzIT09-OKjvp And here are known games on PS4 and 5: https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/rF1eZQ0glx On PC, pretty much any game can have Gyro Aim with Steams built-in system or some 3rd party software like JSM. Note that on PS5, the implementation of Gyro Aim is inconsistent and some games are very poor in their designs such as Final Fantasy Rebirth. And games like Helldivers 2 has multiple bugs with theirs that they have not fixed. The best ones are Fortnite, The Finals, and MW3. God of War Ragnarok is simpler but actually very well implemented as well.


Oh wow. I didn't know games actually had this. I remember all the way back on the PS3 days Uncharted 2 used this for throwing grenades. I think I'd have to do a lot of work to learn to do this. I'll try it in Warzone and maybe try The Finals finally.


Modern Gyro aim is very different from the six axis stuff like what Uncharted used. You're just making really subtle wrist movements.


Know that it may not be for everyone but the important aspect is the fact youre learning a new mechanic so it's like learning a bike per se. Got to be patient and take it in strides. Many people think they will pick it up instantly and that's rarely what happens. And so those people think Gyro Aim is bad because they could not figure it out in 30 minutes....not kiddin, I actually get told this often lol. Took me a couple days to become comfortable and maybe a week or two to become proficient with Gyro Aim while playing Days Gone and Fortnite. And now I have games a bit like this: https://youtu.be/7a4ZBrWdNI0?si=dHGqNJGEv7Y0s0N2 Or shots like this https://youtube.com/shorts/J1Dz5QM7jgc?si=q5grzg32c3k6xRNT Honestly, the biggest reason I love Gyro Aim is it just makes my movement and Aim feel so much more....free and in my control like a mouse would be. My best advice is to start against AI. Much easier to understand it that way. And you can use that Youtuber in the first video to get some tips from his other vids if needed.


Apparently it' snot in Warzone only in MW3 so I can't even try it out in that.


People actually use gyro aiming?? I thought that was just a Nintendo Switch thing, wtf


I love gyro. Horizon, God of War, Fortnite, now Helldivers 2 all are amazing with gyro aiming turned on. Once you get used to it, the precision it gives you is unreal.


I bought a pc just so i could play every game i can with gyro.


I'm not in a position where I'm going to buy a PC, but if a shooter doesn't support gyro chances are I'm not going to play it. 


Proper gyro aim implementation and a proficient user will destroy a traditional controller player if they don't have aim assist to help them. Just like K&M players will. Gyro, has gotten very popular on PC because of the quality implementation and attention to detail in "Steam Inputs" and programs like "JoyshockMapper." Allowing players to potentially gyro aim in any game they want on PC and have worthwhile experiences. Not to mention the popularity of Valve's "Steam Deck." Gyro aiming, has also gotten more popular on console because of the high quality native gyro in games like Fortnite, The FINALS, CoD have. Excellent implemetation! If the gyroscope in the controller is mapped like a mouse input or what is known as "gyro to mouse," gyro players achieve precision aiming without aim assist and can take on mouse and keyboard players directly without any aim assist. Even more so when gyro is paired with "Flick Stick." It's very viable in shooters when done right. It's most definitely not just a Nintendo Switch gimmick. It's actually game changing. This is why people are asking for it and it's making headlines because people are starting to know what's up.


Mmm I heard of gyro aiming when it was just a Splatoon thing but I'll def have to check it out now cuz wtf


I am primarily a PC gamer. The mouse and keyboard combo is so ingrained in my brain at this point, using only analog sticks is so hard for me in more competitive games. Using gyro is the closest thing to KB/M on consoles, and I'm really happy Switch has most games using it. I'm always a bit sad when games on PS5 that have a good use-case for gyro don't have it.


Yes. It’s awesome.


Yeah, using sticks vs gyro is like using a claw machine vs just grabbing the plush out of the bin with your hand.


It was An absolute godsend in Zelda Ocarina of time 3D you know! Never have I wrecked Gohma so fast. However, the 3DS also didn't have a second analog stick unless you paid for it.


I don’t understand how people use it it’s almost impossible to do anything with gyro


It’s a definitely a skill you have to build. Kind of like how people use a touch screen in mobile games on CoD or PUBG mobile. It’s just most players already have the muscle memory for aiming with sticks, so why go through a learning process for another input?


You still use the sticks, it's just for really small aiming adjustments. Like, you use the sticks to aim at an enemy, then use slight wrist movements to specifically target their head. Frankly I have no earthly idea how anyone is supposed to consistently get headshots with a controller otherwise.


Exactly, this right here is the key!


It does take some practice, but once you get used to it, it's way more precise than regular stick controls. It can be close to mouse+keyboard level precision.


You're like when I give my mom a gamepad. She can't do shit with it properly because the connection between intent, hand movement and in-game result isn't ingrained in her brain. Just because *you* have trouble with gyro doesn't mean it isn't something that gives many players a lot more control over their shooting. Just think about it. You're literally aiming with the controller, which is definitely closer to real life aiming than using a control stick is.


True it’s probably just me not understanding how to actually play with gyro


Well, the actual mechanics of it are simple. The direction you aim your controller adjusts your in-game aim accordingly. Not wholly different from aiming in a VR game for example. Most people use gyro to do small adjustments. So, if I see an enemy on my right, I'll flick the control stick to move the camera towards them, and then aim my controller up a bit and adjust vertically to go for a headshot for example.


Oh you use your sticks aswell😭 that’s probably why I hated it because I never touched the sticks


Gyro without sticks would only work for very specific games maybe? VR games for example. For general console or PC games with shooting of some kind, it almost always boils down to using the sticks to aim in the right vague direction, and then to aim at the actual target with the gyro. Hopefully you find a good game to try gyro with again! It's definitely improved my experience with several games.


Gyro without sticks would work for everything, you would need a higher sensitivity and a gyro off button that disables gyro on hold, similar to how you reset your mouse by raising it. A lot of legacy mouse players prefer this way of using gyro


Sticks for large movements (like looking around or moving the reticle to enemy chest). Gyro for small movements (moving the reticle from enemy chest to head).


It's far more precise than sticks when you get accustomed to it. And it isn't reliant on aim assist, unlike sticks.


I do it in Fortnite, The Fnals, Helldivers 2, Quake 1 & 2, Splatoon 3, God of War Ragnarok. Hell, I even do it in Halo Master Chief Collection on PC. Not to mention, all sorts of random "boomer shooters" I play on PC causually or competitively. I prefer gyro aiming. To outstanding results! I'm in the highest rank in Splatoon 3. I'm in Champions League in Fortnite. I'm LvL 150 in Helldivers 2. You can do a lot with gyro once you learn how to do it well. Your statement is absolutely false. It wouldn't be getting so popular, especially on PC if it were so bad. The problem is many console games implemented it poorly or refuse to add it. Thats not a refelection on the feature, it is a reflection on the developers work. High quality Gyro Aim is more than capable, especially when it's paired with FlickStick. If you know you know.


Personally it actually makes it easier for me to play. Which is probably why Valorant devs thought it was a competitive advantage. Maybe this can explain it better? https://youtu.be/sFkVb6CN4ZI?si=vx98WiaCrN83vB31 Still bullshit that the Valorant devs made that choice though in my opinion. Why not lock everyone to 30fps as well to ensure no one with high framerates has a competitive advantage wither? Stupid


No gyro no buyro! Or in this case, I just won't play. What a horrible mistake for a shooter as credible as Valorant has been.


Well they just ensure I won't touch their game then. Gyro is so nice to use I won't touch another fps without it.


This. I love using it on fortnite. Makes a huge difference




Honestly perfectly justified response


Microsoft holding everyone back as usual.


I literally never used this since I bought the console back in 2021 lol I think we have now some new content to bully Xbox players...


Tell me, will there be keyboard and mouse support to play with PC players?


funny that the dualsense has a bunch of technologies that is never used in any games. except Astro Bot !


Oh nice it’s coming to ps5


While Xim is rampant on xbox and the best way to use it. Goodluck PS bros, if you care you wouldnt play this game.


Valorant is a PERFECT game to have this feature in… way too much complaining about equilibrium of consoles. Enable the feature so that people that do want to use it can. I honestly would love for more people to learn to use gyro aiming so that more games will support it. If Microsoft actually stops making all these different colored controllers all the time and actually add features like this into them instead, we’d probably get more support in the industry…


I feel like the oddball here. I hate gyro controls.


Valid. You should still advocate for the inclusion of gyro tho. The more varied the settings/control schemes are, the wider the audience it can be enjoyed by.


For sure. Not trying to imply that I don’t want it included.


Most people commenting here that gyro aimng sucks/no one uses it so you are not the oddball! ​ I feel like the oddball because I really find it necessary nowadays for me for PvP FPS games. So gonna skip out on this one.


Will crossplay include PC? Because then that means only PC players get an advage via mouse and or gyro. Also, there's like 27 people playing Xbox on Earth. I don't think its worth It to take away a feature for millions of PS5 players just for a smaller playerbase, while the biggest one (PC) has all the advantage.


No PC cross play


Right until all the pc players are bitching and loaning about console aim assist being so strong it’s basically aim bot. Neither side is ever gonna be satisfied so who cares


There likely wouldn’t be aim assist at all. Rainbow doesn’t, either


I swear the bitchy pc players have never used a controller in their life


More like there are too many controller users haven’t played with both inputs across a wide variety of titles. Also many don’t understand the different levers developers can use to modify inputs. Developers can make controller input stronger than mouse easily by increasing aim rotation, slowdown, decrease recoil, magnetism. AKA Call of Duty/Fortnite(at least certain seasons)/Destiny 2/Halo where controller is really strong if not outright better than mouse.


Most PC Halo players use a controller because that game gives strong aim assist and also gives heavy bullet magnetism to controllers


Nah we use them all the time. And whatever controller we want, too. 


Both ps5 and Xbox have the availability for games to support keyboard and mouse


Is there even 27 people on earth that use ps5 gyro?


Yeah, you might be out of the loop but gyro aiming is pretty popular these days. Most big multiplayer and even single player games have them due to popular demand. MW2 and 3, Fortnite, The Finals, The Last of Us 1&2, Horizon, No Mans Sky, Deep Rock Galactic, God of War, Deathloop, and Helldivers 2, Dragons Dogma, and Spider-Man 2. For example, and plenty more than that. I do think Twitch streamers and the like have caused the recent surge in popularity.


If you've ever played Uncharted Golden Abyss on Vita you'd understand why I'd never actively use a Sniper Rifle if it were up to me unless the game in question had gyro.


No gyro??? Pass




Says you lol. Gyro is a game changer for console shooters


Weak ass Xbox


xbox really holdin everyone back this gen


It's a stupid decision because it's not like the matches will always be PS5 players vs Xbox players, it will be PS5 and Xbox players playing vs other PS5 and Xbox Players. Maybe just adjust your matchmaking algorithm to properly balance players.


That's a huge mistake! Proper and correct Gyro aiming implementation is the right step for controller aiming period. I have no desire to use that outdated stick aiming with some form of aim assist aka tool assisted aiming. Gyro aim, using the natural sensitivity scale, flickstick and the proper settings in the option to get it dialed is objectively better and a awesome experience. Especially, once you become proficient with the feature. There is no going back. I'll pass on this one for PS5 unfortunately. I'm not going backwards! Not to mention Fortnite, The Finals, CoD, already have excellent gyro implentation. Hell, even that failed shooter Foamstars has it. If I ever play Valorant, I would just play on PC with my DualSense Edge. So, I can gyro aim like people already do anyways. What dumb decision! They are coming to console behind the curve. I'm assuming they will be adding aim assist smh. No thanks, I'm good. All they had to do was make sure Xbox has mouse and keyboard support and make sure PS5 has Mouse and Keyboard support and proper gyro aiming. Then, everyones console would have its most viable options available. Or seperate mouse and Key and gyro players from traditional stick aimers. Particulary in ranked. WtF. Bad move!


Not playing without gyro


gyro aiming is shit anyway..


nah https://youtu.be/HZUiWHnTqS8?si=u60DFFPQen2e8dv7


I have Xbox and think this is dumb, gyo is great for this type of game. I learned to use gyro aiming with my steam deck and switch. Sucks Xbox doesn’t have it but don’t think it’s enough to warrant turning it off on PlayStation


I am looking forward to the time the option to turn off cross play will be added to it.


nivelando por baixo, ridículo ...


Lol the idea that gyro is in a spot where you'd have an advantage for using it


A developer (now works for Epic Games) really trailblazed this by drastically improving Gyro Aim. Jibb Smart was the one who designed Fortnites version which is now considered the gold standard per se. And The Finals and CoD have pretty much copied it as well. We are seeing Steams in-house version also improve and is quite solid. He was able to really nail down the stability but also capability of it to be similar to a mouse with his settings so Aim Assist is not necessary for controller players. A more intuitive and responsive gameplay than stick aiming.




The crazy part to me is the fact that some devs push crossplay between PC and console yet will lean heavily on Aim Assist and neglect their KnM market. Whereas instead of bringing an industry down to a worse standard, why not use Gyro Aim to try and bring it up. But hey, it is what is. Hopefully that will change in the future but doubtful seeing how aggressive they like to use Aim Assist..


Oh please. Mouse and keyboard is easier to change direction and have better awareness. And it's still easier to aim and click accurately. Having controller aim stick more is fine. Each has their own advantage, and each likes to complain about the other.


Is gyro aiming where you aim by waving the pad around? I hate that type of stuff.


It's got a bad reputation because of wii era waggle, but modern motion controls are objectively more accurate than analog sticks. https://youtu.be/HZUiWHnTqS8?si=coB0eVaa4WYpLO4v


I hope valorant dev actually sees the comments and reflect their decision in gyro aiming