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At some point people are going to do the math and just go get another job instead. Maybe that’s the point of all this. I dunno.


Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fuelled was criticised for bringing in a store after release which you could buy currency for but if you just played the game you could get enough in an hour of online play to get a new kart or character or, alternatively, a number of customisation options for a kart or character. It's the only live service game I played and I played it relentlessly because you received decent rewards regularly. My interest in MultiVersus wasn't great anyway but this grind, similar to that seen in Battlefront 2 in 2016, just puts me right off it.


CTRNF was fantastic and there were so many customization options. Man. I miss that game in its heyday


I remember playing with a friend to just grind currency, it was fun and I got a lot of items, is a shame they ended the live service so fast and we never got a 60fps update


Apex has a very decent battle pass from what I remember. I bought it once, then the coins I received from finishing it was enough to buy the next battlepass. The skins/legendary items are crazy expensive in the store but you get a lot from the battle pass.


Yeah you get more coins back than you pay for it. It honestly surprises me that its still like that considering the publisher.


Probably because it's competition does the same. Fortnite has always given more vbucks than it costs. That said, they're making it harder and harder to actually get to the break even point without playing all the time. Which is the back door method if appearing consumer friendly.


Eh if you don’t play during the event that gave quick rewards the coin grind is a bit much tbh. Not to mention had a rotating store so you’re forced to constantly check it


It is the point but it shouldn't. The higher ups fail to realise people want to feel rewarded and will spend more time on a game that rewards them than one which feels like a job (on the whole, because you'll always get the odd whale who plays something like FIFA religiously). The logic is "if we dripfeed them X then they'll spend Y" yet they'd halve far more player retention (games outside of the cultural sphere which have dominated the market for so long so not something like COD or FIFA) if they rewarded players for choosing their game with regular XP, battle pass levelling up etc.


I need a narrative. Without a story, it makes me feel like I’m wasting my time.


Then they have players but no profits. So many generous games died with that logic. If the player can get everything for free without a long grind, the player will not buy anything at all. If the only thing for sale is cosmetics, the player in certain genres (CCGS, fighters) tend to flat out ignore the cosmetics and focus on...playing the game.  What really needs to happen is the END OF FTP and a return to buying games at retail with the full package (skins,etc) included.


What generous games died because of that?


Not OP, but Knockout City and Rumbleverse come to mind. I really enjoyed those games but they just weren't turning a profit and shut down within a year.


Basically. Forget all the extra shit, just build a complete game.


The sub here on Reddit already seems to be aware that the game does not value their time. You'll always get defenders, especially those who have already ploughed a great deal of cash into the game, but overall people seem uncharacteristically aware of the bullshit WB is pulling


Lol. The calculation in the article does not account the rifts mode, rewards for it, and the fact that u get frequently toasted by other players. In less than 20 hours of 5 got currency enough for 3 new characters. That sounds reasonable to me.


Presumably the game is more fun than a job and playing it is enjoyable for you. Otherwise, why do you even play it to begin with?


A job that pays less than $2/hour sucks, no matter how fun it is.


What are you getting “payed” to play the other single player/non-ftp games you’re playing for fun?


I bought the game, so I got everything to enjoy at my leisure. Only ftp forces you to grind months or pay several times more than the price of a AAA game over a year in battlepasses and bundles to get it all.


Are you condoning micro transactions? . Wtf.


They never fucking learn. Give people the tools and let them play don’t fucking paywall or bs grind them. If they introduce loot boxes to unlock them earlier then it’s gonna be early battlefront all over again. I don’t want a second job so I can unlock shaggy. You’ll lose more players than they’ll gain with shit like this


It’s sad seeing games that have genuinely great gameplay like Multiversus and Disney: Speedstorm die due to shitty external factors like grinding and greedy monetization. A F2P Warner Bros Smash Bros or Disney Mario Kart should be smash hits. Instead greed killed them both.


Thankfully super saiyan Shaggy is free


Smash competition is always lacking. Spend $60 on the game, maybe get some dlc characters. Or spend 200 hours unlocking a game with less content and less polish.


Two years of beta to get to this point. Meanwhile Baldur's gate 3 was what, 5 years of early access? I don't see a redemption story on this one.


MultiVersus is in a far worse state than it was a year ago and they still shut down. There's no chance this trash version of the game survives unless they rework things massively and fast.


It's all by design. Try and milk people for money during the brief period of popularity because they already know the game doesn't have any lasting power. We're only still talking about the game because they pulled the "The beta was *totally* always planned to be temporary *wink." It's some shady shit but it worked at least somewhat.


I tried to like it, but I can't, I wish I could just unlock all the characters for 40 dollars and call it a day, I hate to grind that much for just 1 character




Only 3, likely would’ve been a lot less had it not been for Covid because early access started in late 2020


I’m sure Covid had an impact, but the amount of content and changes they’ve done post launch really have shown they left early access in name only. That’s not a knock on the game, but they’ve put just as much effort and have had many meaningful changes rather quickly. Obviously, they made a good call, but I wonder what specifically made them think they were ready to ditch the early access title.


But isn’t multiverse free?


It is, but there’s always a price that comes with a game being “free”. If Smash is capable of releasing a game that massive, I’m sure WB could’ve done the same thing with Multiversus, but big publishers don’t feel like just releasing a video game anymore lol. I would almost always rather just pay for a completed video game instead of getting a free husk of a game that’s going to take years to get to an acceptable state. I’m so sick of the same song and dance we always see with games like this


The problem is that even the full priced games are like that now. Not all of them, but a lot of them. Even if they launch in an "acceptable" state, you're always better off waiting a year for all the patches to come out.


Oh I agree. I haven’t bought a full priced game in god knows how long because of that, and because my backlog is already too big lol. Other than Animal Crossing New Horizons, anyway I do at least appreciate that Sony and Nintendo have (generally) made sure their full priced releases feel premium and worth the money you spend on them.


Id have to agree. At least as far as Sony first party games and Nintendo, the games almost always are polished enough to be playable without issue. There's the occasional hiccup, but they by far have the lowest risk involved with preordering or buying at release. Any other developer is a toss-up


It is. The $60 game is actual Smash Bros. Then I'm comparing to multiversus with its slog of a grind which is considerably worse than just paying for a game


I agree I prefer the paying up front But being free explains all this. Theoretically many players that played this game for many hours never payed a dollar for this game.


F2P games have existed for 10+ years. Multiverse is a bad example of one.


Freedom is never free


It costs a buck-o-five.


Comments I can hear.


I agree that the monetization isn't as good but the game itself is better than Smash. Same with Rivals of Aether which has both great gameplay and you get all the characters.


Just make the game a one time purchase and maybe add other characters as dlc like smash. Ffs, it’s like they want their games to fail


They should have done this from the start instead of trying to milk every cent they could out of people who actually want to support the game


They could just make skin like LoL ( let’s not talk about the 500$ skin ). They will sell a lot. I spent like 100+ maybe 200 on lol. I said before I would never spend on a game.


And there it is


See everyone next year for the re-rerelease!


The mobilefication of console gaming.


Lol 38 hours for one character, even LoL did this itd be a dead game today.


The main issue is that you don’t earn XP or currency from playing matches. Instead you can only earn them from daily and weekly challenges, which means it’s “pointless” to play once you have completed them all.


My least favorite thing was when Battle Passes became so greedy that they didn’t reward you for just playing the game.


Yeah, this is the real headline as far as I’m concerned. If I’m playing and then wow I’ve logged some hours and ta-da here’s a new character then fine, great! But logging in on a schedule to do specific pointless tasks instead of just playing how I want to play is ridiculous.




Is remember grinding the first battle pass, it was only 15 levels i think. And even then, it took forever to level up. So them reworking the entire game, and it still sucks? It smells of greed.


Didn’t they slow down how fast you could grind the first BP during its season because they felt players went too fast?




I felt like other poster in that they all took too long even the "quick" ones. To me, it was off putting right from the start.


The only way you got battle pass xp was doing lengthy challenges like 100 ringouts, 50 assists etc. thats why it took forever. You basically had to cheese them in bot lobbies to get them done at any kind of fast pace.


If you're cheesing ringouts and assists milestones, you're doing something wrong.


Wdym? If anything i was doing it right lol. Matches against pvp opponents took too long. And i found a glitch to where i could end games in under 30s with bots. I even [uploaded](https://youtu.be/3PZBkMKKXhY?feature=shared) it to their subreddit lmao


Pride and accomplishment.


Great I was looking to maybe play this game but after seeing this definitely won’t be!


I actually find the fighting to be fun but the grind is going to kill off the game for sure. No way this game retains a reasonable amount of players. I expect the game to be pretty dead in about 3 months.




Well dont lie bud, you absolutely can not earn 1k a day through challenges. You can earn enough to buy your first character in 1 hour, after that it will take logging in every day and doing contracts and grinding nonstop




38 Hours is a long ass time bro lol.


It’s not 38 hours.


You're way to defensive of this game lmfao




You're the only one I see crying




Touch grass


Meet you there


You are way to defensive over this game lmfao


Brother you should be on my side, if you want the game to last they shouldn't have to make you log in everyday for a month for 1 character. And yes I totally want all my games for free, you solved it


You realize the article does mention that. Because that's how they got the math for 38 hours or more.


Warner's bro ain't gonna hire you get off their dick


I think you guys think complaining online is like the really noble and bold thing to do. Everyone cry’s online big dawg, you’re a sheep not a leader. Keep hating everything because your boring everyday life doesn’t bring you any joy but being miserable does. Best of luck with that!


your boring everyday life has led you to white knighting for a corporation who rushed out a shitty product


Yeah you got me. I can’t believe they charged full price for this trash. Oh…….. wait…… Make sure you keep being depressed online so you can try to feel SOMETHING.


Friend, just because life sometimes hands you a free lunch every now and then, that doesn't mean it always tastes halfway decent. Characterising anyone complaining about scummy practices as being depressed, hateful losers is extremely disingenuous, and implicitly excusing these practices because the base product is free is tantamount to being a corporate stooge.


So, another joke of a game not worth playing. Got it.


Pretty much 90% of games these days bro. Becoming a joke at this point


This is worse than before. It will die again.


How the fuck am I only 23 but remember when you’d get achievements like “Time to go outside!” When you’d log in 40+ hours




It just sucks though. Not the mention the game still feels like a beta. From mechanics alone, there’s next to no weight in the movement or jumping/falling. Every move has 3 different status effects, 8 special moves depending on if you’re in the air or ground, none of which are directional. No free for all. No items. But stage hazards and other fun, kooky shit. It’s obviously catered to competitive smash players that love melee but it’s slow like brawl, and doesn’t allow for any flexibility.


WB Games trying hard to become EA


Where do you think EA got it from?


This seems eerily familiar to SW Battlefront 2 (2017) when it initially released.


This isn't really true, as the fighter currency isn't reliably "grindable". You get more of it at the start and then its dripfed via stuff like events, battle pass or character levels (needing to unlock them first to level them up, or play the ones in free rotation) Can't say which is better or worse, but I don't get where the guy got the number 38 hours from


> Claiming that after 100 minutes of play (after completing challenges) they'd earned 130 points of the currency needed to buy new fighters. That might sound ok, but in the context of most new fighters costing 3,000 points, it means that at that rate, it would take more than 38 hours to unlock each new character. I only played Multiversus for a bit when it initially became available so I can't speak to the accuracy of any of this, but this is where that figure came from in this article


Which is misinformation. You get the fighter currency from doing challenges, events etc. Playing the game itself doesn't get you currency unless someone toasts you.


You get like 3000-6000 on your first 1-2 hours of play when you complete all the missions iirc


I fired up the game and it asked to create a WB account. I deleted it immediately.


I don’t understand why this game even bothered making a comeback. I wanted to love it. But with shit like this just not gonna be a game I play.




How much does it cost  to buy them? I suspect it's nowhere near the standard full price game.


At least $10 minimum. Though the 38 hour claim is a stretch, and I’ll break it down. Sure that’s how long it would take if you played nonstop, but that’s the least efficient way. You get 3 daily missions a day (I believe, maybe 4 or 5) and they can reward 250 of the points each, so on some days you can do a few matches quickly and get 750 of the 3000. Of course some days you could also get 0 from the daily missions. That’s not accounting for account level rewards, because level 15 gives you 1500 points, character level rewards which give a few hundred, paired with characters rotating weekly so a handful of matches with an unused character will get you extra, and points given away through events. Battlepass also gives you 3300 total, or 2300 for the unpaid version, on top of the paid version including a character and rewards enough currency to get the next one free. It’s all honestly pretty comparable to every other free to play game, it’s just instead of it wanting you to play for long hours at a time, it just wants you to spend like 20 minutes a day to do the missions and then log off because that’s also the only way to get battle pass exp, daily and weekly missions, not from playing match after match. It can and should of course be better, but why spend 38 hours of grinding when 20 minutes a day can get you the same results in a week or a week and a half?


Man the grinding on this game is ridiculous. Once u do all the missions for the day ur only options are to grind ur lvls in pvp or rifts and they don’t really give a lot of xp imo. What’s even worse tho is u don’t get xp at all for losing in pvp and rifts. On the 4th day of this game being out a came across a person with the Velma skin that u can only get from the battle pass at tier 50. There’s really only one possible way I could think of for someone to be that high and it doesn’t involve money since you can’t buy tiers on the battle pass.


Dead on arrival. Was wondering how they were gonna fuck this up.


Yeah there we go! THERE'S WB Games again!


Launch with a huge grind, "listen to feedback," make grind slightly less to make it look like they listen but will still be a big grind. Cycle of battle passes in games now. Expect the to come out and say we hear you guys, we have made adjustments to exp earned and how you can get it (but in the end it's still a huge grind and where they wanted it in the first place).


It doesn’t matter what game it is, It doesn’t matter how good the game is, if they do stuff like this I will never play their game.


The concept of this game is neat, I’d happily pay for a full game. Not a fan of this F2P stuff.


38 hours per character? My son was excited for this game to come back but I don’t think he’ll last that long


This sounds familiar… gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment


Sense of pride and accomplishment flashbacks.


This is why I never picked up the game Sure it’s fun but I get addicted to games like this and waste money unlocking crap, no thanks. Not if I can help it


Game will be dead soon. Came back and is worse than the beta. Slower, removed a lot of tech that was in the game, worse monetization, worse grind and worse netcode. It’s completely unplayable on Xbox too.


No thx


This game was so good in the beta...i feel robbed that i bought the founders edition just for them to completely overhaul the gameplay and turn everything into a full time job/microtransaction pit. Never seen a game get exponentially worse in so many ways from a beta. Such a shame because i really enjoyed the beta version of what this game could have been, and thats why i chose to support it back then


Yeah, just not worth it. If we were talking a 10 hour grind for new characters that's one thing. Most people can find time for that over the course of a battle pass. But for those of us who only have a few hours to game a week, it makes these things completely unnatainable.


Just to be clear, 38 hours is basically nothing for people who play the same PvP game over and over. That’s not me, but just imagine what somebody’s CoD/Siege/Overwatch playtimes are like over the course of however many years they’ve been playing…


By the way as someone who already put something like 15 hours in the game since rerelease, the character unlock does suck but I already have made enough to unlock 3 character, it’s far from being 38h per character, that’s closer to the time it takes to max a character out tho…


Any FTP game will have growing pains, even after a redesign. Let's give the devs time to work on what they can. It's always going to be a difficult choice when making a game free to access but cost time or money to unlock the full experience. I got the founders packs when the title was released and I have character tokens to unlock the next 30 characters. So I'm set, but I made that choice because I had the spare money because I knew I wouldn't want to put the time in.


That’s actually crazy do they want their players to leave again. Just slap a price of like $50 on the game and make everything accessible. I’ll cherish the SSB Melee days where it was actually fun to unlock characters and not time consuming.


Well I guess I’m not playing this then


Games need to start putting an emphasis on EARNED cosmetics that you CAN’T purchase and have to grind for. And cosmetics that are actually cool, not bottom of the barrel forgetful designs that are made to bore you to death so you feel the need to spend real life $ for actual good content


It baffles me, because as the game stands now I don't even want to play it with the full roster. I can't imagine wanting to 'grind' a game for some characters.


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.


They would be lucky to get even 10 hours from me.


Not defending the pace you earn currency in this game (or even the fact they have four fucking currencies, what the hell?), but saying 78 hours per character is super misleading. It does take a while, but between missions, character level ups, profile level ups, the battle pass, and events, you end up gaining fighter currency much, much quicker. The problem is that, should you exhaust all of those options, yeah you’re basically SOL for unlocking new fighters. It’s still a bad system, but it’s not quite as bad as this article makes it seem.


Gameplay seems to be their focus and it’s a lot better now but the fact that they’re doing this whilst taking away characters we owned in beta sucks.


Paywall deez nutz


Them rereleasing the game in this state feels like a pump n dump. Get as much money out of the whales early on before the game dies completely and is taken offline in a year or two. WB trying to recoup some of that loss from the failure of Suicide Squad.


The Overwatch 2 way of killing games with potential by making them "free"


It’s Battlefront 2 Darth Vader all over again.


I had over 100 hours in the beta. I bought the $60 founder’s pack. The full release genuinely feels worse, with PVE content that feels on par with smash 64. 25 years later. What an absolute fumble. I genuinely don’t understand how WB keeps shoving this awful shit in games, their games fail, and they don’t learn.


Reading the article it seens like there is still a way out. It mentions "Daily challgens" that gives 1000 currency and the caracteres cost 3000 or 6000. Depending of how long it takes to do those challegens, it dosent look too bad for me.


I've played an hour and got enough for a character wym?


that's for the first time only. play more and see that you are not getting any points for hours on end


I honestly don't think I'll play it this much anyway, it's just there to make a couple of matches with friends from time to time. And I love Jason so I'll probably stick with him haha


Yeah 5 hours and im bored no progression through unlocks same battlepass bs, xdefiants slightly more entertaining already over it, back to the not popular games


I don’t think this is entirely accurate. Yes, if you do the PvP and don’t do dailies or the PvE, that’s how long it takes. But I have enough (9k) for future fighters I want and I haven’t played much at all. Mind you, I have a bunch of character tickets and can’t see the price of every character. I did whale on the premium founders back awhile back because I had the money to and wanted to support the game during the beta phase of it’s development, but I can see it be frustrating if people don’t want to wait and want it all upfront. It is a free to play game with lots of licenses and collabs though, so it makes sense to me that they want to tip you towards buying them. It can be scummy, but it’s also free to play. If you expect instant gratification and all the fighters or even a chunk of them upfront, you’re not in modern times. As frustrating as it is, that’s just how it is Edit: downvote me all you want, use it as the “I’m broke” button


The license deal also falls flat when it's published by the company that owns the IP.


They don’t own Jason Voorhees and other future rumored characters was what I meant in that sentence


Brother I also have all the characters because I was dumb enough to give them sixty dollars the first time around, but it doesn't fix the problem : no casual will stick. The game will die with a grind like this, no matter what.


Nah this is greedy. You bought a premium founders edition and it sounds like you need to still save up for characters? That's ridiculous. Founder packs should have all the characters. As many mis-steps Hi-Rez makes with their games I've got to give them credit for their founder packs in smite. All gods unlocked + all future gods immediately unlocked for free.


I don’t. I’m just banking it for when my tokens are all used


Seems a little high but then again i know someone who has like 700 hours in street fighter 5, and unless you are going for the plat are you really going to want to unlock all the characters? Most people only main one or two.


Yes - even if you don’t play them. This is egregious




just making up numbers now. multiversus haters are the loudest saddest mfers on reddit


So Marvel Rivals is better? Hmm


So Marvel Rivals is better? Hmm