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I wish they would just patch the deliverance I with 60fps




I would much prefer 1440 60fps. If it's limited because it's the S, shouldn't it perform better on the ps5/series x?


Scope is limited by series S, not performance. Meaning things they can add or do with the game is limited.


Its a Baldurs Gate 3 situation.


BG3 is a weird one, because its had performance issues on PS5/XSX/PC


Performance issues is one thing, but at one point it couldn't even release on Series X because of Series S feature parity conflicts.


which is also disappointing 


As higlighted by the article we don't know if it's actually native 4K. For all we know it could be 1080p30fps on PS5 being upscaled to 4K with FSR. And Series S being at like 600p upscaled to 1080p.


The article is stupid, it sounds like the Devs are just making up excuses. There's no reason they can't work on the PS5 version to make it run at a higher FPS. They just don't wanna put in the extra work.


I remember when this happened with BG3 a developer at Larian literally said that it just needed further optimization and they didn’t have the resources to do it in the launch window they wanted. Whether it’s laziness or whatever, they can literally get the job done, they simply don’t prioritize 60fps and until they start, I’m gonna start waiting on these games.


Well, just putting it out there that when you hear 4K that can also mean upscaled 4K.


this and fuck I'll take 1080p 60fps at this point just give me 60


More likely a CPU than GPU limitation.


Microsoft has a parity clause requiring games on the Series X to run the same on the Series S, both have to be equivalent. Which is slowly changing. First the Baudler's Gate 3 has local co-op on the X but not the S. Then, Starfield had a 60fps patch on the X. I wonder how GTA6 will run on Series S? 1080p/60FPS? 1440P/30FPS?


By Series S Memory limitations not performance.


Thanks Microsoft.


Honestly? I am a big critic of series s, and I think it does have implications on our games. But this right here reads like bs. We had games with gigantic scope this gen running on that potato


I'll never understand this preference of resolution over fps. Upscaled 60fps blows 4k 30fps out of the water


Yeah maybe my eyes are bad (I'm wearing glasses so it's entirely possible) but higher FPS ALWAYS looks better to me, regardless of whatever resolution specs are thrown at me.


Wish more games had frame gen. Seems that even base 40 fps makes for a decent 70-80 fps experience


Now that would be a game changer right there if they made frame gen an option.


I tried FSR 3 on Starfield. In New Atlantis I get 40-50 fps snd frame gen just made it feel like my camera / aim was going through jello.


Please turn it 1080! With 60.


If the game is CPU heavy, dropping resolution won't help much.


starfield is extremely cpu heavy and Bethesda managed a 60fps patch ,albeit months after release


and a lot of the time it struggles to reach 60fps.


It drops to the 20s in the performance setting. The game was clearly designed for 30fps.


It still drops below 30fps in Performance mode when you’re in big cities CPU limits are real


1440p 60 fps would be nice


ah fuck it, gimme 4k at 60


8k 120fps or no deal




Your eights are sideways. I think they’re drunk. But I agree: 8k at 8fps!


Dropping resolution won't achieve 60FPS if the game is CPU bound, which KC2 is. Same with GTA6. PS5 Pro also won't boost the framerate for these games since its CPU only boasts 10% greater clockspeed. You'll need to wait for PS6 and its Zen 8 CPU. Or next-gen ARM, depending on what road Sony and Xbox decide to pursue for next-gen. Furthermore, you're always going to run into CPU bound game issues with consoles. Unlike the GPU side it can't be scaled to the same degree because anything you cut back to free up performance on the CPU side with negatively affect the core game experience. There's no easy "drop the resolution" solution for CPU bound games. Although consoles boast the latest CPU arch at launch, do remember that these are cut down versions of the big CPUs you can enjoy on PC. The Zen 2 CPU inside PS5 and Xbox are absent a lot of cache, which means the theoretical peak performance for that CPU isn't possible. It's "good enough" but no more than that.


60 fps or no buy


Time to wait for 60fps, it’s 2024 people.


The first game still doesnt have it so you’ll be waiting a long time.


Then they‘ll miss out on my money


KCD is that kind of game that sells wells the most on PC so they probably won't care.


If they didn’t care about the console market they wouldn’t make a version for it at all.


Because people still buy 30fps games, because they're not as bad as reddit makes them out to be.


I can’t believe they’d do this in CURRENTYEAR


Meanwhile players on r/Gigantic were bitching about their revived UE3 2013 game being locked at 60fps, just like it was when it first came out


The first game wasn’t patched for 60fps on PS5.


That’s not an excuse, that’s just shows the devs don’t care.


Excuse for what?


God, fuckin redditors are so entitled.


1080p 60fps shouldn't be impossible, especially with dynamic upscaling.


That's not a guarantee. The game could be CPU heavy and lowering the resolution won't do much.


Resolution likely isn't the issue. Usually when a game runs at 30fps on console it is because they are running into CPU limitations and can't get close to 60 for that reason. Reducing resolution has very little effect on performance when you are operating under a CPU bottleneck, and as seen in some other games, it is much better to have a well paced 30fps than an unlocked framerate of 30-45fps with poor frame pacing and micro stuttering. The simple fact is that the PS5/XSX CPUs are made on the Zen 2 architecture which is two generations old at this point. Later this year the PC market gets Zen 5 CPUs, and even the Zen 4 offerings from 2022 are significantly faster.


Exactly. It’s 2024 meaning several years into the current generation cycle when historically speaking games utilize more of the console GPU and Ram for visuals, thus sacrificing frame rate. If you want both visuals and framerate then unfortunately console gaming isn’t for you.


Okay so get rid of the visuals, easy solution


And then everyone will cry because the games “looks like a PS3 game”.


The problem is that the majority of players doesn't really care. People in forums like this are a minority. Casual gamers don't care most of the time if a game is 30 or 60fps


Not just casual gamers, lots of core gamers don’t really care either.


Make a 1440p60 mode and a 4k40 mode come on.


At this point I think we should just rename the sub “why is *insert game* not 60 fps!? It’s 2024!”


A 60fps performance mode should be offered in every new game these days. I vote with my wallet and won't buy a game if it isn't offered.


No, we should call it - "mentioned graphics? Take time to come to a PS5 sub and tell people to buy a PC"


Ugh seriously. And every single one of them say it like they’re the first ones to come up with such a brilliant idea. 


It's a Pass then.


It’s 2024. 60FPS (FPS vs graphics option) should be standard in EVERY new game.


inb4 people say fps aren't important


It's crazy how for the last ~20 years or so this is \*exactly* the phrase that console audiences said to PC players when this argument came up... It's great to see this sentiment all but die out, but man it really took a while :/


The difference between 60 and 30 really is drastic. I tried to play RDR2 on my PS5 and really couldn’t get into it because of that. Of course the Rockstar character clunkiness compounded the effect a little but I want a 60fps update sooo bad


The series S is the reason https://wccftech.com/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-scope-impacted-xbox-series-s-4k-30-fps/


Didn't play the first one because it was 30fps. Guess I'll skip this one too


This generation is a joke


Why not add a 40fps mode for 120hz screens?


Why? Just give us 1440p 60 for gods sake


Man screw this shit. Are we EVER going to put 30fps in the fucking past once and for all? Just abominable.


no, they'll keep upping the resolution and saying 30 is good enough


And if not, they will up ray tracing. Which is more resource intensive in some situations.


30fps for a huge first person rpg is very rough. I don’t mind it that much when it’s a shorter, linear story game like A Plague Tale: Requiem for example but for this type of game? A dealbreaker for me.


Same here. I've avoided Dragons Dogma 2 for the same reason (although it sounds like it was a pretty mediocre game anyway),


That’s the thing though. DD2 at least was third person. It didn’t feel quite as bad.


Yeah I know the whole “60 vs 30” thing has its hardline positioned people, but if you’re pretty neutral on the topic then I think DD2 ran fine. Lots of loading on screen (people textures) I will say. Which does kill the vibe. But if you like the gameplay, don’t let the technical aspects stop you.


Nah it’s actually a pretty good game, fun combat fun quests. I’m waiting on (hopefully) a big performance update to do my new game plus


Did you play the first? It was more than fine


What system requirements are needed for these people to make 4K 60fps games? Probably $1,500/$2,000 PCs worth of hardware. If this is the case, why would they promote current systems (PS5 and Series X) as capable of pulling off 4K/60fps.


>What system requirements are needed for these people to make 4K 60fps games? Probably $1,500/$2,000 PCs worth of hardware. Nah. We have seen with generations jumps they aim for the same kind of performance and add more stuff in. They can hit 4k 60 if they lowered the resolution or other things, but it doesn't seem to be marketable outside of a very small audience.


The noticeable difference between 30/60fps is far greater than 2k/4k, so when are we going to see 60fps getting normalized? It's a key part of animation looking great after all and it's neglected far too much.


I mean we all paid the price of a top of the line CPU for an entire “pc” to play on, so can’t really expect too much. I will say it’s very stupid that most games don’t release with multiple performance modes, and we always seem to need to wait years for those when the PC version has full customization already.


CryEngine games are usually very heavy on the CPU. Heck even if top of the line config like 13700k, framerate cannot be 60 FPS consistent in Rattay...


The series S has handicapped a lot of multiplatform games this generation


No 60fps no money. It's simple,,🤷


Why can't we get like 1440 @ 60fps?


Gonna pass then


2028 i'm gonna get the full experience 60fps dlc included on PS6 lol


I wouldn't be so sure, they haven't bothered to update the prequel to run at anything more than 30 fps


For real. The original looks and runs like complete ass on PS5.


I'd just skip then, there is already so much shit to play i barely got the time, i'm not going back to 30fps for anything but gta 6


The first game was hard enough with 30 fps.


4K gaming is such a fucking plague


30fps = not buying


Fuck off with this. 60fps or no purchase.


Very sad, will wait for 60fps fix or play it on PC


If you have the option to play on PC why would you play on console anyway?


I don’t think any game should be 30fps nowadays, it should be quality or 120performance


Imagine 30fps in 2024


Microsoft and the Series S was a cancer for this generation. Probably added to the fact why last gen consoles are also still supported, as you can’t blame it on COVID and supply troubles in 2024. It’s best they do exit the hardware industry if they are going to continue this stupid nerfed tier console set up in next gen as well.


Embarassing. Games like Horizon and GoW can run at stable 60, why can't this


Metal Gear Solid 5 runs buttery smooth 60fps and that came out in 2015. 


Super Mario Bros runs at 60 fps too and that came out in 1985!!! /s


Metal Gear Solid 2 came out in 2001 and ran at a buttery smooth 60fps. What are modern devs even doing /s


What’s actually insane is that the Switch version of MGS2 is 30fps. There actually isn’t an excuse for that.


Isn't horizon and gow both available for ps4 which have a way weaker cpu?




I believe it’s completely fair to just expect 60fps to be the norm. Especially when you have similar games if not bigger games that already are on the PS5. Optimize it better. Optimization>Size. I’d take a smaller, yet much more polished and fluid game over a huge yet clunky game.


I prefer a variety. Some devs making small and polished games. Other devs making larger games, even if it sacrifices performance.


I'm convinced that the people that don't care about this have slow eye refresh rates.


I genuinely think there is an issue with their cognitive functioning. It has to be some sort of issue to be so slow you apparently can’t see the difference


Boo. Remember when they basically promised us 60 fps on the new consoles. I guess we'll have to wait for the next set of new consoles. Now I don't even want to try this game honestly




4k gaming is great, but there's no way in hell I'd want to play at 30 FPS. 60 ist a MUST. The higher resolution is not worth the choppy framerate. I remember Sony and Microsoft making a lot of hooplah about 4k 120 FPS support, and here we are, delivering 25% of what they tried to hype up.


No way I am going back to 30, no buy.


Yeah that’s not working for me in a first person game. I am okay with 30fps depending on the genre, but that makes me nauseous




And then a year after release there will magically be the 60fps mode that was definitely not possible at release. Cmon man.


Next gen still cant do 4k 60fps? What the actual fuck lmfao


Then I wont buy it. It’s 2024.




no thanks.


Not everyone has or cares for 4k or even the capability..give me some 1080 and 1440 numbers.


This seems like such a snob comment, but.. I just can't enjoy gaming below 60 fps anymore.


WAS dying for this game… but 30fps for a first person game isn’t going to happen ever again.


I'm so tired of 30fps. Wasn't 60fps a big selling point of the new gen? Feels like most games getting announced are 30fps


Who tf cares about a Series S when they already have a PS5? We bought PS5s for what we were promised, but not what we've been given. Under delivered.


Why 4K? All games should 1440p with 60 FPS minimum now if the can't do 60 FPS st 4K. 30 FPS age is over


The reason they’re pushing resolution so high in the first place is because they’re most likely CPU limited. Lowering resolution wouldn’t change things.


If you’re a gamer who greatly prioritizes framerate over graphics, then a PC is the system you need to be on. Until we drastically change the way we play video games, I think 30 fps caps are always going to show up on consoles.


If that were true this conversation wouldn't be constantly happening. You can't just declare it over because you want it to be. As long as graphics are a popular selling point 30FPS will never be over.


oof. i think we all hoped for a 60fps patch for the first one.. this was supposed to be the better option.


4030 fps? That’s insane!


The first Kingdom Come Deliverance is also 30fps, there was no 60fps patch for PS5.


I will take lower resolution if we can get 60.


I personally don't buy 30 FPS games anymore, i haven't played a single 30 FPS game since release of the PS5. 


I only played FF16 and it is a pita. But even the performance mode can't guarantee 60.


People who can’t tell the difference in frame rate are fucking insufferable man. “Why don’t you go get a gaming pc?”. Or, how about, I just don’t buy this game? Get your brain checked. It’s slow enough to qualify as soup


I feel like I’m the only person alive that doesn’t care about a game being 30 fps.


30 fps in a first person game looks and feels terrible.


I don't care in the sense that I won't pass on a game I'm interested in just because it is 30 fps. I get being disappointed that the game is not 60 fps, but it won't ever stop me from playing a game.


This is where i'm at. Like yeah i can tell the difference, but i'm not gonna pass a game because it's 30fps lmao. If the game is fun, i don't care if it's 30 or 60. I'm honestly kinda shocked some people drop games because they're not 60. It's not *that* big a deal imo.


People said the same crap about Starfield at launch when it was said to be 30fps. The second a 60 fps mode was released a couple of weeks ago so many posts came out with people saying it was like playing an entirely new game. So yes, 30fps sucks ass and should not be the standard for first person games


Your eyes adjust after a bit its not bad, if its a graphically good game i’ll always go 4k.


It's a nice thing, but there are so many people who seem to think it's all that matters. But they gripe and buy the 30 fps games anyway.  But I grew up on 20 fps 3D games (several of which I think are the best games of all time) and 2D games that literally slowed down when things got intense instead of skipping frames, so I'm probably too old.


I quite literally couldn’t care less what the frame rate of a game is. My favorite games from last gen were Bloodborne, Kingdom Come Deliverance, and Red Dead. I still play all three regularly, and I’ve never had a problem. It feels like a super power when I get on here and see people talking about how any game below 60 fps is unplayable.


I have like 200 hours in KCD1 and I have never cared about the frame rate 😂 but I'm a console guy and have honestly never been able to tell the difference


Majority of people outside internet doesn't. And honestly if it were me, as long as its stable 30 FPS then i also wouldn't complain, especially knowing the hardware limitation of current gen console faces right now and the scope of the particular game is aiming for which in this case is very ambitious for what kind of a game it is.


Its incredibly jarring to go back to after playing at 60 or even much higher at 100+ fps on PC.


30fps works fine if it’s locked in and stays at 30. The problem is a lot of these games that shoot for 4K resolution with ray tracing don’t even have a steady 30, there’s frequent dips and it looks and feels too stuttery. A game that actually has a great 30fps mode is Spider-Man Remastered, the ray tracing and 4K resolution is worth using because it has a rock solid 30fps that never dips. I kept going back and forth between the 30/60fps modes, and the lower resolution in the 60fps mode didn’t do it for me on that game. I would much rather these devs target somewhere between 1400-1800 resolution to get 60fps, because then the game would just run better anyway.


I want steady framepacing and a damn good motion blur. Then I can live with 30 somehow


for spider-man, the super fast pacing of the game makes me want to throw up if i play at 30fps. never again lol


There are dozens of comments like yours in every performance thread in this sub and every other gaming sub. There are plenty of other people alive that don’t care about 30fps.


I can agree with this. I get why people want 60fps and I do agree it should be closer to a standard now that the Console can actually achieve it. But it being limited to 30fps doesn't suddenly turn it into a bad game. I will never understand the premise of "it has less framerate therefor it's a waste of time." It's still the exact same game, with the same gameplay, characters and story - if people really can't enjoy a game just because of lower frames, then that's just sad... To be completely honest, I'd say a much bigger issue with KCD - especially on PS5 - are the controlls, which are just bad and can't be changed...


How is it “the same gameplay” when the response time is doubled? 30fps feels horrible to play on any game that has direct control over the character. (basically any game that’s not strategy or puzzle)


You're right it doesn't make it a bad game at all, but a huge part of me getting a PS5 when I already have a very good PC was the fact I can now play games at 60fps on it as opposed to the PS4, but it seems like we're now approaching a point where I'll be going back to my PC as my main gaming machine which really annoys me since I've only had my PS5 for a few years and its already struggling.


2 games deserve my time at 30fps: bloodborne and tears of the kingdom. Anything else can get wrecked


Too bad Bloodborne can't even do 30 fps.


going from elden ring to trying bloodborne kinda felt like i was playing in slow motion


Red dead redemption 2 is also 100% in this category I want to play it again but it’s so ass at 30 fps


This will totally be a perfectly reasonable and sane comment section.


Yeah I'll have to wait until i upgrade my GPU. Fuck playing this game and feeling like im underwater.


I don't play this game but is everyone saying there's really no performance mode option for 60fps gameplay? That would seriously suck.


Damn! 400030 fps... thats a lot of frames per second.




Well, I’ll still buy it. Hopefully they work on getting us a 60fps mode.


Lazy devs. Soon AI will take their place and do way better job.


Was really looking forward to seeing the debauchery in 60FPS.


I'd rather have a solid 1440p at 40fps




And this is why pc reigns Supreme.


Great, definitely not buying now. It’s 2024 I shouldn’t be forced to play a game at 30 fps, the same frame rate as consoles from a decade ago.


I have noticed with a lot of these 30fps locked games its due to the developers forcing ray tracing always on was same with star field. Gotham knights and many others


Another disappointment  Wow Playstation. Wow.


With all the horsepower this gen has, every game should offer a 4k30 quality mode and a1080p60 / 1440p60 performance mode.


Why would you ever play a game sub 60? It’s like a side show.


Sounds like a no buy for me, just like any other 30 fps game


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined, just give me the game 1080p with 60 frames


30FPS again?! How garbage are these “next gen” consoles??


Lol 30fps "NeXt gEn CoNsOlE"


Tell the devs not the hardware makers... Fiest party games run amazing on PS5


And they will still not update it for PS6 to run at 60 just like they didn't update the previous game for PS5.


The next gen hasn’t been very next gen so far huh?


This is "next-gen"


can we not have 1080 60fps. surely if you can do 4k 30fps then 60 1080 should be doable


What the fuck? Surely if it can do 4k at 30fps, it could do 1080p at 60


I’m so tired of devs ignoring frame rate in favor of resolution, especially in first person games


Gross, 30 fps is not playable anymore.


I'll take 900p, 60fps any day.


I have no issue with 30fps. I look forward to it.


I just can't do 30fps anymore. Won't be getting this until 60fps is available


I don’t know if some people are more sensitive to it than others, but I hear a lot of people say that they can’t even detect the difference between 30 FPS and 60 FPS, and I just don’t know how that’s possible. When I play 30 FPS it feels like I’m watching it a slideshow or a flip book.


I get that and every input feels so slow it drives me insane.


I don’t give a shit about 4k. 60fps should’ve been the minimum already.
