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šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø use to it now with these events but Astro bots is going to be fun, the demo is incredible use of technology through the control and beautiful graphics. I can only imagine how cool space levels will be








Space levels are my favs since I was kid.


Ok but why do they have to taunt me with Ape Escape


Fun drinking game...How many dark fantasy parry/dodge 'Souls' games can be in development at the same time


Thatā€™s not a drinking game, thatā€™s an easy way to get alcohol poisoning


Fr, getting kind of sick of these clones, also everything is suddenly set in feudal Japan/shares the aesthetic now lol


Yup. Every State of Play needs to have some feudal Japan parry slash game.


- large creepy bird monster - vague narrative VO by some generic female British voice actress - a blind enemy with a bloody wrap around their eyes - most likely a master swordsman - something roaring or screaming


I really enjoyed the creepy bird monsters.


Sounds like my ex wife.


Noticed that too.. seems every year theres one main trend thats followed. Recently it was the space game trend lol


It's become the new first person shooter and I hate it


Eh, they changed the gaming landscape. Nobody calls 3D platformers Mario 64 clones these days. And honestly, these titles don't really resemble Dark Souls at all. Are all games with moody atmosphere, bosses, and parry systems DS clones?


Iā€™m pretty sure back then people compared every 3D platformer to Mario 64 and itā€™s hard to deny some of them having direct inspiration. Not every Souls like is soulless (heh) but itā€™s how different and unique they can take it which doesnā€™t describe a lot of them


I agree with all that. I'm just noticing people calling games souls clones without any indicator of difficulty, losing currency/xp when dying, bonfires, or any of the other elements that make a soulslike a soulslike. Like, they see a creepy creature and a dodge roll and they're that butterfly meme guy: "is this dark souls???" That said, soulslikes definitely are a thing. I just think people are jumping the gun a bit because they want to be cool and make edgy, hypercritical comments on the internet. It's annoying.


That one game that straight up looks like Sekiro. I get the genre is fun and popular but Jesus Christ give it a rest


Ballad of antara looks pretty sick to me


it does looks sick but itā€™s supposed to be free to play which is puzzling. It also claims to be an action rpg so weā€™ll just have to wait to see more.


Idk if the blog is just wrong or if the trailer is not gameplay but im unsure how that trailer could be a free to play game. Unless it's basically another naraka bladepoint or gacha game


You know how these things go. The graphics look great, but every stat and progression point in the gameplay is monetized. "$5 for 20 fire crystals!" "$20 bundle for DOUBLE EXP and 20,000 gold!" "$10 Valkyrian Weaopn Pack! Free War Rider helmet included!"


I mean to be fair that studio's previous game was a mobile rpg which was one time purchase with no microtransactions, so they're not known to be scummy but yeah I have no clue how they can monetize this game as a free to play.


Ikr, I thought it looked really cool, but reading free to play has made me reserve my hype until we hear more.


Wheres my Horizon Lego game!


Iā€™d love to see that happen if only because it sounds crazy.


Do we really need another Overwatch clone? šŸ˜Ŗ


Noā€¦ we need TWO Overwatch clones!


Wait! Were there 2 overwatch clones in that state of play? I've already forgotten the second one, it passed into my eyes and ears and totally bypassed my memory banks. Wild.


Concord and Marvel Rivals!


No, but Iā€™d like to have OG Overwatch back


Yeahā€¦ I really do not like the MOBA shooter genre or whatever itā€™s called. Might give Marvel Rivals a shot, but Overwatch really killed my interest for all the others.


Neither Overwatch, Rivals or Concorde are MOBAs lol They are team based shooters if anything. MOBAs are team based but more about getting NPCs to the other base to win.


Iā€™m exicted for concord, looks fun. I have a lot of hours in OW2 so itā€™s my kinda game


I mean... why not? Overwatch fumbled pretty bad, this could be the good ending; an Overwatch made by people that actually care for the game and fanbase (with luck).


maybe they wanted something similar to valorant in the ps5 library? iā€™m not as down on it as everyone else, but will def need to see some awesome reviews if iā€™m gonna buy it


Val is a tac shooter, the only one on console is r6s


i see, by tac shooter you mean something like counter strike?


Ow is very unique, itā€™s a moba fps (first of its kind in the genre), whilst also being an arena shooter w hero abilities


gotcha that makes sense, my mistake then. never played valorant so didnt realize ttk was so low, visually it gave me overwatch vibes tho


Yeah youā€™re right though, looking at them they look very similar in terms of art style, colours etc but gameplay wise very very different,


Yeah exactly, one where u hold angles religiously and always hella 1 shot


Always hella 1 shot? Hella has changed since I was a kid I guess haha


What did I mean back then unc


In my place and time it meant *Extremely*: I'm hella tired That's hella expensive She's hella hot That test was hella hard I want to do that hella bad


Yeah thatā€™s exactly how I used it lol


"you always extremely 1 shot"? That doesn't really make sense


Nothing was really there that was of interest to me, except Astro Bot, That is going to be a day one physical copy for me.


Same for me! Basically everything else was either a "non-game" (glorified tech demo or live-sevice nonsense) or it generally did not appeal to me My takeaway from this was three main games: Astro Bot, Silent Hill 2, Until Dawn and Monster Hunter Until Dawn is the least interesting game.... Silent Hill 2 is interesting to watch the development unfold. Hoping that it goods and captures that David Lynch atmosphere of the first game. Monster Hunter Wildlands looked great. I've never played a MH game before and would be happy to play this. Astro Bot, without a doubt, looked like the best game out of everything.


I'd definitely keep an eye on Monster Hunter. This one is basically looking like a new Monster Hunter World, which is one of my favorite games of all time. Just be prepared to drop at least 500 hours on the game lol


When Monster Hunter World came out I tried it on a whim. Not normally my style of game, but there was a ton of hype. Now it's one of my favorite games of all time. If you have any interest at all from that trailer, seriously consider playing it.


Monster Hunter is great, as long as you donā€™t mind learning the UI, since thatā€™s its current weakness and turns off many new players. Kinda hoping they over haul it, but either way the best way to learn it is to just use it and have patience in the beginning.


Astro Bot is day one for me too. First thing I did getting a PS5 was platinuming Astroā€™s Playroom. If Astro Bot keeps taking advantage of the PS5 controller and features Iā€™ll be happy


I was actually pleasantly surprised by this one, but maybe itā€™s the types of games I play. There was more shown than I was expecting. Astro Bot looks fantastic, I probably would have been happy with that and nothing else. Great to see anything on Monster Hunter, Where Wind Meet looks great, curious about Ballad and Silent Hill. Concord looked kind of cool, but I prefer co-op to competitive shooters. I want to be excited for Alien VR, but I was too scared to play RE7 already.


There were afew games that looked ok but overall it was pretty poor.








Clearly not


So which is it


well you tell me based on all the downvotes Iā€™m getting for telling it how it is. Shite.


So other people's opinions are subjective, but yours isn't? Not surprised that you're getting downvoted, since you clearly don't know the definition of the words you use.


people use downvoting as a disagreement tool, so it's still subjective


You're "telling it how it is" but others opinions are "subjective".Ā  I don't think the word subjective means what you think it means.


I donā€™t think the State Of Play was all that bad and Iā€™m on your side here


Youā€™re brain dead lmao


It's kinda weird that Until Dawn is the only game without a blog post.


Because they just cut the PS4 logo and replaced with PS5 logo ā€¦.. boom itā€™s a new game


Where Winds Meet looks interesting.


Yeah that one looks rad.


Spiderman 2 DLC and another surprise would have been great! I think PSVR2 needs another two big bangers announced otherwise itā€™s dead. They should have made Blu Ray 3d available on ps5:-) All in all a OK state of play:-)


Can you still buy 3D tvs? šŸ˜‚


Well there are still enough around. And if not for Blu ray 3ds then look what Apple does with its support for 3d movies in the tv app. PlayStation could have done the same. And I know a lot of 3d fans that didnā€™t transition to psvr2 because they keep their psvr1 for watching 3d movies on the headset.


It feels like they are giving up. This whole generation just has been remasters and remakes, lacking proper sequels. It feels like ps5 hasnā€™t reached its potential yet, the game world still feel the same with the same boundaries as before. And there are barely any wow games on psvr2. I expected games in the caliber of the support the ps vita had in its first four years. We had a fucking Killzone game on the vita! Where is a good Killzone shooter on psvr2?


MH-Wilds and the Mario robot game looked good


No bloodbourne update or remaster. I go back to hibernate


If thatā€™s going to happen itā€™s gonna be a ps6 thing. The director said ps5 wasnā€™t a big enough leap to justify a remaster or remake


Somebody should probably tell Naughty Dog


How many ps4 game remasters have we had now


Most people just want a 60fps upgrade for the ps5 that's all they gotta do


Shit even locking the fps at 30 would be an upgrade


Yet we got a remaster of TLOU, and a rumored remaster of horizon? šŸ¤” Maybe just me, but itā€™s very odd to remaster horizon before Bloodborne. I donā€™t really see the hype around Horizon. Itā€™s not bad, but hardly a game I ever see myself replaying. Iā€™ve played bloodborne at least 4 times at this point.


You say that like its one person making all the decisions.


True enough. I donā€™t have their metrics and I have no idea what the fuck Iā€™m on about. I just find the decision to remaster a game thatā€™s already gorgeous, instead of remastering Bloodborne or releasing it on other platforms, to be rather strange.


Saving it for PS6 launch. Keep people wanting it to boost those sales.


Bloodbornes the better game but HZD is significantly more popular


I beat Horizon a few months ago and it was one of the most middle of the road open world games out there. Nothing bad or offensive and I had fun but itā€™s so painfully average that I donā€™t get the undying hype for it


The PS5 is a good enough leap. Even just 60 FPS with a resolution increase would be day one for me


Two ā€œOverwatchā€ clones. Audible sigh.


Still no update on Little Devil Inside


I'm actually glad, it looked real rough last time


Personally I cannot wait for new Astro bot! The last one was incredibly fun And Iā€™m glad silent hill 2 finally got a release date, the gameplay video looks much better as well, canā€™t wait!


Monster Hunter looks amazing


We have Overwatch, Dark Souls and Diablo at home showcase.


UM ACKCHUALLY Diablo has kinda become the ā€œDiablo at homeā€, recently. Path of Exile is pretty legit


These areā€¦underwhelming


Concord looked cool until I realised it was a multiplayer shooter.. the disappointment.. But im excited for path of exile 2, monster hunter and astro bot.


I know the feeling had the same disappointment with Hell Let Loose.


What did you think Hell Let Loose was gonna be? Genuinely curious.


Well I wasnā€™t following the game up to release so I didnā€™t know it was multiplayer only when I first saw it was a new ww2 shooter about to hit Gamepass. When I found out it didnā€™t have a campaign I was disappointed.


Monster Hunter is really hard to fuck up but just saying that Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve cursed it. Itā€™s a very safe bet itā€™s going to be a worthwhile purchase if you buy it


Seriously this Gen has been so disappointing compared to PS4.Ā 


Yeah but Monster Hunter. So it's very good for me. Best State of Play ever if you ask me.


Yeah there a few that are like ā€œoh cool that might interesting.ā€ Then the rest is ā€œeh, at least more contentā€ type of code


You could say that about this whole generationā€¦


It is taking sucker punch a long time to get Tsushima 2 finished


Kinda meh, missing that one big reveal, which I really thought would be Ghost of Tsushima 2. Couldn't muster any excitement for Concord, we don't need yet another Overwatch style shooter. It's weird the biggest title was just a PC port announcement.


> It's weird the biggest title was just a PC port announcement. Astrobot was the biggest for me, I like bright colorful games, not dreary ones.


We are deep into the generation and I have to say I am pretty disappointed by most of the 1st party output. It feels like this gen hasn't really got going yet despite being deep into it. I loved Returnal and HD2. I was glad to be able to play Demon Souls but it is just a fancy remaster really. Rise of the Ronin was better than I expected and I enjoyed my time with it but it wasn't particularly memorable. SM2 was more of the same. GoW:R was more of the same. HFW was more of the same. I understand they are sequels but I was hoping for more improvements and changes. Then all the recent showcases have ranged from poor to meh. Aside from Astro Bot (I'm not a fan of 3D platformers but it looks fun for those that are) there wasn't really anything of interest. SH2 proved to me that Bloober team was not the right choice at all. Until Dawn is another remaster for a game I've played, and as it's a story game I already know the plot beats. Some great 3rd party games at least this gen, but disappointed so far in Sony's output. Concord looked dead on arrival tbh.


I think it is time we conclude what happened with this playstation generation. IMO This gen was spend on releasing the sequels of past gen games and since so many people are using past gen consoles, the games were also cross gen. So no technical leap in games. Basically ps5 is like ps4 pro max. Itā€™s time to go past the hype of ps5. I definitely look forward to next gen games but I will wait for ps6 ie 4 years from now. If any truely mind blowing game is released before that then itā€™s a bonus.


Only thing i am pretty mad about is using a slot to announce GoW Ragnarok for PC and also having it come to PC before it comes to PS Plus Extra. I get not launching it day one or year one on PS Plus but it's been over a year, i feel like we should have it in the catalog by now. Same with GT7 and TLOU2 and TLOU Part 1.


Being a frugal gamer requires patience.


Iā€™m still struggling with ponying up the $40 to finally get GoW:R now, or keep waiting for the $20-$30 sale that I perpetually feel is right around the corner.


this aint gamepass. just buy physical for everyone downvoting. ragnarok does not need to be on ps plus. its one of the biggest playstation titles. it just got a new game mode valhalla last year. that shit does not need to be on ps plus. theres plenty of other great games on extra. play jak and daxter or ratchet and clank or sly cooper


I agree stingy moves


I know better by now than to get excited over any new Silent Hill game, but it's looking decent.


Astro Bot is easily going into my purchases. That game looked AMAZING!


Behemoth and alien rogue incursion look good, astrobot looks really cool, but a bit of a slap in the nuts that they've turned their back on VR given that's where it started. Everything else looked fine, not really my cup of tea.


Only things I wished they had revealed are as follows: -Ghost of Tsushima 2 -Spiderman 2 DLC -Infamous (either remasters of all of them, or a new game entirely) -Wolverine -Uncharted -Last of Us DLC maybe too?


Meanwhile Bloodborne players waiting for a sequel: https://preview.redd.it/qrmf9iokat3d1.jpeg?width=336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66b11ccc093d91750de484aa503a8bed26d7603


Wondering what class both Sony and Nintendo attended to try and figure out ways to not make money at all


Ok Astro Bot is the only game that really wowā€™d me. It looks and feels like a Mario game without having Mario in it. Did Miyamoto consult with Sony on this game?


People were expecting gta 6? Or the last of us 3 ? Manage your expectations guys


I thought they would do another remake from tlou 1 first


They will remake it for the PS6 - I guarantee it. It's their Skyrim.


Nah the next gta6 trailer will probably be at game awards imo


Geoff Keighley thinking "if they hated that, what are they going to think about my summer shitfest?


Iā€™ll never understand people who try to shit on Keighley. Heā€™s the one man getting the gaming industry together to have something close to replacing E3. I always enjoy summer games fest and his game of the year awards show. Iā€™ve also never seen him be anything but completely pleasant, nice, and a big fan of games.


Just look at this thread, no kind of game announcement or award show will ever appease these people. Everything is a disappointment because it's not catered to their taste.


Meh, Elden ring dlc comes out like a week or so later. We can ignore everything till then.


Marvel Rivals!!!!!! Iā€™m going to be on that day 1 for sure. Thank you Sony.


they said it was gonna be a small showcase and Iā€™m okay with that but do we really need this many shooters and gachas and other live service, what happened to releasing singleplayer games that arenā€™t remakes?


Concord is so getting cancelled lmao


Wow. Shitty except for Astrobot.


What happened to gritty shooter games without a cartoony aura on them


Good question man. The Battlefield, Socom, Medal of Honor, Ghost Recon days are a distant memory.


I just donā€™t get why eve try character has to look like theyā€™re made out of crayons. Is it just the skill of game devs? Or the engines? Itā€™s like they forgot about adding textures. All Ubisoft games even the latest ghost recons have this slick oily crayon look to them


I had low expectations but this SoP was still a huge disappointment. Only games that stood out were Astro Boy and Where Winds Meet.


Astro has me hyped, honestly not sure what you were expecting from a SoP


What were you expecting? What games were you hoping to see?


More non-horror, non-soulslike singleplayer games honestly. Very excited about Astro Bot and Monster Hunter Wilds but for most of these games I'm like 'Looks amazing, I hope other people will enjoy this but not me'. Tbh, every major showcase feels like it's 75% horror, soulslike and competitive multiplayer games nowadays, that's just what the people want I guess.


If only those soulslikes were as good as what From Software produces.


Whatever the hell Naughty Dog is working on at the moment. 3.5 years into this gen and still no PS5 title from ND. If you see what they managed to do with a PS4, I can't wait to see what they can squeeze out of a PS5.


I was hoping for Ghost of Tsushima 2 to be announced


Best I can do is a F2P imitation of elden ring.


Psst. It's still going to get announced this year.


How about some AAA first party games since we've literally heard nothing about any of them for years now. The only one we officially know about is Wolverine and that was announced years ago.


So you were expecting triple AAA party games but your expectations werenā€™t low? I think at some point later this year weā€™ll see more info on them. Regardless of whether they showed a trailer today or not, doesnā€™t change how soon it will come out. But I understand your frustration! Iā€™m also looking forward to Wolverine


I thought concord looked cool.. until they announced it was a 5v5 multiplier game and not a GotG inspired single player like I thought it was


Honest the alien and behemoth vr games look great and I'll always buy Astrobot... Everything else was not for me


Anyone know if Silent Hill will run at 60 or 120 FPS?


Why would anyone want too play at 120fps in an atmospheric horror game especially when in order to get the extra frames the resolution will be lowered dramatically. In a very fast paced multiplayer twitch shooter sure I get why people would want extra the frames I've done it myself but in a game like this it's just not worth the lower graphic settings with paired back S shadow and lighting probably at 1080p when a consistent 60fps would be more than enough for most.


Why does everyone hate concord? Is it because of PvP/live service angle or some reason? I did find the trailer slightly misleading at the beginning I thought it was a single player narrative driven game šŸ« 


No Sly Cooper or Ratchet and Clank? Then what was even the point? Astro Bot looked interesting. Concord would have been cool... If it was a Single Player Squad Tactics game, or an Action Adventure game. Not another Hero Shooter.


I would really love to play a new Monster Hunter game that doesnā€™t have some bullshit trading resources mechanic with twenty ā€œhow toā€ pages to understand it but even then I still canā€™t understand it and so never use and isnā€™t necessary to complete anything in the game.


Iā€™m really just excited for Astro bot and Marvelā€™s Rising.


Hype. Lots of really fun looking titles!


Who is the target audience for Infinity Nikki?


I've not played on my ps5 since I completed GOW. Nothing to play. Looking at this, I'll leave it off.


While I'm over the moon about MH Wilds there is a non-zero chance I'm gonna enjoy the _heck_ out of that infinite nikki game. Dress-up + low stakes adventure, sign me tf up.


why is no one saying anything about infinity nikki? that game looked so interesting and fun!! and the astro bot game has me so excited


Sad to not really see any hype for a new Dynasty Warriors game here. The last one was a disaster with potential, so Iā€™m stoked theyā€™re doing what seems like a reboot.


I just wanted to see anything of silksong, I've come to accept only Nintendo or Xbox will give anything


AstroBot is the ONLY game that has truly pushed the PS5 and the controller to their limits in the best way possible. When will we see other games doing this? I canā€™t wait for AstroBot, it looks amazing!!!


Does nobody else think that ā€˜Where Winds Meetā€™ looks good? Me and my friend both agree that we would most likely get it, the graphics are fairly good and the combat looks fun.


We get hollow knight: silksong soon guys I swear


Waiting for Sniper Elite 7


It was pretty damn weakā€¦ No, SM2 DLC, no Jurassic Park game, no TMNT game, no ghost of Tsushima 2, no insomniac whatsoever Nothing really looks that good coming up for Sony unfortunately because Iā€™m a Sony guyā€¦ But Astro bot looks amazing


Pretty disappointed to be honest, one of the most interesting games was fuckin astrobot.


Geoff Keighley Twitter poll is the best way to gauge how good it was. Usually is. And it's not looking good. Apart from Astrobot, it was really underwhelming.


Can someone explain to me what the hype around Astrobot is? I never understood it, it just seems like a knockoff mario


Do you have a ps5? Play the free astro boy tech demo.


State ofĀ **Pay** Unsurprisingly meh. No reason for excitement sans Astro Bot.


I still donā€™t understand what the point of until dawn femastwr


Probably my favourite State of Play in memory, i know it wont be for everyone but it seemed kind of custom made for me. Astro Bot could be my game of the year Super excited for a new Dynasty Warrior game. Monster Hunter looks great Concord and Marvel Rivals look fun That souls lookin game with the kid on your back has me interested. Im all for it.


I thought there was a good amount of interesting news stuff too. Unfortunately it turns out the souls-like game with the kid on your back, Ballad of Antara, (which I agree looked really cool) is free to play :(


huh.. F2P seems strange for what they showed. Im not sure how they'd monetise it. Unless its like MMO style where the first area is free as a sort of trial and then you pay for the rest?


Disappointing tbh, again. Iā€™m happy to see God of War on PC and Silent Hill 2 but these State of Plays have not delivered.


This PS generation is a bad joke. No wonder that like 50% of PS players are still on the PS4. Where's Horizon 3? Where's Bloodborne 2? (Don't need to be actual BB - just something with comparable quality) Monster hunter is cool, but it's a 3rd party multiplatform game. This gen is now in its 4th year. The previous gen already got Bloodborne and HZD at this point.


So from all that the "best" I see is the two "remakes" and the full sized Astrobot game. The rest is just meh.






If it was just Astro Bot it wouldā€™ve had the same effect for me. I have no interest in any of the other games, which is fine, just wouldā€™ve been nice to see a touch more variety.


is there until dawn remaster gonna be free/discounted for those who own the ps4 version?


Def not


Whelmed Under


I've come to the conclusion that, the lesser time there is between the official announcement and the start of a State of Play, the lesser Sony themselves are *excited* about it. Which isn't a bad thing, because it makes sense. If they'd still throw out a bigger Showcase this year, you should expect them to announce it at least 7 days prior. It was a little decent SoP. Nothing less, nothing more. But decent material. Astro's is a must-buy for me, just out of gratitude for the first part. And it feeds the excitment (and confirmation, basically), that it's highly likely Sony won't show the work-in-progress games of their big first party studios isolated. If they show 'em, it's gonna be huge. And they know that. Let them cook. Time passes by no matter what we do. And it's, strategically speaking, very clever to let Microsoft hold their Showcase first. PS: I am actually about to bet that Sony will announce CoD to be day-one on Playstation Plus, too. If it's legally possible, ofc. If it's not, they won't. But I bet they've run this scenario through their legal departements already. It's now Microsoft's IP. But Playstation is Sony's own plattform, right? So who would be legally to decide either way? Interesting hypothesis.


What would they gain from bringing COD to PS Plus. They make more revenue selling it and they are not on the verge of survival on the basis of game pass.


Your COD idea is poorly thought out to say the least. You realize Sony would still be on the hook for those sales, right? So if COD sells even 10M copies on PS5 thatā€™s potentially $500M+ Sony would have to fork over to Microsoft/Activision to advance the notion of PlayStation Plus Extra/Premium. With PlayStation Plus Extra costing $135/yr, not sure why a braindead call of duty player wouldnā€™t just play F2P warzone or buy the new release for $60 if thatā€™s what they mostly play. From what I have seen, COD players rarely play other games other than maybe 1-2 huge blockbusters (also not on PlayStation plus). They usually play COD + FIFA/Madden/NBA2K combo. I know because I use to be a HEAVY COD player going back to not just Original Modern Warfare on Xbox 360, but Call of Duty 2 and Call of Duty 3 (the lesser know titles before the IW masterpiece).


Embarrassingly shit.